For all men that justify cheating through "its my nature I cant help it"


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
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are you on Plenty of Fish by chance?lol


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
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kimberleah said:
Since all men are selfish, then no man in this world deserves me long term.
This, my dear students, is the textbook definition of a Damaged Goods woman. Please continue to examine her behavior and make sure to take good notes.


Also, DNFTT.



Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2008
Reaction score
But I will admit I am a man hater and thats a good reason why I am sure I will never commit- I have no hope for the vast majority of you.
You aren't really a man hater, as most here aren't really women hater. You just hate the dysfunctional nature of female-male relations that you have been brainwashed by mainstream media and sandra bulock movies to believe.
Soon or later reality hits like a hammer.

You said that

Experienced it daily and everyone told me I overanalyze...then discover this forum and literally- you all write exactly what others tell me Im crazy to think
If what we talk about here is exactly what you have been telling others, and they say you are crazy... ... consider your self lucky that you are way smarter than they are.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
Reaction score
See what happened in NYC yesterday....when infrastructure breaks down on a permanent basis.

....womyn like the OP cvnt will be raped mercilessly until they submit to male authority or be left to drown.

as it was for centuries....


Senior Don Juan
Nov 24, 2007
Reaction score
Dear fellows male posters,

stop feeding the troll / attention *****. Thank you.

Kind regards,

P.S. No, really, stop feeding her. Or him. I'm not sure.

P.P.S. Would you keep talking to this (assumed) girl for more than 30 seconds if you met her in real life? Then why is this thread already two pages long?


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
for people wondering why we have the 10 post a day rule, exhibit A

she ran through her 10 posts in like 30 minutes


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
hahah what a self-deluded idiot. 27 and started to get it? Yes, makes sense, because the wall is approaching kimberleaaaah.

Feel free to imbibe from Rollo. It will be good for your atherosclerotic vagina.

|This sure is going to be fun, as Jophil used to say, whenever a dimwit would find her way to this site.

Unfortunately for you, kimberleaaahh, you will be butchered and your ego will be in a thousand pieces before you are banned and kicked to the curb.

Here's a challenge for you, if you want to be taken seriously, post your picture.

Seriously. Put a picture of your face and let's see if you are a troglodyte or not.

I promise you that you will get the sincerest advice of your life, haha.

Because as you know, we aren't interested in fvcking that tiny brain of yours you are so proud of.

Who cares about your degrees? Who cares about who you are? Who cares about your miserable life and the fact that you hate men?

For every one of your ilk, there's 15 girls out there that we bring up through the teachings of the Don Juanism. And you know what? They are all too happy

to give mind-blowing blow-jobs to please their MAN. I know, because, I just received one. It was "We Love the Mayor" day for no reason, just like in


And we are pleased to give them our resources, affection and security.

For you and your kind? Get this:

Cheers :)


Oh by the way, it looks like you are getting snuggly with some of our members, and you look like you need validation as you are nearing expiration. I suggest you drop a note to the veteran IQQI to know how to survive in this environment. She is my precious cactus who over the years, has managed to extract droplets of attention in the hardest possible climate.

And I bet she's prettier than you. Anyway, good trolling.


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2011
Reaction score
".how about women just sucuumb to their nature and only date men with resources? This would result in 20% of the malepopulation getting sexwith tonsof partnersand theother80% of you rarely getting it and scrambling to be rich or famous to get the power to get sex. "

Umm, this is how it is right we speak.


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2011
Reaction score
vatoloco said:
This, my dear students, is the textbook definition of a Damaged Goods woman. Please continue to examine her behavior and make sure to take good notes.


Also, DNFTT.

I'm shocked that it took this long for someone to post this statement lol.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
Reaction score
kimberleah said:
As someone with an education of evolutionary biology and psychology...
Is that so?

Then how come you went on to make such a blatantly ignorant statement like this?:

Guess what? There are these things called brain cells that humans have that animals dont. Where you think beyond your evolutionary tendencies- its very hard for some of you so I sympathize- but try it.
I'm pretty sure that animals have "brain cells." In fact, even insects have neurons and glial cells. Believe it or not, much of what we know about human brains comes from studying animal brains!


Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score
while guys like me ARE rare, we DO exist, but we marry Filipinas, not spoiled US females, who don't rate the title of "woman", mostly.


Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2012
Reaction score
Her boyfriend is Gspshields2. I guess his "Ferrari Game" worked. :p

Now, if she is for real, and she isn't lying, her boyfriend is a doormat.

*Just say "NO!" to these kinds of women.
*Just say "NO!" to the self-righteous attitude.
*Just say "NO!" to women who have to tell you "I'm smart.". If she has to tell you, that means she isn't that smart.
*Just say "NO!" to disrespect from women.
*Just say "NO!" to a woman who keeps in touch with her exes while being in a relationship with you.
*Just say "NO!" to damaged women like this.
*Just say "NO!" to women who excuse gold-digging as "biological" and "natural".

