Objective: The Infinity Gauntlet: Why you fight WARS WITHOUT END!

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
On the Frontlines
Yo Troops!

After I had fought my way through the hordes of enemy embankments (women's last minute resistance), dodged myriad aerial attacks (brainwashing tactics used by women to rob a man of believing in his OWN prize-ability), and rooted out many double agents (men who I THOUGHT were on OUR side, but were really embittered soldiers hell-bent on crushing the morale of the enlisted men), I suddenly discovered something-----I was all ALONE! What the FUKK????

"Where are the men who see women as MORE than just tools for their own amusement and sexual gratification?" "Where are the MATURE MEN?" "What happened to my Band of Brothers?" I thought to myself. So without hesitation, I have fought my way BACK to you on THIS, the most WORTHY of rescue missions. I have come back to throw a lifeline to all of you who I fear have been losing your grip. For Victory Unlimited's motto is NO GOOD MAN LEFT BEHIND.

Bruised, battered, but UNBOWED, I enter the Bunker of Bitterness where I have found MANY of you. With my right hand I slam the iron door behind me, and with my left, I lay my weapon down at my side. Many of you recognize me, and react by standing to attention. But this is not necessary, soldiers…AT EASE. This is not a time for explosions, but for EXPLANATIONS.

And so, the Briefing Session begins:

Many of you soldiers here are caught up in a War Without End. You are constantly repeating the same tactics and expecting DIFFERENT results. Many would call this the definition of Insanity. But its' MORE than that. Many of you are trapped into constantly running what is called THE INFINITY GAUNTLET.

What is The Infinity Gauntlet? Well soldiers, The Infinity Gauntlet is a wartime scenario wherein the man involved keeps fighting the SAME battle over and over again with the same result. And the result is that he ALWAYS loses. He NEVER wins. If you still don't get the picture, think "Ground Hog Day", but with MORE guns!

Do you find yourself going through the same things all the time with women? Sometimes this is due to the women alone, but many times it is due to the lack of training of the man himself. Those soldiers stuck inside the endless loop of repetitive combat over the same male/female relationship issues must come to realize that the perception of diferentiality is a façade. For when you look deeper into the scenario, and into your enemy's eyes, you will see that she is the SAME woman, with only a different FACE.

Soldiers, no matter how many battles you fight, no matter what the outcome, the one X-Factor you cannot afford to allow is YOU. Interactions with women in times of war (times before you have fully assessed her compatibility with yours) are filled with many unknowns. The path is a long one, rife with many mine fields---step off the path (the path of self-knowledge and self-actualization) and you can end up dead. Only a fool rushes off to war unarmed---especially when it comes to having knowledge of HIMSELF. Those who choose to fight the battle THIS way are often casualties of war due to being hit by the AMBUSH BUG!

What is the AMBUSH BUG?

The Ambush Bug is a man-made virus---concocted by the soldier himself due mostly to ignorance---intentional, or accidental. It is a kind of chemical warfare that takes place during the battle of the sexes. It infects a man's system to a point whereas he loses his objectivity. He also loses his immunity to the feminine wiles of his enemy.

The Ambush Bug contagion manifests, or SPREADS in two ways, soldiers:

1.The Ambush Bug is anything you don't know about yourself and your own motivations that hits you by surprise in your fight to find a quality woman.


2. The Ambush Bug is also anything that you don't know about THE WOMAN herself and her motivations that hits you by surprise as you fight to find a quality woman.

And now, I must interrupt this briefing due to receiving a communiqué from headquarters. It seems many of you here, in fact, DON'T know what a quality woman IS. The following definition taken from a book located in the Pussssy Section of the Pentagon's War Room is for your benefit:

A Quality Woman is a woman of "quality". I will go out on a limb here and assume that we all know what a WOMAN is, so I'll just expand on the word "quality". A woman of quality is one with distinction. She displays traits, characteristics, behaviors, and degrees of excellence that DISTINGUISHES her from the rest. Distinguished from the rest of who? From the garden variety whhores and biitches, just to name a few.

What makes a woman a woman of quality are the same things that make your friends, your car, your house, and your career, things of quality: YOU choose THEM. And the reason you chose them was because you realized that all of these things mentioned ADDED value to your life. So therefore, you JUDGED them as being "qualified" to be included in your life.

