Helping a Green Horn DJ


Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northeast Florida, USA
Most of us will agree that the primary purpose of our teachings here is to help ourselves have better lives and be better men at everything we do. Some of us also get to where we are given the opportunity or feel called to mentor a greenhorn DJ; be it a friend, son, coworker, boss, stranger, or whoever.

As you may know, often times our teachings are not well received and hard core blue pillers think they are some evil voodoo propaganda.

One method I have used successfully to help a greenhorn DJ is to question them and make them answer questions out loud to me and to themselves, as if interrogating them. So rather than advise them information in the form of a statement, I advise them in the form of a question and let them make the statement.

Here would be some examples:

Is it true that you know couples of various ages, married and not married, who have had breakups, YES or NO?

In general, how have the men treated the women?

Out of all the people you know who have broken up, how many of the breakups were male initiated and how many were female?

Have you ever been dumped by a woman?

Did she end it or did you?

How did you treat her?

Did you try to get her back?

How did you try to get her back?

What was the result of you trying to get her back, did you get her?

Think of a man you know who is good getting the ladies? (Lefty lol)

How does that man behave in comparison to how you have behaved in the past with ladies?

How does that man behave in comparison to other good guys you mentioned above who have been dumped ?

What would Alpha-A do if he got dumped?

Would Alpha-A get down on his hands and knees and beg?

Would Alpha-A shower her with flowers, gifts, attention, etc?

Think of a couple you know where the women doesn't treat the man so good. What does she do?

How does he react to how she treats him?

Would Alpha-A put up with that treatment?

These questions can go on and on and on about not just women but friends, family, work, just people in general. And don't all have to be asked at the same time.

Try this method next time you are trying to help a greenhorn DJ swallow the red pill. I think it's the way to go in this situation that will give you the best chance of showing them the light.


Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northeast Florida, USA
Ruler said:
Excellent post, Lefty! There's some rep coming your way :)

I'm now going to try this. I'm always trying to help my friends get girls and develop game, but they're too afraid! It's like they're brainwashed and refuse to see the world for how it really is. And women keep screwing them over. And here I am, being extremely successful with women and they don't care / notice. They just wish to continue on their trip of ignorant bliss.
For example, my one friend (who's pretty nerdy but has looks) was dating this UGLY, fat, short mexican b!tch. She treated him like absolute dirt and what did he get her for christmas and birthdays? Jewelry. Flowers. Stuffed bears. Barf! Literally, she was a 3, maybe 4/10 without makeup. And my buddy, on looks only, is easily a 7/10 (but I'm not a good judge of male attractiveness). He said he loved this girl and I have no idea how so. It's been about 6 months since the break up and he's yet to be successful with any other girls. I'm going to do this with him.

Thank you, on my behalf and his!
EDIT: Literally, 1 second after I posted this he called. Haha.
You are very welcome Sir. I hope your friend gets some benefit from this. Let us know how it goes.

And thanks for the incoming rep!


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2015
Reaction score
hah yes all the dudes over here who be like "HELP ME!"

Then 10 people give basically the same advice, everyone a tad different with a grain of his own experience, which is basically free wisdom, and still chumps be all like "but but but but".

"I found my girls chatlogs she was talking dirty with another man"

"Dump her."

"But but but she said they were sharing info to improve each others sex lives with their significant others so it was all about me!"

"Lies. Dump her."

"But but but shes not like that... You guys suck you always so negative"


Its great fun. Like comic soap opera. :D

Idk for me this place is like a common sense lonely island in the sea of BS the ones above brainwash us with since day 1. Chumps about to be rekt emotionally by a female are part of the whole thing, a reminder of what I dont want to be, a blast from the past...