Can you save women from the feminist Matrix?


Don Juan
Aug 15, 2005
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My 1 year LTR ended now 3 months ago: 6 months to realize she was not long term material, another 6 months to end the LTR. I'm 25, she's 27 & feminazi.

I did everything I could not to see/hear about her after the breakup. The first 3 weeks she contacted me several times weeping on the phone, asking me to come back, to see eachothers,... I never did. Since then, no more contact - I never initiated.

It was a hard decision to leave her, that's probably why it took me so long. Actually I didn't had the balls to tell her straight to the face: I waited for her to end it once again after a dispute, but that time I took it seriously & cowardly used it against her. But even if it was hard, it was the things to do. No regrets. Better now than in 10 years. However I liked the girl a lot. There are times where I don't think about her, but other days like today & yesterday she's in my mind all day long.

Everybody has his own way of handling a breakup. I enjoyed my regained freedom & did what I couldn't do with her: improving myself, concentrate on my business plans & studies. My social life has been kept to the strict minimum of a select group of close friends I can trust, to keep my mind clean of every possible gossip regarding my ex-gf.
I should, but didn't spin plates. Encounters happened enough, but:
1. I'm not ready for a women in my life at present time. Too much things to do, too much things to think about, don't want any women to interfer in my plans.
2. I know what type of women I want, they didn't match the criteria's.

When you're busy with work/studies/... you don't have time to think about other things. So I lived peacefully. Recently due to good progress in my personal projects, I took the opportunity to go clubbing two weeks in a row. Unfortunately noise entered my mind.

Last Friday I went wout with a couple of friends. I heared that my ex-gf had dated 2 other guys during the last 3 months. This hurts. Jealousy, the picture of her fvcking another men...
Small town, everybody knows everybody. I know the guy she first dated, 31 & natural Dj. His wordings where “Your ex-gf is no long-term material – You must have a lot of patience for staying with her 1 year – I couldn't stand her anymore after 3-4 weeks”. True wordings, what else can you expect from a natural at his age? The other guy she is currently dating is a Jerk from a big city (probably a drugs dealer). At 27 & behind all her femicrap behaviour she's a little girl that wants a man in her life. The clock is ticking, faster & faster. 2 guys in 3 months, not bad. I was number 13 on her list.

Appearently she's not doing well. I knew this very well when we broke-up that she would have problems handling it. Knowing her past, I could predict the future, so I'm not surprised about what I hear. But still: confirmation of your predictions can hurt. The last months my ex-gf occupations has been going out from Friday evening to Sunday evening, taking drugs, party, spending all her money, ... She had the same behaviour before meeting me. I made her (covertly) choose between my world & her world. She choose me and lead a happy & healthy life during 1 year. Know she gets back into the same old pattern.
Everybody has his own way of handling a breakup. This is hers.

The same night I initiated convo with a girl that is close to me but also close the 31y old guy my ex just dated. Too much martini's that night: talked too much. Dissolved too much information regarding my feelings towards my ex: I openly critized my ex-gf to this women. Women talk, she it won't last long untill my ex-gf will hear it. Although my ex-gf has the habit of openly critizing her ex-bf, including me, I do not want this the other way around.

Ok so now the problem & reason for this post:

Never did I regret leaving her. Never would I want to get back with her. Never would I want to even fvck her again.

But I think about her & wonder how's she's doing. Even if she's a feminazi, it's not her fault, it's the fault of her parent's education with did a bad job. She has been misprogrammed like I have been.

I know that if I would have stayed with her 20 years more, I could have deprogrammed her. I know because I partially did. When we met, she couldn't cook, didn't gave me the sex I needed as a man, tried to control me with her body, only thought about having fun & going out,... For me she changed, she enjoyed pleasing me: learned cooking for me, provided with my sexual needs, took care of her health & body, worked out,... She learned sexual positive submissive behaviour & enjoyed it. Ok at times the feminazi crap still awoke & we had disputes, but overall: she changed a lot & liked it. Now she's back into the old pattern.

The dark side: -25y female drugs taking & partying friends, +30y female single man-haters friends, parent's pushing her into her carreer & being independent.
The good side: me, learning her happiness through femine positive sexual submission.

I was to her, what sosuave is to Men. Deprogramming. Anti-mainstream brainswashing. Now that I'm gone, there's nobody to disapprove her behaviour. Nobody to tell her that it is not the way to do it. If she contiues to act this way she will end single. She will meet men that are either:
1) Dj's who will drop her.
2) AFC's who she will drop.

