Boot Camp Week 2


Senior Don Juan
Mar 24, 2005
Reaction score
Theme: Initiating Conversations With Strangers
Recruits, congratulations on finishing the first week!
By looking at the many posts to the thread, I can tell that this has been one hell of a power-packed
week for many of you… and this is only the beginning!
Just like in a military boot camp, we’re going to maintain this high intensity atmosphere until we melt
the AFC out of us, and become the DJ that’s just burning to get out.
Purpose of this lesson: So, now that you’ve practiced establishing eye contact, and have got more
comfortable saying Hi to strangers, this week’s lesson takes us into the next phase – starting a
conversation with a stranger!
For many people, this is the second most difficult step, right after dealing with rejections. So if you
persevere through this week, you will have attained an unbelievable skill… one that will serve not only
in meeting women, but in all aspects of your life.

Your mission is to go out and have short conversations (2 – 10 minute each in length) with 10
strangers. You can talk to them about anything, and you can talk to any person whom you have never
spoken to before. You’ll find that it might feel a little awkward in the beginning to talk to strangers for
any length of time… but after the first couple of times you’ll find that it’s actually a wonderful feeling.
You’ll really get a rush out of this.

Also, keep in mind that most people want to meet other people and have conversations with them, but
are just too shy or insecure. So in fact, you will be doing a huge favour to those people whom you
decide to hold a conversation with. Plus, I’ll bet you’ll learn new things from them, and maybe even
make a couple of new friends. And in this phase of the Boot Camp, don’t let yourself feel limited to
speaking to only girls… speak with anyone you want!
In fact, if you’re a bit apprehensive about talking to people, you can start out with those people who
are easier for you to approach. For me, this is senior citizens, since I’ve found that most of them love
talking with anyone who would give them half an ear, and I’ve found them to be very interesting
After each conversation, write down in your journal what you thought of the conversation, and
approximately the length of the conversation (estimate if you don’t have a watch). Once you complete
this lesson, post your results, plus the topic of your most interesting conversation, and anything else
you wish to share.
You have until this time next week to complete this lesson. Also, make sure you keep on practicing the
skills learned in the first lesson (e.g., you can practice establishing eye contact with someone, saying
Hi, and going into a conversation. However, initial eye contact or a Hi is not a requirement before
initiating a conversation).
Also, a tip that might help you with this lesson, and the next few lessons, is the 3-second rule (You
can find it on ASF). What this means is that when you find someone you might be interested in
approaching, don't give yourself more than 3 seconds from the moment you are able, to approach
them. Anything longer than 3 seconds highly increases the chance that your nerves will work against
you, and that you'll chicken out. Even if you have nothing planned to discuss with them, you'll find that
you'll amazingly have something to say if you can only force your feet to propel you to the person.

Good luck recruits, we are kicking ass!

Here is the original thread including the articles to read:
DJ Boot Camp Week 2

I'll post a bit later who's doing week 2
One thing though, you have to post your end results every week till Thursday, that means not later than wednesday 24:00, but as we live in different parts of the world, you cannot know when each of us posted, so I'll allow posts till Thursday evening, who doesnt post is out.
Last edited:


Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
Thanks. I'm still finishing up week 1.
I go out twice per week. Thurs and Sun.
Tons of girls on Sunday, but having second thoughts about going because of my schedule.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
Week 2 start - Credos

Today started pretty nice, i was thinking of approaching this girl i alwayse see on the bus early in the morning, though she wasn't there... Anyway got off at my stop, did a lot of hi's, and did a approach, though it was very close to my work so I won't count it in, cause work makes me approach easier somehow.

Old complaining granny(in dialect with swearing :D) with three dogs.
me: hi
she: (whispers) hi
me: those dog could get it pretty hot today (smile)
she: ah they'll be fine
me: well they look pretty nice
she: yea, though this one (points at one of her ugly dogs :D) is a real b*sterd
me: lol, why is that
she: cause he doesn't wanna sh*t here, he does it inside...
me: LOL
she: yea, i got one too much, my daughter dumped on in my house and i couldn't give it away...
me: yea i understand (smile)
she: yea though three is a pain in the *ss
me: LOL, yea well im off again...

