My Journal


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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I wanted to create a little journal just for the summer. A lot of big events will be cracking out here in Atlanta for the summer time and I decided to make a log so I can look back on this thread in the future... Also making this thread will motivate me more for achieving goals I have set. I'm 21 years old. (Turning 22 in two weeks). I'm in graduate school. Right now jobless since I quit my old job. Layed over 40+ girls in my life (Since 18).

Things I'm trying to do this summer:

1. Get straight A's in summer school.
2. New Job.
3. Get my own business up and running.
4. Get 20 new girls..

I'll post to update this thread. Let the games begin.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score

Ok I went to the bar with the homies yesterday and got to pull 4 girlies. It was an interesting night and first night ever at that bar (an hour and 30 min from my apartment). It was a wack night though. Not alot of options in there but I did what it do. As soon as I hit the spot I made sure to just sprinkle seeds on all the girls. Just saying hey or you having a good time can do a lot of good for you.

What I've learned:

My age messes me up in the game. Especially at these 21+ places. I'm 21 and I promise you whenever I talk to a girl this is a big turnoff because I like talking to girls 24+. I even lost a date last week because I told the girl I was 21.

I remember I was chopping up game with this chick yesterday and I already had exchanged numbers with her and everything and set up a date next week and we were talking about school. When I told her I graduated H.S. in 08 you should have seen her face. She then told me she graduated college in 07.

This messed me up a little in the game but I think all turned well. But one thing that I gotta do is keep it moving. After you pull a girl you don't stay and chop it up. You keep it moving! You can mess up your game and the mystery vibe about yourself if you just keep talking.

Tips to everyone:

Always dress to impress when your in a social setting. This set the mood good and I know all the ladies as looking at the kid. Blazer, Khaki, and Pink Bow Tie: Ya boy was fresh as hell and my confident vibe was just in the area.

Always be bold with your game. Before you get the number you tell her that you think she is attractive (without brown-nosing) and that you two should kick it one-on-one in the future. Always be bold, don't tip-toe around sh!t.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score

Well today is Wednesday and today just got an interview for a salaried accounting position. Very good opportunity for me. Maybe I'll get it, Maybe I won't.

Called one of the chicks from the bar the other day and she didn't pick up. (The doctor girl who tripped when she found out a playa was 21 haha). It's all good though because as a mack you must always have options. Out of the blue the other day this 9 hit me up. It was a girl I holla'd at a couple weeks ago. So after she texted me I called her and set something up for the end of the week.

On another note I got into another fight yesterday. Over some basketball. I didn't swing first but I made sure I was the only one to connect punches :box:

This weekend will be a mackish weekend. I plan on going out to Atlanta Tommorow and Friday. Maybe Saturday if I'm feeling good too.


1. Always have a cop and blow mentality. Cop a new girl... blow off an old girl.

Just wanted to update my thread.


Don Juan
Jan 14, 2012
Reaction score
1. Why not just tell these older bishes you're 25-26??

2. How the hell are you 21 and get offered a salaried accounting position?


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score

1. Lieng is not mackish.
2. I got a bachelors degree and I'm working on my MBA. I didn't play around that much in school.

Well me and some of the homies (Shoutout to JRoc and Dray) went out and hit a lounge and then a club out here in Atlanta. I'm not going to get into too much detail of my interactions because I'd sit here all day. Girls were really co-operative and had over 10 pulls. This 34 year old girl I was talking to at the bar was tripping on my age but after hearing this soo much in the past it really didn't faze me. I was still confident and had a I don't give a fk attitude. It was a good night though. A lot of co-operation from the ladies as usual.

Went out to the bookstore and copped Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.

Things I got to work on: My daygame is so horrible that it makes no sence. I was in the mall closest to my school and I was walking around and this light skinned shawty was staring at me from a distance but I thought she was looking at something behind me. As soon as I get close to her she said "hey, how are you doing". I said fine and kept walking. In my mind I was mad as hell I didn't pull her. My day game is horrible but if it is a party or social event its way different in my mind.

Tips for the homies: Always stay suited and booted. It makes you stand out and if your looking fresh the girls will come to you.

I plan on hitting Atlanta again tonight. Get a round 2.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score

Yesterday went to another club in the downtown area. Place was packed but I can tell mostly that everyone at the place was around 25+. This threw my vibe off a little because I'm younger. To be honest was kinda bored most of the night. Maybe it was because I didn't have any drinks or whatever it is. I pulled a couple of girls. The ones that I met were all from different places though (Chicago, North Carolina, Miami) but they were all choosen and all were strong pulls. They were average looking, not dimes though.

