Looks versus personality


Don Juan
Apr 21, 2012
Reaction score
I had a sweet date yesterday and wanted to hear your opinions on one of the brainfarts I was having this morning:

I've been spinning plates for the past 6 months now and enjoying every aspect of life however on my date yesterday with one of the new plates I found myself thinking:

- How do you find the balance between attractiveness and personality?

What I mean by this: Say you have 2 plates: a HB8 with a non-matching personality (i.e. she's a bit dumb, not really got any hobbies) and a HB7 with a great personality - as a sidenote.. I'm not big on ratings however I just want to make the point that if you put the two next to each other and ask a group of people to judge who is hotter.. the HB8 will just about come on top.

I think the post on "What do you want in a woman" that was on the board a while ago is related to this. My personal taste seems to lie with attractive women that have an interesting personality (e.g. have nice hobbies and are generally good people) instead of just banging hotties with mindnumbing personalities.

I've been known to be an unstructured thinker so apologies if this isn't very coherent but I would love to hear your views as to where the balance lies for you.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2011
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North America
I get really bored with a dullard.

A bright stimulating woman is with a point when we're talking about 7 - 8.
You can't bring a dullard anywhere where you'd be known (depending on your social circles - might reflect poorly on you).

A smart plate brings certain complications to the table though. Mostly, she likely won't stay a plate very long or ... you'll also be a plate (there is only room for one calculator in a relationship ;)

If you are thinking maybe one day elevating the status of her from plate to fine china, then definitely the smart one (looks can be augmented with makeup, clothing and style), but a lack of grey matter is a lack of grey matter.

Short answer ... I vote smart 7.


The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
Since they are both plates I would keep them both. Now if it was me looking for a serious girlfriend, I'd throw out both of them. Might as well go for it all.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
i became infatuated with a girl in the past that at first site rated her a 6, 7 at best. then once i started to get to know her and her personality, she became damn near a 10 in my eyes.

long story short, i banged her, turned afc level 9, perched her up on a 50 foot pedestal, she ljbf'd me, started dating another guy and is now engaged to be married to him. boo hoo. :D

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
I believe personality can make the difference only in particular circumstances.

First of all there must be some look first,if she is not attractive no amount personality whill change it.

Second the closer two potential girls are in look the more personality can make the difference, a 6 is not gonna beat 9 even if her personality is great while a 7 can reach and beat a 8 easily.

So in your case OP, your hb 7 is the best bet for your general satisfaction and happyness.


Oct 31, 2012
Reaction score
blindnowisee said:
I had a sweet date yesterday and wanted to hear your opinions on one of the brainfarts I was having this morning:

I've been spinning plates for the past 6 months now and enjoying every aspect of life however on my date yesterday with one of the new plates I found myself thinking:

- How do you find the balance between attractiveness and personality?

What I mean by this: Say you have 2 plates: a HB8 with a non-matching personality (i.e. she's a bit dumb, not really got any hobbies) and a HB7 with a great personality - as a sidenote.. I'm not big on ratings however I just want to make the point that if you put the two next to each other and ask a group of people to judge who is hotter.. the HB8 will just about come on top.

I think the post on "What do you want in a woman" that was on the board a while ago is related to this. My personal taste seems to lie with attractive women that have an interesting personality (e.g. have nice hobbies and are generally good people) instead of just banging hotties with mindnumbing personalities.

I've been known to be an unstructured thinker so apologies if this isn't very coherent but I would love to hear your views as to where the balance lies for you.
All men strive for the hottest woman they think they can land. Personality doesnt mean **** and any guy who says so is lying. I have never ever seen a guy dump a hot girl that makes him unhappy to land a slightly less attractive, smarter/nicer/more interesting girl. Sounds good in theory but that is not reality.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score
Kimberlyeah, you SHOULD BE in the Age 13-17 segment of the forum.

The guy who said, there can only be one calculator in a relationship. Wrong! It's not calculation, it's compatibility, it's chemistry. And when you have that chemistry going between you, you don't need to game on for your life.

Regarding the looks vs. personality thing, it actually depends. And to be honest, it depends on you. Some guys are just dumb and egoistic maniacs. They want a trophy to show off to their friends. They will never be able to discuss geometry with their girlfriend.

Some guys just don't feel they deserve that HB9. So they will reject that girl even if she's good.

Some guys are just more emotional and they need someone to talk to, and not just have XXX at night. Like you!

