Don't Let Bad Boys and Arrogant Pigs Fvck The Hot Babes


Senior Don Juan
Oct 23, 2006
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You've all seen it before hav'nt you, hot sweet innocent babes getting their puzzies fvcked by the rampaging c0cks of the so called bad boys and arrogant pigs, but why, as sad as the truth is, because your standing back and allowing it to happen.

If the truth be known the hottest babes have no other option in the end but to be fvcked by either that outgoing cool sex crazed bad boy jerk gangster tough guy type with tats, or that arrogant pig business man type womanizer that dresses in a suit.

The truth is hot babes prefer genuine guys, however very few of them either realize that or know how to actually seduce a woman.

Males need to be the leaders in the relationship, if they refuse to do this they will rarely ever be enabled to seduce a hot babe.

This is devastatingly sad for these hot babes, the best guys rarely take a leadership role, instead they buy them drinks, kiss their arzes and allow them to completely control them.

In the end the hot babes are frustrated and as such they end up being fvcked by the bad boy or arrogant pig, its very sad.

I've found that the genuine guys are often too frightened to approach, even a normally timid Dog will devour a man once it realizes he is frightened of it.

If you let your Cat sh!t on your floor, it will soon be sh!tting on your bed, so too is the case with hot babes.

Males only ever think through their own minds, most place the desire of their c0cks above every other pleasure in life.

They are too dumb to see it, most of them know they can pick up some fat ugly b!tch, get it drunk, fvck it, and have it svck them off, what they don't realize is they can do the same to the hottest babes, however they don't have the guts to do it.

A fat ugly b!tch means nothing to them, they only fvck them because they can't get to fvck a real hot babe.

If they were smart they would treat the hottest babes exactly the same as they do the ugly ones and be fvcking them instead.

This is what the bad boys and the arrogant pigs are doing so in return the hottest babes are letting them fvck them.

Remember this, bad boys and arrogant pigs compliment hot babes, they tell them their "Hot" "Sexy" "Gorgeous" "Stunningly Attractive" all of those things, however they couldn't give a sh!t to be honest with you what the girls think, if that hot babe won't let them fvck her theres always another one that will.

I read all of these posts about guys trying to become bad boys and arrogant pigs, you're much better off not becoming one.

Read Thundercats artical on Eye Contact, tell yourself that you are the Prize, approach as many hot babes as you can, treat everyone as equals, the dudes, old grannies, ugly b!tches, hottest babes alike, and soon enough you'll be fvcking as many hot babes as you wish.

Don't sit back and be a Wuss, Loser, get off your arze and sarge, never be affraid of a pretty girl, never be nervous around one, never allow a hot babe to control what you are doing, enjoy your lives, then and only then will you be fvcking them.

Let it be known all girls are weak, males are stronger, girls give in a lot quicker than us males do, if you're a horny young 14 year old schoolboy you can fvck your hot classy 30 year old English Teacher babe if you choose to, if you're an old lust crazed 80 year old man you can fvck that hot young 20 year old babe at the grocery store, its up to you, but no babes can allure you in this same way unless you yourself choose to be allured by them, males have the power. :yes:


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
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New York City
Great post. I've always believed (in my experience) that women like genuine men who have balls. Sometimes women stoop down to lower levels because they don't have anywhere else to go. Besides, what woman wants to **** the kid in the corner being to himself even if he's good looking? Women want to be taken, they don't want to have to take you.


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
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the attractive quality is toughness. when your tough, you walk around with an edge.

you can be tough and be a badboy or you can be tough and be a DJ. the DJ possesses maturity and knows how and when to use his toughness, while the badboy (immature) goes around acting like a little wanker wherever he goes.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
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I disagree that hot babes always want genuine, good guys. Most of these h0rish girls would prefer an assh0le because they can identify with them better.


