I'm probably going to jail

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Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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what a fvcking sh1t situation

im a firm believer in "no news is good news" which means i would just be laying real low for a couple days after a situation like this

i like the idea of contacting the authorities just about the damage to your property ....however you don't want them questioning her as we all know the fairytales ( or nightmares) women are capable of fabricating

so just be careful what you say

and yes we can't hide from the fact that in this case the system is firmly there for her "safety"

i wouldn't bother contacting her again as any communication from here on in COULD be used in court ...if it ever went that far

just trying to cover all bases here


Aug 19, 2013
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Eye of the storm
Holy sh!t!!! If there is a victim in this you're the real one, all given that your story is accurate of course. If this does go as far as the police and so on you're in a good position if you can keep your cool. Crazy women like that never win out, I've seen it before. They would also like you to think they are the victim and that you don't stand a chance in court for hitting a woman. Remember though that the very foundations of the justice system doesn't discriminate between sexes, so in their eyes hitting a woman is no different than hitting a man. Given that she attacked and you defended you're on the higher ground. If there's visible damage I suggest you take a picture of it right away, preferably with date written on a paper note visible in the pictures.

Since there's no other evidence than the damage it's going to be word against word on who hit first. Then again it happened in your house, so that's a point in the right direction.

She's probably too crazy to go to the police anyways, and in any case stay far far away from her and respond to nothing.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2013
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Playpen, Chicago.

Lawyer was afraid that they were going to try and get me on a felony bc her eye was so f*cked. However, last night she confessed via text that she was going to hit me in the head with the mirror. Completely giving herself up.

Sent that right to my lawyer who let the detective know this morning that we have proof right off the bat. She also refused to tell the detective where I work to protect me. The above two are big signs to the state that they shouldn't even waste their time pursuing a felony charge as the ch!ck is obviously full of sh!t.

Result - misdemeanor charge. Turning myself in in the morning, keeping my mouth completely shut, and bonding out an hr after. We'll be going to court and fighting it from there.

I can't express how happy I am knowing that I won't have to fight a felony let alone having a strong piece of evidence right off the back in my favor to win completely. This girl is so nuts that I'm sure she will absolutely crumble in court.

She keeps texting me asking how I'm doing, where I'm at, what I'm thinking, how she misses me, sending me YouTube love songs. After all this she still wants more... Baths!t
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Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
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Dude why are you not pressing charges on her for assault and destroying your apartment?


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2013
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Playpen, Chicago.
jurry said:
Dude why are you not pressing charges on her for assault and destroying your apartment?
My lawyer said its a dumb idea at this point in time. I asked the same thing and he gave me some kind of crazy explanation. It is better to use everything we have in defense against her. Also - it would look like we're filing charges just cause she did.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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Dgwizdal said:

Lawyer was afraid that they were going to try and get me on a felony bc her eye was so f*cked. However, last night she confessed via text that she was going to hit me in the head with the mirror. Completely giving herself up.

Sent that right to my lawyer who let the detective know this morning that we have proof right off the bat. She also refused to tell the detective where I work to protect me. The above two are big signs to the state that they shouldn't even waste their time pursuing a felony charge as the ch!ck is obviously full of sh!t.

Result - misdemeanor charge. Turning myself in in the morning, keeping my mouth completely shut, and bonding out an hr after. We'll be going to court and fighting it from there.

I can't express how happy I am knowing that I won't have to fight a felony let alone having a strong piece of evidence right off the back in my favor to win completely. This girl is so nuts that I'm sure she will absolutely crumble in court.

She keeps texting me asking how I'm doing, where I'm at, what I'm thinking, how she misses me, sending me YouTube love songs. After all this she still wants more... Baths!t
use all of those texts against her in court...no chick that is scared of a dude is going to constantly text him stuff


Master Don Juan
Oct 31, 2013
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Never hit a girl....misdemeanor charge over what? Not alpha.
Control urself...beta or omega.

We all should know this...example of what never....never to do. I bet if big azz dude got in yo face u wouldn't react by throwing fists....

Ur lame...or. trolling. Pics of damage done to ur property or her hawt azz as u said...or next topic from u.


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2011
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Dgwizdal said:
My lawyer said its a dumb idea at this point in time. I asked the same thing and he gave me some kind of crazy explanation. It is better to use everything we have in defense against her. Also - it would look like we're filing charges just cause she did.
The lawyer said it's a dumb idea to file charges but he is still going to file charges because she did? :confused:


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
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Look, just get the f*ck offline and sort your sh!t out. Discussing what you 'may or may not plea' with amateur lawyers online (as per page one of this thread) is seriously not going to help you. Your real lawyer will tell you exactly the same thing. A good friend of mine makes a fairly healthy living out of investigating this kind of thing (that's an informed warning rather than a threat), and let's be honest, you're not being terribly subtle.

Your actions were over the top, REGARDLESS of her actions, and you don't deserve the hero's welcome you're getting from some. You could just as easily grabbed the b!tch by the scruff of the neck and and tossed her in to the street.

This is tough love, but take it from someone who's been there.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2013
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Playpen, Chicago.
Danger said:

So were you actually charged with a misdemeanor?
Yes - lawyer says they are probably going to throw it out due to our evidence and her actions after. Was in and out of jail in 30 minutes. First court date is in a month.


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2012
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Wear a suit to any court dates. Be humble and non-combative.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
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Well, when you're right you're right, gota give this one to you danger thats ridiculous..

Granted this likely goes nowhere and the charges get dropped, but I really dont understand why OP didnt/isnt pressing charges or why his lawyer advises him against it.. Makes no sense.


Jan 8, 2015
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Dgwizdal said:
Lawyer was afraid that they were going to try and get me on a felony bc her eye was so f*cked. However, last night she confessed via text that she was going to hit me in the head with the mirror. Completely giving herself up.
Were they trying to get you on aggravated assault charges?

Girl is crazy. She should be liable for vandalism and assaulting you. Nothing is misandric far as I can see. Breaking her eye is an assault it will get you arrested. Now you need to prove your defense since she pressed charges. Strange to me how you didn't file against her at the beginning. The evidence will show your innocence and charges will dropped. Standard CJ court proceedings.


Jan 8, 2015
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Danger said:
Agree on the filing, only an idiot judge should think of that as retaliation, but then it looks like we have an idiot detective and DA.

I can understand the argument that it looks like he is retaliating, so maybe it is wiser to let this verdict come in and THEN to file, but he really should file those charges. It aggravates me that one should have to wait simply for the sake of perception though.
It can easily be seen as retaliation. She hit him and he hit her. A reason why you don't hit back. could land you in jail for battery. Why are they idiots when you're also uncertain about it? Our legal system works that way.


Jan 8, 2015
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Danger said:
The misandry is in that even with all of the evidence supporting his position that there are still charges against him, she was about to hit him with a mirror for god's sake.
She filed charges against him. He did not file any. He broke her eye badly and that is an assualt. They dropped the felony charge of battery against him. So no misandry. He has to PROVE it was self defense. Any fight you partake in can get you arrested with charges. Then you prove your case. Our laws work that way.

Danger said:
"They" are idiots for seeing that his filing of charges is a retaliation for her filing charges when the reality still exists that she destroyed a good portion of his property.
No they are not idiots. He filed no charges until after she did. It easily can can look that way. He needed to file charges first. His lawyer declined. It can be seen as retaliation for him hitting her after she hit him. He has to prove he was in danger for a self defense case.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
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Yea I agree with pena too early for the misandry call.

Theres a fight, one side files charges the other does not. The criminal justice/court system must have due process regardless whether the charge has any merit or not. They work with the info that is provided, OP should have filed charges.


Jan 8, 2015
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Danger said:
She files charges, the state reviews evidence and decides whether to charge him.
She filed charges and has a broken eye socket as her evidence. The law says it is aggravated assault. The State dropped those charges despite him filing no charges against her. No misandry. Basic CJ proceedings.

Danger said:
Despite the preponderance of evidence showing SHE was the assaulter, he gets the charges. THAT is the very definition of misandry. Going ahead with the charges when the evidence does not warrant it.
The evidence he has is circumstantial. He filed NO charges to PROVE she is the assaulter. His lawyer declined. She filed charges against him. Her evidence is warranted when it shows aggravated assault. Those charges were already dropped. His lawyer didn't file no charges to show she was the assaulter. Her broken eye is the only real evidence so far. He was charged for that reason. The felony was already dropped. If his lawyer filed like I said he should he probably wouldn't be charged. It would show her as being guilty. No misandry when it's going by the book of the law.

PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
Is now the time to tell Pena/Jurry that OP could very well lose his self defense claim becauase his response was not reasonably proportionate to the danger he faced? (Depending on state law but this is the law in many states). That is the second layer of misandry..."never ok to hit a woman" plays a huge role in determining reasonableness...and you think a closed fist that breaks bones will fly as self defense. ..lol. wouldn't want to spoil those trolls` fun.
His lawyer filed no charges and she did. She has a severe injury so he was charged. The charges he faced was already lowered. Now he has to prove a self defense case if he was actually in danger from her. His evidence will have to back his claim. It's best not to hit so you don't have to fight it in court. She was at fault but his actions can make him guilty.


Jan 8, 2015
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
how is this relevant to anything I said? they can't prove aggravated assault that's why they lowered it it wasn't out of the goodness of their heart idiot
Aggravated assault is based on the severity of the injury. According to the OP it was severe enough to be aggravated assault and they already lowered it. Idiot.

Danger said:

The state (district attorney) chooses to go forward with the case based upon evidence. The detective has received evidence from dgwiz's attorney. The state did not push for felony charges but is still going ahead with misdemeanor charges despite the evidence in the girls own words that she was assaulting him and destroying his property.

Clear misandry, especially since if the roles were reversed then no state would go any further.
The evidence is based on her injuries that warrants a case. He filed no charges against her that proves what she actually did. The felony charges were dropped showing no misandry. The evidence he has does not clearly show she was assaulting him and destroying his property as the instigator. If it did all chages would be dropped. If he got in a street fight with a guy and couldn't prove self defense it would move forward too.


Jan 8, 2015
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
false, aggravation is anything put into the aggravated assault statute by the legislature and usually has more to do with the level of intent or assault in the commission of another offense but then again I'm a criminal defense attorney what do I know
Not false. Each state has it's own definition of aggravated assault and what it considers it to be. You must not be a very good lawyer not to know that.


Jan 8, 2015
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Danger said:
Let's do a sanity check here....

We have this....of her admitting attacking him, fvking up his house and that he swung in self-defense....

Then we have this....with even more evidence that was shared with the detective (which goes to the DA), and yet STILL we have charges pressed.

Therefore, the DA has a girl with a broken eye-socket who has admitted she was attacking him, she was destroying his house, and she was in the process of hitting him in the head with a mirror when he swung. But the charges remain.

Remind me again how that is not misandry?
Audio recording are not allowed as evidence in some states. Some states consider that illegal. Her facebook confession could be seen as self defense for hitting him with a mirror. All is circumstantial evidence with no real proof.

She filed charges against him and her proof is her broken eye socket. He was charged for that crime. Felony charges were dropped. So no misandry when it could still be a felony charge.

He filed NO charges of what she did. It's a he said/she said case that will be determined that is normal CJ proceedings. A friend of mine had a similar experience and all charges were dropped after he FILED charges against her for assault. He did not file letting it go to court.
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