Emotional Stories to Tell to Women


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
This thread is for swapping stories that make good conversation with a woman. The idea is that you want to touch her emotional buttons. Make her laugh, make her cry, and then make her laugh again.

Here's my first example, feel free to tailor it and use it as your own.

I went to a college that was on a big lake. There was a running path around it. Army ROTC had us doing a lap around the 3-mile path every other morning at 6 am.

There were a lot of ducks that lived on the lake. The road around it was very busy with cars. One morning, I saw a mother duck marching her troop of baby ducks across the road. There were a lot of them, a dozen or so. They were tiny and of course very cute. They were spanning the road with their row as they crossed when I saw the truck bearing down on them. It was a big box truck with a flat front, looked like a furniture truck. The guy was speeding, going well over the limit, and he either never saw the ducks or didn't care. I cringed as he plowed into the middle of the row of baby ducks. It was going to be gruesome.

And then the most amazing thing happened. The flat front of the box truck was pushing a lot of air in front of it. And baby ducks are very light. They all flew up like leaves blown in the wind. They truck zoomed through, and all the little ducks fell back to the ground. Then they got up, were lined back up by their mother, and continued back on their way. Not a single one was hurt, despite the truck plowing through them.

And that was the coolest thing I saw all day :cool:


Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
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There's a video on youtube with this same scenario - except it was on a freeway and yes, all the baby ducks lived.


Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2013
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Any story that has vivid detail, emotional wallowing and leads up to a climax works. Pretty much anyone who hasn't been living under a rock their whole lives can fit real personal experience into the following pattern.

Take X music/play/civic event, competition, outdoors are better, and it needs to be relatively classy, not a mosh pit type show or the dude playing margaritaville in the fern bar. It can be a "sad" or "traumatic" or "suspenseful" event, and I like to follow one of those with the exact same story pattern but a happy event. Describe the event in lots of preliminary detail without it sounding scripted in the first 30 seconds or so. Then...something about the event is different and special, light, air sunset are particularly good (or bad), can be lots of things. Everyone there knows it and starts to groove on it (become afraid). People start getting loose and happy, smiling and the performers know it (or screaming and running). This overwhelming good (bad) feeling in the crowd magnifies in intensity, grows gradually and then rapidly.

Something "special" and "unexpected" happens, a perfect solo, song people doing perfect waves or bouncing a ball in a rhythmic way, that leads to a "group experience" in a climactic way, positive or negative, just MEGA emotional. Then as it subsides, people look around at each other (great if some are crying due to the overwhelming emotions of the experience) and realize something truly unique has occurred.

"I usually don't tell people about this until I know them well, because it's very personal to me, but you make me comfortable." OR after you have gotten her to share a story "what's the coolest thing that happened to you this past year?" Make sure you have her whole attention, no distractions, and you want the story to take about 3-4 minutes, no longer or shorter for maximum impact.

The response you are looking for is the "doggy dinner bowl" type of IOI from all the PUA stuff. I got so good with one story that I have had women say, "I love you" at the end of it on more than one occasion. I just take their hand and smile a big earnest smile, nod my head. We are usually making out or even headed to a bed before long if I do it right.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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Yep, any store with emotions work. It's more important to actually be congruent with the emotions (facial expressions, gestures, body language, energy level, etc) than the actual content of the story. And best if the stories actually happened to you, and not something you saw on YouTube.

And if you can juggle many stories at once, all the better.

Story A--->build up-->Just before climax


Story B-->build up-->just before climax

regular fluff talk

Finish Story A

fluff talk

Start story C

Finish story B


If you watch and "reverse engineer" the best comedians, they do this in their routines, (congruent energy and breaking up stories) and they turn mundane every day things like waiting in line at the post office into something that's funny as shyte.

Just tailor the emotions (fear, safety, discovery, excitement) and she'll be eating out of your hand.


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2015
Reaction score
Thank you for your service. I was a D1 athlete, and the ROTC guys were up an hour before us working out.

Of course, I was not in one of the major football conferences.