Yes, it's a well understood fact that the vast majority of women that you encounter ARE NOT worthy of the consideration of exclusivity. But SOME are. This Briefing Session is for those who have NOT abandoned all hope and are still open to ALL possibilities life may have in store.

Now for those soldiers NOT looking for a quality woman, I question your cause here in THIS particular forum, and the reasons why you fight. It's possible that you could be either Casual Cadets or Soldiers of Fortune, motivated by self-interest alone. In which case, I salute you AND respect the choice you have made, but this briefing IS NOT for those who aspire to live their lives ONLY up to the level of a Mercenary----so you need not continue reading beyond this point.

Now, are there any more questions on definitions of Quality Women, or any other such rudimentary concepts? No? Well men, let us move on to the definitions of what types of soldiers fall prey to The Ambush Bug more often than any others. Let's speak on the subject of RECKLESS RECRUITERS.
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Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
On the Frontlines

Reckless Recruiters are men who are magnets for mayhem (more on Mayhem Magnetism later…). These men, due to falling prey to the biological, chemical, and emotional infections that result from being hit with the Ambush Bug, make wrong choices in women without knowing the reasons why.

That's why it's called an AMBUSH---they don't know what hit'em! They are victims of the recklessness they continuously display in their selection processes. And like the women many of them THINK of as their enemies, these men take NO responsibility for their actions or inactions.

During my tour of duty, I have seen many battlefields, hospitals, and graveyards littered with the bodies of good men who have fallen victim to the devastating after effects of being hit by the Ambush Bug. Numerous amounts of you naïve soldiers fly into the beds of the WRONG women due to ignorance of who YOU are and who THEY are----like kamikazes on a suicide mission.

Those who survive the Ambush Bug are often injured or crippled by the experience of either constantly picking the wrong woman, or destroying the interest level of the right woman. Less than perfect relationship experiences or lack of knowledge has blinded them to the point where they don't have any idea what a wholesome, healthy interaction with a woman even looks like.

The only way to prevent these outcomes is to admit, accept, and work to clear away the blind spots to bad character in yourself and others. Why? Because if you really KNEW better, you would DO better, wouldn't you?

No one can give you a guarantee when, where, or what type of woman will pop up out of the foxhole next, but a well-trained soldier will be more apt to handle the situation----whether she's FRIEND or FOE.

No doubt, knowledge of who you are and what you want, as well as who THEY are and what THEY want, would help you qualify and disqualify them better and QUICKER, soldiers. I cannot stress enough how important it is for all of you to engage in pure, honest, and deeply exploratory self-reflection, BEFORE you engage your enemy. No, I'm not talking about the women when I speak of the ENEMY, but rather their mindsets.

What do I mean? Well, those of you who have read the Book, know full well what I'm talking about, don't you? The Bible. NO---not the DJ Bible, you bunch o' Goldbrickin', Lard-Ass, New Jack, Jarheads, the OTHER one!!! For those of you who wouldn't be caught ALIVE reading such a tome, here's the quote:

Eph. 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places]."

Now for the Victory Unlimited Battle of the Sexes Translation:

VU 6:12 "Troops! Our fight is NOT against the women themselves, but against their thought processes, against their selfishness fueled by rampant emotions, and against the man-bashing propaganda that proliferates throughout all forms of media in the world today."

Got it? Good…now let's keep it MILITARY, fellas:

The 4 Repercussions of Reckless Recruitment:
1. Forming Uneasy Alliances
2. Embarking on ill-advised Occupations
3. Going on Unsanctioned Rescue Missions
4. Committing Premature Evacuation

Forming Uneasy Alliances

Whenever you recruit women into your life who aren't ready to sign up, you can only have an uneasy alliance. Whenever men allow themselves to go Ga-Ga over some girl who doesn't think that he's The Prize, he's set himself up for a one-sided, frustrating, emasculating, unreciprocated love affair. Back at headquarters, they call it ONEitis.

Anytime you place a woman above YOU, you devalue yourself---and SHE knows it subconsciously. Anytime you're too happy to be there, or you're too happy to have her, whatever it is you THINK you have with her will be fragile at best.

The reason this alliance is uneasy is because your overblown interest level places you and the survival of the burgeoning relationship at HER whim. Those who engage in this form of Babe recruitment suffer the repercussion of perpetual ANXIETY.

Embarking on ill-advised Occupations
Soldiers, whenever you recruit women into your life who have a lower interest level in the relationship than YOU do, you will find that you are not just leading them----you are dragging them! Let's say you've been seeing a woman consistently, but not EXCLUSIVELY, for almost three months. And you're on the verge of making a decision to either pull up your stakes, or plant your flag.

Now answer these questions:
Who plans your get-togethers? Who makes the decisions on where to go? Who makes the decisions on what to do? And who initiates the most contact wanting to see the other person?

If your answer to ALL the above questions was "I do", you're in BIG trouble. If your answer to ALL the above questions was "she does", well, you're well on your way to victory, son! Now, why do I say you're ONLY on your way to victory rather than having arrived? Because "we do" is the answer you ultimately want to have to that question.

But it can only be answered this way HONESTLY after an undetermined amount of time spent together. The most successfully, MUTUALLY fulfilling relationships are those where the man is on TOP, but the woman doesn't FEEL like she's on the BOTTOM.

That's because you will find that a successful mission to capture a quality woman has certain rules of engagement. The first rule is that, at the start of the battle, it is perfectly acceptable, and in fact, preferable that the woman expresses more interest in YOU than you do in her. Then secondly, only after you are convinced of her attraction, interest, and intentions should you overtly mirror HER level of commitment to the relationship.

This is because women are cunning. And the only way you can come close to knowing just how INTO you she is, is observing her behavior towards you over time. You see son, during the battle of the sexes, you will find that if women want you, they will campaign FOR you.

Always let her expose her flank and wave her white flag FIRST. Let her demonstrate consistently good behavior towards you for an elongated period of time BEFORE you invade her space---before you plant your flag of exclusivity----and before you OCCUPY her territory. Because if you go in prematurely, with your heart WIDE OPEN first, you will NEVER really know how committed SHE really is to you. It's always better to let HER ask YOU for exclusivity first; otherwise you run the risk of smothering her interest in you because you put commitment before COMPATIBILITY.

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
On the Frontlines
Going on Unsanctioned Rescue Missions

Men who recruit women into their lives by going on unsanctioned rescue missions are doomed to failure. They are faithful practitioners of the Diversion Tactic---but not on their enemies---on THEMSELVES. They are obsessive in their zeal in trading one distraction for another---as long as they don't have to focus on THEIR OWN life. These are men who constantly find themselves targeting women who are unavailable for true intimacy because these women are too emotionally damaged, or embittered in some way.

Men who incessantly pursue women who they KNOW are broken or unavailable are actually more afraid of self-reflection than anything else. Instead of doing the heavy lifting involved with self-discovery, self-evaluation, and personal goal setting, these men opt to spend their lives rescuing others, rather than themselves.

These men are not unintelligent, just misdirected. In fact, they are Sherlock Holmesian in their resolve to deduce what's wrong with the women they date, and Bob Vila-like in their zeal to fix them. But ironically, for some reason, they fail to EVER start their investigations and renovations on THE MAN IN THE MIRROR.

They suffer from a subtle form of low self-esteem. They secretly know they are NOT the prize. The only prize-ability they receive is by looking at themselves through the eyes of the damaged women they have "rescued". But the ego boost is fleeting because no man's spirit can remain nourished FOREVER by leaching off the gratitude of someone else.

So when the rescue mission is completed, and the appreciation they used to see in the woman's eyes inevitably metamorphasizes into her need to finally experience a healthier form of independence, these men CAN'T TAKE IT. Once again, they feel unneeded, empty, and alone. Why? Because now they must find someone ELSE to save.

Now they must go on another rescue mission. All for the purpose of avoiding being alone with themselves. These men are LONELINESS in search of CROWD. Because as long as they refuse to work on themselves, the LAST person they'd ever want to spend time alone with is…THEM.

Committing Premature Evacuation

These types of reckless recruiters are the strangest and saddest of all. These are men who actually know who they are and what they want. Their Achilles heel is exposed only AFTER they have actually found a woman who may be of good quality. These men say all the right things and make all the right moves, but when they finally have the heart of their ideal woman in site, they fail to pull the trigger.

These men are skilled in the deadly art of self-sabotage. What they experience is the male version of last minute resistance. Except, unlike women, following through with sex is not the problem, but following through with establishing a meaningful, emotional, and spiritual connection with a woman IS.

On the verge of allowing themselves to become truly intimate with a woman, they allow their minds to be bombarded by the plethora of negative voices that they've heard in the past. They let things like their age, their financial situation, their past, their hormones, their fears, their friends, and embittered posters on seduction forums STOP them from taking that one more step that COULD make a positive difference in their lives.

And even when they fight bravely through those forces of resistance, another even more formidable adversary to their embarking into emotional exclusivity with a woman emerges----their CRITICAL MINDS gone wild. Yes, soldiers, this is when these hapless men drive themselves delusional by trying to force the women in their lives to SUDDENLY meet a level of perfection that even they THEMSELVES routinely fall far short of.

Over and over again, they dissect every physical attribute and scrutinize every less-than-perfect aspect of their women until they have finally managed to successfully NITPICK themselves OUT of a good quality woman. And they do this in order to DISQUALIFY the women at the eleventh hour, right before the completion of their mission, so they can continue to fight this war without end.

In their constant subconscious quest for the "PERFECT" one, they have once again let a "GOOD" one slip through their fingers. They prematurely evacuate from exclusive relationship territory before they've given themselves a chance to be COMFORTABLE with what a healthy relationship ACTUALLY feels like.

But take heart, men. All is NOT lost! There is a cure for the Ambush Bug. There is a vaccination that will reverse the effects of reckless recruitment. Yes, there is a way to put an end to your misery, to repel the mayhem that you've repetitiously invited into your life, and to STOP running The Infinity Gauntlet. And the irony is that this cure originates from the same place that the Bug itself came from---from inside YOU. And it's called The Finite Shot.

The Finite Shot

The Finite Shot is JUST that---the hypodermic end to all the pain that you have suffered as a result of The Law of Mayhem Magnetism.

The Law of Mayhem Magnetism is a law that states that if ANY man enters into new relationships before taking the necessary steps to counteract the harmful effects of past relationships, he is destined to attract women into his life that will re-create the exact same drama, chaos, and negativity that he has ALREADY experienced previously.

It's a spiritual truth that through a series of crises, the soul grows. You see, soldiers, if life can be analogous to a huge, multi-level skyscraper, then consider each floor as a higher level of growth and the stairs in between the lessons learned as we climb to each NEW level of maturity.

There is NO skipping over steps as we ascend to our next level of masculine development.

There are things known, and things unknown. And in between are…The Doors. You ALL have a choice as to whether you will open them or not. GOD (or Fate, or Karma, or Destiny…feel free to pick any concept that DOESN'T frighten you), it seems, has made it so that the doors to each floor REMAIN locked until we have learned to use the keys we've forged from the knowledge gained from past experiences to open them. In other words, men, if we never learn we never GROW.

Read the above statement AGAIN.

Sometimes, learning from the past requires more commitment to personal growth than many men are willing to make. Rarely is it a process done with ease. No, this takes GUTS, men. If it were painless, it would not be such an anxiety-filled undertaking. Rare is the soldier MATURE enough to fight and WIN this battle.

Even a fool knows that the main characteristic of an easy thing to do is that it is done MORE OFTEN. Many men who are Mayhem Magnets would rather continue to sleep within the temporary bliss of ignorance than to awaken and shoulder the burden of knowledge. But this is not OUR way. This is NOT the way of men who refuse to fight in never-ending battles. This is not the way for men who have grown weary of fighting wars without end----constantly running the gauntlet of futility into infinity. This is why I have fought my way back to you to give you a fresh supply of Finite Shots.

The Finite Shot is the antidote for all the biologically, spiritually, and emotionally damaging effects that exposure to the Ambush Bug has wrought. It is the self-injected cure for whatever ails a man suffering from the recurring negative and IDENTICAL outcomes he experiences with women he interacts with. The Finite Shot is a healthy dose of REALITY. It ultimately spreads throughout his entire being, supplying him with a sense of closure after each skirmish he has with a woman ends.

Taking this shot sets in motion a three-stage process that is designed to eradicate the toxicity of apathy, anxiety, aloofness, and animosity from his system.

The first stage occurs when you decide to no longer hide from the full reality of what happened in the last battle of the sexes (relationship) you were in. Carefully scrutinize all the things that were done wrong by BOTH warring factions, LEARN what you can from it and determine what, if anything, you can do differently NEXT time to prevent a similarly negative outcome.

The second stage occurs when you actually GROW from the experience and MOVE ON---not just physically, but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually as well.

The third and final stage occurs when you get in the new habit of changing your previously negative attitudes and actions to positive----with uncompromising CONSISTENCY.

This is the cure for the Ambush Bug.

This is the corrective action that resolves the problems of being a Reckless Recruiter.

This is the way to STOP fighting the SAME wars without end.

And this is the way to break OUT of the manic maze that IS The Infinity Gauntlet!

So what is the objective? Is it short-term relationship? No.

Is it long-term relationship? No.

Is it marriage? No, men.

The goal is FULFILLMENT. The objective is JOY, with highlights of true happiness.

Why just HIGHLIGHTS of happiness? Because happiness, unlike JOY, is a transient thing dependent on outside circumstances and external situations. But Joy is internal---more solid, and more resolute. It is the state of a soul content with his lot in life, and a buoyant spirit unburdened by the weight of a guilty conscience and the bitter taste that comes from living a life filled with emptiness.

So, soldiers, bind up your wounded hearts, and come take THE FINITE SHOT.

Grab your gear… Load your weapons…and hey, YOU, over there in the back…throw me a fresh banana clip for this BIG ASS Uzi!

We are about to break outta this Goddam Bunker and re-take ALL that Mutha Fukkin' ground we've just lost!

Now on my mark…



Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
As i said before i love your shi* right here, 29 views and not one comment.

Well thanks for the post victory i love reading your stuff man.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
This is really great and also entertaining !

What happens, IN HER MIND, is that she comes to see you as WORTHLESS simply because she hasn't had to INVEST anything in you in order to get you or to keep you.

You were an interesting diversion while she had nothing else to do. But now that someone a little more valuable has come along, someone who expects her to treat him very well, she'll have no problem at all dropping you or demoting you to lowly "friendship" status.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 29, 2004
Reaction score
i read it earlier when yuo pm'd me. good stuff i agree. it comes from within. you cant polish a terd and until a man stops either seeing himself as a terd or acting like a terd, all he will draw are terds.

you last part about moving on in step two brough this though to my head. that song lips of an angel is very popular. that should scare the hell out of alot of people.


Master Don Juan
May 29, 2006
Reaction score
Embarking on ill-advised Occupations
Soldiers, whenever you recruit women into your life who have a lower interest level in the relationship than YOU do, you will find that you are not just leading them----you are dragging them! Let's say you've been seeing a woman consistently, but not EXCLUSIVELY, for almost three months. And you're on the verge of making a decision to either pull up your stakes, or plant your flag.

Now answer these questions:
Who plans your get-togethers? Who makes the decisions on where to go? Who makes the decisions on what to do? And who initiates the most contact wanting to see the other person?

If your answer to ALL the above questions was "I do", you're in BIG trouble. If your answer to ALL the above questions was "she does", well, you're well on your way to victory, son! Now, why do I say you're ONLY on your way to victory rather than having arrived? Because "we do" is the answer you ultimately want to have to that question.

But it can only be answered this way HONESTLY after an undetermined amount of time spent together. The most successfully, MUTUALLY fulfilling relationships are those where the man is on TOP, but the woman doesn't FEEL like she's on the BOTTOM.

That's because you will find that a successful mission to capture a quality woman has certain rules of engagement. The first rule is that, at the start of the battle, it is perfectly acceptable, and in fact, preferable that the woman expresses more interest in YOU than you do in her. Then secondly, only after you are convinced of her attraction, interest, and intentions should you overtly mirror HER level of commitment to the relationship.

This is because women are cunning. And the only way you can come close to knowing just how INTO you she is, is observing her behavior towards you over time. You see son, during the battle of the sexes, you will find that if women want you, they will campaign FOR you.

Always let her expose her flank and wave her white flag FIRST. Let her demonstrate consistently good behavior towards you for an elongated period of time BEFORE you invade her space---before you plant your flag of exclusivity----and before you OCCUPY her territory. Because if you go in prematurely, with your heart WIDE OPEN first, you will NEVER really know how committed SHE really is to you. It's always better to let HER ask YOU for exclusivity first; otherwise you run the risk of smothering her interest in you because you put commitment before COMPATIBILITY.

Solid. I can't give you any Reps cause I have to give someone else who I don't think deserves it at this time, but will the other fellow DJs give Victory Unlimited some sweet rep?


Oct 13, 2005
Reaction score
Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
Sarge, I really admire what you brought to the table. It's men such as yourself who don't piddle around with mundane bullsh!t and force us men to look inwards and upwards that bring accountability and determination to the mens movement.

You're in the small book my friend.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
great post VU.

the only thing missing might be an assessment of the battlefield.

i think what trips a lot of guys up out there is that they dont realize that the battlefield is NOT linear NOR static.

the 'enemy' is constantly changing, constantly evolving, constantly leveraging your weaknesses.

and just how many enemies versus allies are out there?

i think a lot of guys start off in life with an idealistic commitment to higher ideals - but once they see their buddy get their balls blown off the reality of war hits them - and most sh*t their pants (and justly soo - war aint pretty).

women are like the VC, buried in the jungle until they pop up all around you and take you POW. its jungle warfare and you have learn the skills to win. you may never be ask camaflouged as a woman is, but that's ok, you have a tank! learn how to be a tank in the jungle!

anyway, im rambling a bit. back to point i was going to make in my repsonse...

the issues that men have with women are VALID issues, and all the things VU said are reasons behind those issues. and yes, there are solutions. but i think many men dont bother with the solutions because they feel there are just too many enemies - ie. too many low quality women.

i think a lot of men have given up on women. they dont believe that there are high quality women out there - so instead they TRY to have a functional relationship with a low quality woman (GOOD LUCK!)

anyway, nothing really poignant to say here, just thinking out loud.


Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
On the Frontlines

Yes. It is the LACK of faith in the POSSIBILITY of ever meeting a woman of high quality that makes most soldiers stop scrutinizing their "targets" at all.

If men have reached the forgone conclusion that ALL women are EXACTLY the same, they unconciously shut down ALL the functionings of their internal filtering mechanisms. They stop trying to qualify ANY WOMAN.

This is why they KEEP running The Infinity Gauntlet.

This is WHY they keep fighting the SAME battle over and over again.

Because to them, their situation has already been declared HOPELESS. And so, they draw a twisted sense of COMFORT from THINKING they already KNOW how each relationship with a woman is going to end.

And as long as they keep running headlong into this PRESUPPOSITION,

...their FATE is sealed.

March on.

Channel your excited feelings into positive thoughts and behaviors. You will attract women by being enthusiastic, radiating energy, and becoming someone who is fun to be around.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 6, 2003
Reaction score
Washington Metro Area
Honestly one of the greatest post I've read!


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Great post...we need to see a lot more of these kinds of posts that are helpful to each other, encouraging, with valuable information and guidance and offering positive material for people to work with.

You guys need to keep this thread alive because we don't see as much quality posts anymore. This is YOUR site and it will be what you make of it...and frankly, better a thread like this than more negative crap.

Nice job...


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
Reaction score
This board is filled with so many boring, AFC threads lately... I'd like to bump this.

What happens, IN HER MIND, is that she comes to see you as WORTHLESS simply because she hasn't had to INVEST anything in you in order to get you or to keep you.

You were an interesting diversion while she had nothing else to do. But now that someone a little more valuable has come along, someone who expects her to treat him very well, she'll have no problem at all dropping you or demoting you to lowly "friendship" status.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
I've been getting frustrated lately with my run-ins with women but there's a pattern I'm going through...

...I keep NEXTing them. This post just reassures me that I'm doing the right thing. Some of them are indecisive, moody, attention starved etc. So I just cut them off coldly. I've seen too many examples in my life of loved ones running the "infinity gauntlet".

I'm picky and I'm proud!

Good job, Vic!


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
There really needs to be a section in the DJ Bible for Victory Unlimited's posts alone.

They are that good and the section could even be named after him.

Thank you for all the knowledge and wisdom that you have bestowed upon us general.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
KontrollerX said:
There really needs to be a section in the DJ Bible for Victory Unlimited's posts alone.

They are that good and the section could even be named after him.

Thank you for all the knowledge and wisdom that you have bestowed upon us general.
i agree.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.
