I felt this way for a while. I think it's part of the process, though. Like... when we first come here, we're confronted with the fact that the way we thought about women and how they act was WRONG all these years. We come here thinking they're sweet and innocent but misguided and unaware of their choices, only to discover that they actually DO know what they're doing, and they're doing it on purpose to us.
This can sting, because no guy likes the idea of thinking that all the girls we pursued based upon perceived interest from them actually had no interest in us. It makes us feel like we were used ("I went on all these dates with a girl, and she didn't even REALLY like me?!?" "I did x, y, and z for this chick, and THIS is why I didn't get any action from her?!?"), mistreated ("But she did this and this to me, telling me it was ME who needed to change?!?") and had our insecurities pit against us.
Eventually, though, I got over it. Part of it was realizing that I was not going to have a chance to get with any of the girls I knew at the time, and that, going forward, I had to interact with new girls in a way that didn't show off such AFCish behavior. During my AFC days I wasn't good at or comfortable doing the things guys to do show girls interest (thus always coming from the "friends first" angle). Once I got past that and started being more confident in who I was, I started liking girls more again.
What also helped was realizing that they had a different way of communicating than guys do. We tend to be more direct with things (except our feelings) whereas they tend to hint more at stuff and not be so direct (except with their feelings, lol). Once I was able to start picking up on the little hints being thrown my way, it made things less confusing and more fun for me in terms of dealing with them.