I dated her 1 year, liked her a lot, she's the first women that I left in my life. She's a milestone in my life. The era before her was AFCness, the era after her will be rAFC/DJism.

Since I came back home Friday night, the idea of contacting her has troubled my mind. We didn't fight at breakup, I just left, no bad words, I was not mad at her, she wasn't mad at me. Things went wrong, that's life.

If's she's open to change, I could give her the red pill & give her the answers to her problem. Drugs, parties,carreer, femicrap,... will not lead to her happiness.

I can give her the Red Pill. If I don't, nobody will.

Who am I for doing this? Her ex-bf who cared & still care about her, treated her well & wish her the best in her future life.

What reward am I expecting? The feeling of having saved somebody, I helped 3 male friends awaken from their AFC state, she could be the first female to awake from the femicrap matrix.

Worst-case scenario: She tells me to mind my own business & I get bad rep in her social circle of friends (who I don't care anyway).

Risks: Falling in love with her again as I'm not spinning plates.

I would like opinions: should I or should I not contact her? Simple text message that whatever she hears of other people, I'm not mad at her, only good memories about everything we had. Knowing her, she will respond. If not, doesn't matter.

The end-result: probably that she would call me & that we talk. To avoid risks, I would avoid any face to face meeting: no dates, no going for a drinks, nothing: just phone calls so I can give her another opinion that she is used to in whatever she does in her life.

Why? because she's a milestone in my life, who I cared for but who needs some direction in her life.

Thank you.


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
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Here is the problem. You want to GIVE her the red pill. You can't force it down someones throat. They have to choose to to find it on there own. You can't save someone unless they want to save themselves.

I myself have tried to save a female. From her brain washing -24 year old partying single slut friends. From the 30+ sex in the city i hate men women as well. They poison there mind and you wanna cry out and show them the right path. The true path. The Dj mentality and what we know and learned.

It didnt work, it did for a short period of time, but the posion of her friends suck her back into the matrix so fast. Sometimes they dont wanna belive it. You have to remember we all somehow found sosuave on our own. For whatever reason. We were seeking something. When we got here we just pourd out our stories then began to slowly read. Once we took the red pill... for me alone it was tragic, i couldnt belive. It was so true, everything my world crashed around me. How things really worked.. I wanted someone to insert me back into the matrix. I tried, but i just kept seeing the truth and i kept coming back here for more.

Understanding the matrix is a self choice. You can't even ask someone if they wanna take the red or blue pill. Ive given this site to many friends with female problems. Ask me how im so successful with woman. I point them in the direction and they go off the path. You have to want to find it on your own and you will. Sorry to say but i dont think you can save this girl. Save yourself. Wich i take it you have.


Don Juan
Aug 15, 2005
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Thank you both for your posts, I totally agree with what you said: you can not force somebody to take the red pill - neither can you save women, I know this from experience. Must be a self-choice.

In her case, she experienced life differently when she was with me: she stepped out of the matrix. So she knows the taste of the red pill. Forcing her to take the red pill would be impossible, however giving her direction where she should "seek happiness" might be feasible by remembering her how her life was when she was with me & how she should behave by this.

Maybe the real thruth is that I still feel "guilty" for leaving her & the consequences this had on her life. Maybe this is male protectionism I still have for the girl by wanting to save her from all the crap that's happening to her. I knew she could never make me happy, but she was happy with me.

I like to think in terms of personal advantages when taking decisions: it would give me none by helping her.

Maybe the real question is:
For the ones who left their woman after +1 year LTR's: do you or do you not entertain contact?



Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
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newbie81 said:
His wordings where “Your ex-gf is no long-term material – You must have a lot of patience for staying with her 1 year – I couldn't stand her anymore after 3-4 weeks”.

The last months my ex-gf occupations has been going out from Friday evening to Sunday evening, taking drugs, party, spending all her money, ... She had the same behaviour before meeting me.

When we met, she couldn't cook, didn't gave me the sex I needed as a man, tried to control me with her body, only thought about having fun & going out,... For me she changed, she enjoyed pleasing me: learned cooking for me, provided with my sexual needs, took care of her health & body, worked out,...