At the beginning of the night I was just posted on the wall watching everything because I wasn't used to everything. After I got my first pull the rest of the night was easier to pull girls. Always build up on that momentum playas.

Tips to my people: All you gotta do is say one word to these broads. If you look like your a man about your business (dressed to impress) then the girl will follow your lead.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< :D :eek: :rockon:

Fly By Night

Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2012
Reaction score
Nice journal you got broseph. I gotta learn to be bold too, was approaching ladies at the mall and it was like normal chit-chat convo -_-

But keep us posted.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
May Twenty Two

Yea man, I try to always be bold because I'd hate to holla at a chick then get a "I thought we were just friends" on the phone. Waste of F*CKING time and I hate it.

This day last year was my 21'st birthday. I remember my mom gave me some $ for my bday and I gave it to my then bummy-ass girlfriend and she just took it from me. I'm still salty about that whole ordeal right now. Especially since I don't have a job anymore. Now I can gurantee you for the rest of my life I will never hand any women I mess with any type of money at all. I don't do strip clubs, I don't even tip at the bar. I can gurandamn tee you that I learned my fkn lesson.

I had an interview today and I did as well as I could. I was confident and knew everything about the job. But the recruiting agent just called me and said I didn't get the job because I don't have the experience. I'm so mad.....

I fking live in a small ass city because I'm going to college FULL TIME working on my masters degree. I don't have time to work in Atlanta and come back to school so if there was a job open up near that would be the only full time position I can take. This job is the ONLY full time Accounting job I had ever seen within 30 minutes of my apartment. and they don't pick me because of experience! Don't be in my face telling me how you think I'm a good fit and I am a great leader and have drive then tell the agent I don't have experience. IM NOT GOING TO GET PROFFESIONAL EXPERIENCE UNLESS YOU FKN HIRE ME.

I haven't been this frustrated in a minute. I was confident I was going to get this job. VERY confident. I refuse to work part time. I want some proffesional experience. I don't need money that bad but I want to start knocking out these college loans so I can save up and get a new whip.

Kenny Powers

Senior Don Juan
Nov 1, 2010
Reaction score
yo dude diggin this journal, keep it up. I feel ya on the job front. I thought i had this job locked down, but then they said i didn't have enough experience and gave it to someone else. Ugh.

I also struggle with the same issues with daygame. I keep flirting with this girl who works at a cafe i go to (smiling and jokes) but have yet to ask for her name.

I'd love to see a more detailed FR about some of your better pulls at bars/clubs and during the day.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 29, 2011
Reaction score
I feel you on the job situation. That's the story for me and all my friends finishing school/just got out of school.

While they were working on their degrees they would have your typical kind jobs. Retail, restaurants, etc. Young people jobs.

But now that they're looking for careers--working in retail isn't gonna help you land a teaching job if you majored in education.

It's like a catch 22. They only hire people with experience but how can you gain experience if you can't get hired. That's why i think the best thing to do is look for internships. I'm a media major and I'm trying to do that now. Get an internship for a magazine or something so I have something to put on my resume or maybe even get a job at the place i'm interning at.

Good luck with all that stuff, I know it's rough.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score

Awww playas I appreciate the feedback and you guys want more dialogue so I will make sure to do that from now on.

The week is going smooth. I had to cancel 2 dates with 2 bomb chicks this week. One girl wanted to hang out when I wasn't in Atlanta so I had to decline and postpone it. The other chick was trying to hang out on Saturday but Saturday I will be campaigning all day. I don't want to be on a date that day. I tryed to reschedule for Friday but she didn't respond after I told her I'm busy and won't be chilling with anybody on Saturday.

I just realized my classes test are take home. So this is very good news. If I play the game smart I can easily make an A in this course. Living in this small city sux during summer time. I can't remember the last time I holla'd at a female out here. Most are hood-rats and you know pretty boy doesn't like them. There smart mouths will get them cussed out everytime.

I still need to work on the day game! I still remember last week when this cute chick said hey to me with a big smile choosin and I just walked past. That won't ever happen again!!! haha

So this weekend is memorial day weekend. Pool Parties, BBQ, All the above. Saturday will be epic and I won't be satisfied until I spit at more than 30 females. Grenade mackin and it's finest.

