Come on now


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score

That will explain it all to you. Enjoy!

Okay, that was kinda mean...but then I'm kind of a mean guy. I gave you some of the best and the worst to research there. That should give you about a good 2 months of reading and then you can come back to this post with an informed opinion. Good luck.


Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
Reaction score
I agree with you that there's a lot of rampant misogyny on this forum, so much that I don't really treat many posts here seriously. But your approach in making the original post isn't going to convert anyone overnight.

When I came here I managed to read some good posts, things that advised "don't fixate on one girl that you're probably creeping out anyway" and "first and foremost, get your own life and be your own man." I think those are most important.

Everything else I was going to say has already been covered by Jaylan. I get the sense sometimes that the people on this forum don't love women. That is a problem.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 4, 2008
Reaction score
It would be nice to have a rational argument once a while instead of juvenile name calling.

To OP. There is always a reason for bitterness, just like there is a reason for stereotypes. For every bitter man, there is a woman that hates men. It goes both ways. For every male CEO in this country there are 1000s of females getting alimony. Have you ever heard of a female paying an ex-husband? No, because there is no such law supporting this. More females go to college than males these days. Please give me a rational argument that supports that men are more privileged than woman in today's society.

As for the whole misogynist thing. I agree. However, you have to realize that guys don't choose to be misogynists. It's the woman they encounter that make them bitter. Our society tells us that you must be nice to females, open doors for them and pay for their dinners. We should bring them flowers and be sensitive towards them, cater to their needs. We should treat them like ladies. However, in the real world this creates absolutely zero attraction. And, guys soon realize this and start to become bitter and depressed. After all society tells us that this should attract woman to us. But THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS. This site opens the eyes of many guys who were corrupted by society's false message.

Guys on this site are interested in one thing: WHAT IT IS THAT ATTRACTS FEMALES.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 3, 2009
Reaction score
BC Vancouver
handle said:
I agree with you that there's a lot of rampant misogyny on this forum, so much that I don't really treat many posts here seriously. But your approach in making the original post isn't going to convert anyone overnight.

When I came here I managed to read some good posts, things that advised "don't fixate on one girl that you're probably creeping out anyway" and "first and foremost, get your own life and be your own man." I think those are most important.

Everything else I was going to say has already been covered by Jaylan. I get the sense sometimes that the people on this forum don't love women. That is a problem.
Got that right.

I don't love no b!tch.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
I was going to type, "Why are some of us attempting a rational argument with a non-rational being?" but then I thought the better of it because maybe, just maybe in the future some of the seeds we are planting today will take root in this girl's mind. I don't know how old she is but she certainly has a lot of growing up to do, so I hold out some hope for her.

Voice, you are right. It gets very depressing when we discover that the noble attributes we strove for all our lives (kindness, thoughtfulness, self-sacrifice, tolerance, helpfulness and gentleness) have become attributes that almost all women despise us for. It is an absolute shock to the system to discover this, and it can become a lifelong struggle because many men would rather be kind and thoughtful and revile the thought of having to become what I'll loosely call "alpha" in order to attract even a very plain woman.

In answer to your question, Voice, it seems to me that women end up here out of curiosity first, then they emotionally react to what they are sure to label "misogyny", and then they embark on a mission to "fix" us and to set us straight. That's what our little crusader is engaged in right now.

Most women who hang here are clearly on the aggressive side and are FAR from representative of women at large. Needless to say, they also crave attention and her tingleometer is red-lining with this thread. I don't want to venture to guess how many attention-induced orgasms we have provided her thus far, but I'm sure the number is up there.

She (they) are here for an emotional spike which is one of the very few stimuli in their dreary and dreadfully boring lives.

For most women, life is attention, and attention is life.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
Warrior your lack of objectivity and bias as a male is typical. I could bring you a plethora of statistics and facts that tear all those sties apart but it would change how none of you think here. And Voice, funny exageration about one Ceo to thousands of alimony seeking about thousands of single moms abandoned by guys they thought cared about them. And before you say the girl was prolly sleeping around, calm that ish...because there a loads of guys who knock up and leave perfectly normal women who dont sleep around. And as we know thats a huge reason why men have to do the things we do to prove we are worth fvking.