The dark side: -25y female drugs taking & partying friends, +30y female single man-haters friends, parent's pushing her into her carreer & being independent.
The good side: me, learning her happiness through femine positive sexual submission.
Great post! This is simply par for the course these days with young American girls. Just wanna have fun, escape through drug abuse, thrive on male attention, love overspending, zero functional skills at home. Where mom took pride in her meatloaf, these girls only take pride in their sexiness, as if that compensates for everything else they lack. Yes, this is very frustrating because it's so widespread now - and I really have trouble finding quality girls who don't fall into these patterns.

You did a good service by training her - although that is just a tiny drop in the bucket against the Matriarx. Until the Matriarx is dismantled and natural gender relations restored, no relationships in this country will ever be functional. It is like a ripple competing against a tide.

Don't feel guilty for her own choices, though. If you want, you could always counsel (really spell it out for) her, but if she lacks the self-discipline to make the right decisions in life, that's her own fault. Sometimes you have to let people fall to learn.

Anyways, I realized why so many girls act so irresponsibly like that. In the back of their minds, they believe that they will get married one day and some sap is going to pick up all their baggage and pay off all their debts.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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The Castle Fox
This is "Captain Save-A-Ho" thinking. She's gone, so goodbye. What do you have to gain from "helping" her or "saving" her?

Nothing. Focus your energies on more worthwhile endeavors.

Like on a woman who can cook... good post wayword.

Just because a woman listens to you and acts interested in what you say doesn't mean she really is. She might just be acting polite, while silently wishing that the date would hurry up and end, or that you would go away... and never come back.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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I still occasionally talk to an X of mine friend college, about 4 years ago. Since then she's had 2 abortions, a bunch of miscarriages, dated some psychos, and now is marrying a marine in 2 years. Do I care? Not in the least. If I did, I could have had her 4 years ago, or at any point between here and there. But when we finished dating, she was going down hill and I wanted to break free. And thus, I did.

There's no "tried and proven" rule on this. If speaking to her impacts you emotionally, or will be all about playing games, drop it. I speak to my X off and on only because we have similar college friends, and I catch with her on the basis of college. Her family still adores me to an extent, for all the reason above and then some. Not psychotic, never had an accident or near-pregnancy scare, etc. She WAS the girl next door/cheerleader, but taking up smoking during college and excessive drinking will KILL a woman's body. Literally.


You can't MAKE anyone change, they have to want to, and I don't believe you change for anyone ELSE BUT YOURSELF, even if you're the "ANSWER" to her problems. Most people can't SEE that. It's scary to think, I AM MY OWN WORST ENEMY, but many women are. They will forever repeat their own mistakes. Worse, they will replicate mistakes they did in their childhood. A woman without a father knows not the power and love of a good man. Were he a bad dad, it takes an INCREDIBLY great woman to look beyond that. Not that it's impossible; it certainly can happen. This world is not of absolutes. However, the majority of women will waste away and abuse their bodies; is it any wonder women have MORE problems getting prego today than ever before? More girls OVER 25 find it tougher, due to years of the Pill use, booze, smoking, poor diet, and inactivity, fertility is tough, and yet tougher is the child can have slopier genetics as a result of the abuse she brings on herself.

I recall reading an article written by a woman aimed at young women, telling them to TREAT THEIR BODY AS IF THEY ARE ALREADY PREGNANT. Many abuse them so bad, it eventually snowballs into being poor mothers and birthing poor children. Not that, again, it's 100%, but it should make sense right? Sure, young girls, 21 and under, don't have the years of abuse most girls post college and pre-30 do, that's why there would be many accidents.


Personally, I don't want a woman I have to train. When you enter a relationship it has to be 2 WHOLE persons. You can only complete yourself, not her. And she can't complete you. So if you're TRAINING her, effectively you're filling her up, in more ways than one. Why do that? Be a counselor and get paid for it so you can leave problems at the door. Trying to free anyone who doesn't want to from the matrix is ONLY trying to reprogram a BROKEN robot. Yeah, sure, she might accept whatever you tell her for sometime, but unless it yields happiness, immediately, it will only bring resentment to you and her, and ultimately, she'll blame you.

If she's already ON some path toward freedom, fine. But never the headache. This goes back to ACCEPTING certain things in life. There's a cost/benefit to everything, and it depends in which direction the emotional swing tilts to. In this case, the emotional INVESTED cost is greater than the emotional BENEFIT yielded, making it a NO-go for me.

