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    Real DJ 101

    I have been doing some research on cold approaches and women in general for the last four or five months. The way to become a real “DJ” or “Don Juan” is to stay true to you. Don’t try to become something your not IT WON’T WORK. Be true to yourself and who YOU really are. I hate doing cold...
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    The bible should include more real life post.

    I never dis the DJ bible or anything like that but there are a few things that should be added. I remember a few months back I read a post by Jester talking about STD's. I thought this is a post that needs to be added to the bible. Somethings I have learned over the past couple of years...
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    I think I've hooked up with a stalker?

    I met this girl yesterday and I approached her doing my CA's. After I found out she didn't have a man. I got the number shortly after that I tried to get her to leave. Me- I think your friends our leaving you. Her- I know where their going. Then she kept talking and making convo...
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    Liz from sosuave talks to my gf??? More B/S in Ash Angels life

    First of all I have been through hell and back with this girl. In our eight months together we have had so much drama. But after all of the drama we still our together and it has only made us stronger. I am a mystery nobody will know the reasons behind my post and somethings may sound...
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    I think it's harder to be a DJ if your black.

    I am doing my 100 cold approaches and I have more odds agaisnt me. I talk to every cute girl no matter what race. Some woman of diffrent races only date their race. But what I am seeing is that most white males only talk to white girls. I am not saying all but most white males stick...
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    Getting rid of your GF???But for money?

    Last night I knew it was pretty much over for my gf and I. I have lost total feelings for her. I no longer want to be in the relationship. I just have a problem she is in love with me. I was her first sex partner and her first love. Okay this is what I want to happen. I have a friend and...
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    Why are we scared of women?

    The reason most of you guys came to this site is to better understand women. Alot of us were once scared of rejection from a woman. We talk about guys being AFC's and losers and punks. But women have so many fvcking things they are ashamed of it's not even funny. They are never...
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    A Fivesome..... Almost

    A Fivesome.........Almost happend to me tonight. I was sitting at home about to post a reply and my gf calls and says she's around the corner and she has some friends with her. Friends always, always a plus for me. I have yet to meet her friends from school. They come into my house...
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    Daily Journal for Cold Approaches/ Ash Angel

    After reading jwhite17 post I knew I had to overcome something I feared for the longest. I think I have mastered pretty much every aspect in my game. Except cold pick ups. I am planning to 50 but I was thinking in my bed last night their are over 4 million people in columbus why not do...
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    Have you wanted to a fvck a girl just because you hated her?

    Have you wanted to a fvck a girl just because you hated her? I know the title sounds dumb but it's true. I mean the girl gets on your nerves and she is just a b!tch towards you. But theirs something about her that makes you want to fvck the **** out of her. She may not even be that...
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    Would you dump a perfect girl if the sex was bad?

    If you found that perfect girl for you. The one that cooks, cleans and likes sports. She's pretty and everything. But sex with her is real bad. No matter what you did it was still bad. Would you next her. Or what if it was deeper than that what if you were ready to get married...
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    Withhold sex from her when she wants it

    Let's say you already have a girl and your having sex. Reto posted in my thread Withhold sex from her when she wants it......You won't believe the power !!! This is one of biggest piece's of advice I could give a man. This has worked countless of times. Women fvck with men and...
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    You want the upper hand in the relationship? Fvck her quick

    I'm not going to write a long post about diffrent ways you can go about trying to fvck girls. But I will share a tip that I know works. Once you fvck a girl she has lost all power in a realtionship. She has gave up her body to you. Now she will be emtional and she thinks you guys have shared...
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    When girls won't shut the fvck up.

    I know I am not the only man who has to deal with women not shutting the fvck up. It's like they plan to have moments when they just run at the mouth. Some of the times are during the football or basketball game. Or when I am watching T.V and a real good part comes on during the movie and...
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    Pop a starburst in before you kiss.

    Pop a starburst in before you kiss. It is better than any gum or cert. It makes your whole mouth taste good. Just try it, it works.
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    My Gf gets mad every time we go out.

    I live in columbus ohio it's not much to do here. So most people I know always go to Easton mall. It has the movies and alot of other stores. She hates when girls look at me. We go into the mall and some little thug niggas were looking at her. She looked at me and said how does it...
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    Is there such thing as a "Real Don Juan"? (My Take)

    I have been on this site for almost two years and I have changed alot. When I first came here I read the bible everyday coming home from h/s. Most of the post were talking about how you should be a man and have rules you live by. The ones I remember off the top of my head. Wait at least 3...
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    A few tips on How to be attractive to women.

    First thing always leave the house looking good. Always have nice clothes on and have your hair looking on point. When I leave the house and something doesn't look right on me it makes me feel ugly. It gets me out of the mood of wanting to DJ. It's a big no no when you have a nice outfit...
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    B/S fantasies

    Girls love to dream. So dream with them:) First - they'll identify with you more strongly ("wow, a guy that likes to dream as well!"). But more importantly - dream a dream that is to her liking, and that liking will quickly translate into liking YOU:) Apart from being an application of time...
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    Anchoring explained

    A more advanced aspect of patterning is anchoring. Anchoring is an application of Pavlov's reflex in NLP (and also in Speed Seduction). A Pavlov's reflex is a conditioned reflex first explored and introduced by Russian scientist Pavlov. The core of his experiment was as follows - he rang a bell...