Imagine that: men with fewer options make better husbands

May 19, 2007
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I happened upon this article on Yahoo about traits in men that women should stop seeing as negatives. The first trait listed is nerdiness. “These men have a greater desire to settle down into family life and are more likely to be faithful because they lack the charm and social skills to attract another partner and lie about an indiscretion.” I can't get my brain around this being presented as a good thing!

Another trait was not having a good paying job. “It’s possible that men with money and power have more romantic and sexual opportunities than those with more ‘average’ jobs, so women may see these successful guys as less desirable because they’re not a safe choice when it comes to choosing a potential life partner,” I'm sure they still want to have sex with the more successful men, just not marry them!

I just found this article interesting because it confirms what this board generally says about what happens to men with lower value, what kind of women they attract, etc.

Mantis Toboggan

Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2010
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I read that article and thought the same thing.

When these women look at a list and see, "stable nerd provider" it sounds like a good comfortable life for them. But when given the real-life choice of a high-quality, unattainable man, they're going to go with what makes them wet. Not who makes a good domesticated husband.


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
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CasanovaFrankenstein said:
I can't get my brain around this being presented as a good thing!
It is for the woman and the kids! Nerds really do make the best lovers. Smart girls realize that.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
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The theory of a woman choosing a safe guy to settle with sounds logical and I reckon a lot of guys think the same way. I'd say both quality men and women would choose a faithful and highly interested HB6 or 7 as a girl or boyfriend over a HB9 player type who sleeps around, plays games and makes no time for them.

It would explain why a lot of average guys fare much better in relationships than many of us player/DJ types. It may also help me understand why I'm more fling material than relationship material.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Out of the five traits, I don't see "nerdiness" as being bad. The other traits listed are actually bad. I know a lot of girls who are attracted to nerds, it's almost a fantasy type for them. This has probably developed over the years along with the stereotype that that the young bad boys will be working for the nerds when they grow up.

Then there's also the myth (true or false) that the nerd will be better in bed because they have to try harder, and because they've spent more time thinking about it. In other words, they may be more giving, less selfish lovers.

Jariel said:
The theory of a woman choosing a safe guy to settle with sounds logical and I reckon a lot of guys think the same way. I'd say both quality men and women would choose a faithful and highly interested HB6 or 7 as a girl or boyfriend over a HB9 player type who sleeps around, plays games and makes no time for them.
Yeah, this is the limitation on looks that is seldom talked about. Depending on what you're after, the person underneath really is more important than the exterior. The physical aspect of attraction definitely has to be there, but it tends to fade after awhile anyway.

I've always said an HB9 is not suitable for LTRs, because they've been ruined by all the attention they get from the opposite sex.


Master Don Juan
Sep 19, 2001
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North America
Jariel said:
I'd say both quality men and women would choose a faithful and highly interested HB6 or 7 as a girl or boyfriend over a HB9 player type who sleeps around, plays games and makes no time for them.
I've thought about this a lot lately. The past year I've been sleeping around with a girl who is problably a 6 at best, and yet she is highly interested would enter into a faithful monogamous relationship with me in a heartbeat.

Often its been a struggle trying to decide if I should do this or not.


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2007
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Female hindbrain vs. forebrain clash? Check.

Haven't you guys noticed that as you improve your game, with each girl seduced you feel relatively more capable of getting the next one?

It makes us less and less of the type to actually take a woman's sh1t, which is reeeallyyy bad when it comes to fulfilling the provider role.

I think there's a difference between the HB9 girl and the HG9 player though.

The HB9 gets approached and offered d1ck by tons of guys, but it DOESN'T mean she takes them up on the offer. I noticed that alot of the hottest girls who modeled with me at university were actually "1, 2, 3 boyfriend" types, never really developing the relationship character flaws that other girls develop. I call them "123 boyfriend types" because during her college career (about 3-4 years), she goes out with 1-3 guys for that entire duration, and its usually HER who gets cheated on.

You can contrast this (at my uni, at least) with the less hot HB6s-HB7s who *ALL OF A SUDDEN* are getting alot of attention from alphas as a freshmen. It's almost like the cute girls are thrown onto the alpha **** carousel unknowingly and become "6, 7, 8" boyfriend types, whereas the rare HB9+ have been aware of the carousel all their life and simply decided it wasn't for her.

Counterintuitive, to say the least.

:EDIT: I've noticed that there's alot to be said about most genuine HB9s in America versus the typical HB7. In many cases, I've noticed they are generally nicer and have more developed personalities than the less hot, hot girls. Maybe its the fact that they've made all their alpha boyfriends go just the right amount of beta for them? They'll sh1t test harder, that's for sure, but the sh1t tests seem more.....shall we say, natural

Whereas the HG9 guy? When you step your value up enough, girls aggressively pursue you. And the libidinous call for the player with every girl who meets his standards is......fvck her brains out.


Oct 20, 2006
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Yes, hot women may settle for nerds while lusting for and/or sleeping with guys who are in shape.

v And look who got offended even though I hadn't even read his post. Though having read it now I agree that true HB9's are much sweeter than the HB8's whose boyfriends they stole.

Serge897 - don't do it. What is the 6 (no HB) offering? Ugly kids at $800K each to raise?
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Don Juan
Dec 26, 2011
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I think the article should be seen as presenting women with the positive traits possessed by Omega males. It's not about beta or alpha, so not relevant to PUA. It also offers hope to Omegas like me, that if we just get a few beta traits we might get a piece of the action, however limited it may be.

I actually work with several "nerdy" guys like this, and each and every one of them is happily married.


Master Don Juan
Sep 19, 2001
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North America
bigneil said:
Serge897 - don't do it. What is the 6 (no HB) offering? Ugly kids at $800K each to raise?
Considering I don't want kids, this is irrelevant.

What she offers is loyalty and a willingness to go along with whatever I want. The girl is crazy about me despite how I've treated her the past year (essentially hanging out and fvcking her once in a while when I needed sexual release and I wasnt getting it from other women).