Pedestals, Desperation and Emotions


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2010
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Standing At The Crossroads

Got to thinking. We all know that we should not put a woman on a pedestal. Why, it takes away a mans power in a relationship. Reward good behavior yes. Pedestals no.

But, why do men do it? I say desperation. Desperate for what? Poon? Validation? You feel like you have to have a GF? There are many answers.

But here is the kicker. What if she puts you on the pedestal? Should you sit on your lofty perch and enjoy all of the attention? I say yes to this. Why? Because then you have the power in the relationship. Then again, why would a woman put a man on that there pedestal? The only answer I could come up with is EMOTIONS.

Whatcha all think?


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
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5string said:
What if she puts you on the pedestal? Should you sit on your lofty perch and enjoy all of the attention? I say yes to this. Why? Because then you have the power in the relationship. Then again, why would a woman put a man on that there pedestal? The only answer I could come up with is EMOTIONS.

Whatcha all think?
I think that even though she might put you on a pedestal, you still need to be vigilant and always run Game. 'Til the day you die. So that you're on that pedestal until you expire.

My current GF worships the ground I walk on and has me on a very tall pedestal. I realize this through her actions. However, I know that I cannot be complacent and do AFC things (not that I could anymore -- I've assimilated Game into my Life where it's now a part of me -- I'm on autopilot now).

Ideally I think it should be this way: she pedestals you because you truly are The Prize. She is lucky to have you because you are an exceptional Man, who all other females lust after. She was the lucky Chosen One from among dozens of vaginas willing and able to fuck your brains out.

So not only do you provide her with a range of emotions throughout your relationship, the fact that she is the one that finally "tamed you" ;) might give her that "good feeling" of social proof among her peers (women) where she was the winner of the most valuable asset among females: the time and attention of an in-demand Good Man.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Women put guys on pedestals if they are high value, preferably the total package. They want guys that will make other girls envious. That gives them status among their fellow women.

To be on a pedestal means they are looking up at your value. Guys who put girls on pedestals think they are higher value than themselves (because of their beauty generally), and want the validation that comes from dating them.

They think that if they can get this hot girl, that means they're higher value themselves. Same thing for women. It's all about value.

Juan Don

Don Juan
Nov 6, 2011
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5string said:
But here is the kicker. What if she puts you on the pedestal? Should you sit on your lofty perch and enjoy all of the attention? I say yes to this. Why? Because then you have the power in the relationship. Then again, why would a woman put a man on that there pedestal? The only answer I could come up with is EMOTIONS.

Whatcha all think?
i believe this. it's good to let her invest in you too. it shows that she values you. always give less. she will appreciate you more for that.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2005
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It's simple

A man should define himself by his accomplishments achievements etc. (doesn't always happen)

A woman defines herslef by her relationships.

It's part of the physiological aspect of humans.

In order to provide strength you must go forth and prosper

Weakness is defined by reliance. (Don't get me wrong no one can exist without some reliance on others, but it should never be a focus)

Women need men to be pillars of strength and men need to act strong.

Anything else is incongruent.

Problem is that hot women make men crazy and somehow it turns them into supplicating betas which I believe is a subconscious response to suggest I do not measure up therefore I will give you such vibes so that you will not pick me as I am not a suitable partner.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2012
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1) Inexperienced guys will find themselves on this pedestal and since they feel so high they become complacent: they will feel so above everything that they lose awareness of the dangers of not sticking to their game. In other words, since they become complacent with their position they will take advantage, become carelesss until they tumble off and in their fall start supplicating to their girl because they really want to get back on that high pedestal, but the more they try the more they sink and her pedestal rises.

Lesson: don't let it get to your head, where arrogance takes over.

2)Yes, I agree, that a woman places high value on her man but even MORE value on what her fellow females think of her and her man. The more she has you on a pedestal the more other girls feel jealous/attracted/interested.... She knows that if she has her man on a pedestal and treating him great, other girls will notice that you have all her attention.

