Watch Out For Borderline Personality Disorder Chicks!!!


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
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Guys, this could go in the "tips" section, but after using that little search button I see a lot of people have gone through relationships with chicks that have Borderline Personality Disorder.

Honestly I was lucky. I had you guys point that out to me. Although I knew she was a little wacked out, I never realized how fuvked up she really was. I would have stayed in that relationship and it would have ate me up alive. I actually met up with her ex-boyfriend, the guy is the coolest mo-fo ever. He knew I was fukin' her while they were together, and he still decided to meet up with me because he knew exactly what I was going through that entire time.

Can you believe that her last ditch effort to keep me around was telling me she might FUKIN' DIE SOON!!! She made up some genetic heart condition, "that has no cure!" I asked her to tell me the name of it and she goes, "it doesn't have a name!!" LOL I told her I want to go to the cardiologist with her next time she goes, "No I don't want to put you through anymore pain/suffering." That's a serious wacko!!

Her ex-boyfriend has a new gf now and psycho-byatch found out about it. They've been broken up for about 4 months now and she still went by his house and egged his car just last week!! I'll give you a good list of warning signs so you guys know how to spot them from a mile away:

-very sexually suggestive: This girl told me within the first 2 minutes of meeting her how she loved the way I touched her and for me to do it more. Needless to say I fuvked her soon after that.

-they LIE A LOT: They will make up the most outrageous stories!! But its not to intentionally lie, its to gain acceptance and feel like they're wanted or liked.

-they manipulate: I call BPD chicks cameleons!! Because they change their colors for every guy they're interested in. When I first met her I was completely shocked at how similar we were, or at least that's what she led me to believe. They have no sense of their identity. But they are experts at leeching on to your personality and making the connection seem much deeper.

-they get attached, then de-attached real quick: I never use to call her. When her interest was high in me she'd call me 2-3x a day. I realize now because they fear being alone more than anything else they come on real strong to secure their vicitim. Then right when you get emotionally attached and they know they have you, they will manipulate you and mind fuvk you like you couldn't imagine.

-Infidelity: Even if a BPD chick is totally into you, 95% high interest, she can go out that night with her girls and cheat on you with out thinking twice about it. They have NO CONSCIOUS for what they do. Think about that? This girl use to tell me how I was the highest caliber guy she's ever met and how special I am and probably go out that same night and fuvk 2-3 different guys.

They think relationships are a lot closer than they really are: This girl told me she LOVED ME and got confused when I gave her a blank look back. She asked me WHY I wouldn't say it back. Yeah I'd known her for awhile and really liked her, but we were only together for 2 months exclusively, messing around for 8 months.

They're cutters: The ex bf told me, she showed him a couple of scars from self-mutalation. That's a big no-no.

She always jokes about suicuide: She constantly would tell me how she wants to kill herself. I'd get angry with her and she'd say "I'm just joking."

They never take the blame: Even if they know they're wrong, they will somehow someway turn it around on you. In a sense these girls are like little kids. They live in a fantasy world where everything is fun and games and when something goes wrong they're NEVER to blame because they are the innocent little kid.

For the entire length of our relationship I always had that gut feeling telling me something wasn't right. I'd seen a shiat load of red flags from her and I chose to ignore them because I was emotionally attached to her. I tried breaking up with her twice before this time and both times she called me back crying telling me her life can't go on without me and she doesn't know what she'd do if I wasn't there for her etc etc. What sent me over the top was this:

As I mentioned she had been still calling me telling me her heart condition was getting worse....LOL Then this past Thrusday I find out she's drunk as fuvk at a club with a bunch of her gf's and her ex ex ex bf from 3 years ago. The byatch even had the nerve to keep calling me that night. That was the last I've heard of her but I know it won't be the end.

I was probably one of the most confident, C/F mutha-fukers around before I met this girl. I was the walking example of an Alpha Male. Probably more than a Alpha Male, an egotistical ****y-son of a gun. I've been incredibly depressed and down the past few weeks while I'm recovering through this. This is not like any break-up I've ever experienced, its much greater than that. I can handle a normal break-up, but not someone who mind fuvks you and then spits on your face.

Its actually really sad because these people don't know any better. They've never been distinguished between what's right and what's wrong. Its a pre-mature hault in their brain development as kids. But here's my biggest tip to you all. If you EVER meet a girl like this, fuvk her like the ***** she is and then DROP HER!!! She will sux you in so quick and then you'll be stuck dealing with this rollercoaster we call Borderline Personality Disorder.



Don Juan
Dec 18, 2003
Reaction score
I agree with most of what you said.

I think it's funny how alot of guys pretend to be ALPHA and PIMP, and then something like this happens to them.

And if you were so ALPHA and so PIMP, why'd you fall for her, when she manifested a ****ed up personality from the beginning????????

Here's the bottom line.

Every human (except those with severe pyschological problems, and mostly them too) has an innate desire to be with their respective polarity.

This is hard-wired in our brains.

I find it hilarious, how people claim to be this and that, and then get hooked (and it's usually to someone playing THEIR game better than them).

King David was an alpha male, and he had his pick of almost any women in his kingdom. But he was obsessed by one woman, and she brought about his troubles.

This is true of all of us.


Jul 8, 2004
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Now i will be on the look out for *****es like this one, its a really ****ed up culture that produces these fuked up *****es. The ***** is mentally fuked up but use and abuse them, feel sorry the sl*t.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2003
Reaction score
Good post - been there... couple of other signs:

1) ** mostly guy friends **
2) magical thinking (believe in ghosts...etc)
3) ** dysfunctional relationship with parents **
4) history of abuse, rape, suicide etc...
5) very sexual in nature
6) alchohol or drug abuse
7) phobias

Run away... run away. :)

Create self-fulfilling prophecies. Always assume the positive. Assume she likes you. Assume she wants to talk to you. Assume she wants to go out with you. When you think positive, positive things happen.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Don Juan
May 25, 2003
Reaction score
Outside Philadelphia, PA
Self Injury in women & men

“Self-injury is a deliberate and conscious mutilation of ones own body by various means. Self-injury also must not be classified as an attempt to commit suicide, as this tissue damage is usually superficial and non-life threatening (Black, Desira)”. This disorder is most often expressed in the form of a cutting, piercing, or breaking the skin with anything available to even the use of one’s own nails and hands.

This idea of self-injury is mostly manifested as a cutting addiction described above, it does not always have to be that way. The following pathways of expression of this disorder are also: burning, self-striking, head banging, hair pulling, bone breaking, and scarification. Multiple methods of self-injury have also been observed using two or more of the above-mentioned methodologies.

The frequency of self-injury has risen. Different studies show different numbers for this problem. “It is a general estimation that one percent of Americans self-injure themselves (A Not So Tiny Secret)”. So, that would perhaps put a figure of 2,850,000 self-injurers in the United States alone. “Another figure pegs the number at 750 per 100,000 persons per year have a problem with self-injury (Anorexia)”. No matter what number is actually used or accepted it is simple to notice the commonality of this problem. “Another set of statistics focuses on this disorder with the better-known problems of multiple personality disorder and bulimia at a rate of thirty-four percent and forty and a half percent (Anorexia)”.

Self-injury finds itself into a high rate of women compared to men. This disorder seems to plague the female gender at a much higher rate than the male gender. “According to one study from 1986, ninety-seven percent of self-injurers were female (Self-Injury)”. This number is amazingly high by any sense of the word. “In later research a more accepted percentage is eighty-five percent female and fifteen percent male (Psychological Characteristics)”. This later number has been duplicated more recently.

How often does people with this disorder practice it upon themselves? “By the time this person receives help from a psychological standpoint, on average they have done this no less than fifty times (A Tiny Secret)”. This means fifty plus scars, burns, or other torture by way of cigarettes or razors upon their bodies.

So, what would an average self-injurer look like since they are all around us in school, work, and at home? “The self-injurer is a female in her mid-twenties to early-thirties and has been inflicting these acts upon herself since her teens. She also tends to be middle or upper classed, well-educated and from a background of physical and or sexual abuse with a history of alcoholism in the family most often manifested in one of the parents. Some form of eating disorders was also reported too (Psychological Characteristics).”