On a side note here is some goals I want to stick to for the summer:

Cut down on soda and sweet stuff. I want to eat more healthy. I might be skinny but I'm addicted to soda and I don't like being addicted to anything. So after I finish this 2 liter coke, I'm going on a little diet.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score

Well I had a lot of approaches. I know I probably forgot some but I will try to include it. Last night I just went to a couple bars/lounge.

First approach wasn't even an approach by me. I was outside looking at a menu and I seen a a girl (7) who works there to come outside and chat me up and it goes like this.

Her: Hello, Welcome to _____.
Me: Hey, how are you doing? You work here so you can give me a discount?
Her: No, not now because I am not working the cash register.
Me: Dang that's messed up, but what would you suggest I get. I don't want anything expensive. *I hand her my menu*
Her: I would suggest getting _________________ or _____________
Me:They both seem good, which one is better then the other?
Her:I would reccomend ______________
Me: Ok you got me sold, so are you from a-town?
Her: Yea I am but I go to school @ *school out of state*
Me: O foreal, That's wassup, I go to *my school*
Her: O really, how old are you?
Her: You look older
Me:Well how old are you?
Her: 19
Me:Dang, you just a little baby, but it's alright.
Her: *giggles*
Me:So are you on Summer Break
Her: Yea, what about you
Me: Supposedly but I'm doing summer school, why aren't you doing summer school?
Her: *I forgot what she said*
Me: O ok, Well we need to kick it one on one some time, Do you have your phone on you, Let me slide you my number.
Her: No, it's in the back, you take down my number
Me: no, get a pen and paper or something.
*We both go in the restaurant and she hands me a pen and paper*
*I then order my food and then write down my number*

While I'm waiting for my food we small talk more but I want to lace you cats with some golden game that I use all the time. Props to King Flex for this game.

Me: So I see you working hard. So you must be independent?
Her: Yea, you see I work here.
Me: O ok, I see you trying to do big things. Why don't you prove to me your independent? How about you take me out to dinner?
Her: uhh well why do I gotta take you out? I have never been taken out before.
Me: Because I want to see if your really independant, but you must be old fashioned?
Her: Yea with a smile on her face
Me: So why don't you come over to the crib and cook for ya boy.
Her: uhhhhh I can cook toast and breakfast food
Me: Dang girl, you can't cook, see you got rough edges but I'm going to fix you up.
Her: Theres no rough edges, you can take me out though
Me: Well if I take you out we're going to McDonalds
Her: *giggles* Mcdonalds?
Me: Hell ya, or Wendy's or Burger King, Dollar Menu on deck. But anyway wheres my food, I got to get going I got business to take care of.
Her: What business do you got to take care of.
Me: Don't worry about it, See you later!
*I get my burrito and go back to the whip so I can eat*

Here was the first approach of yesterday. Right after work she started textin the kid. I texted her once then ignored her text. I will probably set up something on Sunday or Tuesday. Depends how I'm feeling. I'm getting her to treat me though. I don't pay for nobody but my damn self and the loyal homies.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
5-25 Part Two

The second approach wasn't successful, I got compared to an ex boyfriend but the girl was still choosing hard. But I can respect the game. I will never be thirsty. If a girl says no then I keep it moving always.

After the second approach I went to another lounge just to see wasup. I walked through it once and mingled but didn't see anything I was dieing for so went to the third spot for the night. At this third spot I see a straight up dime piece broad sitting down. I make eye contact with her and smile and she then waves at me. So I said:

Me: Wasup with yall
Her: Nothing much
Me: Me and my partna bout to roll inside this lounge but we will come back to talk to yall.

So I go inside the lounge and it's kinda wack. Probably was because it was a hotel. I approached a female but she was thrown off a little bit. I can tell she wasn't used to having a playa roll up on her like that. Vibe wasn't there so I just hit her up with a it was nice meeting you!
So after that me and the homie just go back outside and when I go back outside I sit next to the dime piece and the homie wings for the other girl.

I'm not going to type out the whole conversation but it ended with me sliding her my number and telling her to hit me up today. She's not from here so I think I can have some fun. There's a festival in the park today so I'm definitely trying to meet her there and see where it goes from there.

Me and the potna then went to the fourth spot and I see a cute chick looking for someone so I ran up on her and said this:

Me: You seem mad and lost!
Her: Yea, I lost my boyfriend.
Me: Well your too cute to be mad.
Her: I know but he said he was going to go to the restroom and he'd be back.
Me: Ok, I hope he doesn't come over here and try to fight me.
Her: Well he's not like that.
Me: Ok cool, That's wasup so where are you from?
Her: *I forgot what she said*
Me: I then tell her where I'm from.
Me:So how long yall been together.
Her: 2 years
Me: That's a long time so whens the wedding?
Her: I am not getting married anytime soon. I was married for ten years and it just didnt work out.

