Hey DJs everywhere,
I've been seeing this girl for 2 months now. We're both 15 years old.
She's nice, she's amazing, and I'm happy with her.
Recently, we've been talking about our relationship, if we were official, and she tells me that I'm too special to risk at the moment, and that it's too soon from her last breakup. She was kinda overlapping her ex and me when we were first seeing each other.
But I understand, and I've been giving her time and space.
I know for a fact that 3 other guys like her, and I get jealous easily. How do I know if she's committed to me, if she wants to be with me? If she's not seeing other guys? I really like this girl and I don't want to miss her.
We've already started 2nd base (touching) physically, so I wonder about her commitment emotionally.
I've been seeing this girl for 2 months now. We're both 15 years old.
She's nice, she's amazing, and I'm happy with her.
Recently, we've been talking about our relationship, if we were official, and she tells me that I'm too special to risk at the moment, and that it's too soon from her last breakup. She was kinda overlapping her ex and me when we were first seeing each other.
But I understand, and I've been giving her time and space.
I know for a fact that 3 other guys like her, and I get jealous easily. How do I know if she's committed to me, if she wants to be with me? If she's not seeing other guys? I really like this girl and I don't want to miss her.
We've already started 2nd base (touching) physically, so I wonder about her commitment emotionally.