New Acne Thread


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
This is to replace this one:
Please do NOT MERGE IT WITH IT, this supercedes it.


Ok before we get into this, you need to accept one thing because what I will post will challenge your beliefs of what you know or what you think you know.

Now It is clear if you have Acne, your belief system in how to cure it is WRONG.

You need to accept this before you read further because this is not conventional stuff, the solution I present to you is very simple so simple in fact most if not all of you will question if it works, bred from your current belief systems that DO NOT WORK.

Accept if you have ACNE what you ‘think you know’, is not what YOU need to know.

If you come in here with an attitude of ‘that can’t be right’ or come in here and think ‘we’ll I know that this does this and this does that’, but when you look in the mirror your confronted with raging bulbus white heads then what you actually know means crap.

Forget what you THINK you know right now.

I don’t care who comes into this thread to challenge what I write, I am telling you WHAT WORKS 100% efficiency FAST, EASY, EFFECTIVE and you will see results in a WEEK or two.

Now you will get a-lot of people who will challenge this, just based on the last thread I wrote, I found myself trying to stem the tide of false information posted by people who deep down are only trying to help, but are actually doing more harm then not by posting the usual Westernised Bull-****.

It’s Bull-****, accept it and now accept what I write as what you need to do.


Do not leave this till next week, next month or next year, or when you can be fuc*** to do it, if you are serious about clearing yourself up, you do this TODAY, you find the means and you do it. You’d find the means to go out with the boys, you’d find the means to meet that chick on that hot date, now you find the means to get your life improved. You do this for YOURSELF.

Reason I say for youself, is because some of you will put this off, to do some shi* you have planned and this method is going to screw up your current plans I will state this with 100% prediction, what I will put down here will force you to make sacrifices.

Some of those sacrifices to some will be easy, some will be very hard. It depends on your life-style because what I post you need to make a life-style choice. Now some of you will do this, but I know some of you won’t because your not willing to help yourself or sacrifice your life-style choice, these people will no doubt make up some excuse to why this won’t work without even trying it. I know for a FACT some of you will make an excuse to why this DOES NOT WORK, without even trying it, because YOU FAIL TO HELP-YOURSELF.

Ok now that’s out of the way:

These usually go hand in hand with ACNE sufferers:

Tired, fatigue on and off, no matter how much sleep you get, you still feel shattered.
Sluggish, lack of energy.
Hard to concentrate.

What links: chocolate, sugary snacks, bread, bad foods like chips beef burgers (bread processed meat) e.t.c. You know all things that you know when you eat it, your getting a shi* ton of spots? (now don’t tell me you don’t get spots from junk, YOUR LYING, don’t lie to yourself).


how many of you have heard of this?

I bet not many at all.

Here is a link.

Read that whole dam mother-F-Site.

Here is a description:

What is Candida?

Candida is the short name used to describe yeast overgrowth in the body. The technical term for yeast overgrowth is "candidiasis," caused by the overgrowth of candida albicans. Candida albicans is a single-celled fungus that belongs to the vegetable kingdom. Like their "cousins" the molds, they live all around us.

Candida albicans lives in all our mucus membranes, i.e. intestines, eyes, ears, bladder, stomach, lungs, vagina, etc. It is one of the billions of other friendly organisms that serve a useful purpose in the body. One of candida albicans' important functions is to recognize and destroy harmful bacteria and toxins.
However, candida is not intended to overgrow and get out of control while the body is still living. That change is only intended to happen when the body dies, when candida's functions and characteristics change for the purpose of breaking the body down.

Candida puts out over 79 different kinds of toxins, most of which are alcohol, which breaks the body down, even causing brain lesions. When candida overgrowth happens while the body is still alive it causes innumerable symptoms, diseases and malfunctions.

In a nut shell Candida is a Yeast that lives in your body, but with the incorrect diet it over-grows and floods your body with toxins.

Read this also (read the whole dam blog):

Acne is not caused by dirt.
Acne is not caused by overactive skin oil glands.
Acne is not caused by caused by genes.
Acne is not caused by bacteria.