*I was just being platonic until she said this. When she said this, that's when I had to put my biiiiiiiid in*

Me: O ok, So I see your just enjoying life then.
*I really forgot the rest of the conversation but it ends with me sliding her my number.

After I gave her my number I wing for my homie and slid this korean/black chick my number after a long conversation.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
5-25 Part Thriz

After this spot we start to just walk the streets and I see this fine azz chick on the street. So I rolled up on her and asked her if she was lost. and she said she was fine so I was like ok good to hear. Then this big dude rolled up on me; like in my face saying my friend is fine. I told this dude I was just asking her if she was good, I wasn't asking you. He then repeated himself and said that his friend was fine. I then told him I was just making sure. Then the potna grabbed me and told me to come on.

I'm still in disbelief this dude ran up on a playa. Moist b@stard and a fkn pierced cheek. Where the fk they do that at?

So as we are walking to the fifth spot theres this girl walking up the street as well. So I started small talk with her and one minute later we are like booed up like hugging and walking at the same time. We're just chopping it up and small talking and what not then she told me to take her number down. I told her that I don't take girls numbers down and that she should take mine. She was like ok and took her phone out. She then wanted me to cross the street but we were headed the other direction. She told me to cross the street with her so she can get my number. I told her I'm not walking across the street. She was like ok and kept walking

I feel like I should have just walked down the street to give her my number. I kinda messed up here but it's all good in the hood!

While walking down the street back to the car I see a set of two. I start talking to these girls and then isolate my chick. She seemed older (around mid 30's) and I could tell she was very dominant (business owner). At the end of the conversation I told her to slide out her phone so I can give her my number. When I said this she started saying her phone number. I was like hold up...... You take my number down. Not the other way around. She didn't budge and I didn't budge so we just left it at that.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
5-25 Recap

Very fun night, I got a lot of pulls. Only one dime but it's all good. Today is Saturday and I'm in a very mackish mood already. Weill definitely be a fun day today.

Thinking back on yesterday I kind of messed up by not walking across the street and getting her number because she was a pretty cute female. And on another note maybe I just need to say well lets exchange numbers if the female is too good to take my number down. But at the end it tells a lot about a person if she can't pull her phone out and save your number. Shows you that she is difficult right off the bat. I don't like girls that are difficult, I like 110% co-operation. Ya feel me.

One a side note I seen the most beautiful woman ever in the bookstore.This girl was thick, light skinned/latina with blonde hair. Somehow I lost her in the store when I finally mustered the courage to look for her!!!!!! So a key thing I must work on is approaching the second I see something I like. Sometimes it's good to scan her out a little bit but I think it would just be better if I just walked up!!!

Day game still needs a little work but when that sun goes down I'm on another level.

On another note I went to Lenox Square (Fanciest mall in Georgia) and was looking at the gucci jackets.

Click HERE

Sheet was 920$. I wanted this so bad but I couldn't even afford half of it. I try not to be negative because I had to quit my last job because I wasn't getting paid enough and was sick and tired of waking up at 4 in the morning. One day however, I will be able to afford this kind of stuff. One day, and being on a weekly budget is not the move. I need to find sources of income. I need to find multiple sources. Still kinda mad I didn't get the job from last week but I will charge it to the game.

I also saw a Maserati on some rims too. My dream car. Give me 5 years playas. I promise you. Once I finish this MBA program a playa is going to definately stack some cheese up!

Life of a 22 year old man with a 35 year old mentality.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
May 26 Saturday Night

Man. I done had over 50 interactions with females today. A playa can't even flex and most of them were succesfull. I'm not even going to post the conversations because if I did it would take me hours!!!!

Today was very interesting. I hit up a jazz festival wit one of my people (shout out to Dray of United Players of America). All I gotta say is the game only gets better when you feed off other players.

I remember when I rolled with thirsty cats.... the thirstiness spread to me. Ever since I rolled with a veteran cat in the mack game my game has only gotten better. By tenfold.

Man, Life is good right now. It feels good to say watever the hell you want to a single girl and she will choose up regardless.

