Ask me about: Conspiracy theories [Merged Threads]


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
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I was really bored recently and looked up some conspiracy theories on youtube.

This is fvcking interesting!

Check out the vids and tell me what you guys think...

Remember, watch them first and then comment.

Propaganda, hidden messages and secret hand signs in Simpson's movie:

The real purpose of war:

Is America Backwards?

The truth about Obama and why 2Pac really died:
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Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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In a word, no.


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
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Thanks for the laugh, I needed that.

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
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Ask me about: Conspiracy theories

I noticed a lot of talk about conspiracy theories in this forum so in my way to help my fellow dj brothers I decided to make this thread. Ask me any questions you have about any conspiracy theories you are wondering about. Whether it be about the illuminati, feminazi matrix, 2012, end times, prophecy, anti-christ, etc etc etc.

*warning: I am not here to debate on such subjects with anyone i am only here to provide info, if you disagree with info given do know i won't argue so don't waste your time. This is for entertainment purposes only. The information given might make you wonder a bit about the world around you and expose you to truths unkown, beware*

*Note: I will try to answer all questions and will provide my thoughts/opinions and sometimes i will provide links to places where you can get a better answer than I can provide*

The top conspiracy theory of the moment: The gas prices chaos were no secret to conspiracy theorists as guys like Alex Jones have been talking about the globalist elite's plan to lower the quality of life of westeners since $40 a barrel. A couple years ago it was leaked out of the bilderberg group meeting how the globalist elite were planning to pretty much destroy America with $10 a gallon gas (when the info was leaked it was $40 a barrel). We are only 2 years away according to some experts from seeing $7 or more per gas. If you have an SUV you better sell it now before it's too late, and you might also consider buying a water filter and fill up lots of cheap gallons of water and stock up on food. The likely hood of food riots as truck companies go out of business due to gas prices and can no longer deliver food to stores in a timely fashion will lead to food riots in the near future and a huge increase of everyday food items prices. We are now living in the last days of America as a first world nation and the world's superpower.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
you might also consider buying a water filter and fill up lots of cheap gallons of water and stock up on food.

That is good advice to anyone. Most Americans live within the range of a potential earthquake, hurricane, tsunami, or volcanic eruption - all of which could disrupt utility service.

But back to the topic, what is underground out West? Are there tunnels all over the place? The aerial photography of Groom Lake mostly shows a net work of roads connecting several cavernous holes in the ground. There's not many buildings above ground, and I would guess the important stuff is underground. There are conspiracies about the entire Western US being connected by underground tunnels. There's pages and pages of whacko-sounding stuff about aliens underneath Dulce, New Mexico.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
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Did Hitler really kill himself in the Berlin bunker? Those photos don't look very convincing and it seems strange there is no body.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Do the Pentacostal women who are against cutting their hair also not trim their snatch? I would almost go bang a Pentacostal chick just to find out, although a girl who has never trimmed is scary looking. I saw one once, and now I know why they call it beav3r. It looked like she had a small woodland creature in a leg lock.

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
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Nighthawk said:
Did Hitler really kill himself in the Berlin bunker? Those photos don't look very convincing and it seems strange there is no body.
There are a couple of conspiracy theories about this
1. He fled to south america: Known fact that many top nazi officials fled to south america where they were given protection from guys like Peron (while nazi scientists were recruited by the u.s. govt)
2. fled to a base in antartica: Probably the wildest of the conspiracies. Supposedly the nazis had established a secret base in antartica code named "the new berlin" which is still running today and has countless slave workers. There is one russian conspiracy theorist who has spent a lot of his life into this. Among his claims are millions of slaves and "pure bred" ss men resulting by mixing mice and human dna. Years before the end of world war 2 the nazis commenced numerous expeditions to map out antartica.

led antartic expedition around that time and is famous for the conspiracy theories surrounding the trip. According to admiral byrd he witnessed flying saurcers which could travel at what at the time were impossible speeds. He later died under strange circumstances but his comments put fuel to the fire to the whole nazi antartica base. He jumped out of a hospital window (or was he killed?) not long after his comments about nazi ufos, nazi cities in antartica.

the location of the nazi base was supposedly found with google earth and later google replaced the purpoted base with an ice shelf, interesting enough.


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
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Whats the deal with chem trails? Why do the illuminati conspiracy theorists freak out about them?

What the hell is that whole LaRouche thing about? I know it has something to do with a British plot to take over.

Where are 2Pac and Biggy? Are they chilling with Elvis?

And finally who put the ram in the ram-a-lama-dingdong?

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
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theunflushables said:
Whats the deal with chem trails? Why do the illuminati conspiracy theorists freak out about them?
You only have to step out of the house to see them if you live in any populated metropolitan area in the usa. Just look at the sky.

