Frayzer said:
I wanted to start my first investment in stocks. I was looking at Toyota, despite a bit of a bump, because I know they're planning to release the next generation Supra either this year if not next year.
How do I buy/sell a stock?
Just curious, but why do you want to invest in something that you don't understand? Is it because you HEARD it was an efficient investment?
synergy covered a lot of information but make sure to understand the statement that's near the end of his response,
and it's in reference to LOSING MONEY.
Tenacity has never lost money doing any investment because I never (absolutely never) invest in something that I don't know everything about. When I say everything, I mean everything. I also don't invest in anything I can't control.
With Stocks, you can do all of the research known to man on the companies you are going to invest in, and variables outside of your control can cause your stock prices to decrease.
With Bonds, as long as you hold it until maturity and the company doesn't go bankrupt, you are pretty much guaranteed the return of principal and on time payments of interest.
With Stocks, after going through the volatility cycles of up and down, up and down, up and down, the theory is that over time (10 year period, 20 year period, etc) you should have a net POSITIVE return of 6% - 12%. But as synergy said, it's all about the right TIMING. You could be about to invest in Stocks when they are about to head into a down cycle, in which they ARE, because the moment the Fed Rate increases the Party is over for Equities in terms of this massive growth. Stocks are way OVERVALUED right now.
But nevertheless, the BEST investment you can make is starting a small profitable business. If you are within good timing, take your 6% - 12% per year average Stock Market returns over time and take your 5% - 8% per year average Bond returns over time, and they are NOTHING compared to operating a profitable small business.
So you invest $5,000 into a small business that generates $10,000 in revenue in one year. That's a $5,000 profit or a 100% return. Do this same thing over and over each year, you are getting a 100% return each year.
So I promote the concept of Investing In Yourself through owning a small business and doing things to get career promotions (like another certification, license, degree, etc).
The returns from Investing In Yourself will always be higher than Stocks, Bonds and Real Estate (unless Real Estate is operated as a business as well which technically counts as Investing In Yourself since you are operating that business).
Me personally, I invest in a business office that I operate as well as in Bonds and CDs. I do not invest in Stocks AT ALL. I do not like the up and down shyt, I do not like the fact that my investment is devalued due to dumb shyt occurring in another industry sector of the Stock Market that has nothing to do with my companies, I don't like the fact that my companies are devalued based on what other investors think of them even if their analysis might be totally OFF...etc, etc, etc.
I personally am sick of the Financial Community only promoting the Stock Market or Bonds, and totally avoiding other type of investments. Understand that the richest people in the country (Millionaires and Billionaires) DID NOT get that way through Stock Trading or Buying/Holding Stocks. They did it through OWNING BUSINESSES.