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  1. S

    Torn labrum...

    Back in January, I dislocated my left shoulder really bad while snowboarding - popped it all the way out (falling backwards, hand behind me) and had to get taken down by the ski patrol. The emergency room doctor got it back in and did x-rays, and luckily I didn't break anything. Sling + vicodin...
  2. S

    So you want big arms??

    I know most of you lil guys are lifting so you can get "toned" and "big arms" and such... you want that men's health model look.... So, you go to the gym, and you bust preacher curls, alternate DB curls, hammer curls, reverse curls, wrist curls... 3 sets of each. Lemme give you guys a reality...
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    Ultimate Frisbee

    I noticed this is a great form of exercise that really lends itself to HIIT. If you get a good 2 on 2 or 3 on 3 game going, you run really fast a lot, for bursts, almost in the ratios prescribed by HIIT. The game is awesome too, and having friends there and a goal to strive for really helps...
  4. S

    So I was at costco today...

    Hey... since whey is on everyone's list, and the cheapest I've seen was about $25 for 5lbs, I thought I'd share this. I was at costco today, and they had this new stuff that the wearhouse got ahold of. It's called pro-rated or something whey protein, and it's 6lbs for 19.98!!!!!! 90...
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    Bodybuilding Cycles

    All right... School time's coming up soon, and I had a question before I do what I was planning. I've found that with the school dining hall, it's really easy to regulate what I eat, and that makes it a great place for doing cutting/bulking cycles. I have a question though.... Our...
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    Weightroom hall of fame...

    Heh... just for fun I was wonderin if any of you guys had schools with the same deal as my HS. The weightroom in our HS had about 8 or 9 little whiteboards on the wall, and each one was a hall of fame for each of these different categories. Everyone tried to get their name on the board every...
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    Lactose intolerance and nutrition

    Quick question my roommate just brought up. If you're lactose intolerant, or moderately so, will you still get the nutrients from milk and dairy products?
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    Question about calorie counting

    Ok... I had a quick question about counting the calories, due to the fact that the guides are pretty clear on calorie amounts... The basic amounts are (please correct me if I'm wrong): 4 cals / gram of protein 4 cals / gram of carb 9 cals / gram of fat So then.. you take those...
  9. S

    Heard of vacuums??

    Saw the recent men's fitness magazine like a month ago or so, and there was this article about stomach vacuums. Basically, it's where you breathe out all your air, and suck your stomach in as hard as you can for 10 seconds. Do 3 sets of 10 of those.... I was wondering if anyone had heard...
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    Why no H&F Bible material

    Why is there no Health and Fitness bible... or more likely, a section in the DJ Bible with H&F info. I think someone should link some of the great threads in there.... Anyone else agree?
  11. S

    Will girls change their minds in the heat of the moment?

    Quick question here. I'm talking to my gf, and we got to talking about sexual stuff. My gf is pretty naive and innocent, and I mentioned something about a bj. She came back with an "eww, that's gross" response, typical of such a girl. I know that girls in general aren't fond of bj's...