2 seconds later while im running cause i don't like nagging people, though it was kinda funny :D

she: you work around here right?
me: yea
she: yea i've seen you last year here too
me: yea
she: my damn son is to f*cking lazy to work
me: LOL
she: yea a real lazy b*sterd
me: yea we'll it just keeps me busy in the vacation, while earning some easy money and i'm outside constantly (smile). But I'm off again, ciao (Start walking very fast)

Lol crazy old lady, and damn she'll prolly start yapping every day now because i talked to her once :p.

Lot of hi practice at work again, its too easy there, HB8.5 living there apparently, i waved with a big smile on my face while riding the tractor, she waved back smiling too, hope i see her again, i'll try numberclosing this one. So i was done with work and went to the bus, HB9 (i was like WOW, LOL credos YOU HAVE TO SAY HI, but because i was thinking this it made me smile a lot, made me kinda happy, gotta think this more :up:) and i'm like: Hey!
she: hey (big smile back with major EC)
me: (thinking DAMN she's HOT!!!, to bad she's moving in the other direction, else i would prolly try to talk some more, which i would i never lie to myself :D)... (start to look back) WHOA she's looking back too still smiling, damn she should have walked the other way and i would definetly be able to get her number... ow well too bad, might see her again but hey, many other hbs still waiting for me so

At the bus stop i see a guy who was insulting my boss the other day because he wasen't allowed to swim in our swimming pool.

Approach 1
me: hey
he: (whispers) hey
me: i've seen you before haven't i
he: could be
me: so you staying at the caravan park?

(dunno how its called again in english :p where i work... but its where you got caravans, caravan park? camping?)

he: yea at blah
We start this boring convo bout swiming etc i wasen't really intrested in this kinda johnny but hey approach is approach... then all the sudden

he: So we're having this fotoshoot at the beach (someday wasen't really paying much attention)
me: cool
he: Yea, you should come, you get 200 dollars for 2 hours fotoshoot and you get a chance of getting in some big programs (he named some lame belgian UBERboring programs that i though really sucked but oh well...)
me: cool
he: Yea thats where the real big cash comes in, then youre in for life
me: (thinking: Lol ok you're a real retard and a loser, then you can get in the show as a figurant and be one more loser in the show, anyway just standing on the bus now waiting till this ride ends and when i get rid of this idiot...)

all the sudden i see this chick looking at me,
me: hey
she: (no emotion, not even a blink...)
me: lol (damn who unleashed this pinochio(she had a very big nose LOL) and what kinda monster must the mother be to make such an ug, lol its fun thinking degrading of people who don't react to your attempt to be polite)

ride ends, WOOHOO lol... going to the store, think damn lot of people here, big groups hard to say hi too... i get at the store going to the games direction... lot of people inside too...

Approach 2
After work I went to b-city to get a video game. Two 15 year old dweeps standing there, talking about that new game X men 3, I tolded them it sucked :p, well i did hear it from some mate of mine so...

Later i went for ice cream, this chick, though bracers in her mounts kinda digged me, she kept trying to make EC with me and was constantly smiling, I start some long EC with big smile, she gets even bigger smile (Damn those bracers are ugly, but LOL they are needed in there!!! LOL) Could go back anyday to number close but I'm not in to ugs LoL and she got bracers who made her an ug, dunno if she would look good without em...

so i head to my bus going home...the bus gets there i get on sit down thinking, good day today... all the sudden i see this HB7 with HUGE boobs walking in, too bad no EC then i would try to make a move. But then i see two chicks checking me out a little farther... im thinking lol this is my chance for some approach with some chicks... They see I'm looking back with a big smile on my face, i see them giggling, looking again once and a while... so i wave, just to be sure they are checking me and not the turd behind me who looked kinda like a big loser lol... they wave back, so im thinking, credos nows your chance... without hesitation i get up which i'm really proud of now :D...

