It's hard to ignore all the Bullshyte isn't it.


Jun 6, 2009
Reaction score
Lets see...this is the sort of mind numbing bunch of kunty krap bull shytethat is doing the rounds of life as we know it...
*Gay marriage
*Angela Jolie and the dumb bytch chopping off her mammaries
*Brad Pitt for not dumping the bytch a long time ago, now proving to be nothing more than a capn 'save a hoe mangina where he was once semi-alpha
*Wearing pink in support of womens issues
* Being 'culturally aware'
*Casual Fridays (these now fvck me off as it seems an excuse for stupid bytches at work to try to look sexy when in reality you are still the ugly fat bytch that was at work yesterday).
*Maternity Leave
*Left wing liberal dipshyts
*Right wingers pretending to be alpha when they are even manginafied than a lot of liberals
............thats a starting list...there are others. Feel free to let off some steam...
Sep 10, 2012
Reaction score
DownLow is that you?


Nov 4, 2010
Reaction score
Zunder said:
Lets see...this is the sort of mind numbing bunch of kunty krap bull shytethat is doing the rounds of life as we know it...
*Gay marriage
*Angela Jolie and the dumb bytch chopping off her mammaries
*Brad Pitt for not dumping the bytch a long time ago, now proving to be nothing more than a capn 'save a hoe mangina where he was once semi-alpha
*Wearing pink in support of womens issues
* Being 'culturally aware'
*Casual Fridays (these now fvck me off as it seems an excuse for stupid bytches at work to try to look sexy when in reality you are still the ugly fat bytch that was at work yesterday).
*Maternity Leave
*Left wing liberal dipshyts
*Right wingers pretending to be alpha when they are even manginafied than a lot of liberals
............thats a starting list...there are others. Feel free to let off some steam...
Rest assured that very soon, someone will come along, read your post and report you, there is currently a Jihad against posts such as these


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
Zunder, I hope that you are truly happy with your life. That your relationships are all solid and you don't get angry or depressed... but, incase you do have problems with relationships, may I suggest you reevaluate your caveman attitude?

This is 2013. Being as misogynistic as you are will never, ever attract a quality woman and, more than that, it just makes you a shtty dude.

Society has evolved to a point where we are becoming more and more accepting of our fellow man and woman. Gay marriage? Great, doesn't affect me. A mastectomy to prevent cancer - hopefully you're not actually so stupid that you think a woman doesn't deserve to live if she doesn't have breasts.

The rest of the world has been there for a while, but the West and the States (which is no doubt where you're from) is starting to catch up. The world is evolving, Zunder - and there's no further proof of that than looking at how far the rest of humanity has come, and how far behind/alone/sad you are.


( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
TheCWord said:
Zunder, I hope that you are truly happy with your life. That your relationships are all solid and you don't get angry or depressed... but, incase you do have problems with relationships, may I suggest you reevaluate your caveman attitude?

This is 2013. Being as misogynistic as you are will never, ever attract a quality woman and, more than that, it just makes you a shtty dude.

Society has evolved to a point where we are becoming more and more accepting of our fellow man and woman. Gay marriage? Great, doesn't affect me. A mastectomy to prevent cancer - hopefully you're not actually so stupid that you think a woman doesn't deserve to live if she doesn't have breasts.

The rest of the world has been there for a while, but the West and the States (which is no doubt where you're from) is starting to catch up. The world is evolving, Zunder - and there's no further proof of that than looking at how far the rest of humanity has come, and how far behind/alone/sad you are.


Zunder said:
*Left wing liberal dipshyts
I lol'd.........then I negged. Sorry cword it was the condescending smiley face at the end, I couldn't help myself. You leftoids do love your smiley faces eh? Nevermind we got a few leftards here that can rep you back I'm sure. :) :) :p :p


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
haha no worries, I'm definitely a liberal. At least more than the average poster on here.

Big Nuts

Senior Don Juan
Mar 31, 2013
Reaction score
Kill all the manginas would solve a lot of problems.

Guys like Cword are the enemy of men....took me many years to realize that white knight manginas were the problem culturally, not women.

Pathetic pedestalizing pansies who evoke the word "misogynist" whenever a man utters any level of disrespect towards a woman, irrespective of the fact that she has EARNED the disrespect.

Of course, if you generically use the term "woman", the frightened mangina is incapable of understanding the nuance that you really don't mean every woman on Earth, but instead are merely referencing your own experiences.

Manginas: dumb, pathetic, ball-less, pedestalizing, girl-less eunuchs.


Jun 6, 2009
Reaction score
It is the prominence that these things are given in the media that mystifies me. Someone assumed I was from America -- I am not. The country I am from had the Jolie thing as the LEADING item on its 6 o'clock TV news.

I kid you not.

When a story about an attention horing B-grade Actress with BPD makes the news for chopping off her teets when she did NOT have cancer is deemed SO IMPORTANT it is your fecking LEADING news item, then there is something very wrong-- and then this stupid bytch is touted as some brave leading light for women -- sorry it makes me sick, and is a slap in the face to the truly good women out there.

I am neither left nor right politically, but what I notice is some truly unimportant issues with a feminine centric are treated as oh-so important by the media. I mean, jeezuz, even the military now seems to only make the news when things like the decision allowing women into front line action was made.

Anyway -- just be yourself, open doors for women, and wear a pink tshirt and your life will be sweet.


Don Juan
Jan 7, 2013
Reaction score
TheCWord said:
Zunder, I hope that you are truly happy with your life. That your relationships are all solid and you don't get angry or depressed... but, incase you do have problems with relationships, may I suggest you reevaluate your caveman attitude?

This is 2013. Being as misogynistic as you are will never, ever attract a quality woman and, more than that, it just makes you a shtty dude.