The guy above goes into the rational about what works, It saves me a hell of a lot of time to write this up, so READ IT ALL.
And I mean ALL.

Read it.

(If that site goes down, which It probably will since the guy no longer updates it since he is now living a Better ACNE free life, I may add to this post).
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
So you’ve read the blog posted? You have read it right? No! Go READ IT NOW then come back.

So you have two sources, one pointing to Candida and the other a guy on a blog who writes about how he overcame Candida to beat ACNE.

Ok this is truth FACT, TRUTH Accept it absorb it, TRUTH in your FACE, deny this and continue with what your doing and you only have YOURSELF to blame.

This stuff is so unheard of you won’t get this from your local doctor your GP or even your derm.

Here is another source:

Incidentally the guy In the above link is making his own Blog, free to pass on this info, to people like you.

Read it, read it all before you continue:

Ok to me those two guys follow a very strict regime, do you have to be that strict?

No, not at all.

Ok this is what you must do:
You need to defeat Candida in your system.

Candida feeds on sugar, sugar comes from many sources:

Step 1) Eliminate foods that feed Candida

1. Sugar of all kinds, including fruit and dairy (except butter).
2. Foods high in carbohydrates.
3. All grains and legumes (beans & peas from pods).

1. Eliminate sugars of all kinds, including fruits & dairy (except butter).
Candida's main food supply is sugar and all forms of it, including lactose contained in dairy products (except butter), honey, maple syrup, molasses, glucose, fructose, lactose, and sugar substitutes, i.e. NutraSweet, aspartame, saccharin, etc. – see list below. Eliminating sugar is the most important part of the Candida Program.

All fruits, except lemons and limes, are also very high in sugar (fructose) and should not be eaten until you have cured your candida. Some vegetables that are also high in sugar must also be eliminated, i.e. carrots, yams, sweet potatoes, parsnips, beets and others.

Even though lemons and limes are allowed on the candida diet, which provide many health benefits, they should not be consumed in large amounts since they contain fructose, which will feed candida. However, the amount of fructose in lemons and limes is very low.

Sugar is also contained is most processed foods such as smoked luncheon meats, ketchup, soup, etc. so reading labels carefully is very important. Reading labels can be tricky if you don't know the many names of sugar and sweeteners. Here's a partial list to help you.

Names for Sugar and Sweeteners (partial list)
• aspartame
• carbohydrate
• carob powder
• corn starch
• crystalline
• dextrin dextrose
• disaccharides
• galactose
• glucose
• levulose
• maltitol
• maltodextrin
• maltose (malt sugar)
• malts of any kind
• manitol
• mannitol
• mono-saccharides
• NutraSweet
• polydextrose
• polysaccharides
• ribose
• saccharin
• sorghum
• suamiel
• succanat
• sucrose

Please note, not all sugar substitutes directly feeds Candida, but all of them damage the immune system, and most are neurotoxic (causing damage and disturbances to the brain and nervous system). Stevia is the only sweetener that is allowed by candida sufferers, but it should only be consumed in very small amounts, because like all sugar, it will increase cravings for sugar and high carbohydrate foods. Also be sure to buy ground green stevia leaf, and not any kind of processed stevia. However, some candida sufferers are unable to tolerate any stevia for awhile on the candida program, so be cautious.

The fact that sugar greatly depresses the immune system has been known for many years, mainly because of Linus Pauling. He is the only person ever to receive two unshared Nobel Prizes – for Chemistry (1954) and for Peace (1962). He concluded that white blood cells need a high dose of vitamin C, and so he developed his theory that high doses of vitamin C were needed to combat the common cold, the flu and even cancer.

Did you know that vitamin C and sugar have similar chemical structures so that means they compete with one another for entry into the cells. If there is more sugar around less vitamin C is allowed into the cell, and vice versa.
It is interesting that taking vitamin C also helps curb sugar, alcohol and high carbohydrate cravings. Since our bodies cannot make vitamin C on it's own it must be obtained from foods or supplements on a daily basis.

