Talking during sex????

Aug 25, 2005
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San Diego
So I hung out with this chick the other night for the third time and we went to the spa and them came back to my house and I ****ed her. During sex shes like "talk to me, I want to hear what your fealing." And I didn't say a word the whole time we were having sex. (This is my 6th time having sex with the 6th different girl btw and I'm 22 :(. So she left and then the next day shes sends me four texts while we are texting. "1. so last night you didnt really talk to much and as a girl i wanna hear your thoughts so you kinda got me wondering. me: what? 2.just were kinda quiet. me: what do you mean? 3. you just don't talk very much like tell me your thoughts as your like feelin my body for the first time i wanna know ya know. me: my bad ill work on that. 4. ya id like to feel what you feel"

so this kinda confused me because i didnt think we were supposed to talk during sex. so what do you guys do and say during sex???? something like "you like that don't you" or "i like ****ing you you sexy *****"????? what the **** im so confused girls trip me out. please help a brother out here

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
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Read "The Sex God Method" by Daniel Rose, you'll see exactly why being silent during sex is the kiss of death.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Besides the Jeff Foxworthy joke of "shhhhh....ain't no cars comin," the funny thing about talking during sex is that you have to either compliment her or insult her. It sounds like your girl is simply young and insecure, and needs to be verbally re-assured during sex. Tell her you love the way she feels and compliment her. I think that's what she wants.

If that doesn't work, then smack her ass and call her a horny little slvt. That is the type of talking during sex that most women like.


Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2009
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Amsterdam, Netherlands
Bible_Belt said:
Besides the Jeff Foxworthy joke of "shhhhh....ain't no cars comin," the funny thing about talking during sex is that you have to either compliment her or insult her. It sounds like your girl is simply young and insecure, and needs to be verbally re-assured during sex. Tell her you love the way she feels and compliment her. I think that's what she wants.

If that doesn't work, then smack her ass and call her a horny little slvt. That is the type of talking during sex that most women like.
Bingo, what he said!


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
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Ask her: "Do you have change for a twenty?"

That totally turns women on.


Seriously now, a lot of girls are insecure about [insert issue here -- bodies, esteem, etc.] When you're banging them, you need to let them know that what they're doing is pleasing you and that you find them hot. You know, reassuring sh!t and whatnot.

If you just sit there quietly, she is probably wondering "So is this sh!t feeling good or what?"

Now, if this particular girl wants to talk about the other kind "feelings," (my favorite question being "What are you thinking right now?" [especially after sex]) I'd be extremely careful. Sounds to me like her oxytocin might be kicking in...

Cry For Love

Senior Don Juan
Nov 24, 2007
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Why oxytocin bad? Wiki says: Oxytocin evokes feelings of contentment, reductions in anxiety, and feelings of calmness and security around a mate.

sounds good to me bro


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
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While in a LTR, it's great. It strengthens the bond. If the OP is banging several chicks as he mentions, idk if his intentions are entering a LTR with one of these chicks (personally I think he's way too young to get tied down with LTRs and should play the field but that's up to him.)

Women tend to "trap" men into LTRs with sex and usually after sex is when they start getting all mushy and want to cuddle and talk feelings (at least in my experience.) If they're not ONS's, I'll go ahead and give them the physical closeness they want but I'm extremely careful with what I say in this very vulnerable period...


Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2009
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vatoloco said:
While in a LTR, it's great. It strengthens the bond. If the OP is banging several chicks as he mentions, idk if his intentions are entering a LTR with one of these chicks (personally I think he's way too young to get tied down with LTRs and should play the field but that's up to him.)

Women tend to "trap" men into LTRs with sex and usually after sex is when they start getting all mushy and want to cuddle and talk feelings (at least in my experience.) If they're not ONS's, I'll go ahead and give them the physical closeness they want but I'm extremely careful with what I say in this very vulnerable period...
Strengthens the bond and traps you into the beta provider zone.

This is where you lose your thuggery and bad boy appeal.

Oxytocin is danger.


Senior Don Juan
May 31, 2009
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it depends on the girl tbh alot say im quiet

some girsl i am

some im "how u like it that feel good"

some its playfull banter and laughing


Don Juan
Sep 1, 2003
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usually I have spent some time with them already that day so I'll say stuff like how I was looking at them (specific times that she will remember) and getting turned on and what I wanted to do, like I am letting them in on my secret desires. eg. "when you bent over to pick up your purse today your arse looked so good I just wanted to rip your clothes off right then and there" or "looking at you in your swimsuit all day is torture, when you arched your back to catch the beachball..." etc. Basically rewrite the scene as it would have occured in your perfect world, like some kind of 'alternate ending' to what actually happened.
a) makes her feel sexy
b) puts the focus on her more as a sex object (mostly good if you want FB or ONS, but ok for a LTR as well, just make sure in your scenario you are a creature of unstoppable raw instinct getting whatever you want and she is completely submissive)
c) is usually just the plain truth and i dont have to get too creative! If I'm furking them at all, there will be at least one point during the day where I have thought to myself 'mmm.... yummy'
d) has the nice side effect that next time something like that happens (her bending over or whatever) all you need to do is shoot her a hungry look and say maybe lick your lips a bit, and the mood is back to sexual again since she knows what you were just thinking, even if you cant do anything about it right then it creates a nice tension again.
e) now she knows what I like and it might even happen for real next time!! I have only had genuinely spontaneous 'rip off clothes and get straight to it' sex once or twice but it's great.
f) is probably one of the few times you can come right out with that kind of stuff without scaring her off

I wouldn't get too specific with your fantasy telling, especially if you dont know her too well. eg. just keep it to normal straight sex. The point is that you wanted her and you wanted her bad. While it's generally considered a bad thing to let her be sure of this before you have sealed the deal (power plays and all), once you have your willy wet and are already pounding away, it's a good thing because you are getting what you want.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
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Ease said:
Strengthens the bond and traps you into the beta provider zone.

This is where you lose your thuggery and bad boy appeal.
It strengthens the bond of her to you. As in it makes her less likely to have other penises inside her.

But if you don't have a strong enough game, eventually she will drop you.

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
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Just imagine this; would you want to have sex with a girl again when SHE was silent during sex? No, you want to hear that b1tch moan! Silent sex is like a step up from masturbation.


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2010
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England, baby!
"im putting it in yor ass biatch"

"do you want a wet-wipe to get off all that jizz" (after jizzing all over her then pretending to ignore her for a few seconds... just long enougth so she is going "WTF is this ! " and isnt able to move without getting it every where)
= emotions!

guys read this ...
MAn***** getting a thresome with strippers... look at how he talks to them ... in a "its happening MY way" frame ...awsome!

joe henny

Senior Don Juan
Aug 23, 2010
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when you talk to her during sex you are talking straight into her sub-conscious to not do so shows that you must not want any control over your *****es. Which you obviously don't have if you have only been able to sleep with each one only once.