1. just more population control by the elite, this time they just flat out spray our cities with poisenous chemicals. Not so far fetched as we recently had the whole controversy about the poision in our water.
2. 1 strange theory I read is that it is part of a large and sophisticated mass sacrifice attempt which involves chem trails/vaccinations and radio waves. The theory goes that there is an advanced biological war on us going on and we are being vaccinated/sprayed with stuff which can be activated using radio waves which will pretty much lead to man made diseases being "activated." Think of it like pressing the power button on your remote control and activating your tv but instead think of viruses in your body being activated by those wishing to kill you.

whatever you believe just don't be so naive to deny they even exist, just step out the door if you don't.
What the hell is that whole LaRouche thing about? I know it has something to do with a British plot to take over.
i'll get back to you on that one
Where are 2Pac and Biggy? Are they chilling with Elvis?
Could have been a gang war or maybe something more? it just reeks of conspiracy how nobody came out with info when tupac was killed in vegas in a part where there had to be witnesses. Maybe they were killed because they actually had a message for black people? another rumour is that biggie was going to put out a clothing line called "666" and supposedly tupac was against the illuminati (killuminati albums)

but not all rappers are against the illuminati

Youtube: jay z, kanye, naz, and their links to freemasonry (before you buy their cds watch them flaunt their links to the occult, pay attention to his lyrics in this song)
Aug 28, 2007
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Whats the story with the Illuminati? I understand there supposed to be a bunch of dudes running the world and all that **** but has there ever been some realistic evidence they exist besides all that **** of them having Illuminati logos all around the place and that stuff.

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
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niggawitaspear said:
I think pretty much everyone knows about about 911 and I don't know if i want to spend the time talking about it when you can watch "loose change" or "911: the road to tyranny" for free on the web.

just some basic stuff
1. firefighters and witnesses on the scene have come out to report the sounds of bombs going off in the towers, the media has refused to talk to these people. Why?
2. where's the wreckage from the pentagon?
Whats the story with the Illuminati?
the history of the illuminati
To keep it simple since i could write pages and pages and just confuse you, the forces of satan which happen to be those with power in this world (politicians, presidents, leaders of industry, clergy etc) have been waging war on God's people (you and me and everyone else) since the start of time. Their ultimate goal is to reduce the world's population to 500 million or less (look at a picture of the georgia guidestones and what it says) and to institute an orwellian 1 world government dictatorship.

their plan is hell on earth, basically a global dictatorship where the population is restricted to compact cities. Think of it as people being restricted to living in giant cities in huge apartments much like people in chinese cities live. No more houses with nice backyards. Just cities full of cameras, military roaming the streets, travel, freedom, speech, everything is restricted, all for your "safety." This is the new world envisioned by these people. Of course they have to get rid of a a couple of billions of us first through war, man made diseases etc.

End Game: The movie (chronicles the whole plan of the illuminati for a world government and killing most of the world's population) the whole movie is on youtube for free, very educational.

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
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wutangfinancial said:
If you want to know if someone is below average intelligence, just check if they believe conspiracy theories.
or maybe you have too much flouride in your system. :crackup: BTW like I said in the first post this is for entertainment purposes only, if you don't like it shut up and leave this thead. This is for people that want to ask questions out of curiosity or entertainment purposes, no need for immature flaming.


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
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Now are the Illuminati and the Masons the same thing? Working togehter? Enemies (and if so which one should I root for)?

What about Atlantis? the pyramind? stone henge? easter island? AIDS?
Aug 28, 2007
Reaction score
I understand what there whole game is and what there trying to do but what I'm asking has there been any realistic evidence they exist?

I mean has anything happened that just seems too suspicious to be a coincidence or something else?

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
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theunflushables said:
Now are the Illuminati and the Masons the same thing? Working togehter? Enemies (and if so which one should I root for)?
none, they all want to kill you and probably will in the coming years whether it be through man made diseases or wars, or even starvation. Unless you happen to be one of the lucky 500 million or so which is their goal for a controllabe population. I wouldn't consider that lucky though as it will be a world you don't want to live in.
What about Atlantis? the pyramind? stone henge? easter island? AIDS?
i'll get back to you on that one (answers that may take a long time I will answer later in more detail)

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
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TonyWongButOhSoRite said:
I understand what there whole game is and what there trying to do but what I'm asking has there been any realistic evidence they exist?

I mean has anything happened that just seems too suspicious to be a coincidence or something else?
like 911 for example? I can only point you to links because this question would require too much typing and stuff you can look on your own. There is just too much evidence and so little time and too many questions to answer.
a map of washington dc and it's occult layout (for those that believe they have no influence in the govt)
Feb 19, 2008
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if most of bilderberg is european and american, why would they destroy america, why not its enemies, and have america survive as the remaining population.

and who do they want to survive? is it a racial thing? religious? nationality?