Here are a few of the 146 bad effects sugar has on health – for a complete list see Sugar, 146 Ways it Can Ruin Your Health:

• Sugar contributes to the reduction in defense against bacterial infection
• Sugar upsets mineral relationships in the body
• Sugar interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium
• Sugar can interfere with the absorption of protein
• Sugar can change the structure of protein
• Sugar can increase the body's fluid retention
• Sugar can cause hormonal imbalances
• Sugar is an addictive substance and can be intoxicating, similar to alcohol
• Sugar decreases oxygen to the cells
Insulin Resistance

Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas. It helps the body utilize blood glucose (blood sugar) by binding with receptors on cells like a key would fit into a lock. Once the key insulin has unlocked the door, the glucose can pass from the blood into the cell. Inside the cell, glucose is either used for energy or stored for future use in the form of glycogen in the liver or muscle cells.
The body's cells become insulin resistant because they are trying to protect themselves from the toxic effects of high insulin which is required to regulate blood sugar levels when the diet is high in sugar and/or carbohydrates. This causes the cells to down-regulate their receptor activity and the numbers of their receptors so they don't have to receive 'that noxious stimuli' all the time.

It is like having this loud disgusting music being played and you have to turn down the volume. Insulin resistance leads to blood sugar problems like hypoglycemia and diabetes, and to high blood pressure.

A less known fact is that insulin also stores magnesium. But if your cells become resistant to insulin you can't store magnesium, so it is lost through urination. Intracellular magnesium relaxes muscles. What happens when you can't store magnesium because the cell is resistant? You lose magnesium and your blood vessels and muscles constrict.

This causes blood pressure to increase and reduces energy since intracellular magnesium is required for all energy producing reactions that take place in the cell. But most importantly, magnesium is also necessary for the action of insulin and the manufacture of insulin. When your insulin is raised, you lose magnesium, and the cells become even more insulin resistant.
It becomes a vicious cycle that begins even before you were born. This is another very good reason not to eat sugar and high carbohydrate foods.

2. Eliminate foods high in carbohydrates

Candida also feeds on high carbohydrate foods such as starches and grains, including breads, pasta, pizza, cereals, baked goods, beans, potatoes, peas, lima beans, etc. Some vegetables must also be avoided because they are also high in sugars and/or carbohydrates, i.e. beets, squash, corn, parsnips, sweet potatoes, yams, carrots, etc.

These high carb, or starchy, foods store their energy as complex strands of sugar molecules (starch), which acts just like sugar in the body. That is why grains are just as addictive as sugar. After being off all sugar and grains for a few days you will find your craving for both of them will decrease. A high-complex-carbohydrate diet is nothing more than a high-glucose diet or a high-sugar diet.

All carbohydrates turn into glucose (blood sugar) in the body, and 58% of protein and 10% of the fat are also converted by the body into glucose. Our bodies can fulfill all of its blood sugar requirements by a diet of proteins and good nature-made fats alone. That is why Eskimos are very healthy on their natural diet of only meats and fats.

These are all good reasons why Candida sufferers must eliminate starches and grains, and some high carb vegetables.

3. Eliminate all grains and legumes*

*Note: Legumes (a French word), are plants with seed pods, i.e. beans and peas, but they do not include green, yellow, wax or string beans.
All grains feed Candida because they have a high glycemic index just like sugar, and like sugar they feed Candida and create insulin resistance within the cells.

Also, some grains contain gluten, which is an elastic gluey protein found in wheat, rye, barley, oats, spelt, kamut, triticale, and it is hidden in an endless variety of processed foods. Triticale is a new hybrid grain with the properties of wheat and rye, while spelt and kamut are gluten-containing wheat variants (despite claims to the contrary) and are likely to cause problems similar to other wheat varieties.

Most Candida sufferers are gluten intolerant, and have often been diagnosed with Celiac Disease prior to finding out about candida.

