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LR: The Sex Revolution in Pickup

Spirit Fingers

Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
This lay was very different than many of my normal natural game lays. For those of you who are interested in how being good in bed can translate into being good at pickup, this is a good example.

This report is also a good example of Sexual Power Reversal. For those of you who haven’t heard Woodhaven explain the concept, Sexual Power Reversal is probably a vague concept of PUA nirvana where you magically get girls to buy you things and otherwise give high compliance in exchange for sex. This report will show you exactly how to achieve SPR with real-life examples.

Keys to the Lay

1. Smooth direct approach in the daytime using my conventional natural game.

2. Capitalizing on good logistics to quickly get a date.

3. Smooth isolation move and LMR technique to get the most compliance possible out of her on the date.

4. Tight phone game to bridge the time gap between the first date and the next time we could meet up.

5. Creating strong attraction through Sexual Presence on the second date, that is, by both projecting a sexual vibe and demonstrating to her that I have the traits of a good lover (Dominance, Emotion, Variety, Immersion).

6. Legitimizing my high sexual value by getting high levels of compliance before the lay (Sexual Power Reversal).

7. Strong isolation move and bedroom skills to ensure conversion.

Initial Approach

I meet up with my roommate Diggz in the food court of my favorite mall to do some sarging. We sit and talk for a little while, then I notice an attractive girl eating by herself at a nearby table.

I approach her with a direct opener. These are the best openers for my style of game because the driving force behind my game is my sexual skills. Once you have achieved sexual mastery, it is always better to show your sexuality with genuine interest than to hide it with asexual opinion openers.

I give her warm, friendly eye contact, face her directly, and get her attention. “Hey…I saw you eating over here, and I just had to say that you look real cute.” She smiles, and says thank you. She has a great, natural smile, and plus she’s mixed (half Asian and half white). I like her already.

I introduce myself. “I’m Dan,” I say, as I sit down with her.

In this stage of the pickup, I was still using my regular natural game. Initially, I keep the conversation light, make her laugh, and get her having fun. It was mostly straight vibing at first, see my post A Complete Guide to Vibing for more details on my vibing structure.

I did a little bit of active value demonstration. Some things I did include:

Role-playing: She worked at a nearby makeup store, I told her that she should be my fashion consultant. Also, she mentioned that she was from Hawaii and was going home for Christmas break. I told her that I was totally adopting myself into her family so that I could go to Hawaii with her and get Christmas presents (value and dirty compliance).

Push-pull: When she gets on a boring thread about makeup…

Dan: You know, I think that’s really cool how you know so much about makeup. High five!

HB: (Goes for it, and I pull my hand away and make her look dumb. I playfully turn away from her, and she laughs and hits me).

Dan: (I come back with playful kino) No, but seriously, I think that’s pretty cool.

HB: Really?

Dan: No.

HB: (Laughs and hits me again.)

Dan: (When we’re done laughing) I like how I can have fun with you like this (while touching her). Are you always this outgoing? (VERY IMPORTANT – The final pull and the transition into attainability and compliance).

From this point (about 10 minutes in) all of my active value demonstration is FINISHED. I literally have enough value to **** this chick right now, and the rest of my time with her will be spent making her work for me and demonstrating that I have a genuine interest in her.

I do some light screening and qualification, but not as much as I would like because she has to get back to work. I take her number and split.

Phone Game

I text her the same day about six hours later. This is very important – you should always follow up on your numbers by calling or texting as soon as possible. I call this the “Reverse Three Days” rule. While AFCs will always wait at least three days before they call, PUAs will always call or text before the third day. If you call within the first three days, you have the best chances of getting her on the phone.

If you are cool then you are cool, if not than you are not. Any loser can sit on a number for a week, so how long you wait to call her has nothing to do with how attracted she is to you. Just get her on the phone ASAP, then worry about attracting her.

I text her: Come kick ass at ju jitsu with me

She responds right away with: Would love to kick ass but friends are in town so i am occupied for a bit. Will call later :)

Because of the fast response time and how she took my joking text literally, I was going to call her later that night. She beat me to it though, and called me around 11:00. We talk for 10-15 minutes. Again some light screening and qualification, but mostly just vibing. She’s quick to laugh and has a real chilled out vibe, which I like.

