The Truth About Confidence PT 2


Master Don Juan
Jan 21, 2002
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Confidence emerges when you are comfortable. When you're comfortable with yourself, comfortable with your environment, and comfortable with the things/people you're interacting with. How is all that attained? Get used to being in strange situations. In other words, make spontaneity, going against the grain, and doing the unanticipated a habit.

To be comfortable with yourself, the most emphasized part, you must know yourself in and out. You have an identity, make sure you have it figured out. Ask yourself some basic questions. "What are my views on religion? What are my views on morals? What is my primary goal in life? What are my beliefs about how I should treat other people?" When you have a good idea of your values and beliefs, making decisions becomes much easier. In the midst of a difficult decision, just break it down and figure out what choice would best fit your values. Decide what is important to you and what you believe is a good character.

To be physically comfortable with yourself, make yourself aware of what that takes and then strive to get there. Do you need to bulk up? Then head to the gym. New wardrobe? Try to manage it bit by bit if you don't have the money. If you don't like your hair, ask some people what they think about it. Make sure you're eating healthy. There are plenty of things you can do to make yourself look better and feel better.

If you're unsatisfied with your intellectual ability, try harder. I think one of the key differences between people who are at a higher intellectual level than others is that from a young age they've been taught to think about things harder and concentrate on them more, forming a habit of it. To develop your mind, excercise it. If you're struggling with a math class and want to do better, the simple answer is to work harder. Even if you can't finish a test in 15 minutes and ace it, the extra work will pay off and you will see the benefits. One of the greatest things you can do for your mind is read. Get a book about something you're interested in and read for 30 minutes each night before you go to sleep.

Form good habits. If there is something you don't like about yourself, FIX IT! If one day you watch a video you made with your friends and find out that you slouch when you walk, work on it (unless you like it...). If you make a conscious effort to improve, you will. If you don't think you're very funny during conversation, make the effort to be funny. Don't listen to the people who say "it's not funny when you try to be funny." Clever jokes are usually formulated. Learn how to read other people's body language, especially if you can't judge how funny you are or if you're making enough eye contact, etc.

To be comfortable in your environment again comes back to habit. Do you get nervous in crowded places? Then go to them. If you want to go to a club but are afraid of being embarrased because you've never been to one and don't know what to do, then go to one. Take the initial risk to overcome your fears.

To be comfortable with other people, you just have to be around them a lot. Talk to them. Make it an effort to leave a good first impression. When you meet someone through a friend, talk to them as much as you talk to the friend, if not more. Remember their name, and use it like you know them. Be the first person to say something in a conversation. BE ACTIVE! To become comfortable around people you might have to be uncomfortable with them initially. If you have an opportunity to go out to dinner with your friend and his buddies, do it (granted you are available)! You won't get to shore quickly by letting the wind carry you, you've got to do some paddling.

When you're comfortable with yourself and the things and people around you, the worries of life melt away and its fruits are infinitely more sweet.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
Nice post. If you face your fears, you will manage to overcome them, consequently having a less frightened life.


Don Juan
Dec 5, 2003
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there is a spacific age during childhood ( 8-9 years old) where said child starts to really develop the sense of self. If they move around alot, lose their friends, not only can they become shy later in life, they may have more trouble defining themselves as a person.

This, I believe, leads to alot of guys being non-outgoing ( which can be mistaken for lack of confidence).

Just thought I'd chip that in, as im sure some people know what im talking about


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2004
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and if you have a sudden drop is confidence, which happens to every one just like a drop in engergy levles can. Tell your self you are confident, just say it to yourself in a confiedent sexy deep voice "i am *insert name*, the most confident man in the world" you can cary this on if you want by saying "i walk with confidence, i talk with confidenct, i breath confidence" etc..

this seriously works if you need a suden boost of confidence to tackle a situation. like pook said "as you think, you shall become"


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2004
Reaction score
great post


Don Juan
Sep 24, 2004
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I used a wrench
You are right.