Approach 3 (actually its two approaches but hell... no whining LoL)

me: hey, am i wearing something of you two?
hb5(that means ug with bracers, but potential...): euhm no...(they looked like they felt treatent by me, but thats prolly because we belgians say that to treaten somebody, wasen't really thinking much but i fixed it lol...)
hb3(that means ug with no potential LOL): no...
me: you sure? it could also be in my bag
both of them: (giggle)
hb3: nah...

(felt like they were scared of me... lucky i had some insperation and didn't go down as a loser because they weren't helping with my conversation... made some good EC too, especially with the hb5)

hb5: We just though you were hot
me: lol thx, you're both hot too(thinking: LOOOOOOOOOL NOT! potential but even thats a far fetched thingy LOOOL UGS)
me: so you girls from around here?
hb5: nah were from CityA
me: then youre staying in a appartment? (we passed all the caravan park, only one left, but they didn't look like caravan girls, they talked to much LOL, cause at my work, the girls are very silent to me, but that could be because theyre french, bah hate it when they start yapping french, i suck at that lol)
both: yea
me: so what do you do at school(thats my way of fishing out how old are you lol...)
hb5: blah
(didnt ask the hb3, forgot i guess, damn good too LOL)
me: got a vacationjob?
both: no
me: (thinking: lazy b*tches...................... BAH, anyway if they were hotter i wouldnt mind so stop caring credos)

we then we're at their stop, i said bye, could have number closed the hb5 but i aint waiting till she got rid of those bracers and worked on her looks even more... lol so i was thinking just smile and wave, they waved back... too easy lol good work cre :cool:, memory to self approaching ugs is fun, and if they get the wrong idea and follow you around, start yapping about your socalled girlfriend you don't have, just to give them the picture LOL, well great start for me guys, i was little nervous at first with approach 3 but hey i made sure everything was alright for approuch... Im happy with the results today, felt good approaching too

jack knife

Don Juan
May 24, 2006
Reaction score
Alright, well I'll be honest, I didn't finish all of week 1's exercises. I made my outings but I couldn't manage to get all 50 hi's. I got around 30 I think.

Despite this setback I am going to continue with the program. It would be stupid to quit. So here I come week two!


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
Sorry, I wasn't able to complete week 1. Things came up and I wasn't able to (Still can't actually) go out and get things done. My dad's been in and out of the hospital and money's kinda tight so I'm going to have to begin at another time. I want to do this badly and I've already gained a lot from reading up on this stuff (Realized what I want to do in life and what some of my goals are) but things beyond my control and setting me back right now.

I don't intend on delaying it longer than it needs to be and as soon as I can I fully intend on starting. Sorry to disappoint anyone =/


Don Juan
Apr 27, 2006
Reaction score
I'm gonna try to do better this week.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 24, 2005
Reaction score
Participants for week 2:


I am a bit disappointed that only 6 from 19 did go through the first week... cause it is not THAT hard to say hi, thats what this BC is all about, getting out of your confort zone, anyway, congrats to you fella djs who did it, and good luck on the 2nd week!!!!


Senior Don Juan
May 1, 2005
Reaction score
Tampa, Florida
won't start doing my convos until saturday
gonna go to belgium and hopefully get my conversations... unfortunately my french isn't perfect but whatever... and then after belgium france for a camp to learn french and do some sports in cannes... supposed to be like Las Vegas...
hope I can find an internet cafe to post my results and stuff
see you guys later, feel quite confident nowadays


Don Juan
Dec 26, 2005
Reaction score
Damn only 6 through? That's weak. Anyways for the other 5 who made it through, good luck and hopefully we can all go deep into the bootcamp.