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2007
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Obsidian said:
I disagree that hot babes always want genuine, good guys. Most of these h0rish girls would prefer an assh0le because they can identify with them better.
or they are attached to his spontaneity and disfunction...something you really can't fake.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
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If faced with the choice between a high-quality DJ male and an out-of-control jerk, a disfunctional girl will often choose the jerk. And a good percentage of girls are disfunctional in this way. I really think some girls like to be mistreated, and if you don't mistreat them then they see it as weakness and begin to mistreat you. Kinda the same way the Soviets would view even fair-minded diplomacy as American weakness.

not all girls are like this, of course. I'm talking about the horish ones who are, as you said, choosing to date disfunctional men


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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If you let your Cat sh!t on your floor, it will soon be sh!tting on your bed, so too is the case with hot babes.
A more appropriate quote was once said by an ex president.

If you let a bully on to your lawn, the next day he'll be on your porch. And the day after that he'll be fvcking your wife.
Dec 18, 2007
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In a perfect universe this would actually fly. But we don't live in a perfect universe. Your forgetting that women have a say so in who bones them.

This posts supposition is that women have no choice in the matter and are just getting raped by these real men acting bad boys.

Here is some truth in the matter. Women are more attracted to bad boys for sex than nerds. This is the way nature set it up. Sorry if there was something I could do about mother nature I would try and send her a memo to rewire womens brains. Oh wait I am a bad boy so forget that I like it the way it is.

Women like badboys according to 3 girls I just interviewed because:

* They are dominate
* They don't take shyt from them
* They stand up to them
* They are more confident than nice guys
* They are more masculine than nice guys and don't think this just means muscles.
* The are more cavalier than nice guys.

In fact these women (all of them above 8's) wished nice guys would act like jerks and jerks would act like nice guys.

Nice guys supplicate to women in hopes that if they act meek the girl will bless them with sex. A total turn off to most hot women out there.

Those girls listed a few other qualities of jerks that attracted them but I think you get the point.

My suggestion is don't hate the game learn to master it instead. Don't waste energy hating the jerks who are doing what masculine men do which is bone hot babes. Takes too much time and energy.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
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Hey bro, don't feel bad, even today me and my buddy walking thru the mall - us 2 alpha bad-boy types... I turn to my friend like hey, "what the f is up with so many hot girls with NERDS today, geez... my friend just smiles and says lol Vlad just cuz you cant be him doesnt mean you have to hate him. I'm like, yea, a scrawny little geek? No thanks I'll pass. This bytch that called me a "good friend" today on AIM, how much you wanna bet some dweeb emo fagg0t is making out with her right now... FUUUUUUCK Me sideways.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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This is just another way to put the "hot babes" on a pedestal. You're making the assumption that all of them know a genuine guy when they see one. Women are poor judges of character. Most of them only see status (money & power) & looks. Some see personality - but the majority simply assign what they think is a good personality to the rich/powerful/good-looking guys they date, so they don't appear shallow. I must say that we men do it too (the very first post is an example of this). We tend to give beautiful people extra points in their personality that they don't really deserve.

But the true qualities of a man, his character, aren't things most women are good judges of. Integrity, honour, courage, resilience, generosity - those are the character traits of a good man. Women don't understand them because they (or most) don't have them. Take integrity & honour for example. There are codes of honour for men that have been socially enforced since times immemorial across all societies and cultures. There are none for women. None. That's why women flake all the time and have no problem with it. That's why they can say one thing and mean another, and don't think there's anything wrong in what they do.

Your true qualities as a man are only appreciated and properly recognized by other men. Don't expect such from women. You thrive to become that Man for yourself, not because it'll get you women.

However, if you can lead the men, the women will follow.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
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Los Angeles
blue on blue, thanks for fvckin my eyes up


Senior Don Juan
Jan 1, 2008
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San Francisco, CA
Obsidian said:
I disagree that hot babes always want genuine, good guys. Most of these h0rish girls would prefer an assh0le because they can identify with them better.
I think Jitterbug answered this point 100% correctly, in fact he articulated something which just occured to me vaguely the other day: that women dont really appreciate what is noble about men, or they very rarely do.

Obsidian, have to say I disagree with you, or rather my experience disagrees with your experience. :whistle:


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2007
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TheRealSupreme said:
In a perfect universe this would actually fly. But we don't live in a perfect universe. Your forgetting that women have a say so in who bones them.