What reasoning would cause an intelligent woman from a good economic background to inflict such harm on a regular basis to her body? Most self-injurers report several reasons for their activities. One is a constant feeling of numbness that the act breaks for a short period of time. Often anxiety or stress is experienced that cannot be expressed by verbalization or other methodologies. The solution for the afflicted is causing harm to pass this period of tension.

Another possible explanation for this self-destructive behavior is biochemical relief. “There is some thought that in certain camps that adults who were repeatedly traumatized as children have a hard time returning to a more normal baseline level of arousal and are in some cases addicted to crisis behavior (Anorexics)”. This could lead to a biologically conditioned behavior from youth being sought in later life.

Yet another possible theory for this behavior has to do with how we are socialized for certain tasks per gender. “The notion goes that males are taught to repress emotion in general and externalize their anger. Women on the other hand are taught exactly the opposite that they must internalize their anger, as it is unacceptable for a woman to express it in the same way as a man (Psychological Characteristics)”. This could explain the extremely high incidence of women suffering from this malady by the way society puts demands upon both genders.

Common themes seem to be an indicator of this disorder. Patients both female as well as the less common male seem to lack a coping mechanism that allows the rest of the populace deal with the situations before them in a non-self-destructive fashion. “Coincidences of most of the symptoms of a borderline personality are also shared between these disorders. Borderline personality disorder also affects women to men at a three to one ratio (Psychological Characteristics)”.

Self-injurers are also highly misunderstood by society as a whole. Support networks in the forms of friends and families put a horrible social stigma upon those who suffer from this malady. “So the self-injurer who is already hyper-critical of rejection keeps to themselves and copes in the only way she can by willfully inflicting damage onto her own body (Self-Injury)”.

Information regarding this problem is few and far between in comparison to any eating disorder out there. Yet it ravages women to such an ungodly frequency. Only time and education will help to change these misconceptions that these people are suicidal and shameful. These preconceptions only reinforce their behaviors.

Works Cited
“Anorexia, Bulimia, Depression, Anxiety, and Self Injury”. Anorexics Anonymous. Home Page. 15 June 2001.
“A Not So Tiny Secret.” Mister Ridiculous.Com. Home Page. 16 Jan. 2002. <>.
Black, Desirea. “What is Self Injury?” Psychlinks of Canada. Home Page. 28 Dec. 2000. <>.
“Psychological Characteristics of a Self-Injurer.” Who Self Injures? Home Page. 15 Feb. 2001. <
“Self-Injury: The Hidden Shame”. Healthy Place: An Eating Disorders Community. Home Page. 14 Dec. 2000. <>.


Don Juan
May 25, 2003
Reaction score
Outside Philadelphia, PA
Borderline Personality Disorder


Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a serious mental illness characterized by pervasive instability in moods, interpersonal relationships, self-image, and behavior. This instability often disrupts family and work life, long-term planning, and the individual's sense of self-identity. Originally thought to be at the "borderline" of psychosis, people with BPD suffer from a disorder of emotion regulation. While less well known than schizophrenia or bipolar disorder (manic-depressive illness), BPD is more common, affecting 2 percent of adults, mostly young women. There is a high rate of self-injury without suicide intent, as well as a significant rate of suicide attempts and completed suicide in severe cases. Patients often need extensive mental health services, and account for 20 percent of psychiatric hospitalizations. Yet, with help, many improve over time and are eventually able to lead productive lives.


While a person with depression or bipolar disorder typically endures the same mood for weeks, a person with BPD may experience intense bouts of anger, depression and anxiety that may last only hours, or at most a day. These may be associated with episodes of impulsive aggression, self-injury, and drug or alcohol abuse. Distortions in cognition and sense of self can lead to frequent changes in long-term goals, career plans, jobs, friendships, gender identity, and values. Sometimes people with BPD view themselves as fundamentally bad, or unworthy. They may feel unfairly misunderstood or mistreated, bored, empty, and have little idea who they are. Such symptoms are most acute when people with BPD feel isolated and lacking in social support, and may result in frantic efforts to avoid being alone.