Lesson: don't let it get to your head: You are special first and fore-most because You feel special about yourself...her putting you on a pedestal is not that big a deal cause it's not that surprising, right? It's just a bonus.

Somethin' of that nature ;)


Don Juan
Nov 1, 2008
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Good post nighthawk. I realized that this is my problem today. I have no problem being single, doing things to improve and build my self esteem. i have no real problem getting women and keeping interest for several dates and eventually lead them into a LTR. My problem comes where you commented. My problem is staying consistent and doing the same things I would do if I were single while still in the LTR. I believe that is the key to being in a relationship, because otherwise you are changing who you are because of her.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Order in the court!

Desperation makes guys shop at Pedestals R' Us. The man is to be the prize. Putting a girl you desire on a pedestal shows that you are weak, and that she has the power. :eek:

Women often times have power when lots of men, both in real life and Facebook, give them attention. What do you do? Easy. Remember that if you destroy the girl's pedestal, you might be destroying her vaginal walls that night! :cool:

And if she puts you on a pedestal, you still need to keep on your toes. Don't let a woman think she has you. Women want what they can't have. Be that type of guy. :yes:

All guys, for the most part, want a woman in their life. Getting one can be tough. Make sure you have options, and you'll give these girls the pedestal you bought, so that they put YOU on it. Don't give up your power. Don't let the 'gina control you. That's Judge nismo's orders and his ruling.

Case closed. :rockon:


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
nismo-4 said:
Order in the court!

Desperation makes guys shop at Pedestals R' Us. The man is to be the prize. Putting a girl you desire on a pedestal shows that you are weak, and that she has the power. :eek:

Women often times have power when lots of men, both in real life and Facebook, give them attention. What do you do? Easy. Remember that if you destroy the girl's pedestal, you might be destroying her vaginal walls that night! :cool:

And if she puts you on a pedestal, you still need to keep on your toes. Don't let a woman think she has you. Women want what they can't have. Be that type of guy. :yes:

All guys, for the most part, want a woman in their life. Getting one can be tough. Make sure you have options, and you'll give these girls the pedestal you bought, so that they put YOU on it. Don't give up your power. Don't let the 'gina control you. That's Judge nismo's orders and his ruling.

Case closed. :rockon:
pedestals r' us rotfl

i have to disagree with you overall though

this is one issue, if one issue, I think I understand fully.

pedestals doesn't have as much to do with desire as it has to do with seeking validation.

(to steal one from robert greene a.k.a 48 laws of power)

let's not use the word pedastal. instead of pedestal, i think a more accurate analogy is a time glass. one side of the time glass is how you feel about yourself. the other half, is how you want other people to feel about you.

regardless, there is a finate amount of "sand" in your esteem. either you can fill it yourself, or you can look to other people to fill it for you. This is the true nature of the pedestal. when you put a woman on a pedestal. you are in essence saying, I don't approve of myself and I need you to approve of me by accepting me. therefore you naturally worship her more because you don't' want to lose her and you want to make her happy.

on the other hand, when the self esteem side of the hour glass is full with sand, and there isn't very much on the validation from others side, then I mean, there might be some sand in there, but not very much and the more you like yourself and approve of yourself, the more you do not seek it from others, the more you are not outcome dependant on your actions with a particular woman.

\the premise being that everyone at the end of the day wants to feel loved and approved. either if it's by them, or by themselves.

this, is how i was able to stay sane while going 3 years without a woman. beucase even though i did not get any, i really was liking myself and likgin what i was trying to accomplish. this is why some guys can't go weeks or months without being in some relationship with anything.

if you are putting a woman on a pedstal the quesion you really should be asking is why do I want this persons approval.

and it's usually not that cut and dry. for instance, kat, the girl that brought me here. in retrospect, I mean, i was an All star AFC but she made me jump to hall of fame status the way i treated her, and the reason she did was because i wanted her particular approval, in retrospect not only because she was smoking hot, but because she was what i thought at the time was my prototypical dream girl. she was cultured, she came form some money, she was a "good girl", she went to a private school, she was a girl who I knew even then was going to be someone and I desperately needed for her to tell me that i was special too, by accepting me and the reason I needed her to tell me that so bad, was because at the time I could not look in the mirror and accecpt me for who I was. I did not like who I was as a person, I did not like my work ethic, I did not like where I was going in life.