1. For one instance I grabbed a girl and told her I liked the way she looked. 20 seconds later we are exchanging numbers. (This girl was a 10 facewise. Body was borderline chubby though)
2. When I can stand in a spot and have a cute girl to keep grabbing my shirt just to get my attention and let me know that she is choosing.
3. When snowbeezies (snowbunnies) coming up to me telling me how hot I am.
4. When you can stare at a btch and the btch will stare you back down just choooooooosinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

But enough of me ego stroking myself.

I've got multiple girls that are trying to hang out with me but I'm definitely trying to rotate it properly where I still have my nights to be in Atlanta to pull for females. I'm in Atlanta only 2x a week and unless these girls give me some gas money it will stay that way.

Things I need to work on: Still need to work on the solo game. When I came to the park alone I wasn't grenade mackin as hard. One reason is because most girls came in a two set!!! But once the wing arrived I was good to go.

Tips to the homies: Learn to take rejection. I got rejected alot today (4-5x). But I don't give a FK because they are missing out THAT DUDE.

On a side note. If I actually lived in Atlanta I would have smashed over 1000 girls. I'm dead serious. Just way too many girls out here and a lot of co-operation going out here. Once I finish my masters I'm moving right into midtown. I love the ladies! What can I say.

Also I seen an orange lambo with some orange rims today and every other person in Atlanta is riding on chrome wheels. I need to get my hustle game up, I need to get my game up! Because I want to be that dude riding in the Lambo. and it will be me goddamnit.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
5-27 Reflection on the Past

This day last year is when I officially cut ties with my EX GF and haven't talked to her since. The reason I remember this is because I was looking through my post history and I can see all the crap that I let myself put up with.

I have been accused of being a troll in the past. Because all I would do is make threads about my ex just to vent but never took the advice. It's sad that 2 years of my life, my $ was wasted on this girl. At least she didn't mess me up school wise. I remember I didn't even hang out with my frat for like a year. She would have no income and she was living with me off her school money. Sad sad year for me.

It really saddens me that there was a point in time where I was so weak and vulnerable to anybody. It's amazing how far I came in one year though!!! One year and look at me now. I'm on top of my game.

Thanks Robyn, 5String, Igetit, Vatoloco, Cordon, Tiguere, and Iceberg.

You guys gave me advice years ago on my relationship. I didn't listen to it and it ended up you guys were right. I go back every once in a while and read your guys old advice to me and I make sure that I won't discredit it again.

Just look @ Pierce post history. I asked so many dumb questions that I couldn't even use the account no more because people thought it was a troll.

I been putting in work the past year fellas and I don't care who you are you can improve. If I did it you can do it! Sometimes you need to be burnt by fire to learn your lesson.


This past week I tryed to set up a date for either Friday or Sunday with the older chick (34). She told me she wanted to hang out with me Saturday because she would be busy Fri and Sunday. So I told her we will just set something up the next week. At the time I told her I was going to be busy on Saturday. When Saturday came I decided I could squeeze her some time and when she texted me back saying "I'm not a back up plan, I'm a grown ass women remember". I checked her so damn hard on that disrespect. If she is saying stuff like this now then she would probably be worse if I even met up with her.

Tip of the Day: BE DEFINITIVE. Even before I texted her on Saturday my mind told me not to seem undecesive and I still did it. This is what messed me up but I wont make that mistake again.

The other girl I'm dealing with (25) is out of town for the weekend so I probably won't do anything with her until the end of this week. I will probably take her to the bar for some drinks.

I got another chick I got yesterday. Beautiful chick from Los Angeles. Just moved to Atlanta I'm definitely trying to see her on Tuesday. Girl was so pretty that I grabbed her and told her that I liked the way she looked. She was in a hurry so I just slide her my number and she called on the spot so I could have her number.

Another chick I got yesterday is closer to where I live. 23 year old with a kid! But her body was amazing to me and I can definitely have some part time fun with this girl. She was texting my phone as soon as I gave her my number. Just telling me that we should hang out. I'm going to bring her to the crib this week. Get some Pinnacle in her system and have some hood sex

These are the main girls I'm dealing with now that I haven't already smashed. More will probably text me in the next couple days and we will see where it goes from there.

I got a few more girls who text me and want to be in my rotation but I'm very picky when I make cuts. They just have to wait there turn. There is one girl that I got that I was feeling. I don't know how but we vibed pretty well. She is 29 and she is from Miami. Brown skinned cutie in Miami. She lives in Miami so there's nothing I can do about it for now. I do plan on vacationing there though once I graduate wit my MBA. A playa is tryna get her to fly me down there though. That would be perfect! Pull more miami girls and have a miami chick down there to.