I'm learning.

I now know that confidence cannot be faked.

I also know that it can't be switched on and off like a lightbulb too.

Everyday I feel my confidence growing stronger and stronger.

The more you practice being a DJ the more confidence you will develop.

So that means that when first started making changes in my life, that's why I felt like I would never be a competent DJ. That was 2 months ago. Now I know for sure that I will succeed in this game.

So since confidence can't be shut off like a light either,
I know that since I am at a certain level (that is only going higher as long as a stay disciplined) that if the worst thing in the world
happened to me tommarrow, the majority of my confidence would still remain and I could easily get back on my feet.

And this is what makes us successful with the women, fellow DJs.


New Member
May 1, 2005
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Originally posted by TDOT
You are right.

I'm learning.

I now know that confidence cannot be faked.

I also know that it can't be switched on and off like a lightbulb too.

Everyday I feel my confidence growing stronger and stronger.

The more you practice being a DJ the more confidence you will develop.

So that means that when first started making changes in my life, that's why I felt like I would never be a competent DJ. That was 2 months ago. Now I know for sure that I will succeed in this game.

So since confidence can't be shut off like a light either,
I know that since I am at a certain level (that is only going higher as long as a stay disciplined) that if the worst thing in the world
happened to me tommarrow, the majority of my confidence would still remain and I could easily get back on my feet.

And this is what makes us successful with the women, fellow DJs.
True. I was learning this stuff for 8 months girlless - girls I knew liked me more than ever before, but I was still girlless and wondered why my confidence is still down lol :DUMBASS!:
Once you actually start getting girls, your confidence finally takes off. David Deangelo describes it very well in ****y Comedy series (he calls those 4 phases Hopeless, Pessimistic, Optimistic and Being Phase - when I was in the pessimistic phase, I didn't know what he is talking about in the Optimistic section, now I know it exactly, looking forward to the Being Phase.)


Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
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Confidence the unorthodox way

Confidence is often looked as some mystical thing that only the great men have, some holy grail of existence that we as normal mortals have missed or been denied our whole lives.

What I contend is an addition to the words of Nocturnal. Confidence is aided by working on what is dubbed by DeAngelo as "inner game". When we look and feel our best we are at an advantage, because we are naturally glowing with self value.

But, confidence is a tricky thing to obtain. Real, lasting confidence is a sum of two things: a confident mindset and experience.

A confident mindset is one of adventurous origin. It is the power to do all things for the sole purpose of learning, experiencing, and sharing. Essentially trivial things like win or lose and perfection and erroneousness make no difference. A confident mindset is doing things with the intent to the best one can and have fun. That's it.

Experience is the main source of confidence. To illustrate this, let's look at the epitome of unconfidence: The ULTIMATE AFC!


1. Never has talked to girl sexually in his life
2. Never played a sport
3. Has no passion for creation; only lives an artificial life on Everquest
4. Has never stood up to people, and has been a biyatch since his seemingly insignificant conception.

Now is this guy really unconfident? Not really!

He has an incomplete confidence, a good mindset for the things he does. Alas, he has no experience except for the things in his very confined world.

So during this AFC portion of life and his DJ realization and beginning DJ stage, he viewed as unconfident. Slowly he becomes a better person, and eventually becomes an effective entity. Was he really ever unconfident? Partially, yes. On a very basic level, is this guy any different than the former ULTIMATE AFC? Nosirree. But now everyone thinks that he is the man. What happened?


Confidence is only as unattainable as the energy required to take the first step. The real first step. The first step like you just got fired for getting blamed for something that you didn't do. Like getting pushed into the bleachers by a big bully in elementary school. That first step that contains all your motivation, emotion, and planning.

After that, it's pie.

Mindset+Experience+Self-Improvement= Confidence.

Good post Nocturnal.


Apr 29, 2006
Reaction score
Being comfortable in one's skin was definetly the starting point of confidence for me.