The only way to free anyone is to LIVE your own life. If you do it with any consideration for the OUTCOME it might with other people, you're RIGHT BACK IN WHERE YOU were, no matter HOW DJ, HOW ALPHA, HOW BETA, or HOW AFC your moves are. You become a slave once again, regardless of your intention. Regardless of the move you make.


In some way, it's TOUGH for one to lose someone with whom they've been intimate. At least initially. However, the things I focus on is..."she chose this situation with me." If she's off d!cking another guy, who cares? I bet you have family and friends who CALL you and want to make plans -- if you have that, you should also have a woman who does the same. Moreover, she probably wasn't right for you. SEE the situation as to what is REAL. What's real RIGHT THEN AND THERE is that, she does not want you, and she is NOT the girl your mind is still holding onto. She isn't. She can't be. Take the veil off your eyes, erase the image your brain is responding to EMOTIONALLY, because she MIGHT have been that girl, but she no longer is. And when she isn't, and you see reality for what it is, you move on.

MOST guys do it like this...they are together, 1 year, 2 years, maybe 3 years or longer. Something happens, and day X is the day the ish hits the fan. Your LTR is over. It's a shocker, BUT only to you, Everyone else saw it coming, because it doesn't happen swiftly. Rather, it's been building you just didn't see or feel it. And when it happens, you reject it, because your mind has imprinted for now WHAT SHE WAS; it has all the good memories and vibes and emotional/hormonal reactions built it. It takes SO long to erase that EMOTIONAL/HORMONAL/CHEMICAL reaction because you have to BUILD NEW ASSOCIATIONS. This is very NLP/brain type stuff. And it's true.

The only reason you DO NOT instantly get over her isn't really anything about the time, it's about REFORMATING the brain; the tool is using you, instead of YOU using the tool. Yeah sure it takes 6 months to get over a 1 year relationship, because YOU have to get it through your THICK mind that it's over. That she doesn't care about you. One day of poor treatment should be enough to go "Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a second, if the people I surround myself daily don't treat me that way, why is the person I give my emotions, my love, my focus, and my money to doing it?" The answers are right before you guys, but again, the BRAIN/MIND is controlling you. The emotional response is great, and most guys use tactics to turn his relationship right back to the original course, but it will NEVER happen again. So get over it.

Again, i cannot give any guys here the REDPILL on this either, any more than you can give women a redpill on what they know or don't know. What you can do is see if this makes sense, maybe research NLP, or brain stuff, read about relationships, and learn to connect and disconnect your brain to the things you're a slave to.

It's said to see the robot who goes around ruining his life over one woman, when she's meant to complement it and BRING more to him; not less. And most times, those robots are SLAVES to the reactions and over-emotionalizations of his brains. Basically, he reacts to whatever comes to his brain, and his brain is so trained to the life around him, he can't snap and see the MOMENT as the MOMENT, rather a MOMENT to him is just SOME association in his brain. It'd be like BEING blind, but being able to FEEL everything out and STILL reacting to it. I often wonder why people have EYES and EARS, when the only thing they really use is the brain, and they NEVER change their actions.


Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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I hate to go all POOK on you, but your situation reminded me of a POOKism - You don't build a relationship, you buy a relationship.

You can buy a brand new car and drive it worry free for a long while because it's new and it's in pristine condition and probably has a decent warranty or service agreement. You can also buy a used car that's been driven into the ground, but still holds up pretty well so long as you maintain it, put new tires on it, replace the carburetor, maybe reupholster it, etc. It still works and it gets you from point A to point B, but it's still a used car.

You know what to expect from this woman, you've experienced it already and you've driven this car for a year. The only reason you're considering hooking up with her is you lack options. You're not going to change her, you're not going to save her, she has to do this on her own or it's not a genuine conversion - it's blackmail.

In fact you've already done what needs to be done in order for her to se the Matrix - you left. Essentially the only way a woman is going to be made to understand that her mental models and behaviors need to be altered is through trial and error. You're not going to negotiate it or help her to better understand how she should be (i.e. escape the Matrix) because it will always come off as self-serving ang manipulative for a man to tell a woman how she should think. There's no end to the AFCs who've wasted their lives doing exactly this by playing 'friends' and qualifying themselves as their ideal boyfriends.