Grains that are safer to consume are more seed-like than grain-like, and they do not contain gluten. These grains include amaranth, buckwheat, millet and quinoa. Brown rice is also a safe grain. However, these grains are high in carbs, like all other grains, which feeds candida.

This is also include WAIGHT GAINERS, sorry you need to get rid of them cut them out for at least as long as you’re getting rid of you yeast infection.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
In basic form:


Then you need to replace that crap with real food.

What food is this?

We’ll read the links.

But to me they get a little OTT anal, now at the end of the day we want to get rid of ACNE not become Health nut jobs, I mean jesus the things they tell you can only eat, you’d have to starve yourself to get results.

So here is what I do and did:

Foods to eat:
Meats, any meat ALL MEAT IS GOOD. With slight exceptions, meats with treated chemicals, like MSG. sugar toppings (flavourings) or processed refined meats (sliced ham in packets).
What I eat is:
Anything really, I cook it from scratch in the over and have fresh vegetables with it.

The possibility is endless, you just need to THINK.

Vegetables, I do NOT CARE if you like vegetables or not, you going to grow to like them. Eat vegetables has much has possible, but stay away from things like carrots, sweet potatoes, potatoes and pod foods (peas e.t.c). I eat my veg with Butter (not margarine), butter is VERY GOOD FOR YOU.

Have butter on anything you dislike, it makes it taste so much better and soon you will get used to the foods.

Eat SALADS, eat salads has much has possible. Toss in chicken, ham, turkey, anything. Just make sure to eat salads.

Eggs, eat them anyway you like. Egg and bacon (no bread or beans).

Read the links, decide what you want to eat, i also have cereal: Rolled oats (ready brek), milk and decaff coffee.

Remove all bad oils not including Olive Oil, everything else is a no go area veg oil, sunflower oil e.t.c

NO Chemicals, msg E numbers, none of that sh1t.

There is alot of info out there, use google.
don't be anal, but make sacrifices pushing towards a better diet consisting of MEAT AND VEG as much as possible.

Once you get your result do what the fu&& you like.

Ok first two weeks:
You need to stick to a solid diet of meat, veg and salads, YOU MUST DO THIS.

After that when your skin is clear you can go back to what ever crap you had before.

Additional stuff you must try to do:

Holland and barrat do a product called ‘Yeast raiders’, buy it and follow the label.
By at the same time ‘Coconut oil’ and eat a tea-spoon of it a day, yes that’s right, DO IT.
Buy Probiotic Yoghurts, i buy a brand called Yoe Valley Natural yoghurt no flavour and add in berries or nuts from the shop, there very tasty when you add in the other stuff.

What you MUST DO FOR THE FIRST TWO WEEKS IS: NO ALCOHOL, none ZERO, none. No tea, no coffee, just water, the fresher the better.

You can drink Alcohol again when you have cleared you body out, so don’t worry.

Now do you notice no where I have told you to use any products, mass marketed products?

Because you do not need to!

If you follow what I wrote, follow the links, follow the guides, you will get results and your so called treatments that DO NOT WORK in the long term will not be needed. That’s right, ACNE free without the reliance on ANY PRODUCT.

This is the reason I was going to request the other post to be taken down:
This describes the rational well:

To illustrate what I'm talking about with an analogy, let's take a pond of water. Healthy people with healthy skin have a nice pond of water with fresh water running in and fresh water running out. This is sort of like their bodies or pores being able to filter out the toxins before it clogs up their pores. If you continue to have this fresh water running in and then having it running out, the possibility of infestation is very low.

But what if you have congesting toxins in your blood and lymph fluid and hormonal imbalance? The congesting toxins would cause your body to not having any "fresh water" running into your "pond", so to speak. The hormonal imbalance would cause your body not to not be able to filter toxins out, sort of like not having that water running out of your "pond." Eventually, you're pond just becomes a clogged, perfect breeding environment for acne bacteria, a "stagnant pond" if you will.