Society has evolved to a point where we are becoming more and more accepting of our fellow man and woman. Gay marriage? Great, doesn't affect me. A mastectomy to prevent cancer - hopefully you're not actually so stupid that you think a woman doesn't deserve to live if she doesn't have breasts.

The rest of the world has been there for a while, but the West and the States (which is no doubt where you're from) is starting to catch up. The world is evolving, Zunder - and there's no further proof of that than looking at how far the rest of humanity has come, and how far behind/alone/sad you are.


The fact that you had to throw mud at someone's character and the country that he represents is a clear representation of your own insecurities.

There's really ever no reason for a man to insult another man on Sosuave as our daily lives are or SHOULD be far more important than spewing out hate on another person because your own mind is fcked up.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
South Dakota
She had an increased CHANCE of cancer, NOT a definite WILL get cancer.... Still not something I'd share with the world


Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2012
Reaction score
I always thought that people who cared so much about celebrities must have a boring life and nothing very interesting going on upstairs. I still have no clue why Angelina Jolie is so famous. I've never seen a movie she starred in that I liked. The only movie she was ever in that I thought was halfway decent was The Bone Collector, but Denzel Washington was in it too.

Any movies where she was the main "star" were usually crap and I AVOID movies that I know she plays in. They normally lack storyline, substance, and her acting ability is mediocre at best. The only thing I care about when it comes to actors is whether or not they can act and if the actor plays in entertaining movies. I really don't care what your hobbies are, what kind of car you drive or who you marry or sleep with.

Actors, while entertaining, don't really do anything that deserves the attention they get. Someone like Norman Borlaug saved around 1 billion lives yet gets almost no media attention whatsoever.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
TheCWord said:
This is 2013. Being as misogynistic as you are will never, ever attract a quality woman and, more than that, it just makes you a shtty dude.
Keep in mind that 90% of the guys here in the "Mature" Men's area share his bitterness and fear. They will therefore go apesh*t on you for calling them on their retardedness.

It's like walking into an asylum, telling everyone they're crazy, and then expecting them to come pat you on the back and thank you for enlightening them. If these guys could be enlightened, they probably wouldn't be here in the first place.


Nov 4, 2010
Reaction score
Zarky said:
Keep in mind that 90% of the guys here in the "Mature" Men's area share his bitterness and fear. They will therefore go apesh*t on you for calling them on their retardedness.

It's like walking into an asylum, telling everyone they're crazy, and then expecting them to come pat you on the back and thank you for enlightening them. If these guys could be enlightened, they probably wouldn't be here in the first place.
what the hell is going on with this forum????


Jan 13, 2013
Reaction score
we need about 5 billion people to disappear, not someone saving a billion of them.


Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2012
Reaction score
twentee said:
we need about 5 billion people to disappear, not someone saving a billion of them.
If you're talking about overpopulation, for the longest time I've believed it's a myth. I'll provide evidence (in another response) that the overpopulation myth is one of the biggest lies you've been force fed. Actually, it's more like the lie was so big that people bought into it. If you mean that most people aren't worth much and that the world would be better without some of them, the problem you run into is, who gets to decide who should stick around and who shouldn't?

The problem there is that the vast majority of the politicians and greedy corporate a-holes should be among the number that disappear because of their parasitic actions and attitudes, being the cancer to society that they are, yet they are the very ones who would try to decide who lives and who dies, if it came down to that. I think the best thing all of us can do is instead of trying to work against each other, work for our individual freedoms and/or work together to make things better for everyone.

Maybe some of the positivity would rub off on the politicians and people in the corporate world. Then instead of pursuing a parasitic type of arrangement, they would realize that a symbiotic one, where everyone benefits, is more fun and more beneficial for everyone involved, including themselves.


Master Don Juan
Apr 23, 2005
Reaction score
Oklahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the pl
Word you guys need to get over this ****. If you don't like it find a woman who has lived under a rock her whole life.. they are out there.. it took me one good verbal slap from someone on this forum a couple years ago fro me to ****ing get it... some of you dudes are in your 40's and you sound like I did at 25 bein a little *****...

In the words of a very interesting man by the name of Derrick I recently met, if you ***** out half-way, and complain out how other guys have it better than you, how they're better looking than you, and you talk yourself down constantly to avoid taking action, know in your heart, that you are a fag.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
I like casual Fridays.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
Zarky said:
Keep in mind that 90% of the guys here in the "Mature" Men's area share his bitterness and fear. They will therefore go apesh*t on you for calling them on their retardedness.
Seriously? You just can't help yourself can you sweetheart? Tell you what. If I go and slap my woman around a bit, then go on a puzzy strike for 2 weeks so you can say "I told you so" will that bring down the hate da wymminz/can't get da gurrlz to a dull roar?

This place is on the fast track to becoming a blue pill joke.


Mar 24, 2013
Reaction score
TheCWord said:
Zunder, I hope that you are truly happy with your life. That your relationships are all solid and you don't get angry or depressed... but, incase you do have problems with relationships, may I suggest you reevaluate your caveman attitude?

This is 2013. Being as misogynistic as you are will never, ever attract a quality woman and, more than that, it just makes you a shtty dude.

Society has evolved to a point where we are becoming more and more accepting of our fellow man and woman. Gay marriage? Great, doesn't affect me. A mastectomy to prevent cancer - hopefully you're not actually so stupid that you think a woman doesn't deserve to live if she doesn't have breasts.

The rest of the world has been there for a while, but the West and the States (which is no doubt where you're from) is starting to catch up. The world is evolving, Zunder - and there's no further proof of that than looking at how far the rest of humanity has come, and how far behind/alone/sad you are.

Why this motherfvcker keep posting in the Mature Man forum without getting banned? :mad: :mad: :mad: