Spade_1 said:
Hey, I'm 16 5'8" and weight around 117lbs....I started lifting 3 times a week and my question is should I do full body or split workouts. Any other advice is appreciated.
Dude, maybe I'm totally off, but I think I can give you some solid advice, though not what you asked for.
I'm your same height, give or take, and I weigh 40 lbs more than you, yet I don't worry about routines and this kind of stuff yet. Shìt, I don't even watch my diet, though I'm a hardgainer. Unfortunately most people overanalyze bodybuilding rather than just doing some hard work. You don't grow by asking questions all the time or reading books. They can help, but you grow in the gym (and in bed, and in kitchen).
Unless you are a pro (which is not the case, since you should weigh at least 60 lbs more), all you need to know is "Lift, Eat - Rest, Repeat", nothing more than that. When you are over 150 lbs, you may come here and look for some info on how to reduce fat amounts, but until then just bust your @ss in the gym and in the kitchen and try to sleep 8 hours a night.