4 Words Guaranteed to Raise Her Interest Level---your opinions


Senior Don Juan
Feb 26, 2005
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Now I was just browseing through the DJ archives for tips to refine my game-and I stumbled across this article by Basic Instinct dealing with how to raise a woman's Interest Level. the post reads as follows:
4 Words Guaranteed to Raise Her Interest Level

Alright, I am about to divulge four words that I guarantee will raise the interest level of a girl. If this girl has even the slightest romantic interest in you, these words will immediately raise it, and, if the proper follow-up is used, they will lead to sex.

I've tested this out and have gotten laid many times by saying this. The lowest effect I've had with these words is a girl calling me for a week.

Ok, so what are the four little words you ask?

During a conversation with the girl, you need to casually and nonchalantly say these words. DO NOT LOOK AT HER WHILE SAYING THIS. Look behind her, look at a wall, but say these words without any hint of emotion, as if you were telling her the weather:

"I'm bored with sex."

The minute you say these words, bells are going to go off in the girl's head. What does he mean he's bored with sex? Aren't all guys obsessed with it? What could be wrong with him?

But subconsciously what she is really going to be thinking is, "Why aren't I turning him on?"

The girl will respond to you by saying something like, "What do you mean?"

Now here, the follow-up is very important, perhaps more so than the initial four words. You need to choose your words carefully and give the impression that:

a) you are so "above" sex that you couldn't care less about it, and

b) you're looking for something (or someone) challenging.

Do not try to give her the impression that you are a player or that you've had sex with a lot of women. That is self-defeating and will be counter-productive to your goal. Here is an example of a good follow-up:

"Well, what I mean is that most of the women I've seen have all been the same. I'm looking for something (pause) a little more challenging and different. It seems like I haven't met anyone who has that certain (pause) energy that I'm seeking."

At this point, most girls who are interested will respond by saying something like, "Well, maybe you just haven't met the right person yet."

If she responds by saying this, DON'T LOSE YOUR COOL YET. Keep the aloof image and simply reply with a simple "maybe". This will make her try to prove to you that she is different and does have that energy that you're seeking.

In other words, she will try to validate her sexuality by seducing you.

If, however she wants more info from you, simply change the subject. This means you've raised her interest level, but you're going to have to work on it a bit more to get her. Either way, though, this is a great way to raise her interest in you and differentiates you from the rest of the wusses out there.

Now I dont know if I really agree with this article-if you bring up sex she is going to think thats all you want from her is an sexual adventure-and that might be cool if you dealing with a whacked out nympho-but usually a woman would laugh and say,"thats too bad" and write you off as a dude who couldnt resist talking about sex-what do you guys think?


Don Juan
Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
Denver, CO
nice man...ive used similar words on a girl once and we ended up having sex all night long! (i said "I wont have sex with you even if you begged me" in the context that she was afraid i was using her for sex so it showed that i didnt need sex)

....but i like "im bored with sex" ...ill have to try it out i wouldnt mind results like yours lol


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2006
Reaction score
South Carolina, USA
HarlequinMan said:
nice man...ive used similar words on a girl once and we ended up having sex all night long! (i said "I wont have sex with you even if you begged me" in the context that she was afraid i was using her for sex so it showed that i didnt need sex)

....but i like "im bored with sex" ...ill have to try it out i wouldnt mind results like yours lol
Yeah, but that's because you are from Denver. The coolest chicks in the world are there. LOL.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
The only way to see if those for words are good is to try em out. I remember reading that post long ago.. But, I dont remember if I tried it.


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2006
Reaction score
Joking with chicks that I'm celibate has gotten me laid quite a few times. It's kinda funny what actually works.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 26, 2005
Reaction score
yea-never really tried this before so I was thinkin givin it a try-what it all boils down is the delivery-you could say about anything if its delivered right


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
Really bright

I can see why this would work with most women, by bringing up sex first you communicate you're not needy and that you're confortable talking about it vs the guys who are so nervous to even talk about underwear.

Women look as the sex topic in a convesation as a secret weapon, if you're cool and you tease her and make her laugh, then you might get a coupls of "tests" from her.

So if you're doing everything right and getting her turned on she will probably think "This guy is cool, but wait that can't be, all guys are the same, I'm going to bring up sex and he's gonna fall for it in seconds"
which is true, most guys would, but if you already have her turned on then chances are, you know what you're doing.

I'm deffenitely gonna try this one out :up:

DJ Barcardi

Apr 18, 2009
Reaction score
Bump! Im going to try this. This is good advice, Alot of AFC threads lately...
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
I think I'll try that out too myself for kicks and see what sort of reaction I get. It seems simple enough on principle. Since I haven't disclosed to anyone that I am a virgin in real life, then I could play with this line.

If this works within three tries, I'm adding this poster to my special list of inspirational posters.