I'm working like a dog right now, working mostly 8-10 hour days. (2 different jobs) I haven't got any conversations, but I plan to get a few tonight, after work at a party. (easiest place imaginable)

I'm going to have to work my tail off to get a ton Friday and Saturday nights because my weekdays are hella busy right now.

Anyways, my lunch is over. Good luck guys.


Don Juan
Apr 27, 2006
Reaction score
Impact said:
I am a bit disappointed that only 6 from 19 did go through the first week... cause it is not THAT hard to say hi, thats what this BC is all about,
I explained my situation in the first week thread to you.

I think its kinda ****ty I'm being kicked out. How the hell is this supposed to encourage me?


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
Lol i prolly got 10 approaches already, but some were too easy so i dont count them in(these are mostly at my work so, guess thats my starterzone, its pretty easy to learn there)

Yesterday, most approaches we're at the bathroom in the bowling of zone B, about 6 km(4 mile) away from my home in zone Z, but hey its good practice, and i got convo's with people i normally wouldn't talk to so... also in the bathroom, this means only male approaches but it wasen't women only so LoL:

Approach 4
me: hey
he: hi
me: lot of people today right?
he: ow, i dont know, i dont come here often...
me: yea, thrust me, we had to wait till 7 groups we're done playing...
he: ow lol, is that much? don't know if its normal here or not
me: yea, i've been here that 5 other lanes(bowling area's dunno the name lol) were free...
he: ow... so i guess youre from around here then?
me: yea im from zone Z
he: well im from zone B, but i play soccer at zone H
me: soccer? yea i like soccer
he: yea i'm captian of my team
me: ow nice
he: yea, well its a good thing too that there are a lot of people here, this way zone B, hopefully it stays this way, but kids will prolly come here a lot.
me: yea, and that way zone B will keep its bowling... else we gotta go to zone K and thats so far...
he: yea
me: well im off again ciao!
he: bye

Approach 5
me: hey
he: hi
me: hey i know you from our past school...
he: ow yea, what school was that? school p or m?
me: school p
he: and how do we know each other
me: ow, just from seeing
he: ah (smile)
me: yea so what do you do now?
he: i work in a factory in zone Z
me: ow nice, earning some cash :D
he: yea, but i wann study some more languages, so ill prolly go back to school, but i want to have some spare time and earn some cash, and that doesnt combine: work, school and spare time... you only can get two of those at once
me: ye... well im off again, good luck with whatever you choose to do
he: thx, bye

Went pretty easy, talk to guys i wouldnt normally talk to, and now i got some more people that know me... :d thats alwayse a good thing right :up:


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
Also yesterday at the bowling, but i wont count it as an approach because i didnt really make the first move... this group of 3 guys and 4 girls were bowling behind us, i knew 2 of those guys(2 turds :D). Then they had to move in front of us, so i was checking these girls :p they were HB7's to HB8.5's... Some times i see them checking back at me, and then i see them start talking to one of the guys i know... One girl tells the turd something, and all the sudden he begins to talk to me :p lol went like this:

turd: hey credos, she's alwayse horny LOL (points at HB 7)
(now i kinda knew they were talking about me)
me: ye, thats the way it should be right (smile)
HB7: So what's your name again?
me: lol its credos, but apperantly the guy from the bowling thinks its "ms dos" (he spelled my name wrong lol)
HB7 ow, heh ok
kinda get in a convo some way... lol get a lot ec with her
and at the end of the night just when i go outside to go home she runs at me gives me her email and phone number.. lol that was nice, gonna try to make her my girlfriend with benefits :up: well ciao


