lookyoung said:
I think you very well maybe a bs artist.
That's up to you, Lookyoung - Everyone has the right to be wrong, I can't take that away from you!
However, if you are interested in improving your life, your Game, your relationships with women, the world, and other people, then you might want to check out some of my work!
I recommend visiting
http://www.WorthyPlayboys.com and downloading/watching the approximately six hours of FREE video seminars...
They are worth watching, and play even better the second- and third-times you review them!
lookyoung said:
There are a lot of pics, and many of these girls are pornstars.
Good eye, Lookyoung! Yes, many of my lovers and still more of my friends are pornstars; I have been training wannabe pornstars in the skills/attitudes necessary for over a decade, and I'm very proud of my strong and ongoing relationships with virtually everyone I've befriended!
lookyoung said:
Your obviously are in some type of money making business with pornstars.
Well, most of my work is done 'pro boner'

but some of the students are sponsored by the production-companies which have them under exclusive contracts. In those cases, the School (
www.SS4G.com) is paid directly to help train up the 'talent' prior to their beginning to shoot in earnest.
lookyoung said:
The way you take pictures your probably a photographer. I never known a man to take this many pictures.
I'm strictly a casual photographer - I just take lots of snapshots because that way naysayers and unbelievers learn quickly to STFU
lookyoung said:
I am not impressed with you as a pua.
Heh - That's ok! First off, you don't know the first thing about me, and I don't even consider myself a PUA
I don't teach 'pick up', I don't really discuss 'pick up' and I certainly don't describe myself as a 'pick up artist' in real life!
To me, 'pick up' is all about "Customer Acquisition" [which is child's play, really] whereas my own work is concentrated around "Customer Retention & Loyalty" - which tends to pay off consistently, on an ongoing basis
To be honest, I was
really surprised when I discovered I was included in Thundercat's annual 'Top Ten Pick Up Artists' list last month!
lookyoung said:
You're in this for the money. People like you make money off of others insecurities. There are alot of guys that don't have experience with woman and will look at these photos like you are a GOD. You're not goodlooking and don't have any style and this will get alot of guys with sub-par looks on your bandwagon. This will equal to you making alot of money.
First of all, you constantly type "You're" where you have been typing "Your", which can be a tad-bit confusing - I'll presume English is not a language you're particularly familiar with, so I'm correcting this error for you.
Secondly, I have been sharing information, publishing insights, and distributing/conducting free seminars for anyone who was interested, completely free-of-charge, and inviting everyone who attended to videotape/audio record/take notes, and basically PASS ON all the knowledge I am sharing with them to others - because I am dedicated to improving the welfare and happiness of everyone who is interested in improving their world.
As a matter of fact, I only began generating ANY money from my work last month, when I began selling my new book,
The Worthy Playboy Primer, into which I have sunk over two years of effort, crafting something I consider to be a top-quality product, way-beyond a 'pick up' manual.
So you're completely off-base in your criticism - I have been doing, and continue to do things for the betterment of all, rather than for profit; please excuse me for wishing to recoup some of my costs at this point

I feel I deserve it.
lookyoung said:
I would be more impressed you cold approaching some woman live than showing us business photos.
I don't know how to have photographs taken which demonstrate 'cold approaches'? If I were to have a video-crew follow me around, it would be impossible that their existence could avoid contaminating the experiment? Women would see the cameramen and would be either titillated of off-put by the situation - in either case, it would not be indicative of my style or methods?
Besides, none of the photos I have up online are 'business' photos, they are all merely snapshots and playful pictures I've taken on my adventures.
lookyoung said:
It appears to me from the pics that these woman don't like you as a person but what you could do for them. You're kind of like a Ron Jeremy.
Interesting - I don't see how or why you would presume anything about how the women featured in my photos feel about me? I mean, you're completely off-base here once again, but I can't even imagine what visual cues you believe you are identifying which would lead you astray like that?
Please feel free to send me a list of some of the photos which suggested this to you, so I can try to see what it was you were seeing?
lookyoung said:
Don't believe the hype there are many members on this website that could out game this guy.
About which hype are you speaking?
I am sure there are many extremely talented and well-experienced fellows on here, and certainly (as you've pointed out!) there are many more stylish and good-looking ones than me
lookyoung said:
You're in the business with pornstars so you probably have banged plenty off woman.
Well, certainly I have been with an extraordinary number of fine women; I have been at this for over 20 years, and I have a stellar reputation and finely honed skills which keep me very popular.
lookyoung said:
But you're a far thing from a pua. If you didn't have social status the girls I know would not give you the time of day.
Now you're again making unfounded an untrue accusations. Upon what could you POSSIBLY be basing your conclusions, being that you don't know anything about me, have never read any of my work, watched any of my videos, nor communicated with me at all? To use common terms, you come across as 'a hater' - envious and jealous of my success, and therefore forced to lash-out at me in attacks designed to humiliate me or reduce my confidence.
You're wasting your time
lookyoung said:
BTW I would not be surprised if you paid the majority of the woman you have banged. These girls are pornstars they will fvck any of us for money. Not impressed at all.
Heh - Well, you're mistaken once again - all the girls with whom I hang out and have sex do so entirely of their own free will and accord, without any coercion, suggestion of economic or social considerations, or any other inducements.
Furthermore, why don't you put your money where your own mouth is, and HIRE some of these girls to hang out with you, socialize with you, and basically have a good time, as the girls in my photos are seen to be doing?
After all, if they are available to you in any capacity you wish for
just money, why don't you give them a shout, and hire them?
Get back to me when you've had a chance to reconsider your rather insulting
message to me - I am not angry with you, but I do believe you owe me more respect than you are showing me.
As for your not being impressed by me, and not believing I'm a Pick Up Artist, well frankly, my apathy is overwhelming

All I ask is that you not publicly decry me unjustly, [as you have been doing], because it's really rude and ungentlemanly.
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Worthy Playboy