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  1. G

    Everyone Needs To Watch This Episode!!! NOW!!!!

    i might be missing the point, but i htink you guys are looking too much into this tv show. girls have their own lives too. it's not like they're out to just "tame" and control guys. what i actually expected after watching the first part was for julie to dump kevin after he got too whipped.
  2. G

    why do girls like nfl players?

    what is it about nfl/pro athletes that makes girls go nuts for them? the money? the athletic body? the fact that other GUYS idolize them too? just wondering. what are your guy's thoughts on this?
  3. G

    do you let girls know they disrespected you?

    example: my girlfriend goes out to clubs and stuff with her chick friends sometimes. her friends are all single and pretty much sluts haha. anyways, i trust my gf not to cheat (hook up) but she definitely still talks to other guys (to get free drinks, to be wingwoman, etc). if she gives...
  4. G

    Cute guy with zero game. Thats all that matters.

    great post. male 6s can def be 8s through a little hard work. but a female 6 is a female 6.
  5. G

    Cute guy with zero game. Thats all that matters.

    this is the truth! good looks matter but nearly anyone can be decently good looking. i wasnt born with great looks at all. but i bust my arse in the gym, take care of my hygiene, and dress well. that puts me above the average person EASY. guys have it EASY. a girl is stuck with what...
  6. G

    Ideal Height?

    i'm a somewhere between 5'9 and 5'10. id love to be 6'1
  7. G

    girls that kiss guys they just met in clubs

    i've really only recently come around to this type of thinking too. great post. tough to wrap your head around sometimes because of the double standards our society puts in place... btu yeah.
  8. G

    Any introverts here?

    im a huge introvert too and the responses here are all great advice. you dont need to be an extrovert to be successful with women. there are pros and cons to both approaches.
  9. G

    how to spin Plates when you have a GF??

    How do you spin plates when your facebook status says "in a relationship with ---". Im dating a great girl. However, I still want to have back-ups. Mainly because it helps prevents one-itis. However... no quality girl is going to stick around a guy who's "in a relationship". How do you...
  10. G

    Controversial Topic - how do you feel about interracial dating?

    The first post i agree with in this thread! All this prejudice that the rest of you guys have.. you can do all you want to justify it.. but at the end of the day: you're hurting yourself just as much as youre hurting society.
  11. G

    We're too replacable as men

    this is exact problem. all this "game" you're running is about tricking the girl into believing you are high value than you are. the reason these girls leave you after 2 dates, is because then they find out you are not what you have been selling. forget about game, and improve your...
  12. G

    We're too replacable as men

    this is exact problem. all this "game" you're running is about tricking the girl into believing you are high value than you are. the reason these girls leave you after 2 dates, is because then they find out you are not what you have been selling. forget about game, and improve your...
  13. G

    We're too replacable as men

    this is exact problem. all this "game" you're running is about tricking the girl into believing you are high value than you are. the reason these girls leave you after 2 dates, is because then they find out you are not what you have been selling. forget about game, and improve your...
  14. G

    We're too replacable as men

    this is exact problem. all this "game" you're running is about tricking the girl into believing you are high value than you are. the reason these girls leave you after 2 dates, is because then they find out you are not what you have been selling. forget about game, and improve your...
  15. G

    Why, scientifically-speaking, do nice guys finish last?

    im a nice guy. i was raised by my mom and my aunt, (dad was always on business). i treat women with respect. i went to private school. i went to cotillion (etiquette school). i wear pink shirts. i used to get picked on in middle school. i didnt lose my virginity until college. i like...
  16. G

    Your prime pulling age so far?

    this is a great thread! im very interested in hearing the results.
  17. G

    how to deal with dissrespect..after the fact?

    so my girl semi-disrespected me on accident. she invited her female friend to join my table at a club and drink my drinks. this doesnt actually bother me but i do think she should have asked me for permission. i didnt think anything of it when it happened (past saturday) but now im...
  18. G

    She will NOT text me

    honest advice, i havent been in colelge in awhile but the easiest way to get in her pants if you guys have already made out... is to invite her to a party. then take her home afterwards.
  19. G

    Friend zone blues

    yeah this is not a friendzone thing. you're just not number 1 in her book. the way you get to be number 1, is by self improvement. you gotta be "better" than the guy she's currently focused on.
  20. G

    Race doesn't matter. Attraction is attraction

    SOOO true. pick any 2 of the 3.
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