Think of those backyard water fountains that have gone out of use but still have a little bit of water in them. What happens to that stagnant, unmoving water? Eventually it becomes filled with mosquitoes, bacteria, fungus, it's pretty gross. So what happens if you hose down and pour insecticide in that bacteria infested pond (which is the equivalent of only killing the acne bacteria on your face with benzoyl peroxide)? Obviously, you'll kill most of the mosquito eggs, most of the mosquitoes, wash out most of the bacteria, etc... And for a little bit it'll look like that pond's pretty clean.

But sooner or later, after the insecticide dissipates and fades away, the mosquitoes will come back, the fungus will re-proliferate, and the bacteria will start to grow again. That might be a fine solution for some of you, but also, don't forget about this. Your body isn't that random pool of water in your backyard that you don't really care about. It's YOUR BODY. Pouring insecticide on or in your body for a long period of time eventually will start harming it, but we'll get into that later.

BP is great to use with Jojobo oil still use it, but you will find your only now needing it to get rid of ACNE Scars.
I suggest you use BP and follow what I posted above.

I may add to this later:

*edit, not had time to edit this info, I just wanted to post it ASAP bit busy with work atm.


Don Juan
Aug 9, 2008
Reaction score
New York, NY / Chapel Hill, NC
nice posts. I still havent read all of it yet, but I'm in the process of doing so. I dont have bad acne at all, just ont he side of my face I sleep on and right where my hair falls over my forehead. Im currently using a benzoyl peroxide cream (5%) prescribed by my doctor, no peeling or dryness or anything, and have been using it for like 3 months. The benzoyl peroxide got rid of everything cept for the acne on left side of my face (where I sleep), and right at the top of my forehead, so I think its time for a dietary change (I eat sooo much sugary ****, but drink a bucketloads of water in the form of green tea as well).

On a side note, does alcohol intake have an affect upon acne?

EDIT: last thing you posted you mentioned with BP you will find that you need to get rid of acne scars. Idk if these are scars, but I have a few small dark splotches from where I had acne before. How do i get rid of those?


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
Use the peeling effect of BP, i.e no moisturizer.

Tip: wash your face at night and let your area peel, this will eventually form new layers of skin, but it takes time.

There is no quick fix has far as i know.

And yes alcohol is bad, not just for the fact it is: its also to do with the fact its full of suger e.t.c

I hear red wine is ok though, but i wouldn't go mental on it.

Oh i forgot to include fish in the above, all fish of any kind is good too.

What happens, IN HER MIND, is that she comes to see you as WORTHLESS simply because she hasn't had to INVEST anything in you in order to get you or to keep you.

You were an interesting diversion while she had nothing else to do. But now that someone a little more valuable has come along, someone who expects her to treat him very well, she'll have no problem at all dropping you or demoting you to lowly "friendship" status.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
Also take a probiotic product, very very important - missed it out of the original post.

Essential to take.


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
Reaction score
your missing one important fact here. There a milliions of people without acne that eat whatver they want and some have absoultely awful diets theyre way overweight and have not one blemish since the age of 13 and even then didnt have alot. So obviously its not cuz we have a poor diet. I myself have acne and see my friends eat fried food and sugar all the time and they dont have acne. So obviously its sgentetic or somethin else. Now if u say that people with acne are predisposed to it, so as a result a bad diet makes it worse. Then yes i will agree with u, but diet is not the main cause.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
DJinTraining06 said:
your missing one important fact here. There a milliions of people without acne that eat whatver they want and some have absoultely awful diets theyre way overweight and have not one blemish since the age of 13 and even then didnt have alot. So obviously its not cuz we have a poor diet. I myself have acne and see my friends eat fried food and sugar all the time and they dont have acne. So obviously its sgentetic or somethin else. Now if u say that people with acne are predisposed to it, so as a result a bad diet makes it worse. Then yes i will agree with u, but diet is not the main cause.

Here we go.

Listen, there are millions of people who can eat cream cakes, chocolate e.t.c and not get Fat - there are also millions of people who look at that stuff and pile on the pounds.

Regardless its a weak argument - where not all the same - and everyone who has done the above has got results - so the point is:

So you keep assuming just because your friend can eat crap that its something else, or do you assume that your body processes that sort of stuff differently, hence why it gets spots?

You clearly have not read the post also, I linked in CANDIDA - did you miss that, it seems these people who can eat the junk dont have a problem with this - But could develop a problem with it due to there life-style (or they could not)

Anyway why do I give a fuc* - do what you want, believe what you want - I posted how to get rid of ACNE for good, people can ignore it or actually try it without making a silly post assuming everyone in the world is a carbon copy of each other.

Go out and try it then come back and make a post before you actually condem it with assumptions based on loose logic.

I know 100% you have not clicked the links, you have not read the post - your post is a typical denial post, assuming you know it all without even looking at any other resource.

You kid are condemned to suffer ACNE has long as you wise up and actually try something that is different to your comfort zone or your belief system - stop thinking because your friend is ok with eating shi* that you are too - your not him and never will be!

Some people pile on pounds and muscle mass easier then others, some people get diseases easier then others, some people get breathing problems, like Asthma - some people get problems like dry skin - Hence We are not all the SAME!

Go out and try it before making a post assuming cra*, I aint wasting my time replying to junk like this - I posted this for nothing - took me a good 45 minutes to write that up and what do I get, some weak assed argument - Have you tried it?

No, well then keep your opinion to yourself till you do, ok?!

Read my initial post, I already cover your type up there, I dont have to repeat myself and wont from this point onwards in regards to people who simply assume the negative without actually doing a dam thing!

Captain Harlock

Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2009
Reaction score
The Netherlands
Milk is probably an important factor in acne too. My back looked like the moon surface back when I drank more than a litre a day. Now that I hardly drink milk it's much better (though not entirely disappeared, acne is also related to testosterone). Cow milk is not really good food despite what the food industry told us since we were small. It doesn't do anything to your bones except for weakening them.

At this point you probably have a woman (or multiple women) chasing you around, calling you all the time, wanting to be with you. So let's talk about how to KEEP a woman interested in you once you have her. This is BIG! There is nothing worse than getting dumped by a woman that you really, really like.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


New Member
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
thanks for this thread..

can i have more ideas on how to get away of this acne..

got oily face...

i always wash my face every time i noticed an oil in my face..

i also used toners..

but it still exists..:cry:



Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
Reaction score
jonwon said:
Here we go.

Listen, there are millions of people who can eat cream cakes, chocolate e.t.c and not get Fat - there are also millions of people who look at that stuff and pile on the pounds.

Regardless its a weak argument - where not all the same - and everyone who has done the above has got results - so the point is:

So you keep assuming just because your friend can eat crap that its something else, or do you assume that your body processes that sort of stuff differently, hence why it gets spots?

You clearly have not read the post also, I linked in CANDIDA - did you miss that, it seems these people who can eat the junk dont have a problem with this - But could develop a problem with it due to there life-style (or they could not)

Anyway why do I give a fuc* - do what you want, believe what you want - I posted how to get rid of ACNE for good, people can ignore it or actually try it without making a silly post assuming everyone in the world is a carbon copy of each other.

Go out and try it then come back and make a post before you actually condem it with assumptions based on loose logic.

I know 100% you have not clicked the links, you have not read the post - your post is a typical denial post, assuming you know it all without even looking at any other resource.

You kid are condemned to suffer ACNE has long as you wise up and actually try something that is different to your comfort zone or your belief system - stop thinking because your friend is ok with eating shi* that you are too - your not him and never will be!

Some people pile on pounds and muscle mass easier then others, some people get diseases easier then others, some people get breathing problems, like Asthma - some people get problems like dry skin - Hence We are not all the SAME!

Go out and try it before making a post assuming cra*, I aint wasting my time replying to junk like this - I posted this for nothing - took me a good 45 minutes to write that up and what do I get, some weak assed argument - Have you tried it?

No, well then keep your opinion to yourself till you do, ok?!

Read my initial post, I already cover your type up there, I dont have to repeat myself and wont from this point onwards in regards to people who simply assume the negative without actually doing a dam thing!

