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  1. D


    hey guys, I'm a newbie to guns but I'm looking to get one for self defense, but mostly for sport and target shooting. I'm wondering if anyone has advice on where I can start and resources on how to find a good dealer and picking out a handgun. I was never interested in guns, but I'm moving...
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    Social Dilemma

    The great social it is guys. Here's what I'm struggling with. I have different views than other people. aka the masses of misinformed or ignorant sheep that make up the bulk of our society. Should I: a) call these b1tches out on their idiocy and reveal to them just how dumb...
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    sosuave search

    for me it's fvcked up. i search for a simple word and nothing comes up. oh btw i can manually find this word on the first page of the main discussion forum. what happened? anyone else have this problem? i'm using firefox btw
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    Guilt with Money

    f it, I went ahead and bought it
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    Healthcare thread closed?

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    I am pretty fvcking great

    And you are too. underrated. For most people out there, they are mediocre. But not me, not us. Modesty is for mediocre people. I am tired of being afraid of being better, being the best, always hiding, suppressing my true abilities from the world...afraid of stepping on the...
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    Self Censorship

    Just wondering if you guys are like me who have beliefs that are not mainstream and have to CONSTANTLY self-censor your words because you don't want your beliefs to hurt your chances of getting a job or something like that. For example I hang around my friends but some work with me in a place...
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    I just realized I'm super competitive

    Came as a surprise to me...I usually underachieve until the LAST MOMENT and then I'm always really clutch and pull it off. Makes me wonder how I could accomplish so much more if I just was clutch...ALL THE TIME. You know what I mean? But I've been looking for a trigger for a long time and...
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    morning cardio woes :(

    hi guys, I have been super busy with work and school and have had many late nights in college so it has been hard for me to wake up. however i realize that i waste a lot of time during the day and it my fault for "not having time" to exercise. this morning i decided to change that despite...
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    Tom Leykis says no marriage?

    What do you guys think? Discuss. Should kids grow up in a family with two people who aren't married?
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    Girls b*tches me out for flaking

    I scheduled a date with this girl, just a casual thing but I guess she thought of it as a date. Anyways tonight I told her I was too busy to make it and she got SUPER pissy...i mean she was tearing up and everything, whining like a little girl and being really sarcastic like "yeah everything...
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    I'm a huge failure

    I never do this kind of thing, but I am feeling like I've been kicked in the gut. Then kicked in the head until the pain is unbearable, but not enough for me to go unconscious. Then kicked in the gut again. It's a terrible feeling and the worst part is knowing that I am the sole cause of...
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    How to manipulate people/negotiate

    Any negotiators out there? People who have to constantly work to manipulate others or seal a business deal? Anyone understand the human psyche and how it works? I wanna learn. Post tips/books/etc you think will help. Much thanks.
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    blogs and bloggers

    anyone here a blogger? I'm looking to get started and set one up at wordpress. share your blog here or tell us what inspired you to start a blog. I will probably do mine about self improvement
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    new girl vs old girl help

    Hi guys, I've been seeing this one girl i will cal new girl. New girl is very cute, I like her, I like spending time with her. Everything is great. However my oneitis from before, old girl, is back now and is putting the moves on me. I have not seen her in 4 years and I've changed...
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    tom leykis show...

    wow...I read about this guy in one of Rollo's posts and he is pretty damn spot on about .... almost everything. Preaches working hard ... damn it's so inspirational. If you guys haven't checked it really should. feelin good
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    Guys i want to get a bike, anyone have a bike and have forums or tips to get me started? I'm thinking of a honda CBR or yamaha R6, basically a bike like that under 10,000 bucks US. Thanks
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    Girlfriend pissed at me. I don't give a ****

    Guys here's what going on: My GF who is pretty cool but sometimes can be a huge b1tch asked me to hang out with her dumbass friends tonight. I said I had **** to do but she is sly and came to my room to see if I was there (I said I had to do important work) only to find me in my shorts...
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    there comes a time....

    There comes a time in a man's life, namely mine, when his dreams are either realized or destroyed when he either becomes stronger or weaker when he either succeeds or fails when he realizes his potential or his shortcomings FOR ME THAT TIME IS NOW, THAT TIME IS TONIGHT. ITS TIME...
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    Desert Fox's Transformation Journal

    For some reason my thread wasn't created, but I'm going to start this journal here to track my progress. GOAL: Look like a Spartan 160-170 lbs 10-12% bodyfat CURRENT: 185-188 lbs ~20-25% bodyfat (estimate based on a scale) DIET: Meal 1: Eggs + Milk + Cereal + Fruit Meal 2: not sure about...