My favorite kiss close routine that i came up with

Daddy The Pimp

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
Hi brothers ,

Ive been using Mystery , Style and DeAngelo's stuff for a long time .
And now i see that they were just training wheels .

Im coming up with new routines / techniques .

Before some months , i was reading a magazine and there was something about kiss history . Some belive that kiss comes from prehistoric time , when prehistoric mother chews the food and passes to her children . From her mouth to childrens mouth . And i thought that i could come up with something new . A new kiss close . Of course , like all kiss close routines , you gotta know when to use them :D . Also you and the target should be smokers .

it goes like this :

Hey did you know how this kiss thing started ?
I was reading an article about kissing , and one of the thoughts is that prehistoric mother chew food and passed to her baby children . Just like some birds do .

[if one of you is smoking just go like]

Wait , lemme show how this work .

Just grab her cigarette , smoke it , hold smoke in your mouth and call her with your first finger to come near and just lean in just like your about to blow the smoke in her mouth . And do it , than say to her

Hey , lets do it without smoke :D .

This is field tested and it worked .

But im the type of guy that loves to talk alot and " pretend im smart " talking about theories , and thats why it worked for me .

But im gonna give away another VARIATION OF THIS . This is my favorite technique that i use most of the time :D . This is my favorite KISS CLOSE routine that i came up :D .

VARIATION ( My favorite K-Close routine )

When she's smoking say :


Okej , smoke the cigarette [wait for her to smoke], hold the smoke in your mouth [ she's holding it ] , and just lean in and with high confidence say Okey now blow the smoke in my mouth and touch your lips with her lips .

Than you can do it without smoke .

Tell her WHOA , IT TASTED GOOD :D . LETS TRY WITHOUT SMOKE (but you dont wanna sound impressed ) and lean in and kiss :D .

I hope that you can take it from there :D .

Just be creative and come up with new routines/variations :D .

Hope you gonna try it and its gonna work .

Both are field tested / both worked :D .

Work best with type of PLAYFUL ENERGIC FUNNY GUY [variation] and PHILOSOPHER INTERESTING TYPE OF GUY [original routine]

Have fun



Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
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mistake by the lake
i smoke, but this sounds a bit disgusting. but if you field tested this and it works. keep at it

Daddy The Pimp

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
Lol yea . The original routine is a bit disgusting , when i tell the story they go like EEEEKKKK but in variation , i dont think that there is anything disgusting .

Variation is great , it gives them reason to touch their lips with their lips , and it defuses anti slut defense . They think that playing a game they will not come out as *****es . They are only playing :D .

But you also gotta know :

When to say it - When there is enought attraction and comfort build

How to say it - In total confident/unguilty voice , just like your proposing to play chess or something .

Body Language and Mentality - Like your not waiting for rejection . Your 100% sure that she gonna play the game :D .

Just try it . Youll see that im not wrong :D .



Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
good thing u comin up with ur own sht and becoming more natural :) bravo, everybody should be like dis and natural.. The way things should be is jus natural but society is fucin un-natural.


Don Juan
Sep 1, 2007
Reaction score
DjSoOHain said:
good thing u comin up with ur own sht and becoming more natural :) bravo, everybody should be like dis and natural.. The way things should be is jus natural but society is fucin un-natural.
Hahah how is shoving smoke down your body natural?


New Member
Jan 6, 2008
Reaction score
This is called "Shotgunning a Hit"... people use it w/ weed all the time. It's not something you came up but has been around for awhile... but still, it takes some balls to actually be able to say that to a girl.

Stud No1

Don Juan
Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
im sorry but u gotta be pretty hot for me to want a chick to blow smoke into my mouth.

Rebound Material

Master Don Juan
May 13, 2006
Reaction score
Im a smoker too and that trick about blowing smoke into someones mouth from your own is called a 'shotgun'. It sounds like a great technique and all BUT its a bit situational. Besides, being dependent on this technique also means that you don't plan on quitting(especially if you are VERY successful)...and thats something I hope I do in the near future...

Daddy The Pimp

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
Stud No1 No man . You dont have to be hot . All you gotta be is

Fun guy
Well groomed looking best of yourself

Rebound Material Yea its a bit situational but its nice . You also gotta know when to use it . Hope you give up smoking as soon as you can :p. No routine worth like your life . Personally , i just smoke on parties and clubs . 1 or 2 cigaretes.

b.gregson89 I dont know man , never heard of it before . And now that you told me i checked the google but couldnt find nothing about it . Maybe it have been used before but lemme tell you story how i started this .

To show disinterest and confidence , after some seconds on the set , i just grabbed cigars from their mouth smoked and put back on their mouth . Sometimes i blow the smoke in their face . And one day , i was thinking to come up with new routine to kiss close , and this pops in my mind .I used it a lot of times .Than i was reading a magazine and it came this story about kissing and i put that too in routine to make it more complete .
Variation ive been using for long time and most of the times works :D . All they want is a reason to kiss you :D .

DjSoOHain Thanks bro

Daddy The Pimp

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
Just wanted to bump this and put some new kiss closes that i use in club .

Grinding KISS close

This is while dancing . I like it very much because its smooth .
I know that some guys have no problem opening and getting girls attracted to them but they are scared to lean for kiss .

When her grinding her ass on ur d!ck , touch her ass and tits sometimes but dont keep your hand on them for long time . Just pass the hands there .

Than , after getting her sexual , by doing steps that i told you up (she's already getting sexual with you because she's rubbin her ass on your ****) , just grab her hand and spin her .

Great . Now you are facing each other :D .

With your hands , just remove her hairs from face , and the hand should go behind her neck (you know , while removing ) and then just kiss her .

I know that its not routine , its a thing that most of you do naturally , but i just wanna tell some guys that are scared to lean in for kiss while dancing that its not a big deal .

Always after opening successfully and building some good rapport i lean in for kiss . Sometimes with routines sometimes without them . And NEVER , EVER got rejected in bad way . The only rejection that happens most of the time is when girl just slowly turn her head so you have to kiss her on the cheek .

Spin Kiss Close-Credit :IamtheFuture , PAPA(RSD)

After building some rapport just say . Lemme show you a move and if you do it right youll get a kiss :D .
Learn the move here . Its interesting lol :D

Daddy The Pimp

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
brett012 said:
I tried this last night! It took 2 tries to get her to understand what she really wants me to do but it worked. It's also a good excuse to keep her around whenever you say "you want another cigarette?" and also a test to see if she's ok with kissing you again.
Cool man im glad you tried it :D . When i go to smoke hookah i use this everytime :d.