This posts supposition is that women have no choice in the matter and are just getting raped by these real men acting bad boys.

Here is some truth in the matter. Women are more attracted to bad boys for sex than nerds. This is the way nature set it up. Sorry if there was something I could do about mother nature I would try and send her a memo to rewire womens brains. Oh wait I am a bad boy so forget that I like it the way it is.

Women like badboys according to 3 girls I just interviewed because:

* They are dominate
* They don't take shyt from them
* They stand up to them
* They are more confident than nice guys
* They are more masculine than nice guys and don't think this just means muscles.
* The are more cavalier than nice guys.

In fact these women (all of them above 8's) wished nice guys would act like jerks and jerks would act like nice guys.

Nice guys supplicate to women in hopes that if they act meek the girl will bless them with sex. A total turn off to most hot women out there.

Those girls listed a few other qualities of jerks that attracted them but I think you get the point.

My suggestion is don't hate the game learn to master it instead. Don't waste energy hating the jerks who are doing what masculine men do which is bone hot babes. Takes too much time and energy.
Yeah but you seem to put *every* man in three categories: Nerd, Jerk, and Don Juan. The latter two get play, the nerd gets nothing.

Fact is, there are many categories we fall under. In some ways I can be a jerk, I've gotten into fights of course, because I don't take shyt from ANYONE, but mostly (as described by alot of people), I'm a "chill" guy who can pretty much talk to anybody about anything. In class, I'm always the funny guy, doing subtle things to make everyone laugh. I try to talk to the jocks, the nerds, the emos, the geeks, all of those stereotypical groups. When it comes to popularity, I'm more known than most.

I also have never kissed a girl in my life.

Now on the other hand, there are guys who have actually done anti-social, beyond @sshole things at my school. One group of guys destroyed this girls car (shes about an HB7). They keyed it, they smashed it with a baseball bat, they threw **** inside her car, they wrote "whøre" on all her non-broken windows.

She fvcked every single one of them.

Welcome to 21st century high school dating.

And this broad isn't just a head case, she's really approachable and stuff. There are also many other even hotter girls who let themselves go through the same abuse and still put out. Don't tell me that they have to "resort" to going out with these insane, beyond badboy people, most guys at my school actually have a fair bit of game. So what must we do? We are forced to hit on less attractive, younger girls, some even 3+ years younger.

At another school, this group of footballers gang raped a girl, got away with it but the whole school sorta knew that they did it, and girls put out to those rapists.

If you were a girl, would you put out to the average popular guy (not talking about myself here) who is really laid back and doesn't supplicate to women at all, or would you put out to the football player who drives by your house and smashes your mailbox with a baseball bat, then writes "666" in gasoline and sets it on fire?

In high school nowadays, girls choose the latter. Now do they really have sayso in who bones them?

Mad Manic

Aug 11, 2007
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Leeds, UK
There are loads of nice guys and nerds with girls today, all women ask is that you are white and middle class. Go on dating sites and look at women's profiles, 60% state they want or prefer a white man. Wearing glasses or whatnot is really small fry compared to this. If you are white and not getting laid, you WILL get laid if you do some gymming and have a makeover. It's really not the end of the world.



Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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LostAndConfused, that's so fvcked up. That's LSE at its extreme.

Mad Manic, can you stop that racial pity party please? And stop using dating sites as a measure. What women say on their shopping list aren't what they necessarily respond to face to face.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
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Technical1 said:
Obsidian, have to say I disagree with you, or rather my experience disagrees with your experience.
Well, I've had girls dump me because my morals were higher than theirs. I really agree with Last Man Standing that the slvttier the girl, the more you have to treat her like a prostitute.

It's really gotten to the point where I have become very selective about the girls I'd be willing to date -- because I'm sick of wasting time on good-looking girls who just don't click with me. Jitterbug is right that girls will give more leeway to guys who are attractive. But any girl who STAYS with an unvirtuous guy for any significant period of time is probably not very virtuous herself.

And if you yourself are a good guy -- not a chump, but someone who tries to treat her with respect -- there are definitely girls out there who will resent it. I could be exaggerating the prevalence of this phenomenon, but it definitely happens.