I'm beggining to think gettnig a lay in High School... is impossible.
I'm starting to think getting laid in High School is impossible. Though I can get interest from girls and all the sh*t, it never goes anywhere. Take this Allie girl I was trying to game, shows a whole bunch of f*cking interest, but that sh*t never moves ANYWHERE. I was going to ask this girl to the prom and got somewhat of a no. And finding a date to the prom is also kind of BS too, since if you don't know the girl that well, she'll probably say no. But yeah, I can get interest from tons of sets that I approach, but in the end, nothing every goes anywhere with these broads. It's especially a b*tch if you're trying to game a specific girl, because you'll wait all day for the period you see her and then while she'll give interest, sh*t won't go anywhere. So it's for this reason that I'm starting to think getting a lay in HS is impossible.
I'm starting to think getting laid in High School is impossible. Though I can get interest from girls and all the sh*t, it never goes anywhere. Take this Allie girl I was trying to game, shows a whole bunch of f*cking interest, but that sh*t never moves ANYWHERE. I was going to ask this girl to the prom and got somewhat of a no. And finding a date to the prom is also kind of BS too, since if you don't know the girl that well, she'll probably say no. But yeah, I can get interest from tons of sets that I approach, but in the end, nothing every goes anywhere with these broads. It's especially a b*tch if you're trying to game a specific girl, because you'll wait all day for the period you see her and then while she'll give interest, sh*t won't go anywhere. So it's for this reason that I'm starting to think getting a lay in HS is impossible.