I find that at higher levels, your game will improve tremendously if you can find these little things that you really like about the girls you’re interacting with. Otherwise, you’re just an automaton lifelessly going through the motions of seduction. If you can appreciate these things about a girl, it will naturally charge your interactions with the passion and enthusiasm of someone who’s genuinely enjoying the conversation.

Two days later, I call her. It turns out that she lives right near me, and in fact gets off the train at the same stop as I do. This is a great logistical situation; she’s so close to me that I can almost see her from my window. I take advantage of these great logistics to go for a date right away.

I tell her that I’m going to get bubble tea, and that she should come with me. She says that she doesn’t like bubble tea, but she’ll come hang out.

This is great compliance; she’s doing something she normally wouldn’t like doing just to hang out with me. It also signals the beginning of Sexual Power Reversal.

Initial Date

We meet up in an Asian food court near my house. I greet her with a big hug, then grab some bubble tea. We talk for a little, but it’s not the most romantic environment. There’s a big group of drunk college students yelling to each other in Korean, which breaks her state and mine.

I stand up, and say “let’s take a walk.” Then I just start walking, and she follows me. When she does, I reward her with some protective kino (hand on the small of her back.)

This piece of compliance was important to the Sexual Power Reversal, because it establishes the precedent that she follows where I lead.

We walk around for about five minutes outside. Diggz calls. I pick up, and then give the phone to my girl, saying “Here, talk to my roommate.”

She’s a little shy, but they talk for a minute or two. Then, I get back on the phone with him. After talking for a few minutes, I say “Hey, want to meet my roommate? We can smoke hookah together.” She agrees, and we head back to my place. At this point, I’d talked to her for less than half an hour total.

The reason why I was able to isolate her at this point was because of the Sexual Power Reversal I’d established before. Because I’d established the precedent that she followed where I led, she followed me right into my bedroom.
We meet up with Diggz, and we sit together in my room. It’s fairly clean, but I made sure to pile plenty of stuff up on the couch so that nobody could sit there. Being a good wingman, Diggz takes my only chair. I sit down on the bed, and She’s left standing up.

“Come sit down,” I tell her, and motion to the bed. She complies and sits next to me.

We start smoking the hookah together, and Diggz breaks out a bottle of tequila, lime slices and salt. I don’t offer her any alcohol. I tell her with a smile, “yeah, you definitely can’t drink anything, you’ll be all stumbling home and losing your way.”

Again, this is important for SPR. Trying to get her drunk, or even offering her alcohol this soon after meeting her, equals me working to get in her pants. This would have killed the SPR, so it was important that I stopped any thoughts in her mind that I was trying to get her drunk ASAP.

Diggz and I each do a few shots, then we pop in a movie. We turn the lights off and watch it together for a minute, then he gracefully retires. I’m now left with her alone in my bed in the dark.

I don’t rush things, sitting with my arm around her for about half and hour before I make out with her. She’s into it right off the bat. I start pre-empting her LMR with “we shouldn’t be doing this,” and “I like you, we can’t be doing this.” I get her shirt off and start fingering her, then she says that she has to go to the bathroom. She puts her clothes back on, and when she comes back she says that she has to go.

This is the first time in over a year that I haven’t gotten over LMR. I wouldn’t attribute this to a failure in Woodhaven’s LMR technique, which I think is awesome. It due more to the fact that I’d only know her for half an hour before I isolated her and hadn’t had the opportunity to make it solid.

I walk her home, holding her hand to give the interaction more of a boyfriend/girlfriend feel. This was important so that she would know that I like and care about her, and am not just a player. I kiss her goodnight, and then head home.

Spirit Fingers

Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
Second Date and Lay

Second Date

On the second date, I decided to try something new. Instead of establishing SPR by demonstrating good social traits like I did before, I decided to establish it by demonstrating good sexual traits. That is, to get her working to have sex with me by getting her fantasizing about sex with me. This is what I mean when I say “The Sex Revolution in Pickup.”

To demonstrate these traits more effectively, I first got myself in a sexual state (similar to Gunwitch method). I had sex with one of my girlfriends prior to the date, but didn’t allow myself to ***. While I was waiting for her, I watched porn to get myself more worked up.

She had called me earlier in the day and told me that she got home at 6, and would call me after she got ready to go out. She takes about two hours to get ready, another sign of SPR since she’s working so hard to look good for me.

I have my logistics well planned out. First, I will bring her down to Revere Beach, where we’ll get sandwiches and cheese fries from a place my friends and I go to often. We’ll eat on the beach, and make out to the sounds of the crashing surf. Then, I’ll tell her to come back to my place to watch a movie.

