Do you like me? F-ed up, tried to fix it haha


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
So don't know why I'm posting this, just kind of feel like it and see what you guys have to say about it.

Basically just started talking to this chick today in health and she says "Do you like me?" ..."blah blah, Like do you think I'm weird?"

I say something along the lines of "Yeah I like you, you're alright"

I realized I may have made a mistake and should have answered differently (more along the lines of not a direct answer, like, 'I guess your ok') so I come back with another response "But you're a little weird though"
"It's kind of freaking me out"

So yeah, that's it. Defiantly should have said something different at the start, so then I tried to save it.

It's not a really a big deal at all, but I just thought I'd post it, what do you think?


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
There's nothing wrong with that. Conversation is always flowing.
The one mistake you probably made was to think "OH DAMN i said the wrong thing", cramping up all of a sudden and freaking out the girl.

In you signature, you quote an article on "being an Alpha". Don't you think that any such "Alpha" could just get away with making a sincere compliment?


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Huffman said:
There's nothing wrong with that. Conversation is always flowing.
The one mistake you probably made was to think "OH DAMN i said the wrong thing", cramping up all of a sudden and freaking out the girl.

In you signature, you quote an article on "being an Alpha". Don't you think that any such "Alpha" could just get away with making a sincere compliment?
Actually he did say the wrong thing.

Any DJ would easily know that you NEVER reveal your true feelings for a girl if she asks if you like her or not. Never give them a straight or direct answer; always turn it around into a joke or just be mysterious about it.

Crazy Asian

Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2007
Reaction score
eaglez1177 said:
Actually he did say the wrong thing.

Any DJ would easily know that you NEVER reveal your true feelings for a girl if she asks if you like her or not. Never give them a straight or direct answer; always turn it around into a joke or just be mysterious about it.
lol what has this site become while I've been gone?!


Master Don Juan
May 18, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
I swear those of us that get it no longer worry about such pointless things anymore. You could've just grinned and said 'yeah sure'. . .What would've been wrong with that. One part of 'THE GAME' is realising that you don't always have to be 'PLAYING GAMES'

Maybe when people stop trying to be james bond - they'll get where they want with the girls


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2008
Reaction score
I'm with eagelz on this one because you are doing it wrong.

I just recently learned another very important lesson that comes into play here: always assume attraction. You simply ASSUME she likes you and wants to spend time with you. If you're ****y&funny then she will be having a blast whenever you're around and she WILL like you and want to spend time with you. It's about being congruent and knowing what you want, which is the reason that we think you said the wrong thing.

Think of it this way .. all looks aside, what's more attractive? A girl who timidly asks you if you like her, or a girl who KNOWS you like her and tells you that you're hanging out on blah blah at blah blah. It's not really the exact same thing because guys vs. girls is very different, but you get the idea.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Crazy Asian said:
lol what has this site become while I've been gone?!

shaunuk said:
I swear those of us that get it no longer worry about such pointless things anymore. You could've just grinned and said 'yeah sure'. . .What would've been wrong with that. One part of 'THE GAME' is realising that you don't always have to be 'PLAYING GAMES'

Maybe when people stop trying to be james bond - they'll get where they want with the girls
Lol I dont have a problem with you guys disagreeing with me, but I'm just telling you what has definitely worked for me and how you i've witnessed a few of my friends (and myself) screw things up with girls because they confessed to them or a friend that they liked them. Say what you want, but I've experienced it, and I'm willing to be that theres A LOT of people on here who just give advice even though they've never actually experienced the situation and advice they're giving.

See i've messed up on something like this before when I was a freshman in highschool. There was a girl I liked, and after talking to her for some time, she asked me if I liked her. I, having pratically no experience with girls at the time, said, "Yea I do like you". And then....awkward silence. Then, she smiles and says, "Haha I knew you did". Then, for some odd reason which I couldnt figure out, she stopped initiating most of the conversations and talking from then on. I would talk to her less and less, and started to get the impression that the girl I liked was just drifting away from me. I didn't know what was going on, I thought that since I told her I liked her, that it would make her happy and that we would soon begin going out in a relationship. Man was I wrong.

You see what had attracted this girl to me in the first place, was that she couldn't figure me out. Many times I would say something to her, and she would reply back smiling with "Omg I like don't get you sometimes". It was this part of not being able to figure me out, aka, being mysterious, that attracted this girl to me.

When I told her I liked her, it ruined the fun for her, and kind of ended the little "game" that she was playing to try to figure me out. Understand? It gave her the "answer" to the "puzzle", and whats the fun in figuring out a "puzzle" if someone just gives you the "answer"? Theres NO fun!

Hopefully you guys will understand what I'm trying to say here lol


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
Yeah I think I get it, and only understand it more, the more I think about it. Experience helps as well haha.
An event similar to the one above happened the other day or something (i can't remember what she said) and I gave what I think is a pretty good answer (though I know there are better answers I can give, just need more exp).
Her > ' Do you like....blah blah (or something like that, idk...I just know it was about her)
Me > (with a slight sarcastic voice/the kind of voice to express dislike etc.) 'Yeah I guess...'

Anyways, I know it was better than the first one, but still need to learn how to respond to those situations better ;o