I believe one of the main reasons so many men today are such wimps when it comes to dealing with women (outside of screwed up laws) is because they are too willing to do what women tell them instead of doing what they want.
They also listen to the stupid, entitled, gibberish women spew such as this: http://elitedaily.com/women/hottest-girl-no-boyfriend/1020891/
One of my female Facebook friends posted that today and it made me laugh because I just finished dealing with an entitled female sh!t test from one of my plates last night.
I decided yesterday I would check out the new Avengers movie since I had no other plans with anyone. Around 5pm I get a random text from this plate I smashed three times saying: "I'm bored, what are you doing?"
So I tell her I was planning to see the Avengers movie. She asked me with who? and I said.. I haven't planned that part yet. Then she says: "I'll come!!". So I agree.
We meet at the movie theater and I proceed to buy my ticket. I purchase ONE ticket and move to the side. She stands at the counter looking perplexed. The conversation goes:
HER: "You're not buying my ticket?"
ME: "Why would I?"
HER: "Because you invited me"
ME: "Nope. I said I was going to see this movie and you said you would come."
HER: "But you're the guy and I'm the lady!"
ME: "True, but I'm a feminist"
Then she gives me a look where I know she wants to say something, but there is really nothing she can say without looking stupid. Then she says "FINE!" and pays for her ticket. Then she calls me "cheap skate" and proceeds into the theater with me. She sites one seat away and doesn't talk the entire movie which was fine.
After the movie she goes on about how she can't believe I didn't pay. So I tell her this isn't even a date. Plus, there are lots of thirsty men out there who would be glad to pay for her if money is so important. Then she gives me a playful push and calls me a d!ck. She decides to come back to my apartment to relax and f*ck. True story. And yes, I have had similar situations where the woman walked off and never talked to me again. But not this time.
The moral of the story is do whatever the f*ck you want and stop worrying about "keeping a woman interested" like so many faggots on this site do. You should be comfortable if a woman decides to leave. That FEAR that all beta fags have of "losing women" is exactly why women don't respect them. :crackup:
They also listen to the stupid, entitled, gibberish women spew such as this: http://elitedaily.com/women/hottest-girl-no-boyfriend/1020891/
One of my female Facebook friends posted that today and it made me laugh because I just finished dealing with an entitled female sh!t test from one of my plates last night.
I decided yesterday I would check out the new Avengers movie since I had no other plans with anyone. Around 5pm I get a random text from this plate I smashed three times saying: "I'm bored, what are you doing?"
So I tell her I was planning to see the Avengers movie. She asked me with who? and I said.. I haven't planned that part yet. Then she says: "I'll come!!". So I agree.
We meet at the movie theater and I proceed to buy my ticket. I purchase ONE ticket and move to the side. She stands at the counter looking perplexed. The conversation goes:
HER: "You're not buying my ticket?"
ME: "Why would I?"
HER: "Because you invited me"
ME: "Nope. I said I was going to see this movie and you said you would come."
HER: "But you're the guy and I'm the lady!"
ME: "True, but I'm a feminist"
Then she gives me a look where I know she wants to say something, but there is really nothing she can say without looking stupid. Then she says "FINE!" and pays for her ticket. Then she calls me "cheap skate" and proceeds into the theater with me. She sites one seat away and doesn't talk the entire movie which was fine.
After the movie she goes on about how she can't believe I didn't pay. So I tell her this isn't even a date. Plus, there are lots of thirsty men out there who would be glad to pay for her if money is so important. Then she gives me a playful push and calls me a d!ck. She decides to come back to my apartment to relax and f*ck. True story. And yes, I have had similar situations where the woman walked off and never talked to me again. But not this time.
The moral of the story is do whatever the f*ck you want and stop worrying about "keeping a woman interested" like so many faggots on this site do. You should be comfortable if a woman decides to leave. That FEAR that all beta fags have of "losing women" is exactly why women don't respect them. :crackup: