

Senior Don Juan
Aug 26, 2002
Reaction score
Just wondering how good the advice there is? Also how legitimate the "ebook" is as it comes as an exe? Why is it an exe? does it install spyware or any such crap on your comp? Anyone who's tried it, I'd like your opinion before I install.

Thanks :)


Senior Don Juan
Sep 6, 2002
Reaction score
Don't be a paranoid, it's safe and legit.


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2002
Reaction score
It's very legit, I've been on the program for a year now with amazing results (35+ lbs. of muscle gained).

I'm pretty sure the ebook was openned with adobe acrobat when I got it.

Oh yea the manual is well worth your money if you're serious about getting bigger.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 6, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Drex
It's very legit, I've been on the program for a year now with amazing results (35+ lbs. of muscle gained).

I'm pretty sure the ebook was openned with adobe acrobat when I got it.

Oh yea the manual is well worth your money if you're serious about getting bigger.
I thought it was free? I thought there was only one version?


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2002
Reaction score
There is an actual manual that you can buy, comes in the mail. It's a thick book, comes with 2 workout books, a fat caliper and a tape measure. You also get access to the private forums where all the members post. And every week Anthony Ellis (author) has a live chat.

There is some free info on the page but all the good stuff is in the manual.


New Member
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
I had this very same question recenty, so I did a google groups search (; it's a service that scours every Usenet post from its conception to the present, used to be called "DejaNews" for you old schoolers) for the phrase "Anthony Ellis".

Most of the posts google turned up were in various body building forums, and the general consensus was that Ellis was jucin' for the "Body for Life" competition I think its called. Allegedly, the guy who runs it has been caught doing some sneaky stuff before (photoshopping contestant's heads onto other people's bodies and stuff), and most people on those forums agreed that his gains in 12 weeks were almost impossible without using some sort of steroid.

They also said that with just a little looking, you could find all the information in his book for free if you just spent some time.

BUT, if you guys are getting results on it, then Ellis must be doing something right I guess :) As well, $70(?) might be a small price to pay to get all of those bodybuilding information and tips collected in one place. Even though I suspect Ellis's story is a fabrication, I might just buy the book anyways.

As for the free ebook, it has some informative tips in there. As for spyware, last I downloaded it (sometime last October) it was spyware free, at least according to AdAware.



Senior Don Juan
Sep 27, 2001
Reaction score
My 2 cents on Ellis:

He's obviously getting results. The free advice on his webpage is solid. The information you have to pay for is probably solid, too, but nothing you can't get elsewhere. Worth what he's asking? I guess that depends on how much you want to buy into one "package" instead of doing your own research, and also on how much spending cash you have.

I think his "before" and "after" pictures for Body-For-Life are probably legit. If I have any suspicions, it would be that he was once bigger than his "before" picture, slimmed down, and then regained his previous form.


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by darkhorse
My 2 cents on Ellis:

If I have any suspicions, it would be that he was once bigger than his "before" picture, slimmed down, and then regained his previous form.
Wrong, he's posted various pictures of himself throughout his life and he was always a skinny bean poll. He had to take POLAROID pictures holding newspapers to submit his before/after pictures for the competition he won. It was totally legit.


All that crap you read about Anthony on other "bodybuilding" forums is complete BS posted by punk-ass kids that have no ambition or drive to succeed in making themselves better. They think it's impossible to do what he did so they automatically think he used steroids. Wrong. I've known him via online for over a year now through messageboards/chats/emails and he's very firm on being all natural.


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Soshyopathe
So you believe everything you hear, do you?
I dont know if that is directed to me or Daed but I am going to assume me just so I can answer you.

You know what I do believe is the 35lbs+ lbs of muscle I have gained since I started this program. I went from not even being able to lift ONE rep at 90 lbs with a barbell to doing 170 lbs on a bar currently. I've gone from doing 130lb squats to 300lb squats. I could not do a SINGLE bar dip with my own weight and now I am doing multiple dips with a 45lb plate hanging from my waist. I went from being a scrawny guy that no woman would give the time of day to, to being nearly a 10 on hot-or-not.

Have I used steroids or even pro-hormones? NOPE; I've used protein powder and creatine, chicken breasts and rice, hard work and dedication. The same thing Anthony Ellis did.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 26, 2002
Reaction score
So the 'short intense' workouts are best? My current routene has like seven or eight excercises per workout split into two body parts (chest + arms) (shoulders back + legs). This is too much? Currently I'm told by the instructors to do like 10 reps, some excercises as much as 15. This is too much? Squats for example is down as five sets of 12-15 reps?

The Great Juan

Don Juan
Sep 24, 2002
Reaction score
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Originally posted by affirmed
So the 'short intense' workouts are best? My current routene has like seven or eight excercises per workout split into two body parts (chest + arms) (shoulders back + legs). This is too much? Currently I'm told by the instructors to do like 10 reps, some excercises as much as 15. This is too much? Squats for example is down as five sets of 12-15 reps?
If you're trying to put on muscle mass, 15 reps is too high for most bodyparts. Legs can go a little higher (especially calves) but i would go for lower reps with higher weight for most compound movements (ie squats, deadlifts, Benchpress) if you still want to do higher reps for legs, do them on the leg press or leg extensions.

That split needs changing too if you ask me. If you are doing all the compound exercises you should be doing, then shoulders, back and legs is too much for one day. When i do legs day (just quads and hams) after i do my squats first, i am absolutely knackered. I don't think i'd make it out of the gym if i had to do deadlifts and military presses afterwards. I'd suggest a split that looks something like this for starters:



Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2002
Reaction score
Lexington, KY
The reason most people do legs&back on the same day is because of deadlifts. If you do them on leg day, your back is too sore for the upcoming back day. If you do them on back day, your ass is too sore for the following leg day. If they feel the need to do this, let's let them be.


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2000
Reaction score
Daedulus, what you said is completely wrong. It reminds me of things said about this website from and such. is to gaining mass as this website is to gaining women. Now that you are here at this site, don't you say to yourself: "Oh, how I wish I came to this site YEARS ago!" You WILL say the same thing about

Remember when you were an AFC? You didn't even REALIZE you were an AFC. You thought being AFC was normal and that 'don juans' were somehow *different* or *talented*. Now you know that is all BS, that you can AND OUGHT TO BE a don juan.

The same applies with muscle mass. You probably are thin or have a regular build. "What is wrong with that, Pook?" Nothing unless you abhor mediocrity like I do. There is also nothing wrong with being an AFC (unless you abhor mediocrity).

Gaining mass will cause a WORLD of reaction from everyone, including most important, women. It is amazing how you can complete college, get a job, pursue dreams, no one cares. But if you change your physique, everyone cares. And women will notice. It'll make your Don Juaning that much easier.

This is what the program includes:
-Gaining Mass Book (I reread this book constantly. Tons and tons of information on it. Will turn a newbie into an expert through it alone)
-Gaining Mass Workbook (To record your results in the gym)
-Fat Loss Workbook (You gain mass then you lost what fat you gained. Take to gym).
-Food Scale (To measure your food portions. Yes, it can get that exact).
-Body Fat Caliper (To measure your Body Fat)
-Measuring Tape (To keep track of your body as it gets larger with muscles).
-Access to the website, its forum, and so on.

How the Program Works

Here's how the program works. It revolves around a triple axis:

-The Workouts
-The Diet
-The Sleep

The sleep is the simplest. You get a solid eight hours of sleep. You rest when you can. A program calling for you to rest! How nice is that?

The workouts are simple. What is nice is that you won't be in the gym for very long. It seems strange (and especially if you're eager) to work out more than the three days a week. The workouts are easy.

The diet is the battle. You will eat about 6 meals a day. You will eat every three hours. You have protein at every meal. You stay away from the processed stuff and sugars (you know, the usual junkfood) and eat the foods your body can easily translate into muscle mass (like fresh meat).

That's it! You go twelve weeks with each week you remeasure yourself (did you gain more weight? No? Ahh, but your body fat decreased so you gained muscle mass that week.) Then you go on fat loss and you solidify the results (get that six pack showing).

One thing about is that when you order, there is a FLIP SIDE to the webiste. The free portion of the site is awful. On the subscriber side, there are articles, information galore, and my favorite: the message forum that reminds me of this one (except its for gaining mass).

Time for da questions!

Is legit?

