Penkitten, just out of curiosity, did you develop a fever or any other physical symptoms when you found out you had Herpes? Or just the lumps/ulcerations?
i thought i was going to die.
for a few days, i had felt like i was coming down with the flu. achey all over, swollen lymph nodes and then the fever came. the next day , the guy i was dating , who i thought had the flu also, came down with a million chicken pox looking like bumps that started at his belly button and went to his knees. i thought damn he never got the chicken pox?
then in the shower, i noticed i had one bump on me right on the part of the skin where your leg meets your pelvic area. it looked just like his. i was freaking out cause i had already had chicken pox.
then he thought maybe it was herpes. and then i thought wtf herpes?
so he went to sleep and i got online and found and and thats when i realised he cheated on me and i was upset.
so he went to the dr cause his were worse and i went to find out what it was. it was herpes. then i went to the std clinic and not only did i have herpes but that freak gave me clamydia too. so here i was trying not to touch the door ways on the way out of that place with an armload of prescriptions.
during my sleep one night, that sore poped between my leg and pelvic area and it spread. i had about 8 in all. they hurt really bad, like chicken pox hurts. then they cleared up like the chicken pox did.
basically herpes is reoccuring chicken pox on the genitals or the mouth or eye or nose or ear. (places you can spread it)
i never had a re occurance down there, however i now get cold sores on my upper lip every now and then.
if i feel a certain tingle or i have been sick where my resistance would be low, or terribly stressed out, i take lysine and vit c and that helps me not to break out. sometimes i take valtrex but rarely.
my husband gio, got it before we met from someone else also. he rarely experiences break outs either and doesnt take any vitamins or meds. he never gets cold sores on his lips at all.
however, i know people from h chat that have break outs each month. you just never know how your body would react to anything.