Jaylan said:
Oh boy. Gooddell is about to lose his job for this.
And to all the Ray Rice apologists. Security staff for the casino analyzed the tape, and if you zoom in, you see Ray Rice spit on Janay before she smacks him. So guess who started all this? And then the dude spit on her again in the elevator.
So this punk is spitting on and then hits a woman. Yet so many were buying his story that she spit and hit first. I would really like to see anyone defend Rice and bash Janay after looking at the video closeups. Rice was drunk and belligerent and started all this...yet someone certain posters made this all about women hitting spitting and running their mouth.
From what I saw Ray did plenty of spitting, hitting and running his mouth. Itll be hard for another team to pick him up next year.
Jaylan, I called this out in my first post in this thread. :yes:
You have a group of men who hate women, so she will be in the wrong no matter what. These guys feel it's ok to smack chicks around and beat them up no matter what.
They want NFL Players to get off the hook for that with nothing held aganist them. But the average dude will be severely punished if he tried to do that. Doesn't make any sense to me at all.
Some will talk about "Retaliation" if a chicks hits him. Which is pretty damn stupid when he knows the law isn't on his side and he will go to jail or prison for doing so. Then he will be in a cell with other inmates who can punish him.
Jaylan said:
Many people will talk to the press for the right price. If its true the NFL had this tape months ago, why lie about it and why give Ray Rice such a light punishment to begin with?
Because, it's all a PR move just like I said it was. :yes:
Roger put this "policy" in place to protect his Entertainment Business which is the NFL.
At first, I thought old Roger was going to get tough on these thugs who beat women up.
After thinking it through, I realized that this "policy" was put into place just to make it look good.
Roger wanted to get the heat off his back and wanted to make it look like he was doing something about it.
So, he put in this "policy" in place to make it look good, while the player still gets off with a light punishment.
Then you had guys ranting and raving about players being "banned for life" (which would never happen to big time star players), feminism, men being reduced to second class citizens, Liberalism, and all this other nonsense. :crackup:
There was nothing to this "Policy", it was only a PR move just like I said it was. :yes:
I bet they all feel pretty stupid about that now, but will still defend their ridiculous position twisting their argument to appear to look correct. :yes:
Well, Rascal was right again.
samspade said:
Running backs are a dime a dozen in the draft and Rice was about to hit the wall anyway - he's 27. That + terrible publicity means Oakland at best.
Just like I said defending excuses. Here's the first one already. Sammy dosn't mention that he was wrong though.
samspade said:
Freedom pre-exists government. Politicians don't "give" your rights to you.
That's just one of many ways you are wrong.
No, I am not wrong. I wasn't wrong about anything. I was 100% correct.
Yes, they do Sammy because they make the laws that affects your freedom.
Back in the old days you could have a duel with pistols to settle a dispute. Do that now and you will go to prison. Politicians made laws that made that illegal just like having several wives.
The Patriot Act which is a Republican ideology supported by many Democrats takes away your freedoms and rights as an individual.
You are wrong. I suggest you brush up on your knowledge of how our government works Sammy.