Al Mohsetax's DJ Bootcamp journal

Al Moh.

Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2008
Reaction score
My own thread. Pretty cool, right?

So this will be about my personal BC experience. It'll start on May 15th. Which is in 5 days actually.

I've had a bad "social collabs" if you can call it like that. What I mean is, the first half of 2008, after I found this site, everything was great, since I still went to school and was able to train my social skills and those DJ techniques every day on lots of different girls. But since I almost exclusively used school for DJing, I never learned street oder club approaches (as I've never been such a club person). Since last summer, I've got a job were all my coworkers are at least 15 years older, and my social circle spread out because most of them go to university now, so I just see them like once a week. So my social skills pretty much went down the drain, quickly followed first by my success and then by my confidence.

I'll be done with my job at the end of May, so this might be a good time right now to start back where I left last summer. As the person I always wanted to be!

First exercises will be to greet 50 strangers with a simple hello and do 2 hours of Eye contact. Pretty straight forward. So stay tuned.

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Nice dude, good to see you starting a journal. I know it can be tough when u r dragged out of ur comfort zone, but these sort of things is what makes a man, what dosn't kill u only makes u stronger. Also looks like u can work more on the cold approach side, with time these will become your social circles and you would of literally build these out of nothing, while everyone else around u would have to try to make stuff from what is given to them.

Al Moh.

Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2008
Reaction score
SO I'm done with week 1. There just isn't much to say, you really just have to do it, the first few Hi's are difficult but then your confidence goes up and it gets easier and more fun.

I experimented with different greetings, greeting people of different age of gender, groups etc.

That's about it. My report for next week will be more interesting since I am going to write about the different convos ;)
Oct 22, 2008
Reaction score
Have you started to exercise as well as take the dj bootcamp? Exercise is like finding the best weapon in an rpg game, it helps you out alot and its worth every sweat. You will be become more aplhamaleish and you will own the world with your attitude and your new confidence.

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Very nice dude, I didn't expect u to get all of them today. u got extra day left before week 2, so just take it easy for now man and maybe get some reading material done.

And yeh week 1 dosn't really show that much of a person, i guess it just tells u who is serious about this thing or not, but things will start to get interesting soon don't u worry.

Al Moh.

Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2008
Reaction score
Yup, I do exercise, however I don't have a good routine right now, I just go to the gym every week and do the things I feel like doing. But still it's better then nothing and I always feel great after that.

So here is how it went today (week 2 BC):

New week has started (somehow I am really lazy on weekends right now, got to change that), so I did my first 3 convos today:

- One was at work at our local sportsclub, talked to this woman who has her own group about excactly that and then she asked me what I would do (I only work there for another week).

- second one at the gym, short convo with a guy about weather, workout, etc, small-talk

- third one with the woman at the bar (gym too). How they had problems with water etc^^

Then this HB came up to the counter to give her key back and I catch her looking at me, so she quickly looks down and then right when I look away back at me. I was about to approach when an older woman comes up to her, her mother...
Well I chickened out, I don't have the balls yet to approach a girl in front of her mother.

Al Moh.

Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2008
Reaction score
Yeah so I'm done now. Some notes:

- It's always funny how I usually think: "Nah, they don't want to talk to me right now, they got stuff to do." But when I approach then their faces light up and they seem to be really happy to talk to me. It's true, most people want to meet new people they just don't start a convo by themself. Well, a few do and I always find those people most interesting who start a convo with me.

- I got to practice on turning the convo more on them. It's easier with older people, they tend to "lecture" me on their life experiences ;). But with younger guys or girls, they always send me every question back wanting to know what I do etc.

That's it for now...

Al Moh.

Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2008
Reaction score
Out of the BC but still in the game.

New goals:

1) Limit PC-time to one hour a day: You gain so much time, I know I'll get a lot of stuff done.
2) Do some Hi's every day: Just to keep warm.
3) Keep practicing EC and smiles: So confident EC is no problem anymore, but I want to learn how to flirt with the eyes. And the smile is still sometimes difficult, depending on my mood.
4) 7 convos a week, so I am going to try to get one convo a day. Any stranger will be fine, I am going to completely destroy any shyness left within me and I want to pratice pacing my targets first so it's easer to open them up. Over time I will try to throw more and more HBs in + number closes, every number close will be used if I am really interested and it wasn't just to practice.

Yeah, so basically this is a slower version of the official BC.

Good thing about this is that my convo skills will stick with me this time because I will keep practicing them over a much longer period. That goes for all of the skills in the BC.
Bad thing about this type of BC, it's even more important to stay motivated. Yet, with all of this time I get from my computer diet and this journal right here I should stay on track.

Al Moh.

Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2008
Reaction score
Yeah so today was fine, with all the extra time I got a lot of stuff done it's incredible ;)

So basically what I am doing is following the 8 gates by Senior Fingers:

1) EC -> I got that down pretty much.
2) Talking to strangers -> So today I talked with one of the women working at the post office, she noticed that I was there the second time in two days which brought us to the subject of my career etc. Well, she hadn't got enough time to talk more, people usually ask me about myself I have to practice turning the convo on them more.
3) Talking to women: I'm throwing some in here and there. I plan on Numberclosing the one at the gym from BC week 3. The first one I wasn't really interested in, just talked to practice, the third one was from out of town and is gone now.
4) Interesting conversation. It's not my focus right now but I try whenever the convo is going well ;)
5) Kino: I'm still experimenting with friends, my convos with strangers (including girls) don't last long enough yet.
6) Connection: I'll definitely try the destiny thing.
7) Sex: Yeah, I'm on that one.
8) Becoming the life of the party: I hope all those other things will add up. Next time I go to a party I'll try to play host as MOTU described it.

Today I also tried to shut down my internal dialog while walking through town. Damn, I haven't had that much fun on my own for a long time. I noticed so many odd things around me and a few times I just broke out in laughter (other people looked at me like I'm crazy).

Yeah, so remember, every moment is a chance to learn and grow!