Social circle game/reputation>>>>>money/looks


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
i cold approached my now wife at about what.. 9:30am at santa anita park. so no i don't agree with you.

i actually did some research on my dating life

Just about every positive relationship I had with a woman, came from a cold approach/day game.

now mind you over the years i've gone on too many first dates, well over 50 probably closer to 100. so i cannot include all of them. I'm only talking about the noes that i actauly took a real interest in

Positive Relationships

Millie- My wife. Cold approach

Amber- girl i plate spun then dated for a year and a half. Met at dillard's . Cold Approach

Crystal- Girl I met at a restaurant, we hit it off and I dated her for about 6 months. It ended but not in a horrible way Cold Approach

Lisa- Girl i picked up at a sports bar, smoking hot, went on a few dates with, really like her, but she hadn't completely gotten over an ex so i cut her lose Cold Approach

Catherine- actually a stripper that i picked up at a dance club, date is a strong word, we had sex and did coke together lol. but it was funCold Approach

Penny- ran into her, while she is somewhat.. bigger.. she' svery pretty in and i needed to bust a 3 year slump.. we never had anything really serious once i got better plates she got tossed, but we had fun. Social Circle

Heather- We were actually in AA together. if she had not relapsed i don't know what woudl have happened i really liked her. Social Circle.

Jennifer A- met her at a bar at del mar race track, we hit it off, went on a few dates, messed around for a few months, she wanted to be my GF and i just faded away. not a bad experience at all. Cold approach

Anita T- not only was this a cold approach, she cold approached me! red head, a cute face but an elite body, very pretty feet lol. we had really good sex. very smart. An atheist and we would have very long debates about religion. I found out she had a pill habit that wasn't 100% kicked and i bounced, but overall this wasn't a bad experience. great sex, she wasn't clingy and wasn't bat **** crazy. Cold Approach.

Anita C- I met her while i was getting my car serviced at the dealership. Austrian, a little older than me, but a great rack like, seriously a great rack, recently divorced and very horny and her ex husband was rich and left her with a lot of money, an extra house and with nothing to do. she spoiled the **** out of me and i had my own money. i drove her extra BMW M3 like it was mine. i basically moved into he extra town house. used to take me out of town on vacations and stuff. she didn't even care if i was ****ing other girls. she knew we weren't gonna get married she was too old. once she found a man that was closer to her age i cut her lose. great relationship would do again lol. I'm like bible belt on this one every guy has to do this **** at least once. you can't beat it. and she could cook her ass off. like my grandma cook. she woudl call me and ask if i was hungry and just throw some **** together.. always made sure i had **** like fresh sweet tea, girl waited on me hand and foot. if she was 10 years younger i'd have put a ring on her finger with the quickness. Cold approach.

Desiree-girl i met at a marina, talked her up, we went on a few dates, sex, went out. run of the mill. she was pretty boring but there wasn't anything particularly bad about the relationship. cold Approach

Anna- Anther horse track girl, really quirky.. I liked her she was different. not super duper hot, about a solid hb6 but she had spunk and i liked that. didn't give a **** what i had just wanted to hang out. she would have a **** eating grin on her face if i took her out for ice cream at basket robins. which i did a few times beucase we both like basket robins. she moved across the country that was the only reason we stopped seeing each other. Cold Approach. '

Brianna- honestly her biggest issue i couldn't get over the fact she had the same first name as my little sister. that's an image i couldn't get out of my head. kinda needy, very loyal, also met this one at the horse track as well. she didn't really do anything wrong, but my now wife came along and once i decided i was gonna date my wife i cut her lose. Cold Approach

unknown lol- honestly.. i don't remember this girls name. the miami heat and the detroit pistons had came to little rock to play an ex. game. it was a Saturday, i went to the club that night and all the cheerleaders were there. everyone was looking at them and not talking to them and **** i said **** this **** lol, i picked the one i thought was the hottest, a short haired petite brunette, we danced, i had my mojo working, i'm working neg hits in perfectly, then probably the best game move i made in my life and this was spur the moment, right when she was eating it up i just disappeared and started talking to a lady friend of mine. that **** threw her for a 100% loop, she actually came and found me, asked if i wanted to go kick it with ehr after the club lol i ****ed the **** out of that board and never saw her again. **** was great. lol and she made pancakes in the morning. I took her to the hotel in the morning which happened to be like 2 miles from my house. easily my best pick up ever. **** wasn't even all that hard no one would talk to them they were "too hot" Cold Approach

Negative Relationships

Jennifer T- we worked together, she followed me everywhere. started inviting me to parties and ****, i went, we started hooking up, we dated, she not only cheated on me, she got ran through by the entier basketball team. and i have actually verified this it's a fact the entire ****ing team. then she came to work and bragged about it ot anyone that would listen. called me names for no other reason then i liked her. A really ****ty person with issues. she's now a meth head though i admit i did use her a booty call once i got my game down as i got a little older. Social Circle.

kat- Social Circle

Beth - met her at the bar where she worked. i found out she was married and didn't think about her again. she started hitting on me seriously, then invited herself over my house one night, we hooked up, then kept hooking up. one thing led to another she moved in my house for a few weeks beucase of an argument with her husband, she pooked a hole in my condom and got pregnant. she aborted but still that was close. certifiable. Cold Approach.

Amanda- met her while in AA.. i wasn't really attracted to her at first, she had the whole tat thing going on and i was dating my now wife. we grew on each other, as she is very serious about her recovery as was i. we started to hang out she was so damn needy, she was like hte girlfriend i wasn't'; ****ing she'd get *****y every-time i didn't want to sit with her or *****y every time my GF showed up with me to meetings or *****y when i didn't want to go out to eat with her. we'd go to the gym together and she'd do **** like stop by her house and take a shower then come out ad ask me a question, with nothing but a towel on.. and to date she might have the best body i have efver seen she knew what she was doing. she used to ask me **** like where are wee going and **** all the time. just clingy/needy. she required more maintenance than my wife /then GF did. eventually told her she had to go. Social Circle.

Gabrielle- a plate i spun who threw a glass vase at my head that i required stitches for once i told her i was leaving her for my now wife. Social Circle.. she lived 2 houses down from me.

Jackie- A girl that i have actually known my entire life, she's my little cousin's best friend. once she hit 18 she made it known to me she thought i was hot. she wasn't ugly at all so i gave her a shot. yeah onc ei tried to break it off she told me she was pregnant. even though i have never actually came when we had sex the 3 or 4 times we did. i paid her 1000 dollars just to go away basically. Social Circle

Stephine-A girl that I met while chilling with some friends at Sharky's in Vince Florida on the beach. this is the girl ht got me to start smoking crack lol.. i think that classifies as a bad. Social Circle

Michelle- girl i wasn't even interested in having sex with, i met in AA, I work out and it's ovbiuos I work out, she had weight consciousness issues.. she wasn't fat in fact she was like 5'6 110 pounds. anyway, she made a couple of moves on me, i rejected them, so she told everyone i raped her lol. Social Circle.

I have come to the conclusion that there are 2 reasons why cold approach relationships tend to be better than social cirlce relationshps

1. because am not restricted to the people around me, my threshold of what i expect out of a woman is higher than it is when i am just meeting someone threw a friend and i have to take wht they give me for the most part. there are many more cold approach girls who after a date or 2 i knew this wasn't gonna work. however when you have to rely ion your social cirlce you have to pretty mjuch take whatever qualities they have and make that **** work for better or for worse. it's usually for worse.

2. when i am in cold approach mode, as you can see from the above, and that might be 1/4th of all the dates i went on i stayed busy at all times. when i am busy i come off as more attractive than i do waiting for someone to hook me up with someone.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2013
Reaction score
backbreaker said:
I've made this post before, and i will paste it here

OP I get you. I get you probably better than anyone on this forum. I was you. I was you more than you could ever imagine. you want to date cute women and there are no cute black women around you, and all the cute white women don't want to date you and you are trying to get int he cirlces and you are finding it impossible.

I've been there. I've been right at that very spot.

This is not advise that I would give most people on this forum but you need to stop trying. Because all you are doing is lowering your self esteem. You come off as trying too har beucse you really want it, and it's just not working.

Just accept that there are not many women around you right now that are open to dating a young black guy that isn't tyson beckford or an athlete.

I would strongly advise for you to take a break and use this time that you are single to your advantage. hit the books, get the best grades you can, learn how to eat right, learn / pick up some hobbies so that you can become a more well rounded person. invest in your future.

I went 3 years, about your age, without dating. pretty much the same reason. girls weren't interested in dating a young black guy who wasn't an athlete or wasn't in a frat or wasn't etc. and it sucked, but i got tired of hitting my head against the wall and realized i just was not at that place now. It took 3 yeras for me to finally do soe **** for myself. and once i got in the gym, once i started dressing a lot better, once i had a fly car, once i became more "fun" i was beating women, hot ones, off with a stick. i went on my first date probably in may of my 20 year old year. i turned 21 in june and by august i had probably had sex with 10-12 different women. white, black, hispanic, etc.
Wow you turned it around fast