This woman is creating a self-fulfilling prophesy. No man WANTS to marry a bitter woman with an entitlement complex. No man WANTS to marry a drama queen. And No man WANTS a disrespectful woman. At best, some men will find the only thing she's good for is a pump and dump. The real men won't even give her the time of day.

Her attitude will repel most men and she might attract the occasional pump and dumper. Then she will go back onto forums like these and complain about her lot in life, blaming everyone but herself and complaining how "all men are" fill in the blank.

Keep observing her behavior. She's displayed plenty of behaviors that are RED FLAGS. Take note of these behaviors so when you see it in a woman you meet, you know it's time to WALK AWAY.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
jhl said:
I'm shocked that it took this long for someone to post this statement lol.
Heh, heh.

Actually, I caught the thread at its very beginning and was gonna do my SOP "female" troll reply but saw that she was getting more incensed by the post and wanted hilarity to ensue for a little bit! ;)

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
disgustipated said:
".how about women just sucuumb to their nature and only date men with resources? This would result in 20% of the malepopulation getting sexwith tonsof partnersand theother80% of you rarely getting it and scrambling to be rich or famous to get the power to get sex. "

Umm, this is how it is right we speak.
True pretty much.

But if were going to play the how about game. What if men succumb to their nature to only have sex with or date young and very attractive women? This would result in only 5-20% of the female population getting sex and the other 80% rarely getting any men and scrambling to look better and younger, lose weight, and change their attitude to attract a man.

I could go on and on with "how about" scenarios, but that's just like a woman to not see just how damm good they have it and complain. That's feminism in a nutshell. Women essentially had "equality" prior to 1960, but they weren't happy with a husband on their looks level. Now they have every upperhand socially, politically, economically and can be hypergamous, yet still cry for more and more and complain about non-existent problems that are their own making. The answer is obvious, women don't appreciate anything and don't think men should have anything because they shouldn't have anything.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
Reaction score
Feminism was promoted for the purpose of de stabilizing society, and creating dysfunctional people. Stunted people can be brainwashed and manipulated. Rockefeller's new war (a.k.a. The War on Terror) is an extension of this elite agenda of world monopoly.

Feminism masquerades as a movement for women's rights. This kind of deception is typical of subversive movements of Communist origin. In reality, feminism is ruthlessly opposed to femininity, masculinity, heterosexuality, the nuclear family and children.

It deliberately promotes homosexuality which, according to experts, is a form of arrested development. Feminism neuters women, rendering them less fit to become wives and mothers. Men are emasculated, unable to create families, or make sacrifices for the sake for their children.

If feminism were genuine, it would have disappeared when discrimination against women ended. It continues as a tool of the elite agenda: depopulation, de stabilizing society, and dismantling Western Civilization.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
I agree feminist activists were really agent provocateurs for other agendas. Women were never discriminated against in Western society let alone just prior to the 60's. Women simply had different roles more suitable for them. Women aren't suited for the things they are allowed to do today.

My mom is 43 years older than me. She only had a high school diploma and as a young single female in the 1950's worked briefly in the aviation industry, on some of the first computers in the insurance industry, for the State, enrolled briefly at the state university in the late 1940's to early 50's, worked in US post office etc. This was all in a "conservative" midwestern town not some super liberal or whatever large city. She probably bounced around form what would be good careers because she didn't really want to work and be a career woman. All the jobs she held were before the 60's and the "feminist movement" and getting married.

Women were never really discriminated against. That's just more BS lies people today are told. Feminism is just females complaining when they have nothing to be complaining about. Feminism is just women wanting to be hypergamous and having "penis envy".

Women were always taken care over even prior to the 60's. My dad once mentioned when he was single in the '50's to early 60's working at General Motors that some girl working there complained to management that he promised to marry her when he never did. They use to have what was called a "breech of promise" back then. Here you had a woman working at a very well paying job and fabricating a breach of promise to cause some drama way back before the second wave "feminist movement". Feminism was a "solution" in search of a problem.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
You guys have certainly fattened up this troll.

Sounds like some loser dude looking for a little self-amusement.

If it is an actual female AW, why jump all over her bait and answer rationally, the very thing that works against us when they sh!t test? (S)he will not comprehend your rational thoughts.

Methinks a changing of the frame is in order for his (her) second salvo tomorrow.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
Burroughs said:
See what happened in NYC yesterday....when infrastructure breaks down on a permanent basis.

....womyn like the OP cvnt will be raped mercilessly until they submit to male authority or be left to drown.

as it was for centuries....
I was kind of thinking the same thing. There's no need to respond to this woman as Life itself will take care of her attitude bringing her one day to her knees crying wondering how bad things could happen to her. We'll see how wonderful and independent she is then.