10 years later, my wife is even more of the woman I dreamed about marrying one day and I have no problem treating her like a regular woman, and the reason I can do that is yeah, part of it is that i am attractive and can go back on the market if need be, but most of it is beucase she does not make me who i am, i don't need her approval to like me today. i like me regardless of what anyone else thinks of me.

it wasn't just because she was "hot". and she was very very hot. still is honestly. it was because she embodied what i wanted in a woman and because at the time in my life, i was on no path whatsoever to do anything whatsoever really, all i could do, all i could offer, was AFCism

The question, the 1,000,000,000 dollar question everyone should ask themselves,a and the asnswer is different for everyone, is how can I honestly, like, and approve of the person who is in the mirror. For my mother it's by throwing herself in god's word. she could care less how much money she makes though he does very well for self. she is a very confident woman. she's anything if sure of herself just like her son. but you have to ask yourself this and you can't lie to yourself. and whatever it is, you need to work on that. We were actually watching a PBS documentry on peter and paul 2 nights ago (i'm such a nerd), and I find paul a very interesting character in teh bible. The man did not lack for confident whatsoever. he knew exactly what he was put here to do in his mind and that was to not only convert person to the word of god but convert gentiles to the word of god. he never faultered, despite jailings, beatings, banishment, living the life of a nomad, he got his satisfaction by being true to himself. never compromising.

the thing is, really happy people, do not compromise their happiness. every time you compremise your happiness, you are moving sand over to the validation side of the hour glass.

the more i worked, the more i developed me, the less AFC became. almost as if it was natural.

Then again, why would a woman put a man on that there pedestal?
The same reason men would. it has nothing to do with the different sexes.

the thing is, I don't want a woman to put me on a pedestal no more than a woman wants it. My wife LOVES me, and she is really into me and i am really into her but she doesn't worship me. she has no problem telling me about myself when i need to be told about myself which is often enough. i want to be treated like the dude I am. not some demi god. As confident / demanding as i can be i would run through a woman with no backbone with the quickness. any woman who can date me for a long period of time i assure you if antyhing, is not afraid of me. they will respect me and what i do and how i do it but they aren't afraid of me or afraid to tell me
something or afraid to act a certain way around me

this dynamic is why guys just don't cure their issues with prostitutes or paid sex; it's not the sex from a beautiful woman that a man wants, he wants to know that she is enjoying having sex with him. I mean, we want sex, but it's more than just insert here that we want.
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Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2010
Reaction score
Standing At The Crossroads
backbreaker and others:

You guys are always very insightful. Getting back to the question though, why do women put men on pedestals? I originally thought it was simply emotions. Now that I think about it, after reading nismos post as well as the others, I believe it is confirmation to the female hamster that you have demonstrated high value. You are "worth" a great deal. At least as far as the hamster has concluded.

I won't sit here and brag about myself. Heck, I'm over 50. By now I should have learned more about life than the younger guys. Although professional and college educated, Mrs.5string relies on me to a degree for the lifestyle she lives this day. We really are a team. She brings home some bucks as do I. I think she relalizes I could have options in the blink of an eye which keeps her IL up. She also knows that I don't "need" anyone. I am my own man and she knows it all too well. Given this, I am of the opinion that somehow, somewhere, she has decided that she is fortunate to have me. I reciprocate by treating her very well. I have oneitis for her. Heck, I married her right? Thing is I just don't wear my heart on my sleave. Only a part of it. As tough as this may sound, even in marriage, that little hamster has to be aware that the man still, and can remain independent of any woman, married or otherwise.

To remain on my pedestal, that little bitty hamster needs to know I have options if need be.

Some on here say that women want what they can't have. This is true, but I also think women want what they might not be able to keep.

Think about it.