We cant act like no priveledge exists for those of us lucky to be born men. Women have a lot more to worry about in terms of crap we can do to them in life vs what we as men have to worry about a woman doing to us. We control the world and you know it. Stop letting the bitterness in knowing that womens only bargaining chip is sex, stop letting that cloud your logic men. And women own this one arena in life only because men allow it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
thank god you guys showed up , i was getting tired fending her off


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Jaylan said:
Warrior your lack of objectivity and bias as a male is typical. I could bring you a plethora of statistics and facts that tear all those sties apart but it would change how none of you think here.
If you want to understand the prevailing mindsets here, those sites pretty much explain them. Lack of objectivity is denying that those mindsets come from a real place and exist for a reason. I'm not saying its right or wrong, it just is. Deal with it.

I'm objective enough to understand those mindsets, and opposing mindsets and pick and choose what is best for me in my life.

As for statistics and facts, go for it. This isn't about facts unless you want to visit and debate real numbers. Everything else is what people are perceiving in the culture today. No amount of facts is going to change the perception of the culture. And that's a sword that cuts both ways as you have proved by your post. You're presumptions and your mindset are perceived by you as correct. Others would disagree with your objectivity as a female, and count it as typical.

Most of the guys here are missing out on a virtual smorgasbord of free poon. The question is, why?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 4, 2008
Reaction score
Jaylan said:
And before you say the girl was prolly sleeping around, calm that ish...because there a loads of guys who knock up and leave perfectly normal women who dont sleep around.


Seriously though, please for the love of God ,stop victimizing woman. They are NOT victims in this society as much as they or the media would like you to believe. Feminism was honorable and respectable in the beginning when woman were pushing for equal rights. That is a noble cause and I would have supported that to the fullest. However, now things are just way outta hand and out of control. They have really gotten what they originally wanted, but for some reason some woman didn't think it was enough. They want even more. The new age feminist movement have latched on to the liberal media and it is really hurting woman more than it is helping by ensuring them that they are entitled just because they are female.

There is equal stupidity and ignorance from both sexes. Again, stop making woman into these victims. The problem that most here are addressing is the overwhelming bias towards men being the ones at fault.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
@ Voice.

wait waiit. you cant really tell me you want to talk about overwhelming bias against men especially given the attitudes of many posters on this and other pua forums. they reek of negativity, bitterness, and hate a lot of the time. all some guys do on these boards is place blame on women for a bulk of crap any smart dude would see a mile away. or they go cry on some blog instead of just winning the game of life. dont hate the players. just beat them

i think you missed my point entirely. what i was trying to say is that although men and women can be equally stupid in how they treat one another, mens general social and physical power makes it so that women are victims much more of the time then men are. we have strentgh, control the money in the world, the politics, the power, etc.

lets be real...women have more rights and feminism spurned that but its still around because things are not completely equal. social rights groups for any group will always be around until an equilibrium is reach. be it for various ethnicities, gays, women, or religious groups.

be you a male, a euro descneded person, someone whos straight, or something whos of a christian faith, those groups all enjoy a favorable privlege in the western world which is why equal rights groups exist. and if you have to be all of those things at one, the probbability is that you will have an easier road ahead of you in gaining success in first world nation, then if you werent or were only a few of those things. and just because a few people from differing minority groups share in the power does not take away the fact that the majority of those with this power comes from one group or a few typical groups.

are you serious? are we again trying to argue the fact that actual rapes vastly outnumber false reports in our society let alone the whole world?

i swear too many people in a privleged position have a hard time truly recognizing reality.

not to mention the number of rapes that go unreported. try working at or knowing someone whos worked at victims clinics and truly knows the stats...then maybe you could grasp this.

the dishonor of a few does not represent the whole

and i understand where the viewpoints in those links you show me come from. dudes who feel they are entitled to women without truly getting with the program. its a rat race, but if they fail they become bitter and come up with all these avenues to bash women.

the thing is, for all the bad crap they claim that makes men have it worse in life overall than women (not true btw), for all the stuff they say, if they were getting consistent puszy they wouldnt give a ****. and tbh thats all its ever about here

if a dude had options and was getting tail, he wouldnt complain about that stuff because dudes tend to put up with crap if the getting is good. which i think is silly in itself

Mr. Fantastic

Don Juan
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Uh... Hashbrowns?
handle said:
the sense sometimes that the people on this forum don't love women. That is a problem.
Actually I think you would be surprised that the true problem or agony isn't that these men don't love women, it is that most women these days don't know how to love at all.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
^you could say the same thing about men....its people in general...some know about love...others dont....weve all been burned but ive realized ive been burned due to my poor choice in women, because i do see good ones out there all the time.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Jaylan said:
are you serious? are we again trying to argue the fact that actual rapes vastly outnumber false reports in our society let alone the whole world?

i swear too many people in a privleged position have a hard time truly recognizing reality.
Jaylan said:
? Nevermind. Missed the entire point there. Its about perceptions and so called facts and statistics (statistics being the third brand of lies). Go there and debate numbers. This is about perceptions in the culture. And those perceptions come from someplace.

Jaylan said:
and i understand where the viewpoints in those links you show me come from. dudes who feel they are entitled to women without truly getting with the program. its a rat race, but if they fail they become bitter and come up with all these avenues to bash women.
I agree with you there and that's the first thing you said that makes sense. If you won't step up you don't deserve it, I agree. But I won't go blaming all men for women's problems and I won't go saying all women are innocent little flowers either. I've had enough experience with women of all kinds to know that's not true. Between those links and the mainstream lies the reality for most people. The problem is the mainstream is just as hardcore as those links, but since people live in the mainstream they really don't see it. It takes either frustration or pain for most people to leave and they may fall to far in the other direction (MGTOW for example) instead of getting up and doing something about their situation.

But to say everyone in those links are just losers who aren't getting any is the same as saying every feminist is a man hating lesbian. Which is essentially what you just did. You just called all of those men frustrated losers. Its the same sort of dehumanization that only breeds more of the same. And if it comes down to that, I would rather be in that company than yours. I'd rather not be in the all men are losers/pigs/mysognist camp. I don't hate myself.

The OP was full in the mainstream camp. So a bit of education from the other side would probably help to balance her point of view. Its the reason I can read both rightwing and left wing sites and not particularly subscribe to either notion, my views tend to fall somewhere in the middle. I take what works for me and discard the rest.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 1, 2010
Reaction score
the dishonor of a few does not represent the whole
We've reached reason. Oh good.
Stop making arguments that generalize entire genders. For every unknown quantity of woman we believe emotionally controlled there's a hot Ph.d that is significantly more rational than you. For every assumption about anything that involves the thoughts, feelings and situations of billionsofpeople, including this assumption, you only showcase your ignoeance and bias. The data represents a pithy segment at best and is oft biased and estimated. You see yourself in these murky waters, think you see shapes inthe clouds, but when the viewpoint is this wide and unfocused you argue reason in chaos.
apologies for terrible typing. Not on computer.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
Atom Smasher said:
Most women who hang here are clearly on the aggressive side and are FAR from representative of women at large. Needless to say, they also crave attention and her tingleometer is red-lining with this thread. I don't want to venture to guess how many attention-induced orgasms we have provided her thus far, but I'm sure the number is up there.

She (they) are here for an emotional spike which is one of the very few stimuli in their dreary and dreadfully boring lives.

For most women, life is attention, and attention is life.
Well, I wanted this thread (whether it was intentional trolling or not) to be educational via experience but now that the cat is out of the bag with Atom's very good explanation, I guess I'll go ahead and properly reply to this thread.

Sons, I am disappoint! This should have been a perfectly good exercise in handling a shit test from an angry, attention-seeking "girl" in need of emotions. What did many of you do? You started rationally arguing with a person (who may or may not have been a woman) instead of handling her with humor, teasing and/or indifference.

Always maintain the frame.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
Warrior74 said:
? Nevermind. Missed the entire point there. Its about perceptions and so called facts and statistics (statistics being the third brand of lies). Go there and debate numbers. This is about perceptions in the culture. And those perceptions come from someplace.

