I've been with my Girlfriend for 2 yrs now, she's a really nice girl,loyal and everything a man can ask for but there's one thing about her that's is causing a big problem in the relationship. When she was a kid a guy TRIED to molest her, also her dad is a really hard headed man that never showed her any love. The thing is she wants me to disrespect her and treat her bad...I mean from other girls i've always been told I can be a somewhat hardheaded person..so it's not as if i'm a push over but my girl acts spoiled, and i#ve noticed she really wants me to disrespect her,and she has told me she loves when I treat her like that, and i'm don't really want to do that to keep her happy because to me that's not a healthy relationship in my eyes. When I say disrespect I mean a lot, she says she loves being put in her place. I know she has problems from her childhood and from her father, well that's what I think I could be wrong.To be honest i'm in love with this girl, like really deep in love but it's not in my nature to treat a women like this, If I do decide to treat her like this I think over a period of time i will change who "I" am. Can anyone give me advice on what I can do? I want to keep this girl, but I don't wanna change myself. She's an inteligent girl, I guess it seems asif she's is looking for somewhat a father figure, i've told her ..why I think she wants to be treated bad..because of her father but she insists it's not for that reason, but I still belive it is. I'm kinda caught up i'm not the nicest person in the world, a bit of a jerk sometimes, but i'd never change myself completely yo suit her. I mean she won't leave me if I don't treat her how she wants me to but what do y'all think.. positive advice from mature people please.. where do you think this is going? I mean we've spoken about marrige and we both are in love, she says she's never felt this way about no other guy.