Get out. Sarge. Spin more plates. You wouldn't even start a thread like this if you had other options to occupy yourself with.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
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A-Unit said:
A woman without a father knows not the power and love of a good man. Were he a bad dad, it takes an INCREDIBLY great woman to look beyond that. Not that it's impossible; it certainly can happen. This world is not of absolutes. However, the majority of women will waste away and abuse their bodies; is it any wonder women have MORE problems getting prego today than ever before? More girls OVER 25 find it tougher, due to years of the Pill use, booze, smoking, poor diet, and inactivity, fertility is tough, and yet tougher is the child can have slopier genetics as a result of the abuse she brings on herself.

I recall reading an article written by a woman aimed at young women, telling them to TREAT THEIR BODY AS IF THEY ARE ALREADY PREGNANT. Many abuse them so bad, it eventually snowballs into being poor mothers and birthing poor children. Not that, again, it's 100%, but it should make sense right? Sure, young girls, 21 and under, don't have the years of abuse most girls post college and pre-30 do, that's why there would be many accidents.
VERY true!

1) I think a common denominator to many of these girls gone wild seeking male validation is the absence of a good daddy.

2) Women's equipment is very delicate and not fully matured until around 25. Which means that promiscuity before 25, and especially 20, can leave them VERY vulnerable to STDs and infertility. I've recently known several girls around 20ish who've complained about pains around their ovaries and tubes - and also some with cysts. I was puzzled by this until I read some articles talking about how STDs like chlamydia (EXTREMELY COMMON in young women) can cause scarring of the tubes or ovarian cysts and thus infertility. Little do these young slvts know that sleeping around so much could have such dire permanent consequences! I myself didn't know this either, until recently...

So, you are absolutely RIGHT - young women SHOULD treat their delicate bodies with extra if they were pregnant. This might sound "old-fashioned" and "un-liberated," but it is TOTALLY RIGHT! I mean, who the he!! wants some diseased, barren slvt who will probably get cervical cancer and a hysterectomy?


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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The Castle Fox
I was reminded of my theory on women's logic when prompted by "Can you save women from the feminist Matrix?"

Vulpine said:
Well, as you may have read in previous posts and in various places on the net, women are emotional whereas men tend to be logical. Women set up all these games and hoops to jump through in order to make an "emotional" choice of which male will be their mate. Of course, men don't understand women's choices or their criteria for which they base their "decisions". Why?

Women don't make their decisions by thinking or by their thoughts alone. Instead their decisions are based on a formula of factors.

I get in trouble for this theory all the time, but it needs to be repeated in this thread.

"Women's logic", if there is such a thing, is based on a collective. Sort of like the "Borg" in Star Trek. They have a central intelligence, or, hive mind. This "central intelligence" is the collection of thoughts/opinions/feelings of their peers, pop culture, marketing campaigns, and Cosmopolitan. So, after consulting the "hive mind" with a problem, a woman averages the "popular solutions" and compares that "average solution" to her feelings-based solution. It's like a decision making democracy. Her own solutions only count as one vote and all the other inputs count as one vote per input. If the "average solution" does not match her solution, then she is out-voted, and uses the "average solution". Now, factor in the time of the month which she makes a decision. One can easily see how women are confusing and incapable of individual decision making (this is in regards to dating and relationships - but you can see it in other facets of their lives as well).

The second reason why the dating game is so convoluted is because Corporate America has made it so. Big business (and women in marketing) has brainwashed women to pay attention to materialistic things. You know, a guy couldn't possibly put food on the table, a roof over your head, and shoes on your kids' feet unless he wears a platinum, diamond encrusted tie clip. Marketing has everyone convinced that we need to buy books, expensive clothes, cologne, a special razor, super-duper deodorant, a pimped out car, listerine pocket packs, jewelry, a health club membership, and teeth whitening goo just to even get a phone number. Before you call, you have to buy some how-to guides, decoder rings, a cape, and a super-cool cell phone. Once you finally manage a date, you better take her to a expensive restaurant... after all, that's where dates go on "Friends". All told, a successful date should cost you roughly $50,000. That's not counting any of the bachelor pad expenses. If you miss any part of the inventory, forget it, she'll have noticed. Ooops! Did you forget Valentine's Day greeting cards, chocolates, and roses? Did you get the huge diamond for your anniversay? When she recounts every single detail to every friend she has, skims her issues of Cosmo, flips over her 8-ball, and googles "relationship+Honda Civic+toilet seat up", she will come to a decision.
With that in mind, I would say that it is impossible to unplug a woman from the matrix... she has to be born outside. Perhaps a woman who was born in a remote rural area or a woman born abroad has the potential be "outside of the matrix". But, on average, women in the U.S. have the Matrix hard-wired in their heads: it is how they think, it is who they are, it is how they make decisions, it is how they live their lives.