So, better know your requirements and then take your pick! Remember, happiness is neither on looks or personality. Happiness is on you.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
If you're talking about getting a girlfriend, I would break personality down into this, moreso than intelligence: morality, compatability, and interest level.

In other words, she should share my moral values - she shouldn't be a slvt, she shouldn't believe cheating is okay.

She should be compatible in that we should be able to form a connection, and we should be able to get along well without a lot of drama. I don't place a high value on intelligence in a woman, personally. Although you might argue that she has to be smart to at least a certain level if we're going to form a connection. She certainly shouldn't be a dolt. But I don't need a mastermind scheming on how best to bring me down and rob me of half my possessions either.

And she must have high interest level. She has to think I'm the best thing since sliced bread, and that it's an honor to swallow my semen lol.

She really has to possess those three qualities in order to gain exclusivity, regardless of how attractive she is. So I guess in the OP's example, I'd take the 7 with personality.


Don Juan
Oct 16, 2012
Reaction score
I often adjust their score depending on many factors.

Good in bed, tame, loving etc.

Personality and compatibility to me are the most important things.

It's very easy to change a few details about some girl physically.

I married a 9 in terms of looks but she was a total head focke!

From now on I look for 7's with great potential.


Don Juan
Mar 27, 2012
Reaction score
(looks can be augmented with makeup, clothing and style), but a lack of grey matter is a lack of grey matter. - LOL

True, looks can be altered by other means. I mean I wouldn't go for a an HB3 with a bomb personality, but an HB7 is another story. Bottomline, ya can't fix stupid!

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
TheWolfMan said:
(looks can be augmented with makeup, clothing and style), but a lack of grey matter is a lack of grey matter. - LOL

True, looks can be altered by other means. I mean I wouldn't go for a an HB3 with a bomb personality, but an HB7 is another story. Bottomline, ya can't fix stupid!
Bvllsh1t, look is the state someone is right after the shower when we talk about long term relationships.

And when we talk about hooking up, a nice jacket wont make your arms stronger or he boobs bigger.

Make-up? oh come on ma, thats a scam its like saying that a heel hidden inside your shoes improves your look.

Young Juan

Senior Don Juan
Jun 4, 2001
Reaction score
Ahwatukee, AZ
Looks can be made. I tell my girls from the get go I like em in high heels. I tell them I like them to wear certain things or suggest they wear their hair in certain ways. I take a 7 with a nice personality and dress her up like an 8. I also get her to do nasty things I like in the bedroom and boom, you got an 8+

I dated a fine azz 9 last year and you know what? Mac makeup does wonders. She was a 7.5 every morning.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
Quick question: Why do you have to choose between them?

The whole Plate Theory is about spinning multiple plates simultaneously until they either fall, stop spinning on their own or you wish to stop spinning them.

Another quick question: how old are you?

Edit: Fuck! Limit hit.

My reply to your post below:

blindnowisee said:
Admittedly, this might be just me diverging from plate theory and moving to oneitis but truth be told.. I think one of the posters above was right though.. think I enjoy bonding as much as just having a bang every now and again.
It's okay if your ultimate goal is to enter a LTR. Ideally, she will want it more than you and you will enter it from a position of power through negotiations and setting proper boundaries.

But why worry about it now? Cross that bridge when you get to it. Make sure that the girl is not a Wrong Woman, that she hasn't taken too many rides on the Cock Carousel, and that she passes the Boner Test with flying colors!
Last edited:


Don Juan
Apr 21, 2012
Reaction score
I'm 26. First question is valid. Let me give you my reply: I've been spinning plates since the beginning of the year and enjoying every minute of it. Got a bunch of girls on speed-dial / drunk-dial / booty-call however you want to call it.. but seem to favor one girl above the others.

Admittedly, this might be just me diverging from plate theory and moving to oneitis but truth be told.. I think one of the posters above was right though.. think I enjoy bonding as much as just having a bang every now and again.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 13, 2011
Reaction score
Tampa, FL
first of all i wont bang a chick i'm not physically attracted to however this is the way i see it. some girls are fun to go out on the town with and some girls are just good for banging.


New Member
Nov 17, 2012
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I'm with Howiestern on this one.

If you have to ask for advice on which one to prefer, that shows both of them lack something you're looking for. They obviously qualify for plate material, but not more than that.

As for my personal preference, personality trumps looks... but not by much at all, physical attraction is still vitally important.