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  1. D

    being jealous

    is it ever good to show a little bit? I was talking to some female friends and they agreed that a male who never shows jealousy makes them feel too distant and actually isn't good.
  2. D

    confusing email. lying?

    BACKGROUND 1 week before I leave China: HB9 and I agree to meet up in a few days. 3rd last day before I leave China: I text HB9 DC: hey lets meet at 6 HB9: where? what are we doing? <------b!tch always asks this question, makes it sound like she doesn't want to meet. Because she...
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    what is an orgasm?

    so this girl I'm ****ing says "she doesn't know if she has had an orgasm" I know that generally ...that means she didn't have one, because "if you have one you would know it" people say... but she describes the apex of her feeling as an expanding bubble of pleasure from the pelvis region...
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    spinning multiple do you guys do it??

    ok this is getting ridiculous. every time I go out I'm getting at least 1 of my 4 plates texting/calling me about my plans and wanting to come out with me. I have no freedom to sarge new girls, and it's getting increasingly difficult to keep my existing plates apart. how do you...
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    this blew my mind

    this chick bought me a pitcher of beer last night. and proceeded to challenge me to a drinking contest. she won. this completely blew my mind. I don't know whether to be happy that an HB8 bought me a whole ****in pitcher, or whether to be ashamed the she outdrank me. just thought I'd...
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    theory on non-neediness

    this is just a theory, I want your feedback. this applies to girls that you've already had a few dates with, and at least k-closed, so there is no doubt that there is sexual tension in the relationship. and this is regarding keeping the interest level high: *** its OK to say things that can...
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    throwing big parties...and keeping plates apart

    so my birthday is coming up and I'm thinking of throwing a sick party. the problem is... all my plates would expect to be invited, and I don't really have a good reason not to invite them. Also, my close friends are in 3 different social circles, and I think this would be a great...
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    how to friendzone a girl

    I met this HB6 who seems to be kindof into me, but I'd rather friendzone her and expand my social circle through her. suggestions?
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    oral sex v. regular sex

    which does the female enjoy more? assume comparable skill levels in each area
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    shat all over that sh!t test

    ...I think? ***Lots of fluff talk*** then... (17:03:14) Dj how about we meet on wed at 745? (17:03:21) Dj XYZ (17:04:37) HB8hk alright (17:04:50) HB8hk are there restaurants there? i havent been to XYZ ever (17:05:10) Dj oo ok (17:05:18) Dj yea there are tons of restaurants there haha...
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    the best music for...

    ...the first time a girl is back at your place. singles, albums, all suggestions are welcome
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    escalating too fast on the dance floor

    I was at a club a few days ago and there was an HB8.5 dancing by herself surrounding by about 5 dudes. I didn't try to get in that circle just yet, but I danced around them, and flirted with some girls nearby -- not sure if she noticed because every time I looked over we didn't make eye contact...
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    what to do with a chick after you **** her

    so I'm starting work soon and I just realized that it might be a problem if chicks sleep over at my place, and then I go to work the next morning... what do you guys do with the chicks? just leave them in your house alone? I'm not sure if I'm cool with that if its a ONS or if its some chick I...
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    directing conversation flows

    I haven't been here in a while, but I just had just about the worst conversation in my life with an HB9 acquintance HB9: hey I need to ask you a question dc: nope :p HB9: I'm going to ask you anyways. how was your semester abroad? dc: blah blah HB9: [more stupid questions] dc: blah blah...
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    increasing energy level...

    sometimes I just feel really unexcited in a club or social atmosphere, like I don't want to talk to anybody I'm not tired -- if I am, I will just fall asleep but I just don't feel like talking to anybody else, and just want to leave and go home. Does this happen to anybody else? and what...
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    fvck china

    I recently picked up 3 plates f-closed one k-closed two and they all want to get exclusive. one has mentioned marriage. good thing I'm leaving this country soon...
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    player v. player, thanks SS

    HB8 has rich parents. she races in China (think Tokyo Drift, but less hardcore). and she parties. a lot classic female player today she says to me, after passionately making out in a cafe "I'm a player, and I think I'm going to lose this game..." I just wanted to thank SS for...
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    sh!t test.....see if you pass

    this chick has been throwing sh!t test after sh!t test at me and I think I got a handle on most of them....but then comes this beauty: "do you dislike anything about me? if so, what?" I don't think I failed it, but my response wasn't stellar. ideas? I'll post mine later
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    routines. pebbles. conversation fillers

    everyone post your favorite routine/game that you like to do with chicks -- anything that can build rapport or create buying temperature spikes mine is the 5 questions game: rules: 1) HB must answer each of the 5 questions with a LIE to win here is a sample game being played out: DC: what...
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    No chick ever flakes on me. ever.

    but they also rarely ever contact me proactively... anybody else face similar issues?
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