Yes. It is most definately not a scam company or anything of the sort.

Does it actually work?

I've gained around 25-30 lbs of pure muscle mass. I'm still gaining more.

This is why you should be happy to be a man. Women submit to their fate, men make their own. A woman can only really diet and all. She can't change her chest size, etc. But men CAN. You all have seen it, that sporty/muscular guy that all the chicks are going gaga over. Well, that can AND WILL be YOU. I've been on both sides of the fence on this. Worked at one place being my old regular self years ago and the girls didn't notice me (I wasn't talking to these chicks). But when I came back years later, the chicks would whisper to each other, "He must be gay" and they kept following me around and stuff (ok, ok, these were YOUNG chicks. But chicks are chicks. Gaining mass will help you get women).

What if it screws me up!?

If I resume my *old* diet, my body will turn back to its old self. You can go back to how you were with no trouble.

But you'll never want to. You might be a geek now, but you'll enter that world jocks and jerks seem to inhabit and you'll like it.

Can't I get this information elseware on the net?

You can get anything from the Net. You can go to other websites than this one to get chicks.

But I haven't seen any website that addresses your needs to gaining mass as does. It's exactly what you need.

What about Diesel's Guide to Bulking Up?

The guide is fine. But it won't help you. Why? Because as a newbie, you won't understand it. The guide won't show you proper techniques for each workout, what foods to eat, what supplements, no 'frame' to catapult you to success, etc.

Look, I remember when I first went into a gym. I looked at the equipment with wonder. I wasted so much time trying to figure things out. I also wasted a lot of time doing exercises improperly or unoptimally. is set up for somone who has never gone to a gym before. It'll show you each technique so you won't feel like fool in the gym. It'll give you a good guide to diet, supplements, etc. The knowledge about dietics in the manual are things I wish I knew years ago.

Why do you think it works?

One thing the nails on is increasing testosterone. Your testosterone will soar with the program. I have to shave at least a couple times a day. Wereas I'd be content in my old-geekiness to play on the computer, now I just want to run around and play ball. One interesting side effect we've noticed is that will increase your sex drive like 300%.


Yes... The program calls for ZDA, which puts you in a nice deep sleep. With the combination of higher testosterone (and you thought you had a high sex drive) with ZDA, many on the forum report having insane sex dreams. I don't take ZDA but the increase in sex drive I can definately see.

But it is $75!

You guys spend that much or more on dating books, 'power' books, and so on. I think DeAngelo is selling DVDs for $300. $300! And all that information is free on the net.

I don't have that much money. When I told a friend I was going to get it, he said, "But you can get that same info elseware. You're just throwing away your money!"

It was a gamble for me, to be sure. But something in Anthony Ellis's writing (writing is like a thumbprint of a soul) told me this guy was a lot like me. So I did it. It took me a while to get into the program (changing your habits don't come overnight).

Now that same friend makes me cringe when he talks something about bodybuilding. "But Pook! I don't want to work legs. I just want to work the upper body." And I say, "You fool! Things like squats and deadlifts put enormous strain on your nervous system. This stimulates growth everywhere. By doing squats, you are also helping your chest, etc."


I don't have any complaints about the program. I just wish I got it years ago. And for money wise, $75 will not seem like much to you when you get into it. Why? Because you will be buying more food, especially fresh meat. You may buy supplements (you don't need them though). What eats up money faster than supplements?

There is NO excuse for being an out-of-shape scrawny dude. Yeah, you can spend hundreds on some new NLP cd that tries to 'control' the women. But keep the focus on yourself. Improve yourself and so your world improves.

No, I'm not trying to be a commercial. This is all legit. This program is best for you nerdy guys out there who are scrawny, thin, or such. "Lifting weights isn't for me." Rubbish. A doorway to a new world is open for you guys. All you have to do is step in it.

If you guys order (or even just look around more), try using THIS LINK]. It is the same exact price but with this link special benifets will befall the Pook Man.

Become that 'big guy' that the pretty women are reserved for. Push yourself to new boudaries and see what you're missing in life.

And... dammit. I wish someone told me of] years ago.


Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
You all have seen it, that sporty/muscular guy that all the chicks are going gaga over. Well, that can AND WILL be YOU. I've been on both sides of the fence on this. Worked at one place being my old regular self years ago and the girls didn't notice me (I wasn't talking to these chicks). But when I came back years later, the chicks would whisper to each other, "He must be gay" and they kept following me around and stuff (ok, ok, these were YOUNG chicks. But chicks are chicks. Gaining mass will help you get women).
See! Looks DO matter! But for men, looks is not just 'natural', we must WORK for our looks. We should be happy that they DO matter. The body (for men and women) is probably the most important sexual attractor. Me and some of my friends went 'camping' last summer, while we were fishing, one of my friends (football player, QB, not too big, but fairly testosteronized with low bf%) had his shirt off to get a tan. Two girls walked by (about 8 and 7) and were making whistiling noises at him (geez girls can get so horny :D ) and saying "wow, he is so hot!"

Well, later on that night, we ran into these girls again. They were all over this kid. Of course, since this type of thing happens all the time for him, he pretty much did his thing, not really noticing the girls but not really ignoring them. This played out, and he ended up sleeping with BOTH of them.

This is not to say that skinny scrawny guys can NEVER attract hot chicks. One of these girls friends (7) was giving me some hints, but I was too stupid (AFC) to realize.

One thing the nails on is increasing testosterone. Your testosterone will soar with the program. I have to shave at least a couple times a day. Wereas I'd be content in my old-geekiness to play on the computer, now I just want to run around and play ball. One interesting side effect we've noticed is that will increase your sex drive like 300%.
Yeah, can't say anything about this program. (Still waiting.) But I noticed that when I started eating alot and working out, I did have to shave more often. I used to be able to go for a few days, but now it grows like a forest!

Eating alot DOES seem to make me feel more energetic, and more 'full of life'. Eating alot means many small meals. I start to get lethargic and loose energy when I haven't eaten in 4 or 5 hours.

Oh, and I did order the program based on the advice in this thread. (Thanks Drex, Pook) After working out for 4 months normally and not seeing great gains (but still decent gains, I have real arms now, not toothpicks :D ), I needed something that was serious, something hardcore. Just looking at the gains posted by some of the 'members' of the Tony Ellis site, along with gains from Pook and Drex posted here, I can see that this program is 'hardcore'.

If you guys order (or even just look around more), try using THIS LINK]. It is the same exact price but with this link special benifets will befall the Pook Man.
OOPS! Sorry "Pook Man" I did not see this until I wrote this reply, and as you can tell, I already ordered the program.

But I do appreciate your massive post!

I don't know about you guys, but when I first started this whole Don Juan thing 7 months ago , I had two insecurites in my life: girls and my scrawny 'beer gut' body.

The first was eliminated quite easily. The second will actually take some work, but I will get there.

It will be interesting to see some of the responses I will get from friends when I tell them that I have stopped smoking and drinking! And the responses of my parents as I chow down massive quantities of food and begin to 'fill out'. :cool:


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2002
Reaction score
Hey Pook nice post, I couldnt have put it any better myself. I tried PMing you but your box is full. Just wanted to know whether you post much on the GM private forum or not under a different name, just curious whether I've talked to you on that forum/chat before.


Don Juan
May 14, 2002
Reaction score
I have been using Anthony Ellis' program for a few weeks now and it is great -- gained about 11 pounds already. It has definitely increased my sex drive. After one of my workouts, I went to get some food in a school dining hall. I saw a cute blonde, and felt like I had to talk to her, that it would be impossible for me to leave without having spoken to her. I had never felt this before, it was like there was an unstoppable force compelling me to act. It was great! To make a long story short I got the digits.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 6, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by JohnGalt
I have been using Anthony Ellis' program for a few weeks now and it is great -- gained about 11 pounds already. It has definitely increased my sex drive. After one of my workouts, I went to get some food in a school dining hall. I saw a cute blonde, and felt like I had to talk to her, that it would be impossible for me to leave without having spoken to her. I had never felt this before, it was like there was an unstoppable force compelling me to act. It was great! To make a long story short I got the digits.
Are you on Anthony Ellis's "free" program or "paid" program?

Mr. Fancy Pants

Don Juan
Aug 26, 2002
Reaction score
For those that are using this program, how much $$ do you spend on food, supplements, etc. per month?