I agree with you there and that's the first thing you said that makes sense. If you won't step up you don't deserve it, I agree. But I won't go blaming all men for women's problems and I won't go saying all women are innocent little flowers either. I've had enough experience with women of all kinds to know that's not true. Between those links and the mainstream lies the reality for most people. The problem is the mainstream is just as hardcore as those links, but since people live in the mainstream they really don't see it. It takes either frustration or pain for most people to leave and they may fall to far in the other direction (MGTOW for example) instead of getting up and doing something about their situation.

But to say everyone in those links are just losers who aren't getting any is the same as saying every feminist is a man hating lesbian. Which is essentially what you just did. You just called all of those men frustrated losers. Its the same sort of dehumanization that only breeds more of the same. And if it comes down to that, I would rather be in that company than yours. I'd rather not be in the all men are losers/pigs/mysognist camp. I don't hate myself.

The OP was full in the mainstream camp. So a bit of education from the other side would probably help to balance her point of view. Its the reason I can read both rightwing and left wing sites and not particularly subscribe to either notion, my views tend to fall somewhere in the middle. I take what works for me and discard the rest.

As I said, If those guys were getting some they wouldnt be complaining. Its mostly the dudes who cant lay many/any women who come to sites like this and bitxh about it, instead of focusing on just becoming a better man.

Money, security, women, self esteem, happiness etc..are all products of becoming a better man. Most of those dudes seem to focus too much of their attention on women and blaming women.

Its really useless wasted energy. And if thats the camp you want to be in, fine by me. Because no where did I say all men are this or that. I have said many or most on PUA community boards. Its just a bad way of thinking.

Hell, I know theres plenty of good dudes out there, myself included, but I look at the crappy choices in women ive made, and look back at the nice girls ive overlooked, instead of blaming chicks for not being logical. Because no one really is. Most are ruled by emotions at times and thats completely normal.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Jaylan said:
As I said, If those guys were getting some they wouldnt be complaining. Its mostly the dudes who cant lay many/any women who come to sites like this and bitxh about it, instead of focusing on just becoming a better man.

Because no where did I say all men are this or that.


Don Juan
May 13, 2011
Reaction score
I'm surprised no one here has caught the blatant trolling. There's so many inconsistencies in the guy/girls posts it's ridiculous


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2010
Reaction score
Standing At The Crossroads
The OP is trolling and searching for information concerning the male mindset.


She is a founding member of Sex Without Partners Inc.

At a loss

Don Juan
Jun 18, 2011
Reaction score
@ Atom smasher

“..I was going to type, "Why are some of us attempting a rational argument with a non-rational being?" but then I thought the better of it because maybe, just maybe in the future some of the seeds we are planting today will take root in this girl's mind. I don't know how old she is but she certainly has a lot of growing up to do, so I hold out some hope for her.

Oh come on now... that’s such an immature reply.

“…In answer to your question, Voice, it seems to me that women end up here out of curiosity first, then they emotionally react to what they are sure to label "misogyny", and then they embark on a mission to "fix" us and to set us straight. That's what our little crusader is engaged in right now…”

Just putting forward some opinions. It's down to you to sort yourself out.

"...Most women who hang here are clearly on the aggressive side and are FAR from representative of women at large. Needless to say, they also crave attention and her tingleometer is red-lining with this thread. I don't want to venture to guess how many attention-induced orgasms we have provided her thus far, but I'm sure the number is up there..."

I think that's you projecting a bit there babes. But whatever floats your boat.

"...For most women, life is attention, and attention is life..."

And of course that isn't the case for a lot of men.

5 strings, BlackMack177 , vataloco and all the others on the attack.

I started this thread because I was intrigued and sadden that so many men on this site had such a bitter a view of women. And a lot of the replies have been outright attacks against me.

Now if you expect me to not go on the defence well, you're making a sad mistake. I am sorry that many of you have come across some nasty women in your lives, but not all of us a like that.

But trust me any self respecting women should, and will, go on the defence if attacked for no good reason. As I have been by many of you. That's not being an attention seeking girl. That's being a sane modern day woman.