I tell her to come over my house first, in order to get her more comfortable with being there. Keeping in mind the principles of SPR, I don’t dress to impress. I wear a white Polo with nondescript jeans, clean and well put together but decidedly average looking. Dressing better, again, would have been working too hard and would have killed SPR.

When she comes over, I’m not even fully dressed. I greet her with no shoes, and tell her to come up. She does, and watches me while I throw some shoes and a belt on. I ask her if she has a dollar I can borrow for the train, and she gives me it.

This was another important point because it was the first time she spent money on me.

We ride to Revere Beach, get our sandwiches and eat them on the beach together. She pays for them. I was going to ask “You’ve got this one baby?” but she whipped out her card before I even asked.

On the beach, instead of focusing on demonstrating good social traits I concentrated on displaying the four good sexual traits (dominance, emotion, variety, immersion).

Dominance: I demonstrated this through leading her (conversationally and physically), and through getting compliance out of her. This includes screening her to see if she meets my standards, intentionally letting the conversation die and putting social pressure on her to continue it, and having her pay for things.

Emotion: I demonstrated this by talking about my passions and interests, and displaying a genuine interest in her.

Variety: I demonstrated this by getting “wide rapport,” that is, by taking the conversation on a multitude of topics through smooth vibing.

Immersion: I demonstrated this by being chilled out and relaxed, not hesitating or thinking about anything I did, and by focusing totally on her.

The whole time, I am also maintaining my sexual state.

She’s eating it up, and we’re soon sitting in each other’s arms and opening up to each other.

It’s a little cold on the beach though. Being from Hawaii, she doesn’t have much cold tolerance, and she soon starts shivering.

I said “You look cold…let’s go watch Harold and Kumar.” She’d mentioned earlier in the conversation that she’d never seen it.

This was another critical moment. She looked at me for a long second, knowing exactly what would happen if she was alone with me again. It was almost like a more sophisticated form of LMR, where she wanted one last confirmation that I was for real before we hit the bedroom. I looked at her with steady, warm sexual eye contact, allowing her to see what she needed to. “Okay,” she said.

We leave and go back to my place.

Isolation and Lay

Important to note for this isolation: I don’t actually own Harold and Kumar. It didn’t matter at all though. For isolation, all that is important is that you get her back to your place. If it turns out the reason why she came doesn’t exist, it’s irrelevant because it was just a pretext anyways.

I tell her I can’t find it, and pop in “The Brothers Grimm.” It’s an awful movie, but a good for hookups because it’s boring enough to not detract attention from the physical escalation. It also has some good background music to have sex to when the movie is over.

I sit with her under the blankets for a little while, then start making out. She starts grinding her ***** against my leg, hard. I start rubbing her ***** through her pants with strong hand motions; I soon feel wetness through her jeans.
I flip her over and put her on top of me. She start making out with me, and grinding her crotch so hard against my **** that it hurts. I throw her back on the bed, take her shirt off, and start sucking on her nipples while massaging her *****. She takes off my shirt.

I unzip her pants, and she gently pushes my hand away. She’s still trying to work her game, to hold out a little longer before getting ****ed in order to make me more attracted. I respond by taking my own pants off and putting her hand on my erect ****.

This drives her nuts, and she loses all self-control. She holds onto my **** like she’ll never let go and starts jerking it frantically. I tell her “put it in your mouth,” and she goes down on me.

After this, I strip her naked and start fingering her. She’s on her period, so instead of making her *** by eating her out I make her *** by fingering her. I usually don’t mind eating girls out while they’re on the rag, but I don’t for new girls because of safety reasons. I make her ***, then lay on top of her with my **** touching her *****. She grabs it and tries to put in inside herself raw. I’m tempted, but I strap up before entering her.

I’m amazed by the power of SPR to totally eliminate LMR like this. The girl also wanted really dominant sex after working so much for me. Her immersion (relaxation and absence of distracting thoughts, another dimension of sexuality in my system) was much better than most girls on the first time. This left me free to concentrate on dominance.

I **** her missionary while looking into her eyes, then manhandle her onto her hands and knees to take it doggy style. I hold her hips and **** her hard from behind while I spank her.

Then, I push her so that she’s lying face down on the bed and I’m on top of her. Then, I start talking dirty in her ear. “Your *****’s so wet…you must have been thinking about getting ****ed entire night,” I said as I slammed into her over and over.

