Search results

  1. E

    Women who dance "provacatively" at clubs

    I've been taking Latin for 6 weeks now. Please tell me I'm going to stop feeling like a dancing bear someday. Seriously man, caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror it's not pretty. And the whole hip thing - pain, pain, pain. Ha.
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    "Happy To Be Fat" show on TV

    potato is that you? I challenge you to substantiate this. And if you want to be overweight for bigger boobs wouldn't it be cheaper to buy implants rather than all that food? Yep, when he's rolling a fact chick in flour to find the wet spot, the first thing a guy thinks is "look at the...
  3. E

    Do you regret your first time?

    Just pull the tooth.
  4. E

    Dating advice article recommends single moms NOT disclose they have children...

    Well some are definitely damaged goods. A little off-topic but a true story: Early 90's just before I met my wife. I meet a woman at a bar and she invites me back to her place. She's young, hot but showing some rough edges already. I sense an overcompensator and am ready to go. We get...
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    Dating advice article recommends single moms NOT disclose they have children...

    Yet some of the posters in here seem to want them to do exactly that. I still think some sort of armband would be easier.
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    Dating advice article recommends single moms NOT disclose they have children...

    MacEvoy is right, all this hand wringing over women not telling you about a kid is really AFC. I've experienced it, never saw it as deceptive just irrelevant until the relationship reached a certain point. If I'd asked and was lied to that would be different but the quote specifically says to...
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    Dating advice article recommends single moms NOT disclose they have children...

    No but you're assumption that a woman would automatically want this from you makes you seem wound a little tight. And the kid's father who may still very much be a part of their life might not really appreciate it either. This is an incredibly naive viewpoint. I dated plenty of single...
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    Dating advice article recommends single moms NOT disclose they have children...

    So what - single parents should wear black armbands? It's a date not living together. This advice makes sense. As a parent if I found myself single I'd bring it up if I thought I had a keeper, which is basically what they're saying here. It's not like they're suggesting she casually mention...
  9. E

    Non-sexual activities that keep marriages fresh

    OK, one for the aging married guys always looking at ways to keep the excitement level up. 15 years in and we're still like horny teenagers. We went through a real bad stretch a ways back that has passed. Things are back to normal. You can always take it upstairs and have fun but a lot of...
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    "Lifelong actresses." A filmmaker's point of view of women:

    "Spelt" is a type of wheat. It's "spelled". How's life in the glass house?
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    Prize Mentality Gone Awry - GF's Confidence Shaken

    Hmmm...I smell danger in that sentence. Personally I would just tell her she's being silly and try and steer away from the whole conversation. It's a form of drama and drama needs to be discouraged. The fact that you are with her and treat her well is all the validation she should need. This...
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    Gene Simmons interview w/ Terry Gross

    So, you recognized cheezy pick-up lines before you were 5, your mom and your aunts flirted with you as a child (stay down lunch, stay down), as a 13 year-old kid you did the tipping and were working a little eye-connection with the waitress and you'd pass on a grim super-model but screw (sorry...
  13. E

    now THIS is the ultimate AFC example

    Not to drag us back on topic or anything :) I can't see youtube videos at the office wanted to see this all day and finally just watched it. I'm scarred for life. That video needs a warning label. $50 says Dad's a scout leader.
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    How do you deal with other guys trying to make you look stupid?

    Never had this happen. I've seen women do this in jealousy situations but in my circle of friends we generally try to help each other out in these situations not sabotage.
  15. E

    Does "No Contact" really work?

    Just hang out with other women. Forget the picture.
  16. E

    Does "No Contact" really work?

    I got the "I made a mistake" e-mail last Friday after 6 weeks NC - by which time I'd moved on and wasn't interested anymore. NC is to move on, not a magic trick to get a woman back. Being dumped is just an opportunity to upgrade. NC just puts you in the right frame of mind.
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    Gene Simmons interview w/ Terry Gross

    Someone is in denial. The interviewer was a dud, Simmons took control and turned what could have been a 20 minute discussion about makeup remover into something worth listening to.
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    Gene Simmons interview w/ Terry Gross

    Thanks Poindexter. I guess based on your lists that Britney Spears is a greater artist than say...Billie Holiday? And ABBA....ABBA? I'm going to the store for some beer, I'll grab you some tampons while I'm there.
  19. E

    Does "No Contact" really work?

    Is it help desk? I sense help desk. Help desk is definitely not a career. The problem with these jobs is that they often get outsourced to illiterate foreigners. I'd definitely look for something that pays gooder.:rockon:
  20. E

    Does "No Contact" really work?

    I've been out of here for a few weeks and come back to this? Man this is THE FUNNIEST THREAD I HAVE EVER SEEN IN HERE. I would PAY to read this kind of stuff. Seriously. MNIN - smart of you to leave this girl for some AFC guy. A DJ like yourself can't waste his time with the crazy...