i watched this go long enough and i had to finally say something. wtf happened to this place. wtf happened to the pua community in general..posts that i read from years and years ago on this site and various sites are not this bitter.
men, what has happened? all this female blaming, all this bitterness, all this bs about how women have it better than us? really?! as men we have a clear gender privledge in most facits of life, and if you are a white male, even more so. thats how the world is and to even deny it shows lack of objectivity and an ignorance to how our society, let alone the whole world really is.
i swear to god its pathetic even reading any forums anymore, because it seems more about chasing tail no matter what the cost(money, dignity, standards) and many guys in the community seem to get all in a tizzy if women dont screw them or treat sex the way men do. sure some women suck, but there are def lots of good ones out there. how about using to reflection and look at ourselves like we should be doing.
none of this AFC bitter whining and misogyny. yes i said some of its misogyny...hell one guy here even said he think about **** like what that murder Sodini did. if thats not misogyny i dont know what is....and Sodini was the epitome of a fvking loser.
20 years no sex and hes blaming women and kills them? and to even find some silly "mens rights" sites praising his actions is fvking retarded. the guy was not a bad looking cat, wasnt super short, and made good loot. if a white male in western society who has enough money saved up to leave his alma mater a quarter million cant get himself laid, the problem was him.
brothers, we must look at our own faults before trying to blame others. I kind of wish i stuck to reading the ebooks and did not even end up in forums. For while i do love the way alot of this self helping knowledge, i have become disgusted at our collective behavior. sometimes i just wanna walk away from all i have learned and just be myself like i always have just to not associate with any negativity that i find.
work on yourselves first and a happy life will follow. hell now all the things i do now...working out...doing well in school...trying to land a good job...thinking positive thoughts...i do them because it all makes me happier and know ill lead a fun life. not because im using it all to band women...not anymore...they will always be there...but i have to enjoy who i am as a person.
when you can do things for yourself and be the best you that you can be...without the motive underneath to get women...things will fall into place....alot of guys here...and that Sodini fellow just fulfill a self defeating prophecy when they dont place their ultimate value on how they view themselves.
we are always saying that each individual needs to see themselves as the prize(and women should too), but a lot of the discussions in the pua community show anything but.
i await the response telling me how wrong or misguided i am. but i love and respect all people...and love women....but like someone else said...i wont hate the player or the game...i will beat the game.