People with BPD often have highly unstable patterns of social relationships. While they can develop intense but stormy attachments, their attitudes towards family, friends, and loved ones may suddenly shift from idealization (great admiration and love) to devaluation (intense anger and dislike). Thus, they may form an immediate attachment and idealize the other person, but when a slight separation or conflict occurs, they switch unexpectedly to the other extreme and angrily accuse the other person of not caring for them at all.

Most people can tolerate ambivalence where they experience two contradictory states at one time. People with BPD shift back and forth, to an all “good” or an all “bad” state without any awareness of one feeling state while in the other.

Even with family members, individuals with BPD are highly sensitive to rejection, reacting with anger and distress to such mild separations as a vacation, a business trip, or a sudden change in plans. These fears of abandonment seem to be related to difficulties feeling emotionally connected to important persons when they are physically absent, leaving the individual with BPD feeling lost and perhaps worthlessness. Suicide threats and attempts may occur along with anger at perceived abandonment and disappointments.

People with BPD exhibit other impulsive behaviors, such as excessive spending, binge eating and risky sex. BPD often occurs together with other psychiatric problems, particularly bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety disorders, substance abuse, and other personality disorders.


Although the cause of BPD is unknown, both environmental and genetic factors are thought to play a role in predisposing patients to BPD symptoms and traits. Studies show that many, but not all individuals with BPD report a history of abuse, neglect, or separation as young children. Forty to 71 percent of BPD patients report having been sexually abused, usually by a non-caregiver. Researchers believe that BPD results from a combination of individual vulnerability to environmental stress, neglect or abuse as young children, and a series of events that trigger the onset of the disorder as young adults. Adults with BPD are also considerably more likely to be the victim of violence, including rape and other crimes. This may result from both harmful environments as well as impulsivity and poor judgement in choosing partners and lifestyles.

NIMH-funded neuroscience research is revealing brain mechanisms underlying the impulsively, mood instability, aggression, anger, and negative emotion seen in BPD. Studies suggest that people predisposed to impulsive aggression have impaired regulation of the neural circuits that modulate emotion. The amygdala, a small almond-shaped structure deep inside the brain, is an important component of the circuit that regulates negative emotion. In response to signals from other brain centers indicating a perceived threat, it marshals fear and arousal. This might be more pronounced under the influence of drugs like alcohol, or stress. Areas in the front of the brain (pre-frontal area) act to dampen the activity of this circuit. Recent brain imaging studies show that individual differences in the ability to activate regions of the prefrontal cerebral cortex thought to be involved in inhibitory activity predict the ability to suppress negative emotion.

Serotonin, norepinephrine and acetylcholine are among the chemical messengers in these circuits that play a role in the regulation of emotions, including sadness, anger, anxiety and irritability. Drugs that enhance brain serotonin function may improve emotional symptoms in BPD. Likewise, mood-stabilizing drugs that are known to enhance the activity of GABA, the brain's major inhibitory neurotransmitter, may help people who experience BPD-like mood swings. Such brain-based vulnerabilities can be managed with help from behavioral interventions and medications, much like people manage susceptibility to diabetes or high blood pressure.


Treatments for BPD have improved in recent years. Group and individual psychotherapy are at least partially effective for many patients. Within the past 15 years, a new psychosocial treatment termed dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) was developed specifically to treat BPD, and this technique has looked promising in treatment studies (Koerner & Linehan, 2000). Pharmacological treatments are often prescribed based on specific target symptoms shown by the individual patient. Antidepressant drugs and mood stabilizers may be helpful for depressed and/or labile mood. Antipsychotic drugs may also be used when there are distortions in thinking.


Don Juan
May 25, 2003
Reaction score
Outside Philadelphia, PA
BPD used to be considered a psychriatric death sentence. Only in the last decade or so has progress been made with this once believed incurable disorder. It gets it name Borderline Personality disorder for a number of reasons. First is the afflicted person is more neurotic than neurotic but less psychotic than psychotic too. Hence Borderline as a term. Plus this problem was thought to have something done with schitzaphrenia but was later found not too.

BPD affects women 3 times to 4 more often than men. So women suffer75 to 80% of the time with this disorder. It also has something to do with people that have been abused in physical, sexual, or emotional ways as young children.

A cool pharmocological trick is to inject procaine into these people. There is speculated to be some biological cause of this problem with genes or brain chemistry now. Anyhow the procaine will allow the BPD to enter the disphoria or worst emotional part of their lives chemically. They will relive their lowest moment over and over for a period of great length.


Don Juan
Dec 18, 2003
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2) magical thinking (believe in ghosts...etc)

I find this interesting, because I've noticed this as well.

I'm not just talking about believing in ghosts or the possibility of them, or maybe you saw something.

But I've been told stories by girls like this, that are totally unbelievable and made me instantly suspicous of them.

Every single one that comes to mind are actually quite similiar (almost text book for my experience with this type of girl).

They all involved seeing apparitions.

Like dead friends/relatives/ex's/balls of light.

I've had women like this tell me some unbelievable shyt.

Anyone else had any similar exp?

Capi Crimini

Sep 1, 2003
Reaction score
I've been diagnosed with BPD, along with Scitzo, Bi-polar, severe and minor depression, OC, and practically anything you can think of, every major disease and a lot of minor accompanying ones too. I wish I was back in the mental homes... it's really fun there.

The majority of insane women I think are tolerable as long as on pills.

As for cutters most of you think there crazy or ****, but maybe its cause I've known so many, they seem like nice people to me. You might think It's insane to scratch yourself till your skin comes off, but to them it's like scratching a mosquito bite to them... It hurts but It feels good and relieving....


Put it this way... If your going to be there cause you care for them then good. but if your there for easy sex and to take advantage take a good look at yourself....

Capi Crimini

Sep 1, 2003
Reaction score
2) magical thinking (believe in ghosts...etc)

I find this interesting, because I've noticed this as well.

I'm not just talking about believing in ghosts or the possibility of them, or maybe you saw something.

But I've been told stories by girls like this, that are totally unbelievable and made me instantly suspicous of them.

Every single one that comes to mind are actually quite similiar (almost text book for my experience with this type of girl).

They all involved seeing apparitions.

Like dead friends/relatives/ex's/balls of light.

I've had women like this tell me some unbelievable shyt.

Anyone else had any similar exp?
My sister believes in ghosts and so do I...

Does that make us crazy.... she sees and hears **** all the time along with smelling it... Crazy **** happens around us everywhere. Both my sisters and me, along with my family... that would make us a rambling family of lunitics?

But my sister besides having various encounters with **** like this... also ocasionally catches a picture of stuff...

For example once when visiting Holy Hill(an old huge church in our state on a hill, none the less) was in one of the points I guess you'd call it when she heard a voice say to her turn around... Now my other sister who was with her didn't hear it. So she turned around and outside the window was this great ball of light. So she snapped a picture... then she ran downstairs and out of the church and snapped another picture... Now keep in mind no one else say this. It was latter in the day. Sky still bright. and the sun on the other side of teh church. She gets these pictures developed and bam in the one out the window you can see an outline of halo and wings along with a body. Same with the one from downstairs.

Now in a trip to Scotland last month she got home and got her pictures developed. Now she was looking at some pics of a church she saw and in them was a pic of a 'light' again like the one she saw at holy hill... this was a picture she doesn't remember taking either... she remembered the one before it and teh one after...

There are otehr stories like this too... fact tons of them...Like on day she was arguing with my mom and grandma about faries.(my sister is a strong advocate of them) Now in the middle of the argument a vase flew off a mantle untouched and landed across the room.... not another word was said and the subject was changed...

I personally don't see **** or hear it... but I can feel stuff. and my other sister dreams stuff.

Also my sister does tarrot cards... and when she does them people who listen , who took it as a joke really listen... they don't all go say that it was a miracle and true... but if you watch them you can tell that they really are paying attention... like it strikes true to them... I guess you'd have to be there to understand.

But then again my sisters just a pyscotic chick right?

When you categorize things and people... you lose focus on the diversity and truth of things...

Just because three points make a line doesn't mean that line can't pull a 90degree turn somewhere...


