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  1. D

    The Value of Self-Reflection Through Journals

    Self-Reflection is what brings most of us here. It's not just an initial step, though - it's something you should probably be doing frequently if you want to improve. A great method of self-reflection that is becoming routine for me is journaling, and I encourage all of you to try it out...
  2. D

    A couple of lessons about control

    We all want to feel like we are in control. It is what drives many of us to this website. There are a couple of things about control that this place has taught me - you've probably seen this before in some form or another, but the statements bear repeating. I still struggle with these two...
  3. D

    Powerlessness: A Battle Cry

    And here I sit. Alone - no women. There are plenty I know that I'd bang - and many of them are within my grasp. And yet I'm alone, and the only person I should be angry at is myself. If there is one vital tidbit of knowledge that this website has either taught me or reinforced, it is that...
  4. D

    The Will to Act

    There exists one thing, one simple concept, that you absolutely must possess in order to be a self-actualized DJ. If you do not have this thing, then you will never be DJ, no matter how much "****y/funny," "deep inner game," "apocalypse openers," or panty-melting techniques you have. It is the...
  5. D

    FR: An absolutely absurd excuse

    A local dance club has college night on Thursdays, and I've been there three weeks out of the last four. I'm a little mad at myself tonight, I came away with one lousy approach - nerves got to me, and the times I was ready to get out on the dance floor, they'd play a song that has specific...
  6. D

    Unplugging other guys from the Matrix

    What are your experiences with this? We gave presentations in one of my college classes today, and one guy got up there and gave his presentation on how he has never been kissed (me neither, though it doesn't really bother me) and how that makes him feel. He went on to credit his virginity...
  7. D

    Learning to Let Go

    So much of the advice I see around here seems to be centered around building yourself up. Guys join the forums and are told that they need to build their confidence, build their muscles, build up a skillset with women, etc. This advice comes from a good place, and is an important step on the...
  8. D

    some oneitis issues and thinking of leaving my job....

    Hey all, been lurking for nearly a year (I've read most of the really good stuff, too - most of the Bible, Pook, nearly all of the stuff from Rollo and Krassus, and I've lately been reading a lot of Interceptor's really awesome posts) and I've decided to join up and contribute. What you guys...