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
Took an other look at the girl from the bowling... bah she's an ug anyway pff hb7? make it a 6 :D... I can do better lol... Anyway yesterday I had quite a lot of approaches, just somehow at someplaces its easier for me than others, but i have learned quite a lot too the past 11 days... I'm not getting in to what i said etc, it were just normal conversations, nothing special. At the music store i wanted to get my warrenty on my headset because it was broken gotten in a convo about college with the guy working there... (approach 6) with a guy buying a radio and a tv there about work, and his daughter :D(approach 7). At night i had a conversation with the cashier at the videostore but i won't count this in because i alwayse said hi to her... made it too easy to call it a serieus approach. At night I went to a beachparty, had a very small conversation with some dutch chick(dutch people are from holland, our neibor country, same language). Could have gotten a bigger convo with her but froze a bit, so that wasn't a good approach either :D lol. And then when i was going home with my bike at about 3 am lol two guys were on the road where i was riding, kinda blocking it...

dude1: ow sorry
me: no problem, i got time enough
dude2: lol yea why is that
me: lol, because the damn music had to stop at 3 am, what kinda sh*t is that, I mean, do the 8 year olds already have to sleep or what?
dudes: LOL, yea its those damn dutch *******s that are the reason why they are shutting it down so early...
me: pfff, i think ill go drink something somewhere else
dudes: BAH, everything else is closed too, they really ****ed it up
me: lol, yea have you heard about party P(party P is the biggest party the do in the summer)
dudes: no what about it
me:they gonna make it 4 times smaller, because last year they were in violation with the rules they made with the city
dudes: OMG, d*mn, they really made everything bad this year
me: ya
dudes: well were off again (their girlfriends had already crossed the street, they waited with me to have a convo :D) before they start without us LOL
me: LOL, ya ill see you guys later, ciao
dudes: bye

Lol i wasn't nervous at all talking to these dudes, or at the store, but at the party i had trouble with the girl and was kinda getting nervous everytime i though i was going to approach a girl :nervous: , though i have to admit, by making EC with these girls(happened about 3 times that night), they mostly smiled at me, making it quite easy to approach... Though it were ugs most of the time or i froze :p, i still have a lot of work to do

So I'm almost done, not that i will quit at 10 lol, i see you guys havent posted anything about approaches yet, i hope im not the only guy left :trouble:, though you still have a few days left :up:.
good luck guys, ciao


Don Juan
Dec 26, 2005
Reaction score
Solid work Credos. :rockon:

I'm not doing as well, not because I get nervous, but because I've got no fvcking time! Friday I worked from 8:30 - 10:30 then went to a party however it was only people that I knew so none to report from Friday. Saturday I worked 11-5 and my plan was to go to the beach and get my 10 conversations, but that fell through as I foolishly decided to go to another house party. :nono: I didn't get all 10 conversations but I did get a few as there were more people there.

So anyways here are my approaches.

The first one came to an HB6 after some brutal fight. I was actually talking to my friend so I didn't really start the convo, undecided if it counts.

Approach #1:

Me: Who were those p*ssies? (to friend)
HB6: (turn and look at me) Hey, that was my boyfriend!
Me: Haha I bet you could kick his @ss too.
HB6: Shut up, he's tough!
Me: LOL all 80 pounds of him?
HB6: I don't care how big he is.
Me: Haha so you're that desperate eh?
HB6: Huh?
Me: Don't worry about it. (dumb broad) So where are you and your tough bf from?
HB6: Blah, blah.

I busted her because her town's got a bad rep and found out she was 24 and her boyfriend was 18:eek: so I busted her for that.

Approach #2

Inside the house they had an Ipod hooked up to speakers playing the music and it's my buddies house and this HB7 went over and picked up the Ipod and put on some country shiit.

Me: What are you doing? (serious)
HB7: Changing the music. (cold tone)
Me: Well noone wants to hear that.
HB7: Ok... (half ignoring me)
Me: Well take this off already.
HB7: (leaves music on and starts to walk away)
Me: You know it's a proven fact that half of all country singers are gay, right?
HB7: Bull****! (she turns around, totally interested)
Me: No it is, Urban and Chesney are totally gay for eachother. (totally serious)
HB7: They're both married!
Me: Nah, they just make that stuff up so horny, rich girls will buy their CDs.
HB7: :eek: I have both their CDs.
Me: Well then you're perfect for me!
HB7: I thought you said you hated... (clues in) oooh you're sneaky. (huge grin)
Me: You caught that did ya?