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
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She's so wacked out that its actually pretty sad. Its suxs because I can honestly say that was probably the only girl I've had REAL FEELINGS for in a relationship. But I realize why, because they seem to be the ultimate female DJ. Reason being they never cave in, they will tell you all the sappy/mushy shiat and back it up with their actions, but right when things start to progress they RUN AWAY. Its ironic really. The very thing BPD's want is to be loved unconditionally, yet it is the biggest thing they fear when its presented to them. Because they think no matter what, he's going to leave me.

I was so confused for a while as to why this chick was so wacky with me. Thinking I was playing the game wrong or doing SOMETHING wrong. No it was her multiple personalities baring their ugly heads to me.

-She was scared of the dark
-She made up mysterious ways in which she injured herself
-She supposedly was raped nearly 3 years ago

I guess I have to look at the bright side. This experience will improve my game by 1000% It will be so hard for a girl to break me down that the next few chicks I date will have sky high interest level.

What makes BPD so scary is that they seem like completely normal functioning people. They're very intelligent, she gets awesome grades, is on a scholarship and is generally a bright person. But beneath it all they are sick, really sick.

Making up illnesses that supposedly lead to death, while crying their brains out for hours to make you feel bad/guilty. I doubt anyone of you wouldn't fall for it if you didn't know what you were dealing with. And this has nothing to do with having game or not, its just really disgusting and scary.

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Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
This could show up at any age.

This happened to my friend Pat awhile back. he was seeing this one chick, Pam(the chick cheated on one of his friends to get to Pat) SO he wanted revenge for his friend. He ended up seeing her and then braking her heart. She screamed that she was going to kill herself(She had some type of pills that was poison). It was really sad.

This was in 5th grade.
These psycho's are raised or born(don't know how but they are) like this. And yes She is still alive.


Jul 12, 2004
Reaction score
you hit the hammer on the head kid

If you read my post jock evader riders, it seems like youre talking about the same type of girls. they will gas u up just to get attention then throw u to the side like a $2 trick. :p

Phonenix DJ

Don Juan
Jan 2, 2004
Reaction score
Your description sounds like HPD

If it wasnt by the scars' comment I would say this girl had HPD!!

I've been in the same situation as yours. I mean, I didnt fucck her but the emotional part was similar! As you, I was being really confident, CF, mother Fuccker!But after I met this kind of girl I was drained out.

The same way she got attached to me, she vanished! It was like a "termal shock"! Its like your brain had been smashed! They've the power not only to aggravate us, but to cloud our minds with self doubt.

There's a book that says "They think you were created for their convenience - they take your time, effort, money, or love and give back nothing".

"You recognize Emotional Vampires by the emotional aftermath: they "take a lot out of you," they leave you feeling "drained," they "pushed your buttons," they are "high maintenance," etc.

Check here:

About HPD:

So, dear Djs. I keep asking "Is sex SO important to our lives?"
See, those poor peolple who "screw" like crazy trying to fill in a vacuum they have inside of them. Paradoxically, its never fufilling!

Yet, we see people whining that they're not happy because they don get laid!

It's the same reason people go get "sink" in drugs or alcohol.

We must look inward not ******d.

It doesn’t matter how many girls you have "screw", or parties or whatever but it matters if you have the people you love, your family and things which are actually more important than having, a gathering of "past conquest". Those are just some signs that you’ve been doing something; they are not signs that you are happy.

Those things don’t make you happy, and those things dont last!

In fact, I have a cousin that seems to have BPD. You know, he's charming, has great social skills. But he lies, deceives girls and have sex with them, uses them, steals/drinks, and so on. Once I was with him in one of his friend's party, and I saw he totally drunk, kicking the chairs, bullying...The next day he woke up and vomited all he had drunk.

It was pathetic!

THEN I ask, is this a LIFE to live?

All I have to say:

"Know Thyself"
P.S: And dont be afraid if you have a personality disorder like BPD!
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Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
Another Dimension
More info on how to identify a nutcase!

Sometimes HPD and BPD go through the same pattern!

Some studies found that over 50% of individuals diagnosed with BPD also met the criteria for HPD! (What a lethal psycho chick bomb!) :(

Here we have more tips on HOW TO RECOGNIZE THEM:

1. The most apparent behavior of Borderline characters is, customarily, their absolute division of the world and all its contents into extremes-all good and all bad. (This is what psychologist’s call splitting).

