Boys, ever hear of the 8 circuits of consciousness? Not everyone, in fact, very few people possess the upper four circuits, from my understanding. If something such as these 8 circuits exists, yet few people can use them, is it not possible that psychic 'powers' are real? Cetainly, a lot of people are f'ed up and blieve they have these powers when they obviously don't, but that does not change the fact that psychic stuff has never really been proved or disproved.
Funny thing too, is that the upper 4 circuits can all be triggered by illegal substances(weed, LSD, mescalin), while alcohol triggers only the most primitive circuits. I agree with ice Hawk, that people have a government approved window through which they experience the world. Did you know that LSD used to be legal and used in the field of psychology for treatment? Obviously, high amounts of LSD will **** you up, but used in moderation and responsably, LSD would probably make this world a better place.
But of course, a government approved, packed and ready to go person would not believe this, even though it is true.
Be open to possibilities. Nothing exists but possibilities, anyway. Know that whether or not you choose to believe PS works, your choice does not affect whether, indeed, PS works, and in fact, is just YOUR belief, nothing more, nothing less.