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  1. T

    Compatibility in an LTR

    For most DJs, sooner or later, they're going to consider an LTR. In a short term relationship, physical attraction is all that matters; if her attitude stinks or if she's clingy, you can easily NEXT her. In an LTR, a DJ has to determine if the chick he's considering marrying and becoming the...
  2. T

    What's past is past

    There's one of many major things that turns a girl off on a date and that is the guy whining about his past. Sure, he may have been: - sexually molested by an uncle when he was 8 years, - victimized by schoolyard and workplace bullies, - a pimple faced teenager and didn't go to the senior...
  3. T

    Be the best DJ you possibly can

    The consummate DJ is a man who strives to be the best he possibly can. That means he doesn't become complacent and takes things for granted. It means that he: * ensures that his physical appearance is top notch being attentive to details such as stylish haircut and shampooing, daily shower...
  4. T

    How to keep a gal

    Once you have gotten over the hump by getting her home telephone number, set up the initial date and have dated her a few times, there's that nagging question in the DJ's mind: how do you keep the gal? Some DJs have said "Keeping her was more difficult than getting her". So, what are the...
  5. T

    Successful eye contact

    As DJs, one of the most difficult things to do is to make good eye contact with women. (Natural shyness is the reason. Also, we've been told that staring at someone is considered rude.) We tend to make fleeting eye to eye contact and then we glance away or look down. Here's a way to make...
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    Updates of threads

    To the moderators or the webmaster of the discussion forums: Is there a way the entire thread can be updated (i.e., refreshed automatically to include the latest posts) whenever one clicks a thread? Or, do like does and automatically update (refresh) every thread every 5 minutes or so...
  7. T

    Women and good looking guys

    I read somewhere on this So Suave web site that despite what women (when polled) said to the contrary, they are attracted to good looking men. Yes, they'll tell the pollsters that looks don't matter, just the man's personality, but men and women are VISUAL creatures. All things (i.e...