I was incredibly proud proud of this approach because normally I wouldn't just assumed this girl was a b!tch and walked away. However I broke the b!tch shield (no idea how) and it turned out that she was a funny girl and we chilled for a while after but she left at 12 :rolleyes: so I had no chance to close.

Approach #3

I was just about to leave and was looking for my shoes and an HB6 was also looking for her shoes.

Me: That's it, where'd you hide my shoes?
HB6: Huh?
Me: They were right here and now they're gone.
HB6: Well what do they look like?
Me: They're black.
HB6: Well that clears it up :rolleyes:.
Me: Well I remember asking for my shoes, but I don't remember asking for attitude. (my favourite line, addicted to it)
HB6: :eek: Alright well let's find your shoes.
Me: blahablahablah.

Yeah no comments really.

So anyways as you can see I only remember my approaches with girls because I'm a naturally outgoing guy at parties and I really don't remember talking to guys. So anyways I can only recall 3 lengthy conversations although I can think of atleast 10 quick ones. So I've got my work cut out for me, especially because I have to work like a dog this week.


New Member
Jul 8, 2006
Reaction score
Cant tell you the exact words from each approach, because i dont remember them.

Did 4 approaches, all girls.

May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Impact said:
Your mission is to go out and have short conversations (2 – 10 minute each in length) with 10
strangers. You can talk to them about anything, and you can talk to any person whom you have never
spoken to before.
I like this concept. I think I'll talk to at least 10 HB's and then attempt a contact-close at the end of the conversation.

Remember to close the convo with an attempted contact-close - like this, BTW my name is XYZ, and yours is: she will give her name: take out a card, write her name down, "good and your # is?".

Merging my FUR thread to this goal here:

Rather than contact closing like a maniac, as I've already demonstrated that I can do so, as of today, let's buffer this down with a 2-10 minute attempted convo.

The convo attempt is known as two following approaches:
- Fluff talk about the environment, or who the person is with if she's in a group, see if any inferences can be made about what she is wearing, what she is saying, what she is carrying in order to premise a convo.
- "Hi, I've noticed something about you..." throw away line. She'll ask what it was, and you can think of something in the meantime.
- Convo extending questions to get more information out of her - but on an emotional slant, always see if you can ask her how she felt about whatever she is saying.

Great - I'm going to jump right into this, and once I reach ten, I'm going to make another follow-up post here. Of course, I'm not going to stop at 10, if I do 20 or even 50, why not, it's fun anyway. On with the program....


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
A whole weekend and I'm only counting 1

Fellow Campers!
Wow! This weekend was terrible for initiating convo's with strangers!
On Friday while at the eye doctor, I tried to enage an older man in conversation but I got the one word responses from him. He looked tired, so that must have been the problem.
I got one good one on Saturday at the bank while waiting in line. I don't recall the exact thread of conversation, just that I started by saying how excited I was that I didn't have to work and was able to do something fun because of the weather. I'm sure the convo went well past the 5 minute mark.

I had tons of convo's with people who are semi-strangers. I mean, I see them around and stuff. But nothing I will count.

I have a long way to go. I'm 1/10 so far...

The E.C. thing is still strong...
But I'm not getting any buying vibes. Most chics I E.C. just look away. No smile, no looking down and away. They just look somewhere else....
Oh well..... Sarging on!