More hard, dominant sex until she and I are worn out and covered in sweat. I hold her face in my hands and look into her eyes as I *** inside her.

Afterwards, we both drink about a quart of Gatorade to re-hydrate. We sit up and talk for a little while to let ourselves cool off, and then we fall asleep in each other’s arms.


One thing which you do not see in this report is the core of inner game that drives everything I do. It is hard to write about inner game in a lay report because it is just going on in the background, but it is critically important.

My inner game comes from knowing that I can be the best lay any girl has ever had. Because I have the sexual stuff down, I know that any girl would be genuinely lucky to have me. This gives me the confidence and intangible edge that’s so key in pickup.

If you have bad inner game and don’t really think you’re an attractive guy, it is glaringly obvious to everyone you interact with. Guys who secretly dislike themselves think nobody can see it, but everyone can. You can see it in their eyes. All their DHV stories mean nothing because when you look into their eyes, they are scared rabbits.

Girls see this too. Especially at critical moments in the interaction, like when she looked into my eyes before agreeing to leave the beach to see if I was for real. If I had not known 100% that I could rock her world if she left with me, she would have seen that and wouldn’t have gone.

I encourage everyone reading this report to put as much effort into improving their sexual skills as they do into improving their social skills. Not only will it make your sex life better, it will help you build the inner game that working on your social skills alone will not. Experiment, find out what works, and always keep getting better.

Again, the keys:

1. Smooth direct approach in the daytime using my conventional natural game.

2. Capitalizing on good logistics to quickly get a date.

3. Smooth isolation move and LMR technique to get the most compliance possible out of her on the date.

4. Tight phone game to bridge the time gap between the first date and the next time we could meet up.

5. Creating strong attraction through Sexual Presence on the second date, that is, by both projecting a sexual vibe and demonstrating to her that I have the traits of a good lover (Dominance, Emotion, Variety, Immersion).

6. Legitimizing my high sexual value by getting high levels of compliance before the lay (Sexual Power Reversal).

7. Strong isolation move and bedroom skills to ensure conversion.



Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score

Great LR! BTW, how old was this chick?

I'm guessing 21ish?

I'm wondering if you might want to address the differences between various age ranges? For example, I generally notice:

Teens: "Slvt phase" where girls are just eager to experiment and gain experience. At this age range, their logical thinking lags far behind their hormonal surge and emotional brain development. This is where girls rack up the bulk of their partners (often drunken ONS) - which are double that of men by age 22. Hey, these girls just wanna have fun! :cheer:

20-23: Girls have gotten burnt out and jaded by their slvt phase. Likely also hurt, screwed and contracted an STD or pregnancy. This slows them down a lot and they become more defensive players. By this age, a girl knows the drill and may run some plays on you (like this girl did) and become more prone to ASD/LMR. 23 (and possibly dropping) is also a woman's peak fertility, and her PRIME MATING VALUE TO MEN. Thus, she is very hot and will attract a grip of suitors, although she likely has a lot of unresolved emotional issues... And, they're also starting to view sex more as currency now and demand more in return (relationship, affection, attention, etc).

24-26: A girl is just coming off her sexual PRIME but with the game to handle it. This is like an NBA player still in great physical shape but with the experience to back it up. A girl like this has her pick of the litter and will likely be spinning plates with a small assteroid belt of beta orbiters. HIGH-VALUE catch that only the best men will land - as she can be finicky and demand very high-quality and get it.... Hence, the average age of first marriage and first child for women in this country is...25. These girls instinctively know to cash in their chips before their buying power nosedives.

27-30: This is like an out-of season sale. Day-old bread. Girls still retain medium-high value, but are starting to get pushed out of the way by the latest faddish models. Male attention starts waning some, but these girls are loking for something a little more serious anyways...

31-35: Last call at the bar. These women know their fertility window is closing soon and are becoming a little depressed and desperate. It's now or never. Time, a woman's greatest enemy, has not been kind and their mate value is about to tank for good. Hello fat & wrinkles, goodbye glory years! If they don't find a good exit soon, next stop is Spinsterville with menopause & 40 cats...
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Spirit Fingers

Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
wayword, don't worry so much about a girl's age. It's true that you do some small things differently if the girl is older or younger, but overall you do the same things to attract women. This girl was 25, but what I did would have worked if she was 21 or if she was 30.

Shezz and Docs, thanks for the props.