Women ARE the matrix, they don't just live in it. Women are the machines. They are responsible for building the prison for men's minds. There are fields, endless fields, where men are no longer born... AFC's are grown.


Don Juan
Aug 15, 2005
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wayword said:
Great post! This is simply par for the course these days with young American girls.
FYI, I live in Belgium, in a small village of 10000 habitants. I always thought the US wasn't that different from Western Europe anymore.

wayword said:
Anyways, I realized why so many girls act so irresponsibly like that. In the back of their minds, they believe that they will get married one day and some sap is going to pick up all their baggage and pay off all their debts.
Unfortunately, it's not that easy. Most of the time, the reasons are deeper, much deeper.

I analyzed my ex-gf's behavious in the past. The relationship of a child to his/her parents, tells a lot about the behaviour of the child. This is certainly something on my questionary when meeting females: "how's your relationship with your parents?" Definitely a red flag when the relationship daughter-father is not good.

Her father is a carreer AFC boy, earns well. Protects his daughter too much. He is clear about the fact that the money he earns goes to an account for his daughter, "for later". He has no social life, no hobbies, no activities, no romanticism to his wife, he has a schedule that is the same from week to week (clean car every sat morning, go to grandpa every sunday afternoon, probably for sex too,... ). He doesn't understand women, neither does he know how to handle them: can not flirt his women, can not handle women's outburst, can not speak to women,... He is supposed to have cheated on his wife too a few years ago. He thinks he can do what he wants because he earns a lot. A boy-tyrran in a house of women.
Her mother is basically a good mother. But she married the wrong guy. She is a slave to her husband, he's the king in the house, but she can not leave, as she has no money. Because of this, she raised her daughter to be a feminist "be independent, get a degree, earn enough, otherwise you will have the same life I have now"

She was spoiled all her life, she never did have to do anything at home. She couldn't be responsible, her parents takes care of everything. She was already playing outside with other kids from morning till late everning as a 10y old kid without the parents knowing where she was. She was already sneaking to parties at 13y old without her parents knowing. She had her first LTR at 14. She took her first XTC-pill at 15. She had an abortion at 19.

They both do not like her coming back home from parties sunday evening. But there's nothing they do about it. Sometimes his father gets angry & yells at his daughter, then wants her to go rent a place (she still lives at home). When she leaves, he starts calling her crying on the phone to come back. Supreme AFC, he has zero respect from & zero authority to his daughter.

Is it a surprise that she has become this way? Is it a surprise that she is scared to be sexual submissive to a man because of the bad experience from her mother? Is it a surprise that she does not like authority from a man she meets & that she will try to go as far as she like she is used with her father?

I'm a man and I was raised as an AFC because of failure of my parents in other points. However I never touched drugs (and I had plenty of friends doing it, coke, xtc, heroin, ghb,... you name it, I saw it being used. Worst thing I saw was a women injecting heroin into her little toe, but that's another story), I was never spoiled, they learned me to be independent & to think on my own, not to follow what other people do. In this my parents succeeded.

3 months before the breakup, I had already broke up with her after a dispute but we reunited a week later. I told her it was over & to leave me alone & get ouf of the car. She cryed, heavily. She left out of the car after 30mins begging me of giving her another chance. i told her no & go away. She did. She phoned me while walking home. I listened to her out of respect, then hang up when she said nothing but crying. She calls back, I pick up the phone. I can hear her entering the house, crying rivers, I hear her mother & father:"What is it? what is it? What happened???" She:"it's over, he dumped me". Parents:"What? My dear, come hear, oh my dear, come hear my dear". I hung up the phone.

Never would my parents act like this with me, even if I would have been a women.

My point: it's education. She has become a spoiled rat, in search of happiness, with no one to guide her, no one to tell her where to seek. Miseducation from her mother due to failure of her father. This is the real reason of her irresponsable behaviour.

