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  1. L

    Real life Alphas

    This is NOT a thread to debate what a Real Alpha (tm) is. I'm curious to see examples of what people here would consider Alphas. I'll go with Jay-Z. The dude came from pretty bad circumstances. I worked for a while in Bedford-Sty, where he grew up. It's a pretty **** area and it was even...
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    The wonders of online dating

    I had quite the interesting weekend. I've recently been teaching a friend of mine about "the red pill." The guy knew nothing about Game until 6-7 months ago. The guy is very intelligent but socially awkward. Before that, he was very blue pill. He is still internalizing the harsh reality...
  3. L

    Should women have to sign up for the military draft?

    An often overlooked fact is that the right to vote came with the responsibility to take up arms for your country if demanded of you. This is one reason why women were not allowed to vote. Now combat positions are being opened to women. Since all women have the equal opportunity to...
  4. L

    When a woman is self-deprecating...

    What have been your observations with women who are self-deprecating vs. self-aggrandizing? In my experience, the hotter ones tend to be more critical of themselves. When we seek to improve ourselves, we have to be aware of flaws. So these girls tend to be genuinely hung up on some minor...
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    My travels to the Bible Belt

    My mom's side of the family is originally from a pretty rural part of Tennessee. My mom never grew up there because she was an army brat and I've spent most of my life in the northeast. But now my grandparents live there. Anyway, this place is about as Bible Belt as it gets. Compared to New...
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    Alpha/Beta in Music

    My favorite music is rock. I've enjoyed it since I was 10 or so and I play the guitar. There's definitely a lot of good rock music out there. But for about the past 10 or so years, mainstream rock has sucked for the most part. Not only is the muscianship and songwriting quite mediocre, the...
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    The Feminine Imperative

    This is a pretty interesting concept. Rollo has a lot of interesting writings about it, including his latest post: We think of the FI and feminism as being the same thing but Rollo makes a distinction between the two. It...
  8. L

    So when are women joining the NFL?

    This editorial sums up my opinion of this women in combat issue: They say that women will have to "meet the same standard" as men, but it seems almost inevitable that the...
  9. L

    Marrying/LTRing successful women

    I thought it would be interesting to get a discussion going on this topic. What are people's thoughts on the level of education and money that a woman should bring to the table relative to the man? I'm talking about LTR material here. Obviously if you just want to boink a girl for the night...
  10. L

    India rape case

    At the risk of starting another so-called woman bashing thread, here's what a political feminist in India looks like: Different skin color and accent, but she certainly shares many traits of the...
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    Two schools of thought

    In the filibuster thread, there were two different approaches to the Game apparent. It seems some folks were about a purely screening-based approach: either the girl is into you or not and you just cast a wide net and pursue the ones that are. Other folks advocated "doing work." Sometimes...
  12. L

    Your experience with fillibusters?

    A broad I was seeing pulled this nonsense. It reminded me of Rollo's post. I remember during my "plugged in" days, I ignored this kind of advice to my own peril. Of course, back then I also didn't have other plates, so I suffered through severe blue balls while a girl made me wait. I learned...
  13. L

    Here's the problem 99% of the time

    Most of the problems I see on here have to do with over thinking. I'd be curious to know how many people on here have the INTP personality type. I'd bet that a disproportionate number of people here are of that nature. The problem with people of that type (though they are by no means the...
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    "De Facto Marriage"

    Interesting article: A lot of Quebecois choose not to get married but are entitled...
  15. L

    Captain Save a Hos in the media

    Right after reading this thread, it made me realize how much being Captain Save a Ho is promoted in the media. In that thread I mentioned that Kay commercial where a guy asks a girl if he can marry her Mom. I saw the movie Fighting just the other week. In that movie we see a guy who's homeless...
  16. L

    Is There Anything Good About Men?

    I got this from Rollo's blog for those of you who haven't read it: It's a bit of a lengthy read but it's very interesting. It's written by a professor at Florida State and it refutes a lot of common feminist claims about how our society is patriarchal...
  17. L

    Yelling/tantrums and frame control

    I've noticed that in a lot of spousal/girlfriend/LTR arguments, the girl "wins" the argument simply by getting more upset. She'll yell, cry, sulk or stop talking. She would rather do this than to reason out her point. Why would they, when the tactic works so effectively? The girl could be...
  18. L

    The role of logistics

    I've been living in NYC for the past several months and recently I've felt like the role of logistics has really hit home with me. You can have tight game but it's tough to get anything going with a girl when you live in lower Brooklyn and she lives far uptown in Manhattan. Geographically, it's...
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    Are they really what they are cracked up to be? Looks like I'll be having my first ever threesome soon and it was totally unexpected. I recently started dating a bisexual chick. After I found out she was bi, I asked her if she'd be down to do a threesome. She initially refused flat out. But I...
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    What's your take on bisexual chicks?

    I've recently started dating a bisexual girl and I only found out today. There's nothing particularly dike-ish about her and I would never have suspected it if she hadn't told me. I guess her hair is quite short (but in a feminine haircut) and she has some goddesses (and one god) tattooed on...