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
Prolly have about 10 approaches now, just gonna keep on going, just like im still doing my hi's with EC too. though cant tell the last approaches anymore :p seen so many people... Today though lol :crackup: at my work 2 chicks (prolly 15 year old but hey practice is practice). Both HB 6... not bad and i get more confident every time, i can feel i have become slightly different already, im more at ease every time :up: , though still have a lot off work...

first they passed me, so I EC+ smile like i alwayse do now to HB's :up:
me: hey
they: hey

everytime i do this ****y but funny thingy, its alwayse great :p lol, I really like opening this way and its fun to practice

later i see them sitting on a bench totally get the vibe they are checking me out so i try to be ****y but funny
me: Haven't you girls got some cute guy to bother at the swiming pool (big smile)? (knowing they its possible that theyll link me to cute this way lol i love it when a plan works)
hb1: (giggle - sign she was shy)
HB2: nodding yes (thought she was mocking me, but i held my head up and accepted the feeling of rejection like a man, and had a good laugh at her, later i found out she didnt, i laughed again at her LOL)

LOL now all the sudden after i said that ****y but funny sh*t they start STALKING ME constantly everywhere that I worked, constantly checking me out :D, hell i have to admit it made my bad day into a good day :cheer: . I want more HB's to pass me, though i am still having a hard time approaching in big crowds... Working on that too guys ;)

Good start afc_recovering and krackmoe(try to remember them lol they are fun to read lol), rest of you guys try to keep up, sure i still feel nervous in some cases and in some others i dont but im doing this because i WANT IT sooooo badly, to start convo you can also just open with i... And if its hot you can tell her that and go on yapping about that, find something in the envirement and you got a good base for a approach. Anyway :D its fun to do i asure you :up:, and if you feel rejected just laugh at her because she is so stupid to reject you LOL it helps me anyway, only happened once so far, but its not a major disaster, its not like im in love with her, she's just target practice LOL... Good luck to all my boot camp mates Ciao


Don Juan
Dec 26, 2005
Reaction score
I'm going to make this one kindof short because I'm about to head to bed. So tonight when I went to the gym I decided I'd talk to people out of my age group even though it's weird, because I need to get through these approaches.

Approach #4

While I was walking into the gym I passed some like 20 year old guy leaving the gym.

Me: Hope it's air conditioned in there because it is HOT out here.
Guy: Ahh this heat isn't too bad.
Me: Well it doesn't get much hotter, it's like 30!
Guy: I used to live in the city and you should feel the weather with the smog.
Me: Oh really, when did you move out here?
Guy: A few weeks ago, to be with my girlfriend.
Me: Cool... Blahablahalba

Approach #5

In the gym there was this beast of a man in the gym that I've never seen before, he was benching like 290. After this set I had to figgure out if this guy was on 'roids.

Me: Careful, you might run out of weights. ;)
Guy: Well a lot of hard works gone into it.
Me: I bet. Christ I've put a lot of hard work into benching 165.
Guy: Well you've gotta start somewhere.
Me: Yeah how long have you been training?
Guy: Ugh about 5 years.
Me: Nice. Haven't seen you around, you come here often?
Guy: No I'm from out of town visiting relatives but I know the owner of the gym.
Me: How?
Guy: Blahahlab.

Approach #6

In the changeroom after my shower. This one was kindof weird seeing as I was 3/4 naked, but I need the GD approaches! (this kid was about 17)

Me: Thank god for the air conditioning.
Guy: Yeah I came here to get out of my house because I don't have any AC!
Me: No AC! How do you live?
Guy: Well we've got a pool but still.
Me: I don't think I could sit in a house with no AC.
Guy: Haha me neither that's why I'm here.
Me: Well that's one motivation for getting to the gym. etc.

Approach #7

I was getting into the car and this 30 year old lady (MILF?) had about 10 cases of water.

Me: Wow it's hot out here, you going to drink all that water tonight?
Her: Haha I might have to.
Me: I've never felt any weather like this.
Her: Yeah, I've already gotten burnt badly this summer.
Me: You don't have to tell me; I'm the king of sunburns
Her: Haha you do have a fair skin tone...
Me: Yeah sometimes it sucks blah blah.

So I prefer to approach people my own age, but I need to get these in. So the good news is I'm probably going to finish these approaches. The bad news is with all this socialising my workout took like 2 hours.