2. These characters can seem to have different personalities with different people at different times or they can seem to run hot/cold with the same person within any given moment.

3. Primitive impulses take over. One moment they are throwing kisses, the next kitchen knives. One minute she`s declaring her undying love for someone, the next she is screaming that she wants him dead.

4. At first she is a woman in love. But she rapidly dissolves into a hate-filled diatribe, and claims he does not love her, it must be because he's a homosexual.

5. They pick you up, then they throw you down.

They idealize people, bequeathing unto them godlike virtue and power. Then They may as quickly devalue others as weak and contemptible (Because of their tendency to polarize the world into the idealized or the devalued, they regularly appear to be always in a crisis, always in some sort of dilemma).

6. If a man pursued her, she wouldn't be interested, but let a man pursue another woman, and she will fall deliriously in love.

7. The Borderline Personality often takes in strangers as friends.

8. Individuals with BPD have a high level of interpersonal skill (they can disrupt entire systems), but they use their abilities in destructive ways.

9. The difficulty in "working" with women with BPD is that they will actively coerce nurturance until he burns out. There's a risk for an increasing sense of loss of control (on his part).


Borderline Personalities learn the behavior that classifies them early in life, from their families . . . families in which catastrophe is a way of life, where no one pays attention unless you are threatening mayhem. Trauma, especially incest, is often now thought of as instrumental in the formation of the Borderline Personality (a strong case for why women are diagnosed more often than men).

Purgatory appears to be the defining state for the Borderline child. Trauma-rich psychodynamic conditions of child rearing appear to be coupled with a high degree of child physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse, and neglect.

In particular, individuals with BPD who were sexually or physically abused often show inordinate anger and vindictiveness. These individuals must take responsibility for their hostility and vengefulness toward others; they must stop abusing others in the present for the abuse they experienced in the past!

P.S: Material gathered from the net!

BPD are victims who have learned the tactics of abuse and are willing to use them! They're the master of "hostile dominance", BE CAREFUL guys (I've been there, it's the hell on earth!)
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Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
The same exact thing happened to me! This b!tch told me she had lukemia, and was also a borderline psycho. My mom even told me she was (she has a masters in psychology). Crazy women out there, gotta watch out for em.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
Yeah it was the strangest experience I've ever had. BPD, HPD, Bi-polar, Anti-social all belong to the family known as Cluster B personality disorders. She's definitely histrionic, but I think she's predominantely borderline. I'll be going on 3 weeks with no contact tomorrow. But I'll be seeing her real soon. A bunch of us are going on a cruise in 2 weeks, of course she'll be there and on her best behavior. Psycho girl!!!

Its really scary and sad at the sametime that she's so fuvked in the head and she doesn't even realize it.

I think the scariest thing about BPD is how the can be fully functioning normal human beings in front of a crowd, then have a emotional nervous break down when your alone with them. Then suddenly within a few hours they're back to being happy?? WTF!! These people usually have a tramatic expierence in their childhood that prematurely stops brain development. So in a sense they're adults on the outside, but little kids on the inside. That explains a lot of what makes them attractive to us. They're risky, living life outside the box, they're fun and they seem like good people....LOL

Anyways I've made a pretty good recovery, I'm definitely not completely over it because she was part of my life for the past 8 months and now she's been eliminated, but I'll be back to 100% pimp mode soon...:D

I'll keep y'all posted on her psycho antics, because somehow I know this isn't the end of her desperate pleas for attention.



Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
Bipolar people are useful as fbuddies or one night stands.
Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
Interesting how some of the signs overlap with attention wh0res.
Especially the very sexual nature of these women, AW lie a lot and manipulate people. They also never take the blame for anything and turn things around on you. AW's don't suffer from the more severe symptoms, at least not the ones I've seen.

The mystical things also, I don't consider beleiving in ghosts to be such a bad thing. But the AW I knew told me how she's been to these witchcraft things and seen people levitate in front of her. Sorry but I think that's BS. When I tell her I want to see it she says she doesn't think I'm "open-minded" (i.e. stupid) enough to believe it if I saw it.