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  1. T

    Night Game is Dead

    I wouldn't say its dead, but whilst thats what you said I think people are taking what you are saying too literally. But if your prompting people to approach in the day, then I couldn't agree more. As its something I aim to do.
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    Break up! I'm stressed out and getting needy.

    Dont be a tool, you're just telling yourself what you want to here. Its delusional. She's a *****, every poster has said it. You say you know her, but she's not the person you started out with. She said some horrid things to you, and you have done nothing wrong. Grow a pair, do yourself a...
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    Funny Joke/Opener from Ask Men

    jesus christ i swear that website is seems to have a 100% content of utter bullsh*t.
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    I'm in some hot water here..

    i would be careful. girls can be manipulative, and she'll be no different despite you knowing her so long. to answer your question, i would talk to your friend first.
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    Finally getting it.

    sounds pathetic but i really enjoy reading the success stories on this forum, keep it up!
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    Why do I run out of stuff to say?

    that three second rule is pure bullsh*t, you cant apply something like that as a universal rule to talking to girls. So ignore that. Works for some people, if you've tried it a few times and it hasnt gone well for you then scrap it. In terms of what you should be thinking, you shouldnt be...
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    She shows signs of interest... However

    i think you've already left it too long, you should have escalated and asked her out ages ago! So escalate and do it ASAP.
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    My renaissance [Journal of approaches and self improvement]

    dont be in such a rush to be domesticated, theres plenty of love to go around. why spend it all on one person right away? I man needs options and shouldn't rely on any one person for anything, including relationships. Obviously when you get to marriage etc. This alters, slightly? Based on...
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    She shows signs of interest... However

    asking her for her number depends on: How long has this been going on for? If its a longer period of time, piping up randomly asking for her number is random. You should arrange to meet outside work, or at least lunch and then ask for a number to help that take place. IMO you should...
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    Those of you who are complaining about not pulling

    cold approach good looking girls. If they reject you, then it'll be a learning curve to not caring. And not caring what others say is one of the biggest advantages you can have. Not caring what hot girls say? The sky of approaching is the limit.
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    URGENT - The girl had the nerve to hit me multple times while "Play fighting"

    with your left arm strike the into the neck in the adams apple area, with your right continue with the elbow to the jaw following right through for maximum power. And then POW!
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    ROck solid confidence

    In relation to that.... There are always going to be times when things are dull and depressing, but everybody gets them. Even the happiest people or those most succesful with women etc. Theres no remedy for it. Just wait it out and the good times will roll -eventually. In terms of dry...
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    my girlfriend likes her ex's big veiny johnson more than my mediocre one... seriously

    You are pathetic and broken for putting up with her bull****. Regain some dignity and dump the slut. SIMPLE.
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    Beginners guide to becoming WEALTHY

    actually quite inspiring... im getting those books.
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    Is deleting my ex from my Facebook a childish behavior?

    shouldn't of deleted her, shows your cut up. Just make it so she doesnt come up on your news feed. Done.
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    Cheated. Should I stay or leave?

    its surreal how pitiful this guy is.
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    Need the Ballz to Dump GF and MOVE ON

    welcome to a new chapter in you're life, because this one appears to be over. As judoguy has, I have also been in the same position and I will agree that it does not get any easier in terms of your relationship. Its best to accept its over, when this happened with my girlfriend the final straw...
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    My college approach journal

    stop right there. no surprise here. thats just mean.
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    why not pay for it?

    The best things in life are free. Idea of paying for sex with a women who isnt going to enjoy it, seems a bit of a turnoff.
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    backed down from a fight

    dont back down, but dont act afraid. Maybe take up a martial art so you can kick the sh*t out of the next bit of pondlife that reckons he's going to smack you up.