Ive tried everything dude, im not making assumptions. I dont have the time in my day to make these changes, my point is there is a very specific reason or reasons to why I get acne and i eat pretty healthy, yet my friends eat junk and they have no acne.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
I have oily face and use regiment. It works pretty well but my acne isn't severe. I get 1-4 spots, is there a good way to treat them for oily faces?

Washing more than twice a day is not recommended by the way it irritates your face.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
~Listen to me, I’m trying break down that wall.

ACNE is a western problem, i.e. people in western nations suffer this problem mainly.

Why is that?

Let’s look at the typical Western diet.

Tinned food - almost 80% of processed tinned food contains - SUGAR.
Soft Drinks - Full of sugar and probably the worst thing you can ever drink.

In actual fact it is very hard for a typical western person to go through the day without consuming high levels of sugar -

Some people cannot process the sugar because they have problems with there liver.

ACNE is not about your face, your oily skin - Oily skin does not cause ACNE - there are people with Oily skin who don’t have ACNE - There are people who work in pits covered in dirt, who don’t get ACNE.

ACNE is not caused by dirt or oil or any of that nonsense.

Acne cannot be removed by cleaning your face, because ACNE is not caused by dirty, oily skin.
Some people can go weeks without washing there face - even with oily skin - most people DO NOT WASH there face - If you notice the average person DOES NOT WASH THERE FACE EVERY NIGHT OR MORNING - They do it in the bath or shower ONLY!

It is caused by poisons flooding your system due to your bodies inability to process ANY FORM of SUGAR - This floods your body with toxins and poison which your body tries to get rid of through your pores - This then results in an ideal breeding ground for BACTERIA which causes ACNE - Hence what happens is your body is telling you there is something wrong - it is showing signs that something is wrong - it is linked to your Liver and the process of eliminating poison from your consumption of SUGAR which is in almost ALL WESTERN FOODS.

That is why people in America, UK - e.t.c suffer with ACNE - and why people in places like GREECE, SPAIN e.t.c don’t have an almost endemic problem, because their diet is fresh - meats, none processed junk and low sugar intake.

Some people have powerful Liver functions, this makes it so they can consume such high levels of poison, but if you have ACNE it’s because your liver is not up to the job of removing all the poison (SUGAR) in your system.

LISTEN UP - TAKE NOTICE - One day you will realize that this is YOUR PROBLEM AND YOUR SOLUTION.

So do it.

How hard is it to cut out sugar and all forms of it?

How hard is it to drink 4-5 cups of water a day?

Not hard at all.

This stuff is normal - it is normal to not eat vast quantities of sugar and to drink fresh cold refreshing water.

It is abnormal to consume high levels of sugar and drink cra* juices and pop and soda -

Give your body what it wants and your ACNE will clear.

I guarantee that.

ACNE CAN NOT BE CURED BY APPLYING CREAMS ALL THE TIME, it is impossible – the problem is not EXTERNAL it is INTERNAL – Listen the F UP!

Creams will remove the problem for a very small time, but the problem is still there, you've not prevented the problem - you've just put a band aid on the problem - and what you find 100% all the time, is that over the course of time - the band aid no longer works because the BACTERIA is getting more resilient to the band aid and the actual Problem is getting worse, whislt your under the impression its getting better.

A typcial western person will use a 'magic' cream like the stuff I posted in my original thread - they use it and do NOTHING about the REAL PROBLEM - Hence after a few months the creams no longer work and their back to square one.

Every time you ingest sugar, everytime you drink heavy (high sugar content in drinks), every time you tuck into that sugar snack, everytime you eat that cheap proccessed cra* that contains the preservative 'sugar' - is poison your flooding in your system.

This is why your get Spots 2-3 days after a heavy night or having eated something with high sugar content - Your body is getting rid of the TOXINS through your skin and this is the reason BACTERIA is causing your ACNE because your body is a perfect breading ground for it!

DJ in training, your diet is not healthy enough. Step it up!