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  1. B

    Mods you should sticky a thread on cheating

    All these dudes cheating on their wives and having remorse..someone sticky something so someone in the future gets a divorce first or steps up their game & sex life instead of finding cheap side dishes...
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    Help me with my oneitis. What's wrong with me?

    Dudes, I don't know what to do here. I may have a real bad case of oneitis and I need help seeing clearly. I met a woman 1+ year ago whom I worked with. We were never intimate. Although some offers by her to have beers together I declined. She was in a serious relationship and has since...
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    Lose the Bitterness

    Generally speaking, I was so bitter with women it was evident--and there may be a slight tinge still in there--but this article below really has some great things to say about losing bitterness and why this should be your goal (and something you will have to actively work at). I sure know...
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    Slvtty Women + Missed Opportunities + Being Straight Forward

    Nothing shell shocking here by any regards, but a few observations from today: (1) It seemed like every chick in the grocery store was slvtty--some of these young early twenty girls are the worst, totally clueless and just wh0res for attention--today I honestly was at a low place of patience...
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    journal to personal enlightenment

    lol, I wish it (journal to enlightenment) truly was -- but I see some of these logged threads about people's field reports, and I've decided I'm going to start one of my own to light a bit of a fire to keep the DJ mindset burning, and to log what I learn. First off: I'm not buddhist nor am I...
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    Body Image Sh1t. Would value Perspectives.

    [PART 1 / 2] Gentleman, I had written a post and my login timed out, etc, lost the dam.n thing but I really have been dealing with a few "big" life issues here recently that could really affect my future and I was wondering if some of you whom know me, etc wouldn't mind lending a...
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    Buddy needs a Wingman

    My buddy needs a wingman. What are some of your best methods/approaches to increase a woman's attraction for your buddy? That is without seducing her yourself...a way that deflects the seduction onto the other person? I will start digging through some bible info to find wingman advice...
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    "I'm not going to sleep with you"

    So here is a strange story I am currently trying to get off of my mind...rather I guess I am somewhat confused, thought the experience might be worth posting. Will try to keep this short and to the point. Took a trip over a local mountain pass with a friend, whom teaches snowboarding on...
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    Personal Revelation

    Well not really for all, but for myself at least. I just had a sort of mental break through. Reading threads about men losing frame and my own experiences losing frame makes me realize: "just grow some balls". Backbreaker hit on this well in some thread he wrote about 'why don't men have any...
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    Frank ?? - Name of Beatnik-ish writer on subject of females?

    Gentleman, I was cruising through past threads in attempt to find a certain name. One of you mentioned the name of a guy, Frank *somethingorother* -- his last name I cannot remember -- but he was inspired by Kerouac and other beatniks and now lives in Mexico writing about politics, women...
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    If a girl banged another dude after you but came back

    Would you still take her seriously? Not a personal experience, but occurring around me and not always sure what to think. Dude and chick hook up. Dude very into chick, perhaps AFC pushes her away, she bangs other guys, then brings back on high IOI's to original dude. If original dude, is she...
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    Word. Thoughts -- 2 years at SS.

    I was reflecting a bit today and I really felt compelled to write a post here. The value in it to those reading, may or may not be of any use or relevance -- I am not trying to take some sort of soap box. More than anything, following a few of the more intense women-related events of my life...
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    What Would You Do?

    This is not in reference to the old Nickelodeon show, however: At my place of work, which I have created a thread about already in terms of keeping myself metered there and keeping myself in check for self preservation purposes, there is a very cute intern soon on her way out. She will be done...
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    Female Friends

    I noted awhile back I was going to embrace this and challenge my viewpoints and perceptions: I wanted to report some feedback. It has been highly valuable to have female friends. These are chicks I do not bang, nor do I necessarily want to bang, but whom are none the less intellectually...
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    Tragedy Prevention?

    There was an issue around here recently where a young man, whose girlfriend ended a relationship with him, drove his own car into on-coming traffic, not only killing himself, but an innocent person in on the on-coming lane. It was a suicide by desperation and sadness, that very selfishly, took...
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    I went to some natural hot springs this past weekend, and observed some interesting things. One particularly was this older couple, not in good shape, definitely had not likely taken care of themselves, but seemed to really have a strong companionship with one another -- we did the sauna and...
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    Gender Myths in the Bedroom and Beyond

    Saw this article last week at and was wondering what others thought about some of their claims: [FULL ARTICLE BELOW] The difference in men's and women's attitudes toward sex are often taken for granted. Men want sex, women want commitment; men look for attractive mates and women...
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    Women at Work

    Probably posted originally in wrong forum...I value the older more experienced gentleman's input on this forum...posted a thread about women at work, how to gauge situations of attraction, etc, in the main forum. Not sure if you older dudes navigate that way so I thought I'd proposition the...
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    Here's an idea I had after seeing a recent popping up of many threads discussing male & female "friends" and the levels of appropriateness/tolerance in a relationship: fvck it, I'll make tons of "friends" with it be bad to become an male version of an AW? Could this repel away decent...
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    How do you deal with them? How strongly to do you express your game? I will soon be starting a very important job in a place where there will be attractive women of like-mindedness. I've made enough negative headway with women to be naive enough to get involved with a woman I work with. [I say...