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  1. F

    how do you avoid the afternoon slump?

    Couldn't hurt to get more sleep at night, right?
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    My relationship impacted by religion, oh joy. I need a few words of advice

    Be careful breaking promises like that... bad habit to get into. Why does she want you there? Is she trying to save your immortal soul, or does she just want you to share in something that is important to her?
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    Best way to ask Ex for FWB?

    I like where you are going with this...
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    Best way to ask Ex for FWB?

    I disagree. And I have been - and will continue to - find new women. I've been far from celibate in the years since we parted ways. Also, there's been zero 'drama' with any of them and I don't imagine it starting now. Great. So assuming she is still down, how would you broach the subject...
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    Best way to ask Ex for FWB?

    Title says it all, couple former girlfriends I would love to get in bed with again. What's the best line, phrase, philosophy to put this idea into their heads, sexception style? I haven't been in touch with any of them for at least a year but I figure it's inevitable. My usual method is...
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    BAD date on POF - got the truth from her

    This is honestly pretty cool, I would love to have that kind of honesty from my rejections.
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    Why Are You Guys On Sosuave?

    Title of the post seems to be a bit more rhetorical than I thought it would be, but to answer based on what it seems you're really asking: In a month I'm moving alllll the way across the country from Boston to Southern California, something I've wanted to do on an abstract level for a long...
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    When did you start enjoying approaching?

    It's kind of like working out. Since I began, I've always loved and enjoyed lifting simply for the pleasure of the act itself. Meanwhile I have friends who hate going to the gym, are completely results-focused, and only get themselves there by forcing themselves to do it because they know...
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    Insecure and controlling guys

    I know I'm going the complete opposite of the popular opinion here, but my philosophy on this has always been pretty simple: If you trust the girl, it doesn't matter who she chooses to spend her time with. If you don't, you shouldn't be wasting your time on a "relationship" with her in...
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    How to Stop Flaking after Quick Number Closes...

    Looks like a solid game plan.
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    HELP The Guy I Like Just Told Me This...Is This Good Or Bad :(

    Sounds like a confidence problem / insecurity on his part. Assuming you're for real, I would just keep reassuring him (yes, over and over and over again) that your intentions are genuine and you're not going to f*ck him over or mess with his head.
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    How to explain this to a girl I am dating

    I met an amazing girl earlier this week and we started dating. I spent the night with her last night, as well as most of today. We are getting very serious, very fast, which I am fine with because I got nothing else going on right now and she's an absolute pleasure to be around. Problem...
  13. F

    Is how much weight I'm lifting weird across different exercises?

    What makes you say that? The dude is dead lifting 185. More volume is the FIRST thing he needs. (Assuming his form is in order. If not, more volume is No. 2) His level of strength is extremely low, and that program is pretty easy. I highly, highly doubt he is working hard and busting his...
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    Nice tip for all the fellas

    Very nice.
  15. F

    Is how much weight I'm lifting weird across different exercises?

    3x5 Squat 3x5 Bench Press 1x5 Deadlift To me this seems extremely easy, especially for a beginner. You should be able to recover from a LOT more. I suggest increasing to a 5x5 on all three lifts, three times a week, and see if you start to grow. You also need to eat. A LOT. Make...
  16. F

    Need to lose 10 pounds in three weeks

    This is doable for you. I just got done dropping 15 pounds in 27 days, so more or less on par with what you want. I ate carbs twice daily: once for breakfast, and once after I trained. Breakfast was either 1 or 2 bananas and/or 1 or 2 oranges, depending on what mood I was in and how hungry I...
  17. F

    Ever notice girls never call you out on your lies?

    Wondering if anyone else has noticed this. Outright lies I have told to women which later have been proven to be blatantly untrue. Yet none of them have EVER called me on it. Not surface things, like "I drive a Maserati and live in a million dollar home." More stuff like "I would never...
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    Should I say something?.....

    So this girl flirts with other guys all night and then goes home and fvcks you and doesn't really ask much else of you. SOUNDS AWFUL. She doesn't live near you and probably fvcks other guys when she's wherever she is when she's not near you. You are aware of this right?
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    The truth about women, the sex they have, and how guys handle it

    I more or less agree with everything Elmergantry has said thus far. Would also like to add that most of us would be doing the same thing too if we could... isn't that why we are here?
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    Bad fad: girls wearing dorky glasses

    I will argue that fat chicks in yoga pants and too-small tank tops is a worse fad.