It doesn't matter how good-looking you are, how romantic you are, how funny you are... or anything else. If she doesn't have something INVESTED in you and the relationship, preferably quite a LOT invested, she'll dump you, without even the slightest hesitation, as soon as someone a little more "interesting" comes along.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
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^ Wow, I didn't realize Belgium is getting as bad as the US too now! :nervous:

Anyways, you brought up another good key factor: AFC daddies spoiling the he!! outta "daddy's little girl." These are first generation dads indoctrinated by the Matriarx into worshipping and idealizing women. It's thus no wonder that they treat their daughters like porcelain angels - when in fact they are often hardcore dirty party slvts.

I myself dated a girl like this recently - and she fit the exact same profile as yours. Early usage of drugs, promiscuity, etc. A very well-meaning dad that had set some strict rules for her - but again it was like a ripple against a tide. She was outta his control, and her own as well. This is not unusual, either - but VERY common these days!

While your ex's dad meant well, he screwed up by cheating and probably domineering a little too much. Now, you (and her other bf's) will pay for his sins.

Similarly, I feel it may take another generation before men wake up. Boys raised by totally incompetent, irresponsible single moms will then try to avoid becoming AFCs and dating such byches at all costs. They will learn to fight the Matriarx and stand up for men's rights to avoid the same pitiful fate their dads had.
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Don Juan
Aug 15, 2005
Reaction score
A-Unit said:
Yeah, sure, she might accept whatever you tell her for sometime, but unless it yields happiness, immediately, it will only bring resentment to you and her, and ultimately, she'll blame you.
In this case, the emotional INVESTED cost is greater than the emotional BENEFIT yielded, making it a NO-go for me.

The only way to free anyone is to LIVE your own life. If you do it with any consideration for the OUTCOME it might with other people, you're RIGHT BACK IN WHERE YOU were, no matter HOW DJ, HOW ALPHA, HOW BETA, or HOW AFC your moves are. You become a slave once again, regardless of your intention. Regardless of the move you make.
Great Post A-Unit, I was hoping for a reaction coming from you. This are the real reasons why I will not contact her. The first one was already obvious to me, the second one I did neglect.

Rollo Tomassi -> It's too late for her for trial & error. She will have learned her lessons by the time she is 35-40. But I totally agree, if I was spinning plates I wouldn't have cared about all of this.

Funny, I'm reading & writing this posts and a girl just called me out of the blue. We talked & she asks to see me. Got a date for later this week.


Don Juan
Aug 15, 2005
Reaction score
wayword said:
VERY true!

I think a common denominator to many of these girls gone wild seeking male validation is the absence of a good daddy.
Totally agree Wayword. Red flag one: dad is an AFC. Red flag two: girl had bad relationship with her father.


Don Juan
Aug 15, 2005
Reaction score
wayword said:
^ Wow, I didn't realize Belgium is getting as bad as the US too now! :nervous:

Anyways, you brought up another good key factor: AFC daddies spoiling the he!! outta "daddy's little girl." These are first generation dads indoctrinated by the Matriarx into worshipping and idealizing women. It's thus no wonder that they treat their daughters like porcelain angels - when in fact they are often hardcore dirty party slvts.

I myself dated a girl like this recently - and she fit the exact same profile as yours. Early usage of drugs, promiscuity, etc. A very well-meaning dad that had set some strict rules for her - but again it was like a ripple against a tide. She was outta his control, and her own as well. This is not unusual, either - but VERY common these days!

While your ex's dad meant well, he screwed up by cheating and probably domineering a little too much. Now, you (and her other bf's) will pay for his sins.

Similarly, I feel it may take another generation before men wake up. Boys raised by totally incompetent, irresponsible single moms will then try to avoid becoming AFCs and dating such byches at all costs. They will learn to fight the matrix and stand up for men's rights to avoid the same pitiful fate their dads had.
Good post.

3 years ago I dated a women for 4 months. 5y older than me, heavy on drugs, domineering, biatch,... She cheated on me & dumped me. Thanks to her I awoke from my AFCness. Took me 1 year to rehab.

1 year ago I start dating my ex-gf. I learned a lot about how to handle relationships. But most of all: I learned what type of women fits me.

I'm grateful for everything, I didn't pay for any sins at all. I learned my lessons, sometimes the hard way. But without it, I would still be that dog to women I was. Maybe this is it. I improved thanks to her, and want to give back the favor.

I got an answer to my initial question: I'll continue what I did the past 3 months & won't contact her - silly idea.

-Thank you all.